What the Fuck is Egoist-Communism?


"Dr. Bones is an Egoist, Communist, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Conjurer, and Gonzo Journalist. He joins Brett on the podcast to discuss his philosophy of Egoist-Communism inspired by the works of Max Stirner.

Topics Include: Egoism, The Union of Egoists, Insurrectionary Anarchism, The G20 riots in Hamburg, critiques of Marxism and Anarcho-Communism, an open invitation for Brett to come to Florida to eat Alligator and drink copious amounts of alcohol in a graveyard, and MUCH much more."

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It's when you have gone so far into leftism that any fart is an oppression keeping the man down but you still want the horizon of communism to stop your perception from collapsing into itself.

a spook.
read Stirner's views on the Communists. While it is a state, a communion that benefits the egoist more so than Monarchy or the Constitutional State.
It's still a fixed idea that dwells in spooks. It's spook is: Humanity, The People, Man.

Read the book, although it's somewhat vague since it's explained in parts and briefly in each of these parts.

In a nutshell the union of egoists is something simple: Mutualism, Cooperation, Friendship, Camaraderie. Between individuals.

If you want a more detailed explanation: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_of_egoists

With no practical meaning, or it would be a spook. Egoism remains a fuck everything without a positive answer.

I think you may have misread Stirner.


Except Stirner LITERALLY SAYS IT IS NOT THIS in Stirner's critics

I literally did not say that my magic spell is not actually magical. Therefor I'm a real magician.

No he wasn't a Capitalist. if he isn't a Communist and that doesn't makes him a Capitalist.

He is his own. as I am my own, etc. Living for a spook is retarded to him and he makes various points on that all through his book. The causes of the Communists: the humane, man's, the people's are NOT his cause.
He made Marx butthurt for a reason, he made Marx look religious (in a sense Marx really is religious).

"“Egoism takes another way to root out the non-possessing rabble. It does not say: Wait for what the board of equity will — bestow on you in the name of the collectivity (for such bestowal took place in “States” from the most ancient times, each receiving “according to his desert,” and therefore according to the measure in which each was able to deserve it, to acquire it by service), but: Take hold, and take what you require! With this the war of all against all is declared. I alone decide what I will have…

If men reach the point of losing respect for property, every one will have property, as all slaves become free men as soon as they no longer respect the master as master. Unions will then, in this matter too, multiply the individual’s means and secure his assailed property.” - The Ego and Its Own

So… can you just not read or did you miss that part of the book? If that's not nakedly fucking communism I don't know what is.

Ok. Be disappointed but it's not. According to Stirner it's not, he doesn't considers himself a part of that collective or any generality.

You made up whatever you imagined in your mind.

If you want me to quote all against communism and capitalism straight from the book I can.

Max Stirner: "Respect no property, seize everything your require, build unions of egoists where whatever you require you take part in and, oh yeah, I also say 'not against socialists, but against sacred socialists, etc.”

Internet: "Oh gee, if only we had known what economics Stirner would have liked."

Stirner: "I literally wrote 'Free competition is not “free,” because I lack the THINGS for competition. Against my person no objection can be made, but because I have not the things my person too must step to the rear. And who has the necessary things? Perhaps that manufacturer? Why, from him I could take them away! No, the State has them as property, the manufacturer only as fief, as possession.'"

Internet: "Hmm, oh well, the world will never know…"

"People introduced competition because they saw it as well-being for all; they agreed upon it and experimented collectively with it. This thing, this isolation and separation, is itself a product of association, agreement, shared convictions, and it didn’t just isolate people, but also connected them. It was a legal status, but this law was a common tie, a social federation. In competition, people come to agreement perhaps in the way that hunters on a hunt may find it good for the hunt and for each of their respective purposes to scatter throughout the forest and hunt “in isolation.” But what is most useful is open to argument. And now, sure enough, it turns out — and, by the way, socialists weren’t the first ones to discover it — that in competition, not everyone finds his profit, his desired “private advantage,” his value, his actual interest. But this comes out only through egoistic or selfish calculations.

