I had this idea for some quality funposting, and i was thinking that Holla Forums would dub this piece of anti-communist propaganda.
Just choose a line or phrase from the clip, post it via vocaroo (if it's too low quality for your liking) or send it via mp3 file to Bat'kos manarchist memes on Facebook.
vocaroo.com/i/s0SOgC833Yd4 Yeeeees. De stayt vill provide for you. Much better dat your mother or father.
Charles Sullivan
"Now then, now if you step on this picture of your jesus, with your heel, they will let you go free. But if you don't, it'll cut your head off." vocaroo.com/i/s0MbiyXxXYXN
Brandon Ross
Could you post a list of all the lines that haven't been done Batts?
Samuel Stewart
And I've got "Jesus you died for me, now i'll die for you"
Camden Garcia
use clyp.it, way better audio quality, you just have to register to enable download which sux
Xavier Baker
Any spots left?
Gavin Brooks
have you read the history book on Makhno yet?
Brandon Brown
I'll steal "you killed them, haven't you"
Christopher Brooks
Yes, there are. Look at the lines that have been taken, and watch the video. You can figure out which ones need to be done. For example
"We do not want to kill you, but we will, unless you cooperate"
You guys can do as many lines you can do. The more merrier. Allows me to diversify this videos autism.
Jaxon Cruz
Okay I will take that one. I like that quote
Jeremiah Thompson
"Yes? Think of how much better off you will be, the state will provide for you" Actually just my politics
James Moore
Carter Butler
Am I allowed to dub over the DUDUDUDUDUDU drumming at the end?
Sebastian Mitchell
tbh I think the original voices are already perfect. If it gets dubbed, people will underestimate how whack the original already was. I think all it needs is a title screen saying something like
Thomas Reed
And what is WON Is WON, and whats LOST is Lost and gone Foreverrrrrrrr
Michael Nelson
But The U.S would never execute someones parents tho, rite?
We do not want to kill you, but we will, unless you cooperate
Gabriel Kelly
Topkek, sounds like a VA from Baldur's Gate.
Very nice, but you mispronounced "ve vill"
John Clark
my voice suits for the kid. my english pronounciation is not so good though. tell me how you like this one. "Where's my momma and my daddy?" vocaroo.com/i/s1GRC37vXRlx
Aiden Peterson
"The state will provide for you, take care of your every need"