Steven Crowder harasses immigrants

Where's the union worker when you need him?

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So can we see the video of them actually doing that work in the sun for hours on end for the next few years for that wage? No? Okay then.


I like how they were hoping the immigrants would get mad they were there competing for their jobs and there would be a big incident but it didn't happen.

Is there anyone more pathetic than Steven Crowder? He's approaching Anthony Burch levels of sad.

Damn he is a loser. Why doesn't he just get a real job?

Yeah. let's see, a guy went to look for illegal workers with his pickup, plants a camera on the passenger seat then tells some friends to outbid everyone. i mean, is this supposed to prove something or is it just irl shitposting?


He knows cult psyhcology and basic right libertarianism and that's all you need

The funny thing is he and his ilk would be the first ones getting mad at American workers demanding higher wages.

I remember when I was on the cultural far Right in the early Obama years, back in high school. I remember Crowder posting an article on PJ Media celebrating his loss of virginity in marriage. I remember thinking, though not knowing the word and trying to resist the thought as an evangelical, that he was a cuck for treating this utterly mundane choice as if it gave him the most morally superior sex life.

I think that was the start of my path to the Left, actually, since I started to feel like being an evangelical meant being either a moral hypocrite like my dad or someone as utterly lame as Crowder (as I didn't then consider the violence and two-faced bigotry of the mainstream Right to be hypocritical for evangelicals).

wait, he wrote a whole article bragging about how he finally got laid?

Who is this guy's audience? Why is he relevant? I'm Holla Forums and I hate him for being a Neo-Con kike. Holla Forums obviously hates him as well, so who's his audience? Bible studies and Christcuck kids?

All rightists who invoke the "native wages" argument are a joke and intellectually dishonest - They would happily endorse cutting native wages through union busting or whatever. At least bring out the big fucking guns and argue that brown people are genetic inferiors instead of engaging in political correctness.

He's Jewish. He's not actually Right Wing. He's just there to get idiot Christcucks to support Israel.

no one loves Israel more than the American right wing.

The American Right Wing is NeoConservative aka Leftist.

>>>Holla Forums

Modern Holla Forums is neocon faggotry, all they do is suck Trump's dick even though he's accomplished nothing he promised he would. On Holla Forums I can have actual discussions without being immediately banned. I'll stay here.

We'll ban actual leftists but not this guy.
Good job mods.

I've never seen anyone get banned on here.

Welcome to Holla Forums.

see you say this but then whenever someone who says they're from the left uses the native wage argument you say they're actually a right-wing entryist

why is it so hard to believe people want a government that will look out for the people it governs and that elect it, and not waste its time catering to bankers, invading foreign countries, or spending its resources on non-citizens?

now, people who unironically support trump in july 2017 either don't believe in that or are actually living under a rock, but people on here just seem to think such a thing doesn't exist and the only options are either white supremacy, ancapistan, or anarcho-communism and it's pretty dumb tbh

Anyways, back to 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Steven Crowder🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. How did he get "famous" Was it entirely artificial?

He masked propaganda as comedy and it makes his audience feel good on the inside.

I just got banned recently for making an Assad joke.
I mean the ban got overturned immediately but still
Closeted polcucks like shouldn't be running around.

I agree with the native wage argument though, I don't care a whole lot about rescuing brown people by letting them move here. I think the results of the latest US election have shown how counterproductive that strategy is in the long run. A country that comes out and says that its working class must take a hit for the greater good of the Global South is one that will face a reactionary revolution in the near future.

There is no "american working class", there is only the working class. What you paint as not having an obsession with helping "brown people", I see as an obsession with helping white people, since that's what it really is, petty nationalism.

We want a nationalistic kind of socialism lol

I'm not pretending not be Holla Forums, I'm just pointing out that Holla Forums is dead and I'm going use your board for the time being.



More third-world immigration doesn't appear to be a popular position. I don't see how advocating unpopular positions is meant to garner support, unless the plan is to invoke the "false consciousness" critique and try to convince people that, say, jihadis, will quickly abandon their worldviews once capitalism is abolished and a planned economy with production for use is instated.

You fucking idiots who support bringing in people who are hostile to a Nation's natural culture and population are exactly what allows for White Nationalism to flourish. I love you guys.

anarchists aren't for planned economies; they're actually a lot like right-libertarians in that they think once we're rid of the bourgeoisie everyone's going to make perfectly sensible and generous decisions of their own free will and produce everything without needing someone to plan it

it's like the invisible hand only even less sensible

Of course, I know anarchists are retarded and have no actual worldview beyond "dude utopia lmao"

Is this what Anarchists actually believe? Because that's even dumber than just wanting to larp as Mad Max characters.

wew lad, try not to drown in your soup.

