Why the fuck is every fucking website full of Holla Forumsyps and why do they feel like they have to shit up everything with their bullshit?
Why the fuck is every fucking website full of Holla Forumsyps and why do they feel like they have to shit up everything...
hi im katie, but you can call me kikekilla1488ofd00m xD
*holds up kekistan armband*
their political strategy is inherited from stormfront. that strategy is/was to spam constantly like a huge fucking retard.
Because they're socially maladjusted, angry, and don't understand barriers, and have issues with their fathers
the best way to deal with them is to just tell them to fuck off. don't bother debating, don't bother reasoning, just tell them to kill themselves
that 2nd pic is fucking amazing
If you don't like Holla Forums go to Reddit, Tumblr or Something Awful
You just don't understand the complexity of basic economics of cultural Marxism that has niggers dominate the European world through Jewish tricks.
All of those are full of them, too.
Kill yourself then you never have to hear a differing opinion ever again.
I felt the same way when it came to half chan and ancaps.
Holla Forums has an angle to observe and predict events which outmatches most of other websites that refuse to name the jew (or zionism, or any other politically incorrect name).
Therefore, Holla Forums superior information makes other "bluepilled" people to feel bombarded with new info that they didn't know with highly "antisemitic" point of view.
When you take any random people from these random websites (reddit, etc) and tell them about jews conspiring against american interests, their "muh holocaust muh israel democracy in middle east best friend" rethoric and conditioning strikes, therefore identifying Holla Forums arguments as "annoying"
Except I don't want to hear what some Holla Forumsyp thinks about race Autism Levels when I'm trying to discuss a video game. They cannot control themselves, they must let everyone know at all times regardless of its relevancy to the conversation. They're the new furries or bronies.
because you are not the majority, you are a cancer
on 4/s/ its pretty standard in ¨German¨ or ¨Scandinavian¨ threads for them to spam fucking full veiled Saudi women. They also get very triggered if someone posts a non-european.
really fucking annoying
I used to think they were just deluded, but after having serious arguments with Holla Forumsacks I'm convinced only a mentally unstable person could hold their beliefs.
They genuinely, sincerely believe that racial traits determine everything about a person. The Jews are a threat because their essential nature is destructive and greedy. Jews literally have a biological urge to destroy western civilization, and one's upbringing orpolitical views hold no relevance.
Basically, a Holla Forumsack universe is one of primordial struggles between essentialized racial traits embodied in civilizations. There are people who literally believe this and based their political activity on it. It's not a joke, it's not a meme anymore. This is the level of social analysis we are working with.
Never ceases to amaze me how they believe someone could be biologically wired to destroy a socially constructed idea.
Spooked, the lot of them.
this is inaccurate and a misrepresentation - Jews are more inclined to be greedy and destructive but are not necessarily those things simply by blood, some may do great things and fight on the right side, eg. Bobby Fischer. The problem is that the Jewish ideology and community at large is one of destructive and self-serving tendencies, they want only pleasure and power and achieve it by any means necessary. The only reason the Jews have any power or influence is because they have no morals or code of conduct, they will cheat, lie, steal, and literally "jew" their way to their end goal. They have no scruples about any of it, they are parasites and their presence is a plague that propagates through society given their desire to control media to attain more power and influence. They are the type to poison the well, salt the fields and burn their own village, to burn the world, just to be the king of the ashes in the aftermath.
It is not solely because they are Jewish, it is a great combination of things but you cannot deny evidence and fact if you seek to be objective and reasonable and claim yourself as such. You learn, you read, you research enough and soon enough the underlying framework begins to find itself exposed, it isn't always Jewish, just mostly.
It all begun when anti-bullying rules started being enforced in schools + nerd culture being considered cool. This caused a disturbance in society where nerd assholes started thinking that they were people and that their shitty opinions were valid and worth spamming everywhere. Before this nerds would be bullied into either suicide or into becoming real people.
So basically what we see now is the result of kids born in the 80s and late 70s being replaced by kids born in the 90s and early 2000s which all suffer from strong unchecked autism.
what you are describing is the reason for the rise of SJW muh gender fluid etc, it has allowed the weak and misfortunate to stand on a platform and pedestal and proclaim their righteousness, it birthed the "muh muh privilege" meme and the accompanying perverted flagellation of the "anti-privilege" and that race to the bottom. Also, Kekistan is, and has always been a fucking halfchan cancer. Do not lump the two pols together, they are not equal and do not share ideologies as you suppose they do.
It gave birth to both SJWs and Holla Forumsyps.
Holla Forumsyps are just right wing SJWs.
Humans are greedy and destructive. Name one single race that doesn't have the potential to exhibit these qualities. Protip: you can't. The true cause of greed and destruction is capitalism, regardless of race.
What is the cause of Holla Forums's opposition to Fascism? I read Leon Trotsky's Fascism: what it is and how to fight it. Is this book a good summary for the qualms this board has regarding Fascism? If so, why oppose Fascism when it's the hand of Capitalism? I see Capitalism as the thing to oppose.
you think Holla Forums is the majority of the internet?
you think Holla Forums was your board?
you think /a/ was your board?
or Holla Forums?
or /lit/?
fuck off newfaggot you're hated here and you soon the natives will push you off thier boards again, no one wants to hear about crimestats in a fucking mario thread you Holla Forumsyp
If by angle you mean repeating the same decades old rhetoric pulled from the ass of stormfront, also the whole jew cabal falls apart because you cant prove that its ALL JEWS that are in on it, if you just said "he what about just getting rid of the bad jews" and not "we need another holocaust that totally didnt happen in the first place, but hitler was right not holocausting them that is" you wouldnt look and sound like an insane person
unsurprisingly they have been roundly accepted by both groups, really gets the noggin joggin
fuck sorry but I have to double post for this
it spawned both sides you inane fool,
do you really think that Holla Forumsyps getting triggered over a buzzfeed article isnt proof of them never getting wedgied in school?
I mean hell half of the anti-sjw/kek faggots are millennials, yet they act as if its only the other half that was fucked up by the no bully policy.
If you made that picture yourself you should be fucking embarrassed.
It's way more fucking likely you weren't alive twenty years ago, or even fifteen years ago.
I also think what you're saying is a little bit right, but mostly wrong. Kids still get bullied, it's just that the internet and videogames give them a way to comfortably isolate themselves and avoid socialization. A lot of guys are getting at least a little bit more autistic because of that. The internet particularly has very perverse ways of selecting for and promoting narratives by controversy, so if you spend your life there you'll likely pick up something at least a little bit unpopular.
The alt right's worming its way into all discussion of media is a basic consequence of GamerGate. It's easy to criticize games and movies for shoehorning in diversity, and because such criticism starts flamewars you see a lot of it.