But meanwhile, some have prepared their own depiction of egoism and think of it as simply “isolation.” But what in the world does egoism have to do with isolation? Do I become an egoist like this, by fleeing from people? I may isolate myself or get lonely, but I’m not, for this reason, a hair more egoistic than others who remain among people and enjoy contact with them. If I isolate myself, this is because I no longer find pleasure in society, but if instead I remain among people, it is because they still offer me a lot. Remaining is no less egoistic than isolating oneself.

Of course, in competition everyone stands alone; but if competition disappeared because people see that cooperation is more useful than isolation, wouldn’t everyone still be an egoist in association and seek his own advantage? Someone will object that one seeks it at the expense of others. But one won’t seek it at the expense of others, because others no longer want to be such fools as to let anyone live at their expense.” – Stirner’s Critics

Great. Another spook to add to my collection of spooks to avoid.

omg lol so you're for real man? you're really ignoring because you like the spook. Ok dude.

Why lie through? no idea is sacred. no idea is an exception to criticism even through you might like that idea. I love the bluntness of Stirner, it's not even hard to see that he really had little if not no bias at all.
He really made a really nice book and his points are based off reality.

Nice walls of black there,. Am I supposed to read that?

If communism is "taking what you require" with the what remaining unspecified, all taking is communism.

“Abolishing competition is not equivalent to favoring the guild. The difference is this: In the guild baking, etc., is the affair of the guild-brothers; in competition, the affair of chance competitors; in the union, of those who require baked goods, and therefore my affair, yours, the affair of neither the guildic nor the concessionary baker, but the affair of the united.

If I do not trouble myself about my affair, I must be content with what it pleases others to vouchsafe me. To have bread is my affair, my wish and desire, and yet people leave that to the bakers and hope at most to obtain through their wrangling, their getting ahead of each other, their rivalry —in short, their competition — an advantage which one could not count on in the case of the guild-brothers who were lodged entirely and alone in the proprietorship of the baking franchise. — What every one requires, every one should also take a hand in procuring and producing; it is his affair, his property, not the property of the guildic or concessionary master.” – The Ego and His Own

Pretend to be retarded, it's ok. But at least grow up eventually for your own sake.
Winning or losing a internet argument really really doesn't matters. Grow up, just read the book and learn from the source itself.

And no don't make in your head the idea (or anyone else reading this comment) that if Stirner criticized Communism rightly so. It means that he prefers Capitalism, no. Not at all. He prefers 0 state, just an union with other egoists. Read the book.

I'm not pretending. Your pictures are literal barely visible green text on a black background.

it's still retarded even if you're pretending

stirner is a liberal on steroids just like all anarchofaggots
Kronstadt best day of my life

I see, I should build my own CT scanner instead of letting others vouchsafe for me next time I need a CT scan.


This is literally all I'm seing you fucking autist.

What are you, like a zubat or something? This is how you read?

How can you not read that retard.
Steal some fucking glasses you blind mong.

Isn't Dr Bones that legitimately insane person who said we should perform voodoo rituals to stop police brutality?

I'm going to throw a great-ball and capture you lil' zubat.

In the same article he also advocated buying guns and forming community defense networks, but I suppose you may have missed that.

He also wrote a guide on how to be a terrorist:


sad thing is that's still a better strategy than anything liberals have proposed.

more like over-rational, the deepest end of insanity

I'm all for more magic and guns in Anarchism.

So this guy is literally a Social Justice Necromancer?

Good reading, fresh even. Original Character, do not expropriate.

More like an Illegalist Necromancer

Oh great, it's the obnoxious unreadable blackflag poster again. First to the gulag.

Egoism is liberalism in sheeps clothes imo but its also a gateway out of politics because it teaches you to not care about these high ideals about communism etc.

Wtf I love Hobbes out of self-interest now.

Sounds good to me.

apparently an FB friend of mine started this. I think we all know who I'm talking about.


no I think you know who someone named Lucas Lin is

Dr. Bones doesn't sound asian to me…

Dr. Bones doesn't sound azn to me.

fuck, double post

he runs the Egoist-Communist page on facebook

In the podcast Bones makes the case the tendency has been around since the 1900's. One kids facebook page means literally nothing to me.


I want to get down Dr. Bones' wild ride.

Idealistic "fuck you, dad!" autism is what it is.