Screencap Thread

ITT post shit you've deemed worthy of saving for posterity. It can be theory or shitposting. Homegrown or foreign screencaps welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:


screencaps of posts here or other stuff aswell?

5th pic is a debunking of pic related btw


this one's been posted a million times and the Holla Forums style "ebin screencap" editing doesn't make it any better


meh, I was thinking any imageboard posts, but anything political works



















what happened to the ISSU, by the way?


lmao what do you think happened? It lasted as long as the thread did and drifted off into obscurity








you should read the part of Zizek's violence where he touches upon Walter Benjamin's divine and mythic violence, it's really neat

Someone had poor Opsec and a Holla Forumsyp got mod powers in the IRC they were using and in getting it under control it turned an already waning org into a paranoid mess that just fell apart.

Thanks for the recommendation my dude.

Did you really expect decent opsec from a group hosted on Facebook?

It wasnt hosted on facebook it had its own website being made including a forum system. The facebook had almost nothing on it sept for 3 or 4 prototype logos. What should have tipped me off was it was either run or co-ran by prickly cactus but I was a newfag of 6-ish months at the time.

Funniest post I have ever seen on leftypol.

Best one by far

I was there and I witnessed the thread on how to subvert leftypol wew man I'm starting to become an old fag in here.


that's actually a screencap of my post from a couple years ago. some anons suggested i start writing memoir and i took it to heart so if anyone's interested heres the expanded narrative account of the events in that screencap:

and i would love critique no matter how harsh, of course

note that though the piece very clearly deals with class it doesnt explicitly go into my being communist


ITT: Unremarkable posts screencapped by the people who posted them.

That's ripped from a short story called "L.P.D.: Libertarian Police Department" by Tom O’Donnell. Why do you spam this with a leftypolDONOTSTEAL logo? Are you same retard who slaps Holla Forums over Wonder Showzen clips? Is your ideology Maoism-Ebaumsworldism?

In This Post: faggot who contributed nothing

i always appreciate these threads

*autistic screeching*





ebin, screencapped!







how is that "debunking'?








Does anyone have the Holla Forums poster who had genetic trauma, when he found out he was partially mixed race?


somebody capped me yuus



It looks into the sources, faggot.

I-is he right, anons?

hmmm quite the deep analysis





Individuals in a mutual aid system would be fucked if their society collapsed. Members of a more competitive society would be able to avoid extinction even if their society shits the bed.

I got plenty of caps but they're all my own. Alas.

That's retarded and you're retarded for believing it.



This is a great thread, OP.

Yes, he's completely right. I moved to fucking India & have a healthier, more enjoyable life than I did in the states. I got the fuck out as soon as an opportunity arrived.

I found bee blog amusing & have many caps I thought were worthwhile. Checking the thread & I don't think they've been posted yet.

I know my font is terrible.

I have some maddening reddit caps in the mix, too.

Last pic in this post gave me a sensible chuckle.




You're a retard for thinking people dependent on a huge social web will be able to survive if that web collapses. Kropotkin was just a bad biologist.

Don't have any first-hand experience of ole 'Murrica, but whenever I hear about the working conditions there I wonder how people accept it. Whats the point of working insane hours with no holidays to speak of? You don't really have time or energy to enjoy the fruits of your labour anyway, so why do the labour in the first place?
I've been to all the other places mentioned in that picture, stuff about them seems about right.


You don't understand what mutual aid is.

Literally just to eat daily & not be homeless; it's fucked up. Compounded onto that, many families in the states are alienated from each other. One thing I admired & am thankful for now that I moved into a new country, is the family bond/dynamics. There's much more a sense of overall community here than I ever experienced in the states.

When members of species support each other. Cooperation is good to some extent, but if individuals become too dependent on the aid of others they will die if the social system is broken. You just don't understand that Kropotkin was a Lamarck tier biologist.

