What happened to her?

what happened to her?

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Who dis?

A duck ate her

She *looks* like she feeds ducks in her spare time.đź‘“đź“š



Probably doesn't seem like a big deal today, but remember the context.

Everyone was talking about OWS and how much it needed leadership. The question of respectability was high, I remember vividly everyone talking about how they agreed with the message but thought the Occupiers were ludicrous, because they were indeed portrayed as such 24 hours a day on the media. We all tried to make the point that the OWS people knew what they were doing and that we couldn't lose hope or fall for manipulation tricks, and then this interview happened and it was just such a huge slap on our faces. The fact it's a prominent liberal doing it only made things worst.

And these people weren't just horrible PR, they were a problem within the movement as well.


If you're even slightly thirsty about that weirdo see the video the pic is from


Oh and the comments on that youtube video and this other one (youtube.com/watch?v=TTcTmMvniD8) are indicative of how much people blame people like her for the failure of Occupy. And her specifically for making it seem like a joke to millions.

Now I know why OWS died.

Oh dude it was bad. Here's more reading on that.


There were tons of videos of Occupiers being ridiculous circulating back then. Colbert is an example, but most were recorded by conservatives in the occupation. They'd ask a few questions, show how idiotic that particular protester was and move on.

And it worked I guess. It's no surprise they still do that with every left-wing movement.

Thanks for the reading.

I am appalled. It seems as if nothing from the left-wing can crush these SJW-types. Even the alt-retards have a more chance of winning in current political climate than our kinds of people do.

She became an actress for Collagehumor.

what's with SJW's and the Daria look?

We need more well spoken people like that communist that got interviewed by infowars

Chris is actually left-wing and she just got despooked

I hope she is swallowing cum way below minimum wage for her living

sir name your sources

We have that, but they are obviously not shown in the predominantly right wing media. The reason the commie you're refering to was even shown was because they were so excited about him saying we need capitalism before socialism.

And people say that we shouldn't kill liberals

That's not very nice, user

Agreed. She should be swallowing cum for a living wage of $15 an hour, indexed to inflation.

They unironically think they're just like her

She's not a liberal user, she's an anarchist! :^)

Kid napped by rapefugees

Amazing job as always Holla Forums


Holy shit reading this honestly makes my blood boil. Anyone who is an anarchist should honestly read this insider transcript of OWS meetings.

The socialists in the leadership had demands supported by rank and file union members and 80% of the leadership of the general assembly, but they were shut down because this didn't reach the 90% threshold which the anarchists considered as "consensus". Also they kept arbitrarily raising this "consensus" threshold in a very clear attempt to maintain their dominance over the movement.

Honestly if you sprout off memes about horzontalism and consensus based decision making you are unironically not my comrade and probably hurting more than you are helping.

Not all anarchists fall for the tyranny of the majority bullshit but those who do have a very childish attitude and weak commitment to radical politics.

Also here are some demands from the anarkiddie document. Compare these to the socialist demands which were standard coherent leftist demands ie right to work, right to shelter, right to sustenance, universal healthcare etc.

2. Create an economy in harmony with nature [whatever the fuck this means — NOTE: Nature is not some sort of self-harmonious, delicate equilibrium with negative feedback loops and all that Romantic nonsense; it is incredibly cruel, catastrophic, continuously destroying and reconstituting itself]
3. Emancipate the world’s communities from centralized financial systems [again the misrecognition of finance capital as the root of society’s woes; finance capital is merely the logical extension of industrial capital]
4. Create paradigm-shifting [ugh…Kuhn is rolling in his grave] education that emancipates global citizens from exploitative, community-destroying consumer culture and empowers [there has to be a less obnoxious word for this] all people with their own voice
5. Re-appropriate our business structures and culture, putting people and our Earth before profit [the latest cliché in pseudo-Left activism]
6. Re-appropriate our media culture, putting truth and dialogue over advertising and sensationalism
7. Define and defend humanity’s inalienable liberties from the bottom up
8. ​Create peace on Earth [uh-huh] with total dedication to non-violencee [sic — NOTE: to what extent can one “defend humanity’s inalienable liberties” “with total dedication to non-violence]
9. Eliminate all discrimination, prejudice, and judgments based on socially constructed group labels in the past
10. Facilitate the peaceful harmony of humanity’s religious, spiritual and existential [I can almost guarantee that whoever wrote this has no idea what “existential” actually means] traditions

"create spaces" and "shift paradigms" are the two essential undergrad left euphemism for "we have no idea what to do"

I thought it was a bunch of buzz words to sell bullshit books and smartphone apps.