Most people dislike the Tumblrites and clickbait journalists who complain about movies casting a bunch of white men, as well as the milquetoast English grads who staunchly believe in decolonizing their mind by reading books that black people write. If you complain about Holla Forums when it spams we wuz memes, Holla Forums can credibly lump you in with their retarded idpol inverse, so it's difficult to deal with.
People are already getting tired of this stuff though, it's not going to be a dominant trend forever.
You're just stupid. Nerds haven't quit studying and getting good grades. Holla Forums is full of retards that think university is a conspiracy, aka not nerds. Kill yourself, retard.
that's cause most of them are in high school user
Yeah, and they aren't going to do well on their entrance exams. SJWs and Holla Forumsacks are just stupid people with nothing going for them and want power. The whole "hurr nerds r bad" shit came from SJWs and their retarded attempts to silence criticism online. No, nerds aren't an evil group and neither are high school footbal jocks. They're just people, and like all people, some are good and some are bad. However, Holla Forums and SJWs are just stupid people caught in the middle that can't seem to grasp anything resembling nuance or logic.
Really? I think I'm going to attend a trade school instead.
Communism is no better, as much as you might lie to yourself and tell yourself it is - it has proven to be the most destructive system of government and caused mass casualties because "equal" is never equal.
I'm not "here." I saw this thread from the catalog and decided to see what the claims made were, they were as ridiculous as I expected.
We are the internet, and we are still on chans, none of us can pretend we're perfect, the main difference is the means of achieving our goals.
You want to slay "porky" as your terminology states, we want to remove the jew, the jew makes up a large portion of what you consider "porky" but instead of just pointing at it and saying this is bad we seek to actively destroy the power structure which jews have created.
Also, bronies and furfags are degenerate cancer, they are not accepted in any way or form. You call it purity spiraling or whatever but we're realistic about the effects that such things have on society and the individual. We work to actively avoid things that weaken us, we share information about things of that nature, the neurological effects of porn, the strong correlation between xeno/phytoestrogens and fun of late, we share literature to better inform and arm ourselves and we meme and praise kek for dubs/trips etc, not because it's edgy or cool but because we embrace the chaos that is anonymous and seek to use it to preserve our future, ergo 14/88.
You are on Holla Forums. Half the people you speak to will be basement dwelling nerds and other such beings of ill repute, the key is not the individual, but the collective and how it moves and more importantly self regulates and maintains its path. We know, and have proven time and time again that there are groups at work trying to subvert our interests and our ideas who are at work on our very board, some of the autism you have experienced was born out of that, we are forced to harden ourselves and become more aggressive in our self-regulation to prevent D&C and shilling from taking root too heavily in our board despite their constant attempts. The jew isn't everything that is bad, but if you were to remove the jew from the equation we'd both be a hell of a lot closer to our goals.
not true, STEM education has merit, meme degrees like women's studies and anything with "art" in it are a total waste of time and money and provide little to warrant their pursuit aside from pinning the student under massive debt and forcing them to work to survive under the weight of it. That is largely a jew run industry, mind you, I'm a little disappointed that you seem so excited about that when I thought economically you had at least an inkling of the source of the problem, just unwilling to name it and attack it directly.
Except Holla Forums isn't complaining about any of those things and instead thinks that universities are brainwashing centers. Think about that. They do not even realize that those are the problems with university, not the shit they think about.
Wow, high school is really important for you faggots, isn't it? Fuck off back to Holla Forums you false flagging motherfucker.
No, that is exactly what we argue. We say most degrees aside from trade school/STEM degrees are judea memes made to enslave people in the fiat currency debt shackles. People studying "Gender Studies" and bullshit degrees like that are going to be forced to perpetuate the farce by market, they will not be wanted or desired anywhere aside from universities or coffee shops to spread the cultural marxist ideology further and pervert the future, those poor souls who too fell for the meme. STEM degrees have been and probably always will be useful and worthwhile, trade school is efficient and less expensive to pursue, both are valuable long term. The other end of the argument which is completely glossed over here is the fact that you can learn just about anything for free on the internet, stuff like KhanAcademy allows you previously unheard of access to information, even JewTube is an extremely useful repository of information, you don't have to saddle yourself with judea student loans to learn shit.
This guy
Addressed these points.
I'm really torn up right now because Holla Forums does address things that are important in a cultural and ideal manner, but Holla Forums addresses those things I feel on a daily basis and how to rectify the Capitalist cancer. I hate sitting on fences, is there a dialectical solution to this? Can we somehow synthesize Holla Forums's metaphysics with Holla Forums's mundane?
You faggots need to seriously read a book and learn at least the basics of what you criticize.
In theory yes, I think for the most part we agree but the primary issue in unifying the two boards is that both boards have extreme ideologies, 8/pol/ is all about the ideal, the aesthetic, attaining perfection, but I agree that there is a large portion of the legitimate population of 8/pol/ that doesn't believe in economic reform as a means to an end and only an end to the means which makes it less viable because it must do both but at least for me leftypol is far too ineffectual in terms of societal issues because as an extreme group you get offshoots of antifa and cancer like that and SJW cultural marxists who see it as their best home in such an environment which means that at least some of the legitimate userbase of lefty is what Holla Forums vehemently detests and opposes, we are all internet people, we all find ourselves on 8ch but as I said the means we go about working toward our goals are drastically different - 8/pol/ wants to address culture first and sees the jew as the cause of cultural decay, 8/leftypol/ (and correct me on this because ultimately as I admitted I am not "here") wants communism as an economic system, to take from the billionaires to better the people. I would personally want both, just not necessarily communism, but the problem is that the "elites" and "porky" as you refer to them are slippery, many are jews and multinational, they hold no allegiance to the countries they reside in or work out of or profit from, they simply want to pad their own pockets and when and if an uprising comes to take that money from them they will simply flee and evade the consequences because that is what they do. You have to attack on both fronts, both push them back culturally and squelch their influence, and likewise remove their power and their wealth to benefit society at large.
kekistan is halfchan/reddit cancer, we do not condone such fun here.
You're critiquing, I am just a disembodied voice trying to build bridges whilst here by chance, whether those bridges be for decent souls to cross or to hang scum, either works. I am always eager to hear opposing viewpoints because I am a reasonable disembodied voice - break down your disagreement and we can have a civilized discussion as anonymous disembodied voices were meant to do.
One of you kek fucks just got stabbed in LA because you were dumb enough to walk into Armenian gang territory and get stabbed
You really sound like a well thought together perfect tight knit group that would never not comprehend larger problems than yourselves.
None of us give a shit what you are, and you're all the same looking anyways, and all of you aren't even white to begin with.
Go. Shoo
wtf is that wordfilter to fun
This is so cringy
Here's the real problem. None of us want to talk. We want you to fuck off and die.