No of fucking course not.
They're just upset because I don't believe in "left wing nationalism" and things like immigrants being "hostile to a nation's culture"

Mentally damaged.

no lol everyone is going to do whatever they want. communes.

there will still be hierarchy in some places too, the game of power will never stop sadly. dumbness too imature that they want to have subordinates, like always. The only way to do it is when technology for self-sustain becomes more accessible so nobody has to ask the state for anything. There will be finally no real masters.


who are you quoting?

this can be achieved right now with anarcho-primitivism

Know who says this?
The right.
Know why they say that?
So no matter what, they look like they're winning.
They're lying though.

You are a filthy fucking opportunist if you will sell out your theory and principles for "support" from reactionaries.

They're not lying, you mong. Aside form my natural desire to preserve my own race, I'm essentially entirely leftist, I'm talking hard left. You will never convince average white people to support you while actively trying to displace and destroy their nations, you absolute fool.

There are more than just white people in the US, you know?

True but knowledge is power.

You'll have the state back in no time with that kind of thinking

this is equivalent to saying

assuming you think there's any improvement whatsoever that can and should be made to the means of production

uhuh, sure. You know what refusing immigration does? It creates pro-immigration leftists each time. By closing borders you're pushing everyone who can't get in, or who can't get their friends and family in, to the left. See, two can play such silly games.

Yes and I'm sure the person I'm talking to who explicitly says he's motivated by a desire to preserve his race cares about them.

wew lads

Now that's fucking hilarious.

only liberal hillarystans do that, not leftists.

nations aren't real and should be abolished.

I'm a member of the white working class, but I don't count I guess because I'm not a nationalist. How cute of you.

What, do you just believe the bourgeois propaganda?

If other races aren't actively trying to eradicate my own race, then I have no problem trying to help them. But when they are openly talking about replacing white people in Europe and North America, then yes, I'm going to be working against them. If you can't understand that then you're objectively autistic.

yeah but why the nationalist generalization. generalities like that are retarded.

If you're going to live under the gaze of a state if you're a worker, for you it is convenient to have an state that works for the worker, not so much the oligarchs. It's simple really otherwise why you want that shit.

not really you're generalizing. To protect a thing one must be able to defend the thing… or hide it. There are several ways to pull it off in modernity, a self sustaining commune with technology without classes but it's quite difficult. Money & skilled people is required.

no it's not.

This is the problem with the Left vs Right dynamic, it's totally false. Politics are not on a stationary pendulum.

and you don't read.
they're imaginary, see the thing about Holla Forums is that you gotta read a lot first look at all the angles if possible, then come with a conclusion. In Holla Forums you can just be an ignorant kid, most are, some grow the fuck up some become manchilds.

They're not a hivemind you fag.
You do, fag.
Existing =/= genocide.

The "left" is only useful as a tool to push communist or anarchist though.

How do you envision the world working without nations? Do you actually believe that the group dynamic which is hardwired into the human brain will just magically disappear because you tear down a few man made institutions?

lol the "humans vs orcs" socially retarded kid world view.
Grow up. I hate my past self for believing in the same bullshit you believe right now lmao.

I don't even support closed borders, I just oppose importing poverty or radical Islam, both of which are abundant in the Global South. Unless the welfare state is going to be abolished immediately, these people are overwhelmingly a negative entry on the balance sheet.

do you want to participate a worldwide revolt of the workers, as they exist in each country, against their respective manifestations of the bourgeois, or do you want the world to be taken over by the small quantity of those who are educated enough to have correct opinions on each one of the thousands of different social issues?

explain how exactly you're going to get a sahara filled with solar panels or space mining in an anarchist system without depending on sensible and generous decisions from the communes

Nations are what happens when your local community, your real fucking group, is forced to sacrifice its own well being for the national elite.

ayy lmao

Like it really is. The universe really doesn't gives a fuck about human made concepts or the imaginary.

No yours not you're clearly very indoctrinated not willing to give up the religion but some individuals do understand & see things how they really are. Not everyone is you, everyone is unique.