Cost of living has gone up, wages have stagnated (actually dropped overall). A big chunk of Americans work at least one full time job and still struggle to make ends meet. It's extremely common for people here to work themselves to the bone but still have to skip eating to be able to pay rent. It's all due to the huge population of boomers who grew up with with relative scarcity of labor (meaning it was easy as shit for them to find gainful employment) and they constantly get fed memes about personal responsibility. They literally cannot even comprehend a situation where someone "really" works hard and doesn't do well for themselves. If you show them examples of people working 80 hours a week and not being able to meet basic needs, they say those people should "get better jobs" as if the workers control what jobs exist in the market. There's an insane doublethink and/or elitism here where they'll recognize the necessity of these low-paying jobs but don't think the people who do them deserve a living wage. This whole situation might be a problem for capitalism in the sense of failing to reproduce the labor force, but by the time that happens, the capitalists expect automation to have outmoded those people anyway.

tl;dr America is capitalism from hell

Sounds awful.

Isn't this empirical state of things an argument against the accelerationist position? America is as we know classcucked to the core and there is barely any left politics despite being a pretty dystopian capitalism, whereas in France there will be massive, violent demonstrations when Macron tries to 'rationalise' the job market.
Then again I suppose the accelerationist can say that with no outlet valve the bang will be that much stronger when it happens in America. I just hope the new political framework won't be built on identitarian lines, as seems likely at the moment.

I'm not an accelerationist but the deteriorating conditions are pushing the majority of people either left or to heroin.

You're severely stupid, maybe even brain damaged, if you think that a society "based on mutual cooperation" would produce people unable to survive on their own, much less just up and collapse.

Still waiting on any kind of source or evidence for your blithering. I can't wait for whatever naturalistic fallacy you cook up to justify your idiotic claptrap.

I work with these dumb fucks. A lot of it is spooked up olds that are just brain dead with cold war propaganda and work ethic bullshit. They genuinely believe that things are going to get better, if not for everyone then at least for them. All the class cucks I work with are just praying to make it to retirement, so that then they only have to work part time. They hate their jobs, but refuse to even think about doing anything about it. For some I can kind of get it. They have kids to feed or are depending on this income. Some just see it as something to occupy their time. But they all line up to tongue corporate nuts for whatever crumbs they get. They make as if they'll be remembered in the halls of Valhalla for working through their beaks or off the clock. Then their hours are cut to nothing and they have to quit and they're replaced by part time kids and they wonder, man, what happened. I did everything right. Fucking democrats. No one appreciates hard work any more. As the company posts billions in record profits.

Jesus, and I thought the productivity v real wage graph was bad.

Altho there's one strange difference. Your productivity curve is steeper.

Here's a decent screencap from the latest gay sex game, unfortunately it's as radical as it gets.


I actually read this just as I bit into an opiate tablet… At least I got pushed further left as well recently. Got into opiates 12 years ago.

I've also known 6 people who've died from opiate or heroin OD in the past 3 years. Obviously I'm from the states(also the poster who's since moved out, though, thank God). If I stayed checking Facebook I'm sure there would be more ODs added to that list. Seems every time I get on there I notice another friend has died. Shit's getting really bad.

Was that H.P. Lovecraft posting from beyond the grave?

Just yesterday I saw some city council fuck in Ohio proposing that first responders stop responding to overdoses after an individual's "third strike." Yeah, shit's about to get hot. I can only imagine how fucking nuts things are going to get when the economy shits the bed and then not only are these people out of work, but all the health insurance subsidies for opioids dry up.

Blowout soon, fellow stalker.

It used to shock me, but now I'm never surprised at how heartless & cold many Americans are. I'm disgusted, but never surprised.

It was Maine's governor iirc, whom also got into the news by saying that Narcan is a "crutch" & thus shouldn't be used to reverse opiate ODs. Like, straight up advocating for addicts to die. That was my first introduction to these fucks.

I'm from KY, btw. Ohio might be being hit the hardest, w/KY not far behind. I used to go to a Methdaone clinic in Indiana, they're also dealing with this bullshit. Finally got off of Methadone, but then developed a pain condition. Tragic pottery, amirite? Oh well, just dealing with life the best I can, like the rest of us.