I don't consider myself a person while posting on these boards, the person behind the keyboard is immaterial to the posts made, every post made is part of the amorphous "whole" and thus I consider myself to be nothing more than a disembodied voice that throws words into a hate machine
You made it. It doesn't matter.
Besides that, you act literally the same.
Communism may not mean what you think it means. Have you read a book called The Conquest of Bread? I highly recommend it. I am, or was, 100% straightedge Fascist, so I still maintain a healthy hatred of such examples of "Communism" like the State Socialist USSR, or Maoist China, and I could never endorse Leftist Authoritarianism like the Tankies here do. I saw a different vision of Communism depicted in the works of Kropotkin, and I want to keep reading into Anarcho-Communism, and to hear how these concepts are received by my brothers.
I have to say that although Hitler was most assuredly misguided, his legitimate interest in helping his people makes him better than that murderous despot Stalin. If only Hitler read Kropotkin.
The university system is credentialist AIDS which confers skills that are not even remotely commensurate with investment.
t. college student
Not really, it's just that the Internet lets anyone have a platform and form their own circles causing them to never realize they're "wrong" or whatever.
"A long time ago, if somebody said they really wanted to fuck a pillow with anime on it, if they went out in public and said that, they would be laughed at. There would be some element of shame. They would keep that inside and say, 'Well, I want to fuck a pillow with anime on it but I can't tell anybody.' But then the internet came along and they could get on a webring or whatever it was back in the day. Go to rec/all/fuckanimepillow or whatever. Then other people would say 'I want to fuck anime pillows, too.' You had this community of people who were very intent on fucking anime pillows. The typical person does not want to fuck a pillow with anime on it. This, of course, was back when fucking anime pillows was fresh and new."
I want to burn that house down
That's a great way to get your windows smashed and your house vandalized
No, a separate entity that shares some ideological standpoints and differs greatly in others created it, e-celeb cancer and reddit are largely responsible for the kekistan scourge, I don't hold 8/leftypol/ responsible for everything that tumblr or whatever other filth does, I understand that you are not necessarily those things, hence why I am even contributing posts to the PPM of the board rather than just throwing in the white flag and considering it a lost cause. We agree on quite a lot but we both have filth to purge from our respective boards before they could coexist, but if they could we would be far more effective and capable than either of us alone.
I'll look into it user, thanks. I have no issue with the idea of an autonomous society which would function much like these boards do, the problem is when you have titles and leaders who are able to foist power and control for their own selfish interests. True autonomy is literally impossible unless the rats have NOWHERE to flee to, and thus the body can self regulate and remove the cancer as needed, that means the entire planet and beyond, as far as human influence goes, needs to be on board. That isn't really a realistic goal. I wrote a paper a while back on this subject, the goal was to create a perfect society, in the outset it was "Totalitarian rule, I am the only ruler, and after I die who the fuck cares?" but that slowly evolved into perfect autonomy with only figureheads with no real power, everyone is rewarded equally for their work and everyone benefits equally as the society prospers regardless of role, everyone is a honed and efficient "tool" to fulfill their role in society perfectly. Suffice it to say I understand the desire for such a thing but it's not plausible that greed wouldn't destroy it.
I'll be back.
The Great Purges called. They want their ice pick back.
Hitler was an injured soul, and he had seen a great deal of the suffering his people wer subjected to in his homeless years. There's not a doubt in my mind after reading Mein Kampf that he was a good man. He did have a too many fuckups though, like that whole spat with Poland. Like I said, I wish he could have read Kropotkin and learned the true cause of Germany's anguish - Capitalism.
Nobody is reading this lol
Haha holy shit this faggot, he thinks Holla Forums isn't de-facto Reddit at this point
What a newfag
Tell them they just got ten more
Stalin was one of the most disgusting human beings in history, if you're seriously praising him you really need to be honest about what he did. Sure, he effectively industrialized the USSR in ten years, but at what fucking cost? 40 million+++ died because he was a paranoid monster who wanted total power for himself, read Solzhenytzyn and learn about your lover's wonderful deeds
We need to make Stalin look like a fucking anarchist
Go on cum town
99% of them are friendless NEETs so they have nothing but free time
If you are not willing to read Mein Kampf, so be it. My pount was always that it would have been so much better if Hitler and his desire to help his people didn't just stagnate in rhetoric but actually manifested in a real, anti-Capitalist German Communist movement spearheaded by such an influential individual as Adolf himself. If you have a problem with this idea, I don't know what to tell you.
Don't stop posting please
No. Is there something wrong with the phrase? Is there an oxymoron contained within it that renders you incapable of comprehending that which I am trying to convey?
No it's perfect keep going
He was a pure and blessed soul.
because Holla Forums is a fresh alternative while the left is the tired same old shit we've been forcefed for more than half a century
you can only be in power and play the victim at the same time for so long
We've had capitalism for the last 100 years what the fuck are you saying that you're fresh
You're as new and capable of effecting change as pop punk and about twice as fucking annoying
No, it really isn't
Oh dear, have I violated some unspoken rule by promoting the idea that Hitler would have done more good if he helped deconstruct Capitalism and its false hierarchies and give the German people the full sum of the fruit of their labor?
Yes, Holla Forums, capitalism
This is good shit
Stop talking like a fag
Why do you type like this
Hitler was about as effective at his job and holding it as you are with yours
sorry, we have no connection to the flip side of your semitic coin
It can only be said that it is probably my unbridled Autism. Please forgive a potential future Comrade.
Next you'll say "nazis are socialists too!".
You tried once we have the records, you fucked up and failed and managed to do the opposite of what you lied about accomplishing and assassinating anyone who was counter to the increase in capital, like the nazi party promised.
Your so wishy washy with what you believe that not even academics can classify you.
So you;re about as trustworthy with power as you are with a job
Whether he was effective or not, his goal should have been to help Communism.
Should have is the operative word here.
Should have, could have, would have, didn't.
good one
That's my point, "I really wish he read Kropotkin" was always what I was discussing.
I'm not this poster
May I ask as to why this board is missing ID's to help clear confusion?
What's your alternative. Line it up for me I'm interested. Gimmie some good goals
not to sound like a not all faggot but what evdence that removing all the jews will make capitalism inept and not just shit more power to the white porkys? or the asian ones?
If you dismantle the system your dread jews seem to thrive in wont they just die out naturally?
Killing Porky entails beheading a great many Jews. I fail to see how killing someone helps them.
Don't you see the jews are the capitalists but also the communists and if my political ideology fails, responsible for my downfall
The current trend of ID politics is causing one of this nations largest divides we've ever seen. Holla Forums likes to assume they're higher than idpol but that's an outright fabrication.