Global capitalism causes global poverty. The people it displaces are a natural result of the inhumane system of global exploitation. If you want to stop importing poverty and radicals, then stop supporting a system that makes that an absolute certainty.

lmaoing at anyone on an imageboard, let alone a faggot with an anarcho-nihilist fag talking about "local community"

PROTIP: The San Francisco bathhouse you frequent doesn't count as a "community", unless you're talking about the viral loads you receive

Explain these videos, nigger. The vast majority of politically active non-whites in white nations want to totally eradicate the white race. This isn't a strawman, it isn't hyperbole, it's just the reality of what they want. I'm not gonna go through and find every video of black, brown, and yellow people talking about ending the white race and out breeding white people, there are too many examples.

ok dude
your argument in response made no sense but ok

It only takes a few true believers to cause a big problem.

Well, either we can abolish it sooner, or we can try to rescue the global poor by getting them on welfare, and taking us on a 5-10 year rightist deviation as a result, at the end of which we will probably be back where we currently are. The goal should be to get rid of the system as quickly as is reasonably possible, while avoiding a major disaster. We are, after all, on the clock, due to global warming. Meanwhile, this exact scenario is playing out in the US with the retarded president actively trying to burn as much coal as he can to bring back coal jobs.

Conservative boomers


I ain't clicking that autistic shit.
Explain Marx's critique of capital.

Can you really not understand his incredibly simple point? Nations are nothing more than the natural progression of human nature, more people means bigger groups.

frankly at this point if we were to get rid of every person who costs society more resources than they produce the amount of killings we'd have to do would probably be in the double digit percentage mark of the overall human population; i don't quite like the aesthetic of that. if it's "selling out" to toss the bourgeois a few scraps after we've confiscated their shit and to appeal to their sense of goodwill towards their countrymen to suppress their defensive instinct, i'm fine with selling out

*to suppress their defensive instinct so as to avert unnecessary deaths

Judging from the content of your posts, I really don't think your concept of "local community" extends beyond empty rhetoric.

You could always feel free to prove otherwise, without resorting to hypotheticals about how you would totally be involved with your local community more if it was organised as a commune (but as it stands the less you have to deal with the redneck proles around you the better)

Real life isn't alliance vs horde. This isn't WoW.
Beliefs are your problem, stop having faith lmaoo.


Maybe it's your "nature" not mine.
See the problem. You speak for all individuals so much, projecting.

You should really read look outside that echochamber homie.

dumb as shit

Lol fag



they're really not. you with adopting that mentality are through.

But whatever. How old are you guy? If you're older than 22+ please seek help. If you're younger I understand why you're stuck with the videogame mentality, I was a retard too but luckly you learn & become wiser.
It took me 4 years.

why the fuck do you care so much about the interests of your people?
Any connection you have to other people because of race is arbitrary. You do realize that most white people would gladly throw you under the bus given the chance.

I really hope the people in this thread are just non-whites being knowingly dishonest. I'd feel really bad if any whites were genuinely this ignorant of reality.

carol a cute

Because it's a prisoner's dilemma user, and the losing position is yours i.e. "Yeah well it's okay if non-whites fuck me over, I'm the better man by not being an ethnocentrist like they are"

Leave them alone user, their university professors told them that looking out for "their" interests was racist, but when non-whites do the same they're just redressing historical discrimination

The difference is that I'm not going to be attacked on the street or have my family raped and murdered for the color of our skin if I'm living in an all white nation.


i speak the same language and read similar lists of books in school to american/british/irish/canadian/new zealander/australian porkies. as a result, i can and have engage in active, engaged conversation and create personal connections with them. yet you retards think not only that I should be so frustrated at the situation they found themselves in upon birth i should cast aside those relationships and want them dead, not just to confiscate their illegitimate property.

i'm sorry, that's just absurd.

white people spent centuries pillaging and raping one another throughout Europe what makes you think they'll stop now.

I'm not in denial, I just genuinely don't give a fuck.


Look up Intersectionality. The "disenfranchised people should rise against white supremacy" nonsense was started by a sheeboon feminist. Nigger men should have kept their women in line.

can ethnats fuck off, i'm trying to have a decent conversation here

They were pillaging for resources and various other reasons, they weren't just burning people alive, raping them, and forcing husbands to watch their wives and children be raped because they believed they were evil because of their race. Conflict is natural, and unavoidable. But to actively invite ethnic conflict, and possible eradication of your own people into your nation is insane.


Woah you got me fam, how will I ever recover?

I'm aware of intersectionality. It's what destroyed my local A.L.F. chapter and set me on the path towards race realism.


lol ok


This is such a shitty strawman. Are you just going to continue to actively deny that non-whites in white nations make quality of life for whites much much worse. Why are you okay with them acting tribally but you're not okay with whites doing the same? What's the reason for your double standard?

that's blatantly not true so yes i will deny it.

