
Made this thred to talk about christian stuff.
Also wanted to ask as a Catholic why are Protestant so reactionary in the U.S ? it and the Orthodoxy seems to be the go-to sect for reactionaries.

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You have to be unusually dumb to be religious. But how dumb do you have to be to be religious and still claim to be a leftist?

Well, it depends, are you including Evangelicals as part of protestant? because those are 30% of the US population and they tend to have very social conservative views. Their involvement in republican politics comes from the 1980s when Jerry Falwell made the moral majority and tried to get conservative Christians to vote for Reagan (it sort of worked).

OTOH, Old Mainline protestants (Episcopalian, Presbyterian, etc.) were associated with the old WASP demographic(upper/upper-middle class anglo americans) however recently they have become a lot more liberal.
Not a huge thing in the US, since orthodox is associated with eastern/southern europe, and American people are mostly western european influenced

STFU and read Gustavo Gutierrez's Theology of Liberation. Historical Materialism is God's plan

Tbh this has someone that has always confused me. As a CoE member, people have always seemed pretty lefty here (Perhaps not in theory, but the motive of caring for your fellow man). I mean there was outrage by the clergy at Grenfell, and I feel there is a stirring of rural socialism perhaps not seen in 100 years. Tbh there is a great history of socialism and christianity in my country: be it the levellers, Lansbury or the anti-neoliberal activism of the urban church in the 1980s. There is a real despair in the modern christian community of how society treat the venerable, I think it is something we can help work with.

On a side note, someone should suggest some theologians, perhaps a PDF dump. I mean if we're discussing philosophy, theology is certainly part of that.

Well they are on the Christian side witch i would say is protestant,Evangelicals and Mormons so yes.

sage report and move on

daily reminder that dark age feudalist relics are the polar opposite of scientific communism

Not super religious myself, Just most people i talk to about politics are religious and most non-religious people i talk to are apolitical nihilists or alt-light.

Ezekiel 23:20
Religion is fucking absurd and garbage meant to control and keep the people ensalaved to the ruling class either a monarchy or the dictatorship of the rich the religion keeps the people tamed.
But I'm ok with religious socialists as long as you don't push your shit on to me.
But you are all idiots and in deep contradictions with your political ideology.
Also Christ wasn't real.

yes he was
As there are in all ideologies
This is a totalizing view of Marx's concept of the superstructure which was refuted by the experience of the USSR, there was socialism but religion remained. There are non material reasons for people to believe in religion. Better to define the superstructure as culture, politics, etc. as it involves perpetuating the form of political economy/mode of production. Superstructure is culture as related to property, the state, etc. Some things are only 'orthogonal' to the historical materialist concept, religion is one, among many things.

I've been an atheist for years but I was raised Catholic. Lately I've been feeling like I should go back but I'm not sure why.

no historical evidence whatsoever, hence no he wasn't

not within scientific socialism and historical materialism

70 years of a non-religious state cannot wipe thousands of years of propagated ideology. in some places like albania it was managed, in the ussr not to the same degree. the material conditions weren't such for religion to stop existing in the ussr

there is nothing that has no material reason. this is strict idealist bullshit and contrary to the science of marxism

marxist definitions won't change to cater to your feudalistic dark age idealist dogma

again, this is utter bullshit backed up only by your wishful thinking. religion has been historically a tool used to legitimatize the ruling class as such in feudal times, and as a sort of opiate in capitalist times. it was reified because of material conditions, and it will die like that too.

I would also point to Cuba as some communists are also catholic.

Nope he wasn't Chist is a summed up figure from Plato and judeo Egyptian even with sun worshipping mixed into the whole thing.
Well duh genius of course all ideas have contradictions.
The USSR was an atheist state.
I know Stalin saved the patriarchy of the Orthodox Church but still it wasn't mainstream.
Marx was dead on about religion and many anarchist took his ideas to further analyze his claims and came up to the same conclusion.
And before him some philosophers came up with a similar conclusion of Marx.
Non material = to nonexistent so it's just a made up and lazy excuse of you for not developing your ideas.
I think you don't understand Marxist materialism witch in my opinion is dead on.


I think it's more people tend to want to have a feeling of community and Comfort.
If you come back even if you have no community to go to it just makes you feel good for some reason. As well becoming a socialist was sparked by coming back to Catholicism, when i was an atheist i was nihilistic and did not want to do anything. So it can just be a motivator for some people to do stuff.

I didn't think it was one was just pointing that out.

Because communism basically ruined the eastern-Europe and Russia socially and economically, and people still have vivid memories of what life was like under far-left power.

Another factor is religious persecution, when you forbid people simply worshiping and reading scripture then religion becomes the "cool/underground" thing to do, and religion usually blossoms in times of oppression anyway.



if you've read marx, you know that religion has it's historical role as a tool of the feudal ruling class and to a smaller extent of the bourgeoisie ruling class to reify their ideology. someone that wants to call himself marxist cannot possibly adhere to any form of idealism since marxism is the dialectical negation of the bourgeoisie enlightenment stage of thought. someone who adheres to per-englightment idealism calling himself marxist is at best comical and realistically revisionist

Is Holla Forums *actually* religious? I don't mean in a fetish for mediaeval Christian history or "Christianity is the antidote for fun" kinda way, but do the Holla Forumsyps that claim to be religious go to church on Sunday, live by the "love thy neighbour like thy love thyself" and truly believe that The Bible's more or less word for word true?

nah basically they like the moralizing part of religion, think that they wouldn't be such social rejects if the world returned to the middle ages and i believe it's generally a mixture of rationalization and contrarianism.