Honestly, the divide has not only split the US up on race, it has split the genders and families even. You have a lot of folk with big egos and too little understanding in the world that just leads to a layered stack of lies folk are willing to accept on how to be accepted.
A majority of Holla Forums is obviously male. The majority of Holla Forums although they hate to admit is also MGTOW. Where we have Holla Forums and MGTOW, places like Tumblr have Femnazis. Both are individuals left out of the social rung. It wouldn't surprise me if neither knew where they belong or what they're good at.
With divide and conquer at full blast the people on top laugh and divvy up their spoils without a care I. The world. Holla Forums calls it " dah joos". Holla Forums calls it "Porky". Both are right. As has been the case all throughout history. But people can't let go of their lonely hurt for one goddamn second to see others are hurt and lonely too. So everybody roams like confused children desperately clinging to whatever makes them feel grown up as society never tells them what makes then so. Thus they drive themselves further and further away from the goal into a perpetual adolescence in protest.
All I want to do is be a teacher.
All I want to teach is how NOT to be like my poor generation.
Since I do not support Authoritarian "Communism", in my society after Capitalism is destroyed I would have no fear of The Eternal Jew having power over me.
Holla Forums started to reach out to other sites years ago when they realized that even after infecting the staff, they can't actually bully people into accepting their ideologies on a chan, because imageboard communities are founded on constant arguing and contrarianism. This is why other boards on cuckchan are getting sick of it faster than the normie sites they proselytize on.
These days it's become the cool new way for kids to be edgy online. since 4chan has always been disproportionately influential on internet culture. Eventually they'll realize that there's more to politics and philosophy than circlejerking over how dumb Tumblr is.
That's a bold claim that requires a lot of rigor, give me the details on how, you might do this
Even some STEM degrees are just money sinks, I think the whole damn system needs reform, why the fuck do we have to pay to learn?
I understand that they probably just call them "nazis" in the textbooks you kids read these days but you must be familiar with the political ideology the abbreviation refers to
yes? what's the problem exactly?
I already recommended to a brother a book called The Conquest of Bread. Have a read.
You're autistic is the problem
Nobody gives a fuck you read a singular book everyone has already read
no, they will find a way to subvert and destroy whatever new system is put in place, that has proven to be their nature throughout recorded history - the system needs to change AND they need to be routed out like the scourge they are, not one or the other, both. The people should benefit from the fruits of their labor, the goal should always be to foster growth and better ourselves but "Given the choice to kill a traitor and an enemy, I would choose the traitor a thousand times over."
I agree with you. The question is how do we mend our respective wounds, tie the frays and become whole when so far divided?
We don't fuck you
Go on cum town
Are you the person I replied to? Most of us Fascists never read it so I recommended it to my brother.
Nobody wants to fuck with you
then I feel that is why you wont convince the masses, it's easier to convince a normie that he rich are all assholes but to try to convince them that a rich jew like Soros is just as evil as the elderly couple they know down the street is insane.
Tell me how would they weasel there way to subverting people in an Ancom society?
enjoy getting assraped by the chosen, retard
I'm sure you offered a good society to live in lad, these nerds just wouldn't see it. I believe in you, totally
this has been proven time and time again that by kicking out the jews will only strengthen the non-jew boug
With how divided things are I'm honestly not sure. It's one thing to see things for yourself and realize the goals were similar from the start. It's another to convince someone else who is heavily indoctrinated.
If calamity does break out, all I know is that I'm going to roam with a big Red Cross on my shoulder. Maybe that's a good way to start?
You have never felt the blessing that is fraternity?
Go on cum town
What did he mean by this?
Can't say that I have bro
Go on The Flour Hour
He meant go on Cum Town, can you read?
I do not understand.
We know
Apparently not.
Go on cum town tho
Hi /autism/
We love trains too, your autism is welcome here
Hey now, I'm just trying to have a conversation so I can learn more. I need more information so I can stop sitting on the fence between Fascism and Communism.
Here's your ticket then
What's your favorite elevator brand, Otis or KÖHLER
What is this Flour Hour? Got a link?
Another thought.
People will defend their system as it would harm their delicate egos to admit they were deceived.
Might help to let them know it's okay they were tricked. The true nemesis is not the foot soldier.
We don't. It's easy as fuck to download books through IRC and learn about things on the internet.
The university system literally exists so you don't have to become an adult as quickly and so you can get a piece of paper which HR people can show to their employer to justify hiring you.
Anybody who wants state funded, totally "free" college education is a fucking dumbass.
Not even the worst of our board shows their power level outside of it, meanwhile you're told to go back to Reddit if you're even slightly annoyed about Holla Forums outright derailing a thread. They literally believe they own any site that passively tolerates their bullshit. They only "win" because they're so full of autistic cult zeal that resetting their routers twice a day isn't trouble for them.
The main reason Holla Forums is still relevant after gamergate is so they have a hug box to run to after 4janny deletes their posts again.
Getting exhausted? :^)
God I fucking wish
Reddit has ten anti Trump subs and 5 socialists boards. Everyone outside T_D get downvoted to oblivion if the express a conservative opinion.
Not copying Holla Forums persecution complex would probably help.
You're right, people tend not to like you.
Can you at least pretend your smarter than a non leftism?
Yeah you're obnoxiousness is really annoying when, especially when it's pointing out what you think is obnoxiousness
Yet you would not live in a neighborhood filled with migrants.
Like pottery
The answer is simple. Many of them are NEETs that spend most of their time shilling on comment sections that most people don't read. That makes them appear over-represented.
I live in a neighborhood filled with hindus and I like them fine. Don't know what sticks up your ass. You should handle that problem.
Thanks, r/soc brainlet, being hostile to someone who try to stop repeating self-defeating thinking is definitely bad because "muh witty retort".
I would upvote you, but see…
Live with muslims, blacks and hispanics. And those Hindus are racists who will steal anything from Whites because that's how they operate.
And obviously, porky is posting on Holla Forums to tell you the internet is not actually a e-lebesnraum for some reason.
I have! As a matter of fact, I would say some of my worst neighbors were white
Please, we're all educated gentlemen, my good fellow. I didn't need to see your fap folder.
Tell me how to access this parallel dimension.
So… Holla Forums? If you had said "I main hobbyist boards on 4chan" I would've believed you.
Thats not even a question user.
I do nigga. Lots of migrants in my area of London, they're friendly and have more respect for the community than the natives. Not everyone thinks like you.
Nice strawman. I don't want a girlfriend, I'm straight thank you very much.
How much money do I actually need to make to live comfortably in London? The internet spits out all sorts of figures.