I don't think there's a state in the Union that isn't currently effected by the epidemic. TBH I'm not particularly shocked either, and I have a feeling that this idea is getting floated now before the media runs with it in the future. Drug users are (or used to be) easily demonized, and the stuck up Puritan American loves any opportunity to luxuriate in moral superiority. For the elite, drug treatment is just another expense that they'd rather not have, and much like planned Parenthood and abortion clinics I think we're going to see them increasingly pared away.

What's the point of wasting money on someone that fucking stupid. Instead of just giving them a shot that revives them they need to lock them in a rehab center.

Shame they removed it.

Who are you to determine it's a waste? Rehab costs exponentially more than the shot as well, tard.
You're clearly not a medical professional, either.

Fuck off, low effort troll.

Yes people should be imprisoned for being victimized by capital you're so wise

Shots are a short term solution, you retarded dick sucker. Narcan won't stop them from going back out and getting high again.



Short term or no, it's a solution to the problem of ODing.
You have zero say on other people's lives. Sorry, user.

Always a classic.

Quit romanticizing them. They obviously aren't smart.

Good, then I won't help them when they shoot themselves in the foot.

So… Addicts are the orcs, then?

Nope, just self destructive fucktards.

So do you get wifi up there on your high horse or do you just run a cable up to the saddle



I can't tell if you're being serious or mocking these people



Marx's theories expanded and organized a lot of these ideas into a coherent and materialist critique that holds up against capitalist strawmen and bourgeois analysis again and again. It is silly for anarchists to dismiss such a helpful endeavor on the grounds of intellectual beef between Marx and other socialists from long ago. Going so far as to call Marx's improvement or different take of an idea something as vague as simple "plagarism". Stupid tankies are annoying, but this is just wanking over a "anarchists v. Marxist" narrative.

Marx's theory isn't even complete and it was organized, if you can call it that, by Engels. Maybe if Marx didn't spend the majority of his life autisticaly screeching at everyone from Stirner to the socialists he would have been able to finish Capital before he died.

The following is from: "The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority" by Benjamin Pinkus, page 83.
"By 1939, the following Jewish Ministers and Deputy-Ministers were still in government: L. Kaganovich, M. Kaganovich, B. Antselovich, M. Berman, L. Ginzburg, L. Vannikov and P. Zhemchuzhina-Molotov. Thus, throughout the whole period, Jewish representation in the central administration was well above any proportional relation to the national ratio of the Jews in the Soviet Union, and very high in comparison with all the other national minorities. We can say that the Jews in the Soviet Union took over the muh privileged position, previously held by the Germans in tsarist Russia. In the senior ranks of the bureaucracy, the Jews held important posts in many ministries, but were particularly numerous in the Ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs and Foreign trade. If we take all three sectors of the administration, it emerges that of the 417 people who constituted the ruling elite of the Soviet Union in the mind 1920s (the members of the Central Execute Committee, the Party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the Ministries, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee), twenty-seven (that is 6%) were Jews. The proportion of Jews decreased in the 1930s during the course of a natural process whereby a national elite came into being and found a place in the central administration; but it was still true that the Jews held a share in government more than double their proportion of the population. In the economic elite in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, the share of Jews was even more impressive, reaching as high as ten per cent."
From your own source. Take note that, when analyzing the Politburo during the early-mid twenties alone, Jews or half/quarter Jews (like Lenin) are shown to make up two or three of the seven positions. Ironic how in the image macro, Snyder is berated for pushing the opposite message, yet you are guilty of the same selective quote-mining by not including literally the preceding passage that affirms the very historical fact you are trying to revise.

Not as dumb as other caps here, but eh.

You offend me.

I'm guessing efforttroll. Anti-communists have barely heard of Engels, let alone the rest.



By homegrown you mean posted on Holla Forums or our own posts?

Aw shit, I only now realized I wasn't in the Holla Forums screencap thread, I'm such a fucking moron.




Page 19 bump

Posted on Holla Forums

wew don't even begin to cover it


babby-tier theory I guess but then again I am a babby

You have to be some kind of retarded cultist to think that Bookchin invented dual power.

Maybe Bookchin was just the topic of the conversation until then.

A while ago, I recall seeing an user talking about how the election of Trump would lead to a farcical regeneration and inversion of the Spanish Civil War. Did anybody screencap it?