Recruited by the FBI to infiltrate and destroy Occupy

Let's call out stupid, destructive elements without falling to the same patterns of conspiratorial thinking as Holla Forums.

Dunno about that. The FBI has a history with fucking with political movements.

Security agencies have also helped publicize conspiracy theories to distract people from real problems, that doesn't mean I can you a CIA plant without any hint of evidence fam.

Already been confirmed that the Feds infiltrated Occupy.

"Recruited"? user, the System is far ahead of such crude methods. We are at a stage of propaganda and social control where the would-be rebels are themselves saboteurs. SJWs are a case study for successful COINTELPRO. Sure, this concept was used to destroy bigger threats like the Panthers, and socjus has had no big adversaries – but that's precisely because it has completely castrated the already emasculated American left. By their very constitution, SJWs keep actual rebellion from even starting. Occupy notwithstanding, as socjus wasn't fully formed.

It's all about the memes, Jack.

That's a good point too. They might not need to recruit, but they sure as fuck infiltrate. I have absolutely no doubt that any political organization with a modicum of influence has one or more plants from the millions of police forces in the coountry.

You can't make a jump from "government did something here" to "anyone I don't like here is from the government" at your will. That's not how it works, and that's how we start to sound like left-wing versions of the people who type six paragraphs of "Cultural Marxism" nonsense on comments section of youtube videos.

I mean, if we're going to be that loose with our evidence, then what's stopping these same anarchist retards to accuse decent socialists there of being CIA plants trying to take control of the movement by removing its glorious horizontalist aspect, or whatever?

We can't become a group of people that accuses each other of being agents all the time.

she's a kike.

False equivalency. FBI agents recruiting provocateurs and suborners to subvert Occupy is far more likely than a conspiracy involving rootless cosmopolitans that secretly want to destroy Western civilization.

meant for

It can be more likely but it's speculation all the same, and if you don't limit it to what you can actually prove (or at least present a decent case for) you'll soon reach Phil Greaves levels of conspiratorial thinking. And remember everything Greaves and people like him say is plausible, in the sense that it's based on verified previous actions by the government, but they're insane because they sees repetitions of those actions everywhere.

Speculation backed up by loads of historical precedent.

Why you defending the feds here, user? You a cop?

Wheres the fun in that?

Never get in bed with a Fed.

The Anarchists don't need a reason to start shit with Socialists. They're crusty rats that live for the trendy bullshit, "Urban Farming", and not doing anything of meaning.

This is exactly the point I made about Greaves.

And you wanna know what else has a historical precedent? The government capitalizing precisely in this mindset. For example, a merger of the SNCC and the BPP (two of the biggest targets of COINTELPRO) didn't happen precisely because the FBI was aware of this paranoia among leftists and use it in their favor by spreading false rumours that Stokely Carmichael might be a CIA agent. They did the same with tons of other people. It's standard technique, even today.

So again, be careful with letting speculation run wild.

Nice try, CIA shill.

You sound crazier than Cryptocuddlefish, my man.

The idpol that infiltrated Occupy was an FBI psyop. Pure and simple. Who knows if this chick was part of that psyop. I'd say it's pretty likely.

Well you're not wrong, but they have always been and will continue to be everywhere ruining our shit, and the only way to win is to get rid of them without allowing them to cause damage on us. If we succumb to paranoia, excessive infighting, excessive fear of factions and other things we've developed as reaction to their presence, they win.

wow that truly released my neurotransmitters


That famous crazy person stereotype of the guy who believes in seeking evidence before speculating about the government being after you

No one knows, that's the point.

Crypto believes in seeking evidence? What?

Yes, no one knows, but to claim that believing it is just as crazy as believing in the cultural marxist conspiracy is pure bunk.

I don't even know who that is tbh, so I just focused on the crazy part

Need to replace the fear with hate. Hate gets things done, it tempers souls, and feeds the will. Learn to Hate the useless Crust-Punks.

To answer the OP, she apparently became involved with (and seems to be a co-owner of) some sort of organic grocery store in Austin (indiegogo.com/projects/grow-in-gredients--3#/). The political trajectory seems to have been college SJW anarchoid to petty-bourgeois. What a surprise.


All of a sudden, Lenin's obsession with discipline and obedience within the party doesn't sound so authoritarian.