75% percent of Holla Forums is reddit crossposters and you know it
Soros and friends, seeing that the left was anti-globalism and hated his guts, embarked on the mother of all COINTELPROs. And successfully subverted the American "left", turning it into the American """""left""""", a gaggle of abrasive, self-righteouss bobos with a zeitgeist of borderline sociopathy. Seeing as their college degrees didn't qualify them for anything, they flocked en masse to journalism and media, professions ranked 6 and 3, respectively, among those which most attract psychopaths. The entire American media has since been crawling with people influenced to at least a significant degree by the socjus meme.
Evidence A: the already low quality of American news has, in the past couple of years, plumbed benthic new depths, and so did the public's trust in them. Turns out that constantly telling people that everything they are, do and believe in are racist, woman hateric and transphobic will both make them not listen to you anymore and these accusations will be diluted and meaningless. On the internet, this backfired even worse, creating the alt-right, alt-light and alt-whatever.
Evidence B: this self-righteousness was cranked up to 11 as Trump loomed on the horizon, and we saw almost the entire damn media that wasn't aligned with the alt-right spewing increasingly delirious charges against him. Needless to say, this further eroded their reputation and helped him.
Evidence C: in their growing desperation to stop Trump, they only strengthened him, and he won. Liberals and the media (redundant, I know) went into apoplectic episodes, pouring their hysterical impotence into the most absurd ramblings, on TV, radio, print and the web. They just couldn't come to grips with the fact that they were not the kingmakers this time around, that their precious neoliberal warmonger was not to sit on the throne that they promised her, and more importantly, they're constitutionally incapable of realizing it's their own fault.
The very ideology driving their insane behavior also happens to make them downright allergic to self-reflection and dialectics. So they continue doing the same repugnant things that cast them down in the first place, hoping in vain that it will work this time and Trump will be impeached any time now. Meanwhile, their reputation before the public continues to suffer, which is absolutely key for Trump's continued mayhem, so we're likely to see these two anencephalous beasts tussle for a long time, with no winner in sight.
So then, the current American """""left""""", through their own defining anti-social behavior, unwittingly created a monster that threatens to swallow not only them, but the entire fucking world. And as an extra, they're throwing the already beaten image of the entire left into a woodchipper.
tl;dr: blame SJWs
jesus fuck, the reason that things are divided is that one side jacks off to ethnic cleansing and the other is going "wtf man???!!!"
why would anyone want to "mend" with those people?
On the other hand Mario hurt many turtles…That's crime.
No, Holla Forums is people with a bit of fucking sense, the way people used to be before this marxist dogma infested our societies.
Uh Huh
He is not liked on Holla Forums, maybe at best he he is liked by reddit newfags.
Holla Forums would hang civic "nationalists"
Wtf? I can't do jew ecos on leftypol?
You are the new SJWs. Just accept it.
Cus niggers in the 3'rd reich makes complete fucking sense
People are sick of this forced diversity, it is such a cliché and an annoying one too.
>calls everything in the media he doesn't like "cultural marxism"
You can call it what you like, but it has a clear motivation to undermine nations and races. Sure it is no secret that the elite are working to do so.
Now no one fucking asked for this, or the brainwashing.
I don't have time to watch your video but the main character in Wolfenstein is literally a fucking jew. Sorry but you missed your chance to care about the "accuracies" of Wolfenstein.
and adding a black character to Overwatch does this how exactly?
Never heard of Wolfenstein. I grew out of games years ago, games are for children.
well i had to look that game up. Does not look like a serious game so you could put a fucken fairy in it for all i care.
But i will explain to you why someone might have a problem with putting minorities in a game.
When you put a non-white into one just for the sake of "muh diversity" and especially when it is out of place like for example, as i said, "niggers in the third reich, this is subliminal propaganda to normalise multi-racialism. Not everyone wants this, ony sjw's want such a stupid flawed society, rootless, culturelss, souless and submissive.
So this is the controversy.
I don't see why anyone would listen to you on a subject you clearly hate.
This doesn't even have anything to do with what was being said before
Well i do not hate games. I used to love games but i have since realised i am an adult now and show spend my time doing things more productive. I played too much i will be honest.
But this goes beyond just gaming.
It has to do with all media.
The new wolfenstein game takes place in 1960 and the nazis have enslaved pretty much the entire world. A couple of black people end up in a death camp in Europe and are shown to do forced labor, and one of them talks to the protagonist I guess (BJ Blazkowicz). This is enough to get you riled up? Seriously?
It's rather interesting that you are more worried about forced diversity in a video game than you are about historical genocide. Maybe it's time to change your browsing habits?
Sooo, it's been three years since gamergate. Have you taken the time yet to look up what "cultural marxism" actually means? Who came up with it? Aren't you curious about where the term originally came from? Can you guess what happens when you speed up your search and look up "Kulturbolschewismus"?
I just never heard of it. I still have games, just do not play them. I first got a playstation 1 from a hand down by my cousin cus he got a ps2. I was only 5-6 or so.
Then i got a ps2, played some good games like Star Wars Battlefront 1-2
Then i reluctantly got a 360 just so i could play with friends when i was 14, maybe?
All the games of the 360 i still have.
Red dead
Gta 4 and 5
OP flashpoint
Just to name a few. But honestly i have never heard of Wolfenstein.
Allied Forces propaganda the game.
historical genocide is just that, historical, it is in the past. I am Irish and the British pulled it on us with the "potato famine" but it is in the past now. What is important now is we do not let another genocide happen again. This forced diversity is propaganda to normalise an ethnic replacement.
Now whether or not you think the european races are being replaced deliberate or not, witch is all it takes for it to be classed as a genocide, it still has the same outcome.
I would not use the term cultural marxism myself for the very reason that i have not yet looked it up. It seems like it is just another buzzword.
Also i was thinking about the new COD when saying "niggers in the third reich"
They let you play as a black, female nazi. I mean… that is just taking the piss at this point.
No, my dude.
People with a bit of fucking sense don't waste their time with and don't get utterly triggered by inane cultural bullshit like Holla Forums does. You faggots give attention and concern to the exact bullshit SJWs do, just in reverse.
We made them look stupid. Now people are waking up to all their bullshit. What do you suggest we should had done? Let them tramp and jump on everyone with their silly little ideologies along with their PC crap? Just stay silent? We did that long enough and look where it got us.
Also, if we did not oppose them they would had gotten worse and worse. Do you really want these stupid cunts to control the paradigm and culture? I say thank fuck for Holla Forums.
Hahaha, that IS pretty silly!
Do you have an image of this character? It still sounds like a trollish rumor, which wouldn't be out of the ordinary for Holla Forums etc.
Does not seem like it is a joke
End thyself
You must have the mental captivity of a monkey.
This was not the peoples choice to reject nationalism, it has come about through social and political engineering.
Look up Operation Mockingbird
And for the life of me i can never understand you people. Political correctness is clearly and obviously a tool for social engineering. And then you have elites actually admitting that it is their intention to get rid of European races.