Not the guy you were talking to but I'm not okay with anyone acting tribally, so fuck off with the double standard strawman


Hahahahaah ok "orcs vs humans". you're sure wiser than anyone here.

It's good to see we agree that BlackLivesMatter is a joke, given that police shootings of black men are as statistically insignificant as terrorist attacks in Western nations

sorry for derailing this thread back at , everyone; didn't realize it would provoke ethnats to appear and take over the thread

I snorted when I laughed at that.



What argument are you trying to make? That I have a little tiny peepee and that's the reason that I don't want my family to have live in a nation with people who want them dead and believe that they're the source of everything wrong in the world?

Why not bring up more of your failures that I never mentioned and defend them?

pretending to be retarded is still retarded fam. Rofl

That your conspiracy theories and politics with a sexual origin are weird.

You also believe too strongly that everyone thinks like they're programmed, they can't defy the program. They're to you NPCs, baddies because thats how their AI was made.

lol grow up.

Because you can't make a coherent point beyond some strawman that the only reason anyone would be concerned with non-whites looking out for their own interests is out of "sexual insecurity".

Were the founders of the NAACP just sexually-insecure as well?

lmao at this faggot talking about sexual insecurity when he uses video game analogies in his posts


Is it true the chinks are outbreeding you Kiwis?

no you are the one who can't hahahahah dude just look at your argument. Say what you're saying here publicly at your highschool they're going to laugh at you for obvious reasons.

A bit racist tbh

hahahahah hey it's not my fault you see all life like you're fresh out of Holla Forums.

At this point I really don't know what to say to you. You refuse to actually look at things objectively. You don't seem to understand that just because you've given up having preference for your own people, doesn't mean that non-whites will give up their preference for their own. The argument that whites should stop being "racist" is nothing more than a tactic to disarm whites of one of the most valuable tools: community.

t. Ethnic Nationalist

I know what to say to you through…
grow up


no they were doing all that because of barbarism

Or is it the Māori?

Ethnic Nationalism is not some sort of choice, I'd love to live in a world where race was really just a visual thing, but I can't do that. People's ethinicities have deep cultural and historical meaning attached to them. Ignore race at your own risk.

Funnily enough the leader of our anti-immigrant(chink) party is half Maori

and you're the one who chooses to put value on those things. Not my fault your a spooked faggot too busy jacking up to muh ancestors to develop an actual personality.

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I love you dude you make me laugh so much!

now see this can be an entirely sensible argument if you just remove the phrases "white" and "not-whites" and reject any claim of nefarious organization on the outsider's part; it's an ML argument that the first states where the proletariat come to power should establish a dictatorship of the proletariat rather than outright communism because the finite resources of the country the proletariat took control over would not be enough to sustain the entire world so letting them go unguarded by a state would lead to ruin until the workers of more countries revolt

there, a sensible point rescued from your racist ramblings

Are non-whites spooked faggots as well, given that if the African-American turnout in 2008/20012 is anything to go by they'll just vote for the candidate that resembles them?

Once again, just because you decide to stop "believing" in race, culture, and history, does not mean black people will. You think they're ever going to stop talking about slavery, about reparations, about how the white man ruined Africa? No, they're not. Being oppressed is their golden ticket and they're going to hold onto it until the end of time. You can't have a functioning society when one large group believes another large group is the source of everything wrong in their lives, it's just not possible. Black people believe that whites are actually evil, you can't negotiate or be friends with someone who thinks you're evil, it's just not possible.

Depends on the individual. They do not think the same way.

Good finally you're listening. Are you willing to give up your religion based on video games now?


Why have Holla Forumsyps decided to shit up this board this time around? Anybody know?


drop the victim complex. Holla Forums is opposed to black nationalism just as much as we dislike white nationalism.
The main difference is we don't have nearly as many triggered black people who come here and spout bullshit.

LOL ok you stay spooked. You really think in video game ways. Again just give it time I hope you grow up I was the exact same retard.

He's chosen to look at the world as he wants to see it instead of how it actually is. He's utterly repulsed by the idea that White Nationalists could be right in any way, shape, or form, so he's engaging in double-think and cognitive dissonance in order to maintain his utopian view of human nature.

So do African-Americans, if their voter turnout is anything to go by

But m8
white people aren't even real

non white means black though, just how libs favorite buzzword "diversity" is a code word for blacks and muslims. Funny how intersectionality is nothing more than niggers being butthurt that other non-black races don't give a shit about them.