Choose one and one only. Reminder that the vatican has a bank

Holla Forums has an unholy alliance of all kinds of religious conservatives.
Catholics all kinds of reformed and retarded Christian sects and even some paganism.
But it's a very fragile alliance.
Some pagans call Christianity worshippers of the Jew on a stick.

Some nazis from pol have a huge Bonner for some kind of Atlantic/Arian esoteric mystical bullshit that had an enormous influence in all the kek worshippers.
It's really quite a shit fest to look at.

perfidious burger detected

that's such bullshit seriously, their salaries are literally starvation tier. most of those were probably stupid millennials that never experienced the ussr to begin with

Would you care to post the updated ones?
After the Russian invasion on Crimea and the idiotic Novorussian tankies shit actually turned around.

In my experience, people who always sperg out about how dumb religious people are, are usually not the sharpest arrow in the quiver themselves, as they go for the lowest hanging fruit.

Wew Maoist…

I doubt the Holla Forumsgans believe in the retarded shit they preach either. Like Richard Spencer they're "cultural Christians" except they worship Odin, Thor and other paegan shit.

You are absolutely right most of them don't have a fucking clue of what they are talking about and their ideas are suspiciously similar to Christian morals but just with an edgy pagan facade.

wew, soviet commies ruined east germany

Well that becomes less and less true as time goes on and more and more people are atheist. Religion becomes less and less a tool of the ruling class.The new tool is celebrity worship and manufactured consent.

meant to respond to this

Assblasted clerical fascist detected :^)

stop defending soviet style communism
yes, it was worse than Hitler

kys faggot

Why is this trash allowed? Would you let reddipol post threads about attacking the media?

Someone reported this thread for not leftism and I agree, so sageru

Christians should follow the example of their idol and let themselves be crucified. Specially the leadership. They will die martyrs and meet their creator in their afterlife! Why do they cling to this material world?

you hypercritical, opportunist, fake, phony, con-artist, sellout, lip serving, limousine liberal, white chicken-shit, mother-fucker
what's the matter? have i hurt your feelings already? can't you speak? can't you say anything? have you lost you voice all of a sudden? maybe you never had anything to say to begin with. has that occurred to you? well, let me tell you something, you are shallow and weak, you are constantly criticizing everything but the truth is you have never produced anything of any enduring significance and now your finding out just how inconsequential your opinions have been all along. you probably laughing right now but deep down inside you know it's not funny. are you even hearing me? or are you soo full of yourself that you imagine you can keep pandering to your multiple insecurities forever? you are so hypercritical, self absorbed and pathetic that i wonder sometimes just how much it takes to move you, god damn it. you love to complain about me in public but guess who you run to at the fist sign of trouble. God, you make me sick, as a matter of fact you've become soo cynical that it has become difficult for you to believe in anything without immediately finding it's potential for destabilization, why is anxiety making you do this? are you so worried about getting old, about seaming young, being yesterdays news, scrambling to keep up but always hopelessly out of touch? there is such a wide gulf between your self perception and actions that not even you can keep the contradictions from collapsing, let alone can you sell it to others. Do not tell me how this is typical of your generation and defiantly don't blame this on your parents. the high moment of irony is now officially over, so why don't you go get a drink or whatever it is that you do when you're trying to convince yourself that you're thinking

Let the butthurt flow through you, yes…

im so sorry this happed, sometimes i get carried away and speak without thinking. will you forgive me? i really don't know what happened, you just looked like you were in such a bad funk that i had to do something about it somehow. Even though I'm usually happy to shoulder the blame, both of us know that this time it's clearly not my fault. Obviously it's not the best approach to being helpful by criticizing and i know that you think i just love telling you what to do all the time but do try to see things from my perspective once in a while. You know it's not easy to make a genuine connection these days and it's not like i haven't been hurt in the past, i just feel that i have so much to give but sometimes you can be sooo full of resentment. Why is that? Perhaps i talk too much? maybe i come on a little too strong. Sometimes even i overreact. OK, ill be the first to admit this but the truth is that i can repeat myself over and over and over but for some reason you have seriously difficulties remembering anything that i say, if we're going to be in this relationship for some time we may as well begin working on this together now. It's not enough to turn me on once in a while, it's not enough for you to turn to me every time you need something. I also have needs, i need more from you, i need you attention, i need to know I'm been listened to, i need to know that I'm been understood but more importantly though i really need to know that im alive. I need to remember what it's like to hold breath under water, how smooth a stone from a river can feel in the palm of my hand. I need to revisit the route along which words used to speed to their meaning and then remember the first innocent thrill of pulling them and their precious cargo off track and finally i need you to stop pretending to care, to get off your ass and start acting like you do alright, this is not a lot to be asking for is it?

Moss fucking suck dick. Why is this already anchored?

So just any thread about Christianity is anchored?

Come on mods, this was perfectly well-behaved. No need to anchor it.

Xtians BTFO

Take it back to reddipol you weak cunts.

Just gonna post these to annoy the christ fag.

you should be allowed to break rocks in syberia, mod is doing his leftist duty


Economism at it's finest. How will communism eliminate fear of death/mortality, for example? Or any of the other non-economic reasons people turn to faith which have nothing to do with the economic system?
True, but it has been and can/should be interpreted to be for a more just world as well. Just look at Latin american socialism, etc.
Albania didn't wipe out religion either, just made people less religious.
Militant athiesm was a strategic mistake & misinterpretation of Lenin, it was used during the cold war to associate Marxism with 'athiesm' and terrify western workers out of being socialist. Even Marx was non in favor of stamping out religion, he just thought it would die out during socialism. However as the USSR experience proves, he was wrong about that point. Even Stalin reopened the churches because he feared otherwise loyal soviet citizens would be in favor of the Nazis as they reopened churches.

T-thanks BO