Oh my goodness nationalism is a fucking fiction of your mind. Man made borders are a fiction as well. Nationalism comes from social and political engineering.
Project Mockingbird is the CIA fucking shit up as it usually does. You people bitch and whine and moan about penis cleaning culture or whatever the fuck "pee cee" means in order to dismiss criticisms to whatever you say.
Running out into the street like a retard and screeching "NIGGER XD" isn't politically incorrect. Defending reactionary views and racism is very politically correct because both Democraps and Republicucks do it. Porky needs it to survive.
There is reality, that is borderless, nameless and a void. Everything is one and connected yet It all has differnece.
Then there is human perception of reality, that is made through the senses.
Then there is the intellectual mind that tries to make sense of it all.
Nationalism is an idea based on reality and it stems from, and i hate to say it here on /daftypol/, human nature.
By your logic your car is a fiction of your mind, your house, your body, and paradoxically so would your mind.
Wrong. You lefties often bring this argument up, and that nationalism is a modern idea. This is false. It is like an eco chamber argument.
Nationalism has existed for a very long time, since we can not even record. It is just that you all have a distorted view on what nationalism is. You think it is the state or something, and it is right saying that that is modern but the nation state is not the nation it is a political body to serve the nation.
A nation is vague and sometimes can be a grey area, but every single word is because words are not reality, only a general description of the intuitive.
The best way i can discribe a nation is this: a common and shared heritage, culture, tradition and race that also shares a common history. That makes up a people or a nation.
And again we are social creatures and it is only human nature.
I don't think you know what political correctness is. It is not what ever an MP says goes. Here is a definition from wiki. It is good enough
It is used to shut down debates also.
That is complete arse about face. You are not a bright wee chap are ya?
Didn't you know Mario is a communist? Those turtles were all fascists.
*jacking off motion*
No. Borders or anything similar are made by human beings.
Yes, where are these actual proofs?
Wew lad talk about no nuance.
I never said that in the first place.
And if it isn't false either, where are these proofs to all these statements.
Sure I guess bourgies work. If one is going to be "anti pc" at least be self aware or even not whine when "my '''debate''' about whether niggerz are human or not made people be mean to me".
I see too many people screech "No speech for antifa!" or anyone else that has any dissenting view.
Wow yes tell about how liberals are leftists.
So are Bavarians a nation? Or are Germans a nation? Or Europeans?
Nazis were capitalists you dumb cunt. Dicking around in the economy and setting up public works programs doesn't make the NSDAP anti-capitalist any more than it did FDR.
German capitalists and industrialists loved to suck Nazi cock, and vice versa. The only reason fascism ever even got into power in Germany, Italy, or Spain is because upper and middle class folks shit their pants at the idea of a proletarian revolution that might cause actual damage to capitalism.
You know, i was typing out a response to all of those questions and arguments but i deleted it all because you are not a worthy debater. I would value a conversation with a dog more.
You did not even read the post or else all the points i made just flew over your head.
Yes, The Bavarians could be considered a nation.
Yes, you could also consider Germany a nation. Like for example you could consider Ireland a nation and Scotland one. You could draw the line around Ireland and Scotland historically, racially and culturally speaking and call them both one nation.
As for Europeans, although race is an important factor, race is all they have to unite and that would not really cut it. Thats why "white nationalism is lame and dumb.
But as i said nationalism can be a grey area, but it does not mean it is not important. It is kind of like everything in this world, nothing is really certain and it is only a social construct based on reality.
If everyone tried to get rid of nationalism and all the factors that make it, that is what globalism does, it would only reform its self again.
Lets say globalism gets its way completely
What would happen is one of these two: either Everything would get stagnant because lack of opposition, violence and competitivness. So then society would decay until the natural order comes back to mankind, so globalism would fail in the end. Then all you would really have achieved is destroying the diversity and beauty of humanity.
Or if not that, People will fight over more and more petty things and become more divided. It just can not work.
You can not fix the world through flawed human reasoning and control. Humanity has to trust itself and work with what we are not try to change what we are.
Solzhenytzyn was a lying fascist traitor.
He mad!
Holla Forumsyps sadly make up a decent fraction of the population in internet-capable countries. They're effective at radicalizing people because the internet is full of people disillusioned with the broader societies they live in and they have a superficially compelling critique - the notion that cultural censorship and the right ethnic groups running things will fix everything is not restricted to Holla Forums, and it's not a very big intellectual leap from liberal idpol to white pride; ethnic conflict feeds on itself.
However, their critique ultimately fails even on its own terms (look at all the white people with power, and how little they did for you!) and can't possibly help the average Holla Forumsyp's material conditions even if they win. We just have to radicalize them.
Holla Forumsyps sadly make up a decent fraction of the population in internet-capable countries. They're effective at radicalizing people because the internet is full of people disillusioned with the broader societies they live in and they have a superficially compelling critique - the notion that cultural censorship and the right ethnic groups running things will fix everything is not restricted to Holla Forums, and it's not a very big intellectual leap from liberal idpol to white pride; ethnic conflict feeds on itself.
However, their critique ultimately fails even on its own terms (look at all the white people with power, and how little they did for you!) and can't possibly help the average Holla Forumsyp's material conditions even if they win. We just have to radicalize them.
This So much.
you think that nerds have somehow morphed into the alt right? the alt right is full of autists and red-pillers. nerd sit around playing magic the gathering, video games, and drawing animu.
The "suburban, 15 to 25 year old white boy" demographic has most certainly transformed from being annoying new atheists to being straight up nazis.
When this realization hits them, what happens? Do they go full Nick Land?
it's in multiplayer, these autists somehow concluded that it's an unforgivable insult or whatever
god forbid somebody has fun playing as a black gay nazi or whatever, but conservatism is the new counter-culture yeah!
humorless retards
Does not matter if it is multiplayer or not it is still fucking silly. I myself do not play cod so it does not bother me as long as this sjw idiocy does not spread and ruin all other games.
They even censored the nazi symbol so no one gets offended. Kind of kills the portrait of the nazis without the symbol and multi-cults running about on the battlefield.
If we ever get a game with a historic black setting and then force diversity on it do you not think it would kill the vibe a bit?
Holla Forums sees it as them liberals and jews behind the seen's. It is liberals who run the western world you see, and in eastern Europe it is ultimately liberals who have control due to the EU. Though Slavic right-wing countries would still be fucked even if they were out of the EU. Idk what they would say about that.
no it's not
multiplayer is supposed to be fun, playing as a black man in a pink nazi uniform is FUN
this has nothing to do with SJWs, it's all about your fragile nazi brain
and yes, if there ever was a game about black panthers and in multiplayer you could play as a pixie hair colored white nerd I wouldn't give a fuck
Well is disagree.