Depends on the individual.

do you really think every single black guy who voted for Obama did so only because he was Black

he really really does lol

Good for you, black people haven't.

95% from a community that shares the same general ethnic background does imply that they do

Yes whites aren't real, but Blacks are. Clearly whitey just needs to shut up and allow himself to be abolished. Solid point, will definitely convince "white" people to allow their countries to be taken away from them.

He thinks that a minority of outliers proves his point.

yeah dude it ain't because blacks never benefit at all from the republican party. it's not because they're poor or any thing else that makes way more sense. Hahahahah!


or maybe black people don't like being fucked over by big business and they fell for Obama's progressive rhetoric, the same as all the white people, hispanics, and asians who voted for him.
No, it must be because black people are a hivemind.

Why didn't Hillary get those same numbers then if black people vote out of logical non-racial reasoning like you've suggested?

How convenient
It's real easy to bitch about how they work tax free until you actually fucking do the work and get home barely able to make yourself some food let alone do your regular chores. When your arm starts burning up constantly without warning until you finally see a doctor telling you your joints shot and you risk serious injury everyday you work. I swear to God this lazy cuck has the audacity to be smug about underbidding a bunch of Mexican day laborers when he never has to so much as climb a ladder.
Why doesn't he get a real job instead of sharing his hot opinions on the internet? If I'm supposed to be pissed about Mexicans making unreadable income from hard work what am I supposed to feel about some soft faggot getting paid thousands to be unfunny on fox news?

95%. Ninety-five percent.

repeating a number again and again does nothing to prove causation.

I wonder where these amazing and non-emotional arguments are coming from

because Hilary wasn't liked actually a lot of people didn't even vote or voted for Harambe. +95% of blacks would have voted Bernie through since they're poor, thats the candidate that benefits them the most.

it's funny how you think individuals of a certain race are really programed. lmao I can't believe I was like that too at some point in my life in 2012 Holla Forums, jesus christ. The ideology taking over your brain, over reality jeez…



We've got a redditor in the house.

If it was a Trump v Bernie race Blacks would've overwhelmingly voted for Bernie you retards

nice non-source. yeah this is another thing about Holla Forums the statistics & shit. never based on anything.

also what happened you couldn't color up California? so it's just more in your spook's favor? hahahahahh anyway individuals are not hiveminds, maybe you think like that but I don't & I know a bunch of people of various different races that don't either.
If you're a drone that doesn't means everyone is one either.

shh shh he doesn't wants to leave the echochamber he isn't mature enough yet lol

Geez user, if you just wanted to ignore reality you should've started at the ~95% of blacks voting for Obama bit

ok son

hIllary isnt black though. All that picture proves is that either blacks aren't the blood sucking government welfare leeches that we though they were or that they're too stupid too know a president's platform beyond their last name.


Not him but how fucking hard is it to right click and reverse image search. Learn to do a bit of the legwork yourself user.

florida does have a lot of black people but that doesn't means shit tbh.
the argument was flawed from the start just when he started applying his video game ideology, individuals do not think for themselves ever, they always obey., they're programmed because they're born "alliance or horde".

dude is just projecting and it is hilarous.

most of those are all republican states and shillary still managed to lose them anyway.

You seem obsessed.

but he won't see that rn, he is in the echochamber.

that really is your current logic through. thats Holla Forums's spooks, who knows how you are without that through.



nu/pol/ ala Trump is as neo-con as you can get










it's the little things

You haven't got the slightest hint of self-awareness, have you?


jew nose

If you wanted educated white birthrates to go up, you'd abolish the system that renders children a burden on every front to their economic standing.

How the fuck can you have time to raise a child when you're willing to check emails during sex?

anuddah shoah was coined immediately after the end of slavery, it was always a bogus excuse for militant groups. It's nothing more than a mantra for a cult, unfortunately that cult is pervasive as fuck in America (and to a slightly lesser extent in europe).

I don't know why American whites are scared of blacks displacing them when it's been statistically proven that the black population in the US is DECREASING.

Also this is a chicken and the egg scenario, white's conceived the idea of race and had their post feudal societies predicated on the concept. Americans took it a mile further and had every aspect of life entwined with race, yet they have the temerity to turn on blacks and say "why do you care so much about race?".

y tho

Yes no white person ever has had a legitimate reason to not live around blacks, because who doesn't like jaywalking, drinking in public and blasting rap music at three in the morning except for prissy, stuck up wy peepaw

Chicken and egg, you're putting the cart before the horse.