Human-Animal hybrids is the future

Why are people so afraid of Human-Pig Hybrid?

I think it is a good thing we research about it.


might have something to do with being a horrifying human animals hybrid experiments that will doom our species i guess

Because it is a gravely threat to the humanity so the humans are naturally fearful of the possible omnicide.


It's going to suck if they develop intelligence.

cowards and fish have no voice

I've watched Batman Beyond. I know where this goes.


I don't get what the big deal is. They're growing human-acceptable organs inside a pig.

I do not want to imagine that. :-|

We have a population problem that will become a global threat one day so the answer is still no.

You could start fixing this problem with eugenics.

That's a good solution, but unfortunately it is very unattractive to the brainwashed people because of the false nazi education that is drilled in their head so how do we convince them that it is good for the population control?

This is literally something straight out of Shinsekai Yori. Holy fuck.

I had nightmares about that soooky orange pointy snake nigga at the end of that episode.

How is eugenics a good thing? It is almost entirely based around spooks.

Who cares about convincing people? The easiest thing to do would be to make welfare transfer payments contingent on sterilization (as opposed to public services like schools and health care), adopt feminist policies that make it easier for working women to raise children like in Denmark, support for family planning via fertility clinics, research into gene editing of embryos, etc.

Something as simple as aborting a baby found to have Down's Syndrome is eugenics, where is the spook?

To prevent the people with the genetic disorders from passing down to their children so the children do not suffer from the genetic disorders.


Read a fucking book. Downs' is developmental, not inherited at all.

Killing/aborting all people with genetic disorders isn't going to magically solve overpopulation, though. They're a minority.
Hypertrichosis has no real disadvantages, and how are you going to inherit Progeria if most people with it die at 13?
I'll give you hemophelia and sickle-cell anemia though.

is a genetical disorder tho

Look at the picture.

Of course it will improve the humanity. It is healthy to weed the bad plants out.

I'm not the nazbol poster, I forgot that Down's is of course a bad example here. But genetic counseling is an obvious form of soft eugenics, for example - there are a lot more genetic diseases than the ones in that post.

Get the Africans and Arabs, but especially the Africans, to stop pumping out kids. Most other countries have a below-replacement birthrate. The best hope would be to try to get them to the level of development that the demographic transition can take place and birth rates stabilize at replacement level.

Sterilization-for-welfare, despite sounding cruel, would also reduce the number of lumpens breeding.

Just end the foreign aids and offer the free birth control to them so the population will go down quickly.

Something about third pic related…

Oh thank you very much for adding the stupidity to the sterilization list.


Subsistence farming in Africa demands a large family size. If they go back to pure subsistence farming they will probably have more kids per person to manage their farms, but they will live in even more poverty.

You will never see through my shtibosdig way HAHA FAG >:}

We don't have to be the polar opposite of Holla Forums, you know.

Imagine somebody is really good at math tests. They consistently score well on them. Then you take a screw driver and scramble their prefrontal cortex. Afterwards, they do very poorly on every math test you give them.

Was it bad of you to do that? Did that person lose some positive quality?

The answer, of course, is "no" and "no. You're a smart person, so you realize that "intelligence" is just a spook. The math tests were just estimates which didn't measure the individual's true mathematical competence (which doesn't exist by the way), so putting a screwdriver in their brain didn't change anything. Intelligence is not measurable, and if anybody produces an estimate of intelligence which is "useful" it's not because intelligence exists, it's because of external validation. I.Q. tests are just reactionary instruments which tell you if you're rich and white, they don't get to the fact of the matter, which is street smarts.

Africans may breed more but they also die a lot more often.

How will killing and aborting all people with genetic disorders make it impossible for them to happen?


Not true, they hunted the animals for foods, which resulted in extinction.

Wrong, no more free medical aids except the birth control mean more deaths so death rate will be higher than birth rate.

Because pigs are fucking ugly and creepy. Fucking hell, people call each other pigs as an insult. If we’re creating human-animal hybrids at least make it ascetically pleasing.

To reduce the chances of passing the genetic disorders down to the children because it will help to lessen the burdens on the society which is economically sound for the nations.

Gene Therapy is easer and more effective then eugenics. It just isn’t used because spooks.

Most cases of the genetic disorders you have mentioned aren't a result of them being passed down. Your argument would make a lot more sense if you just kept it to aborting every baby with a genetic disorder (which i have no problem with unless it's done under some pretense of "helping the human race" or whatever because that's spooky as shit).

No, they are shit and I don't want the modified humans to destroy the humanity because the humanity must be protected at all. That is our extremely important sacred duty and it must be honored.

Yea I agree every baby with the disabilties or other problems need to be aborted.

Anybody sterilizes me is getting sterilized right back. That I have no medical skill or anasthesia and only a pocketknife if their hard luck. For somebody who hates liberals so vociferously, you seem from posts like these to share their belief that people will put up with whatever bullshit the government hands them indefinitely and in whatever amounts you see fit

That or because we don't trust Our Friends The Government and Our Friends The Pharmaceutical Industry to not edit away the genes for some personality trait they didn't like (rebelliousness, scepticism, etc.), or use it to give you something that either killed you/your kids or made you/your kids irreversibly retarded if you made enough trouble for them. If genetic engineering was mandatory it'd be the perfect cover to do that.

All Holla Forums users will be turned into tsundere Spanish catgirls by 2020.

You should have been the first :^)

No puedo esperar.

Yeah, I really feel great about suffering an illness that could have been prevented.

Stop being virtue signalling liberals.

How the fuck are you going to hybridize a species with 46 chromosomes and a species with 38? You can splice genes here and there but there are shitloads of genes.

There is literally no reason not to wait until genetic engineering is possible, eugenics is a crapshoot that would end in complete disaster in any real world scenario.

I'm okay with this

Sickle cell anemia is actively a positive adaptation, protects from malaria.

Matters less than you'd think though basically means it can't reproduce. A mule is 62 chromosomes on one side and 64 on the other for 63, it works fine because of a lot of the genes still EXIST they're just arranged differently.

this isn't even a real issue

Eugenic is still practicing today so where's the disaster now? It is better than subvert the people's will to become the pigs and Jewish people's modified transhuman slaves.

Sickle-shaped cells are inflexible and short lived. It can stick to the vessel walls, which can lead to blockages that slows or stops the flow of blood. When this happens, oxygen can’t reach nearby tissues and damages the body.

But my face is a little too masculine to really look nice. I'd also rather prefer to be French if anything