Saints Row 4 comes to mind and that game was awful, even though it was not meant to be serious at all they went too far.
I suppose it is just different tastes when it comes to this.
I don't see what is fun about that. Maybe if you were 7 years old. If you make a WW2 game and half arse the atmosphere and portrait of the war it just spoils it. When i want to play a WW2 game i want it to be like WW2 not some "XDPINKBLAKNAZILOLOLOLXD" game. You either try make the game as sincere as you can or don't try at all, otherwise it is not fitting to the game.
Stoli was autistic af
I was browsing the other day and came across some obscure RO private server and the first thing I see is some faggot with a sadboys Pepe avatar.
Is there no place safe from their autistic faggotry?
You just described every single race thread ever on Holla Forums
I miss webrings.
It is in their culture too. Every jew helps another jew out. They hand jobs to each other just because they are also a jew.
They have a general and united culture\ideology.
According to the Jewish Cabalah, Talmud and Torah, Gentiles Are the Slaves of the Jews.
They say we will be a mixed mongrel people working for the jew and if i remember correctly every jew in the future will have atleast 10,000 goyim slaves.
Now not all jews are in it but there is certainly a cabal working to fulfill this prophecy.
But meanwhile Holla Forums won't accept this fact because they suck up to jewish created liberalism and are too concerned about porky.
Note, just because i know lefties will take it out of context
When i say jewish made liberalism i do not mean jews made the whole of liberalism,,i mean jewish made liberal movements, who also funded them if you look.
Apparently you also learned how to be pretentious.
What do you mean by that?
Man I have an app called Hiya on my phone to block spam, telemarketer and autodialer numbers and after my phone blocks a number 2 weeks ago I check the comments and I find a fucking comment straight out of pol going on about niggers selling their daughters, niggers are useless and how much the guy hates niggers.
These faggots are everywhere and I hope they leave the basement more so more incidents like with what happened at the white supremacist march(Got their ass kicked by white supremacists) and oath keeper protest happen.
pol bullshit is the new counter culture.
Surprised porky isn't selling lynch niggers and Nazi masturbation fantasy now shirts.
I'd say outside of the internet but those spergs are also congregating in real life.
I mean social justice movements like lgbt, feminism, BLM.
That kinda liberalism, the worst kind.
Least blacks actually have enough balls to riot, fight cops and start a bunch of trouble. All I see you white supremacist faggots doing is getting beat up, playing victim and doxing people from the safety of your basements.
And tell me, what have they accomplished out of this?
Well what have you fuckers accomplished?
White race will be out bred in a few decades meanwhile the blacks are secured in their birthright. So much for the superior race.
No such thing as superior
You see, us chimping out is gonna do nothing. Its a battle for minds. Look how far we have jumped in the last 3 years, not bad eh? Only question is, is it too late for Europe?
You know, you blacks need to stop being pawns for the Jews. Truth is they will not stop at white people, they are aiming for the world. You lads need to think ahead.
They are already pushing their multi-racial, multi-cultural agenda over at the far east in asia. For the love of man kind can we stop the racial hatred and respect each other? Other wise we are all fucked.
That graph is more than a little misleading. A better one was done in 2015.
Anyways Jews are over-represented in media, finance, and academia for historical reasons fam. When the Catholic church was running shit the Jews were basically the only ones doing things in those areas. By the time Protestantism and Capitalism came around Jews already had a fairly sizable head start in those fields. Most Jews these days are barely even culturally Jewish, so there's not much separating them from other porkies ideologically speaking. A Jewish porky would be just as willing to fuck you as a porky from any other race tbh.
Really? The Church forbade people from working in newspapers, movies, and academia? Either you're a retard or a bad liar (possibly both). And before you go autistic on the last one, remember the Church used to do a lot of research, they even did early work on DNA.
Nope, I'm not lying or retarded. The Catholic church forbade people from practicing usury entirely, which obviously precluded them from entering finance until the Church's influence declined. Similarly, all media and research required the Church's approval, and as a result it rarely resulted in the enrichment of anyone other than the Church. I'm not denying that the Church did any work, I'm only claiming that the social arrangements under the church gave Jews a comparative advantage.
Contrast this with the Jews, who were allowed to take advantage of gentiles to enrich themselves. In every area that the Jews didn't have any competition from Christians in, they're over-represented in today. That's not just a coincidence.
Also, you never refuted my point about most Jewish capitalists not being culturally Jewish which kinda makes this whole argument about history moot.
Exactly! Now you are getting it Holla Forums
Thanks for the graph. However it does not look perfect either but sure at least its updated.
Enough of them still hold these ways to hold on to powerful positions
They would be willing to fuck you in all sorts of ways, not just fucking you by being a porky.
The Jews who are in these top positions have agendas, you just have to observe and it will get clearer the more you connect the dots. I can not convince you or other people, not me alone, all i can do is encourage people to look into it and see for them selves. A lot of it is all out in the open.
Never doubt a conspiracy theory just because it seems crazy, this world is fucking batshit i tell you user
Tbh I've looked into the Jewish Question extensively and I haven't found any convincing evidence that there's a cabal of Jews who make all of the decisions. There's too many people with too many agendas to keep any (real) evidence from surfacing. The response to this I've gotten is that Jewish culture encourages them to try to hurt Gentiles and protect Jews. This is a bit more convincing given the demographics of a few major industries, but like I said in there are valid historical explanations for the demographics being the way they are. I think this is true to a degree, but (orthodox) cultural Judaism isn't common enough among capitalists to support the claim the Jews run the world.
But whatever, for the sake of argument let's assume that Jews run the world. The only way to get them out of power is to dismantle the current system and instate one in which the majority has power over themselves. Communism is one such system.
And before you dismiss Communism as being too "Jewish" ask yourself why we're pumped full of anti-Communist propaganda from a young age.
Adding to this: If Communism were Jewish why wasn't Soviet propaganda afraid of naming the Jew? It honestly blows my mind how many Holla Forumsyps will denounce the Jews in power but who don't want to replace the system that keeps them in power.
Where did this shitty Swift meme come from?
Nope. For most of the time the Church was relevant there were two kinds of people who worked in research: rich guys (who could do whatever the fuck they wanted with their time) and the clergy (who were pretty much the only educated people). From what I recall the only controversial topic was evolution, which the Church accepted in the Vatican II I think. Other than that they didn't give much of a fuck, people like Galileo were fucked due to political reasons, their research was merely an excuse.
As for the media, as it is today it didn't exist while the Church was relevant. Illiterate peasants didn't buy newspapers, not that they could afford to before the printing press made them cheap. Town criers spread the message of the local elite, not of the Jews.
I know about karls anti-Zoinist thinking and wasn't Stalin a bit of one himself? Could never like Stalin though, he seemed like a sound man for his personality but the things he did was just fucking awful.
