Is it, dare I say, /ourvidya/?

is it, dare I say, /ourvidya/?

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Is that a one armed rat-lady leading a violent proletarian revolution?


The guys in red are called the common folk. the game looks good tbh. This is definitely /ourvidya/.

weird coincidence but you made your topic first so meh :P

I'm definitely gonna review this when it comes out. Cause you know… it's in all three of my autistic areas of interest.

RTS, furries and gommunism?

More video games in general than RTS but yup.

secret of nymh is liberal propaganda


it is very much /ourvidya/

This sounds like any other misrepresentation of democratic and/or socialist movements commonly found in video games from BioShock Infinite to Assassin's Creed: Unity. Writers who know jack shit about politics and history should stick to alien gunfights and magic gems.

To beeee faiiiirrrr they probably take sarcastic digs like that at every ideology in the game.

yes because Bioshock completely propagandizes AnCapistan as such a beautiful utopia

You don't have to know shit about politics and history to see through Ancap ideology.

That's why I referred to Infinite specifically and not to the first game in the series.

This game also looks promising:

Bioshock Infinite blows as a critique of capitalism. The Vox Populi's goals are vague as hell and the game goes out of its way to make them seem just as bad as the people they're replacing. It's just more wishywashy liberal garbage that's too afraid to make any kind of strong point one way or the other. Bioshock 1 was a better depiction of AnCapistan and even that had some issues.

Is there a torrent up?

it's out in september

Looks good, I'm actually more interested in the lore. It seems the factions are Blue Capitalists, Red Socialists, Green Fascists, and Yellow Theocrats and that's not explored enough in war games outside of WW2 all that much.

Also, what do you guys think of Night in the Woods? I've been playing it and I've noticed a lot of pro-socialist, anarchist, and union attitudes expressed in the game.

Tray and Matt are libertarian. Having Officer Barbrady trash Atlas Shrugged was their way of telling their viewers how awesome it is, you retard.

mice are comrades tbh

t. never had a mice infestation in his home

There is a reason that so many social experiments use mice.

i like the 90s eqsue-isomorphic sprite art. Takes me back to starcraft days

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Stone and Parker can be Libertarians and still piss on the altar of Rand. I don't think it's required that they accept it.

Yeah, I mean read the capitalist faction bio:

The beginning looks good but then all you see is a poor caricature of revolutionaries as just smashies smashing stuff and then you read the comments and see that the Dev is a no theory retard saying socialism=\=communism with a hint of socialism is the end goal liberal ideology.

In the commentary for that episode one of them (Stone I think) says the bit was based on his reaction to the book when it was assigned reading in school.

Vox Populi are the only true socialist faction I've seen in a game since Red Faction, since the workers literally seize control over the factories. But yeah the developers completely ruined it by portraying them as "just as bad as the capitalists" for rebelling against their miserable conditions. Wouldn't be supeised if they where forced to do it by their PR consultants as to not offend certain demographics

tbh the game does a bad job of making them look as terrible as The Founders, the Vox just start attacking you based on one conversation. Considering how much the game changed throughout development, they might have been forced to change the depiction of the Vox Populi.

They could use some work on their English translation

In the lore the Church has a tithe to determine which of the peasants or bourgeois gets eaten by the aristocracy. Hopper gave her arm to save a comrade who had been chosen.

This is a game about literally eating the rich.

stop making videos
youre an emberassment

Where's the porn


I like his videos

Looks really nice. I think im going to buy it.


>anthro art style that obviously enters furfag territory (I'm not necessarily complaining when it comes to it personally, but hate forced dev inserts like this nonetheless)
>incredibly shaky understanding of the French revolution (its obvious inspiration), in order from most to least important, its origins, its factions and its historical implications/outcome (again I don't want a carbon copy of the French revolution: Furfag Edition at all, but they could at least have inspired themselves a little more by the deeper meaning of the French rev)
8/10 gameplay looks really interesting and unique with the artstyle and those two reasons are more than enough to spend some of my money on the GOG version.

It's much closer to the broad art style associated with mousepunk stuff like Redwall or Mouse Guard than to anything that's popular in furfagistan atm. And how is ANY choice of art direction not a "forced dev insert" by this logic?


It isn't furry. Not everything with anthropomorphic animals is furry.

Like this guy pointed out it looks much more inspired by Redwall and the like.

You also have to remember that there's something of a history of using animal metaphors for political and social allegories, from Aesop's Fables to Animal Farm and Watership Down.

Look I'm just saying it comes across as forced to me. I still like it aesthetically, or even in its entirety, in spite of that,



It becomes more clear when you look at the units surrounding them in their pics.

Longcoats (blue) - Mercenaries
Commonfolk (red) - Working class and immigrants
KSR (green) - State bureaucrats and lumpenproles
Civilized (yellow) - Tithe collectors and religious fanatics

I am entirely unsurprised how quick that was.


Furry communism is best communism

Daily reminder that Redwall was literally authoritarian leftism

Brian Jacques was a true comrade.

"After society industrialized and all the animals moved to the cities, few were left to work the fields. Meat became the primary food source. The problem was, only the wealthy could afford the butcher's prices and the poor could not avoid to pay to avoid being the food. So the Civilized (the clergy faction lead by Archimedes ) stepped in and implemented a lottery system to determine who would be selected as food. Over time, the Civilized grew corrupt and none of their members were ever selected in the lottery. When the son of the wealthy Capitalist Arroyo Bellafide was chosen in the lottery, he had enough of the system and joined forces with the Commoners (led by Hopper) to revolt against the Civilized. Interested in keeping the peace and the status quo, the Quartermaster and the KSR (secret police) joined forces with the Civilized to end the rebellion."

So no. None of the factions are particularly anarchist/communist.

I mean, from a purely biochemical standpoint the lore makes no sense. An ecosystem (which this basically is) can't subsist on meat as a primary food source. It will literally cannibalize itself until there's nothing left, due to metabolism. In order for it to be sustainable you need to add energy to the system (through plants). It does make for a good metaphor for a capitalism, though ("eat the rich").

*good metaphor for capitalism

sounds about right

This better be a commander

Fuck off.

It can work if we see meat as a luxury product that's highly desirable or maybe as something predators need to eat now and then to get vital minerals/vitamins, that would be the premise of my novel if I ever write it.

could have just posted this you faggot

I was thinking in more Marxist terms. According to Marx the proletariat sells their labour power to the bourgeoisie in order to subsist (their labour power being the only commodity they have to sell), which the bourgeoisie use to produce capital (which they live off). As Marx puts it, the proletariat are literally selling hours of their lives to the bourgeoisie.
The game takes this quite literally. The proletariat aren't just selling their labour power for the capitalist to live off, they are literally selling themselves as food. The Civilized represent the state, whose reforms alleviate some of the problems without actually fixing things, before their own corruption pushes the proletariat to revolt and literally eat the rich.



Oh. I meant in thermodynamic terms.


I think it's supposed to be a political allegory, not something meant to be taken as a working system within its own right.

I mean I'd be really surprised if the devs aren't furfags.


It doesn't look like furfag shit, though.

Furfaggotry has a distinct aesthetic to it that goes beyond simple use of anthropomorphic animals. Furry stuff looks vaguely like something out of an 80s or early 90s cartoon. In addition, the bodies tend to be fully humanoid (while retaining animal facial features), unlike here where they're mostly just made to stand on two feet, but are otherwise pretty animal.

As example.

First two pics: furry shit
Last three pics: Redwall

Redwall is furry. I'm sorry friendo. Everyone who loves it is a closet furry. One of us :^)