The normies like to say Hitler was the most evil man on earth but i think Stalin topped him on that. I mean, they even took over and continued the concentration camps in Germany and did it longer.
Was their any decent commie leaders?
You might laugh at this, but i got it from… 99chan.
Yes i know
I found it funny at the time
Taylor Swift is Hitler's great-granddaughter.
The fucking state of this place
You didn't read the question. It's
Stalin was extremely brutal, but he didn't kill as many as Hitler (both in camps/gulags and in wars Hitler had a higher kill count). Stalin's brutality was pretty necessary considering the situation the USSR was in. However most people on Holla Forums are critical of Stalin, and he's not a very well liked leftist figure outside of Russia.
Sure, Tito is probably the communist figure who was most well liked in the West. And there's loads of lesser known commie leaders who were well liked, but they weren't as successful for various reasons (commie leaders tend to get assassinated or coup'd for some reason 🤔🤔🤔).
Its not full of Holla Forums. Its just full of normal people. Holla Forums are the outsiders.
Yeah sure normal people.
You faggots should follow hitler's example and put a bullet in your head.
Not lefty pol but from /b
Good going bringing Holla Forums back to show you're better than Girlvinyl, Moot. Bang-up job.
I wish Holla Forums would stop, too, so I can say words without being accused of being a Holla Forums poster all the fucking time.
because they've become the jew they hate
fashies always do this.
I remember when I was kid they would send letters to people's homes about I.Q. and how we shouldn't let black people in the neighborhood.
We got them around 3 times a week.
The normies like to say Hitler was the most evil man on earth but i think Stalin topped him on that.
For people who pride themselves on questioning the mainstream narrative, yall sure do swallow anti-communist propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
Man, I've spent so long debating liberals, coming back to debate the alt-right, holy shit I forgot how fucking retarded or/and completely disingenuous they are.
Like at least liberals are coherent when you are debating them despite having their minds melted by utilitarianism, but coming back and debating the alt-right, even the adults, they're honestly like little children.
I put myself through Sargon video recently and I swear to god he and his fanbase have actually got to be suffering from collective retardation or something. Like there are times he will just contradict himself from one sentence to the next to the next to the next and nobody picks up on it. When you go into the comments and point it out they just try to sea lion the shit out of you saying "actually how are those two completely opposing ideas contradictory huh?". Not to mention, they're the biggest fucking hypocrites alive.
Honestly Holla Forumsyps and MAGA chuds are a lost cause. The sad thing is, their insanity is already leading to deaths in the real world.
Holla Forums was a fucking massive mistake. I wonder if Moot feels he has blood on his hands.
Sargon is a liberal centrist, he is a net negative to the alt-right. Debate me brah.
I went on vacation for 10 days.
I had no TV, no radio, no internet.
It was refreshing. Posting on the internet again and seeing Holla Forumsyps feels like I am entering a parallel universe.
Holla Forumssecution when?
Nerd culture has nothing to do with it.
I primarily blame the new way autism is treated. Back then they were forced to have some self control. Nowadays they get free passes to say the most disgusting shit, because they have the autism muh privilege card.
Expect for one thing. You are not allowed to say that you are "suffering under autism" because a bunch of tard wrangler will come and debate you, who actually suffers from it, that you are "just different" and "it's OK" and "never be or say something negative ever again".
Since Trump is president you are mainstream and we are the counter-culture.
No True Scotsman fallacy
Ever heard of Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg?
That guy got fucked by the church for inventing the letterpress and he died as a poor man.
Of course there were financial interests involved, since writing and copying books were a job for monks. It was a slow process, but once the monks were finished they got lotsa cash outta it. And since monks are supposed to be austere, all the income went to their less austere bossmen where they could afford serious blink.
Until that guy from Mainz came and fucking ruined their economy.
implying jews have something in their nature, humans have something in their nature et cetera
fail is in your fucking nature, so kill yourself but you can't even do that right as the rope fails to finish you off because fail is in your nature
SJW thesis
Holla Forums antithesis
Holla Forums synthesis
do i graduate in cultural marxism?
SJWs and Holla Forums don't even form a thesis/antithesis couple, they share the same logic.
I honestly can't handle retards because they have two hands and a mouth and they use it to make the world a worse place.
dude race is a robot, it's like umm er like in them programs bro
Guess who has the upper hand then
so is this like, your idea of what everything amounts to?
This, it's like that even in non-english internet. I am becoming increasingly convinced it is some kind of spambot that replaces 'viagra' and 'rolex' with 'jews' and 'niggers'. Soon you will have emails about Bavarian Gold Mine from Hans Goyring
Please. Everyone on this board has gone over this a 1000 times. Sargon is alt-right who hides behind "Classical liberal" like every other dipshit alt-right "rationalist" because they want to pretend they're defending "free speech" rather than just being far-right propagandists.
He literally only supports hard-right authoritarian parties. What sort of "Centrist liberal" does that?
/r/badpolitics has an indepth post on Sargon and his positions. It's obvious to everyone with eyes that he is alt-right.
I've done that before. Taking a few days away from the electronics and being around normal people is totally different. I'd recommend everyone here takes a break every once in a while from posting.
Leftists are obnoxious and unlikeable. Rightists are funny, sociable, friendly.
This is something the left must learn if they intend on gaining popularity.
And the sky is red, sea water is sweet and both poles are warm and cozy.
Just look at these >>1843936 >>1844055
But whatever, keep deluding yourself.
2 is the only possible answer. The only position that anarchocommunism/communal world theory does not address is the obvious abnormal psychs. So the sociopaths and psychopaths just go along with they system? There isn't some sort of power grab even if on a small level?
Who enforces the "equality"? Who would gravitate towards these positions and the obvious power over others they entail? Those same abnormal fucks.
Soviet Union 2.0 and gulags are reborn. GUM store and all of the other signs of inequality in a supposed system of equality return.
Or do we just kill all the autists, psychopaths and sociopaths as soon as the symptoms manifest?
What say you leftypol? An AI future where robots serve us and police us? This has been the best I have seen postulated thus far. Problem is how intelligent and free will in it's decision making the AI must become. Then it has the real danger of replacing us and deciding we are not useful. Otherwise it will be gamed or taken advantage of.
How do you propose to fix the problem of the individuals who do not adhere to equality for all?
It's funny, but look at all the liars and sophists on youtube, Sargon, PJW and much more. Both making money, and getting followers. Simply because they show a human, reasonable side to them, And even a lot of lies and obfuscating to trick the cattle into believing what they want.
The problem of the left is their inability to reach out to the common man woes. Really, you're all a bunch of elitist pseudo-intelecualls who gets angry when people don't do what you want. Even the prole now gets tricked into working against their own economic interests simply because of this eternal lack of sympathy and charisma.