Will he succeed in making hispanics Holla Forumstards excepted the most left-wing group in the US for generations?

Will he succeed in making hispanics Holla Forumstards excepted the most left-wing group in the US for generations?

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accelerationism is real

Are you implying mexicans browse and post on Holla Forums?

they are part of the problem



It's kind of the opposite of what Holla Forums believes. They think Hispanics coming into the United States causes the country to become less white, when in reality said immigrants become assimilated, have interracial relationships with the racial majority (Whites), thus producing off spring more white. By 2050 a "Mexican American" is going to look like pic related. As for them being majority leftists who knows.


Who said anything about Cubans? Radicalizing Mexicans is the goal here. I hope Trump really goes through with as much deportation and wall building as possible and accidentally triggers a socialist revolution south of the border


Just how many layers of pure ideology do you need to be in to think like this?

Diluting white genes with subhuman mestizo genes results in non whites. The united States will turn into another brown reggaton shithole like Colombia or Venezuela with an average Autism Level of 87.

everyone knows white-looking people won't get deported. ICE only cares about deporting Mexicans and Central Americans, they couldn't give a shit about a Brit or Frog overstaying their visa.

You mean a fascist hypernationalist revolution


I live in the South Western united and went to a school in which around almost half of the students had one "mestizo" parent, and one European-American parent, including myself. Your world view is based around paranoid bullshit off the internet, not reality.

If half of your school was mixed with mestizos it's proof that that anuddah shoah is real.

What is Holla Forums being entirely populated by non-whites proof of?

Non whites following white people everywhere we go like the retarded little step brother nobody ever wants around them.

Non whites will literally even follow us to Mars they KNOW subconsciously that they are incapable of civilization unless white people are around.

Whew, stay spooked my property.

Have people not noticed yet that socialist organizations could practically be mistaken for Aryan Brotherhood meetings compared to e.g.

I hate late stage capitalism.

Do you know anything about ancient history or prehistoric civilizations? Do you know anything about the problem of induction?

Mexicans that have light to pale white skin family members despite being brown themselves is possible, due to genetic lottery. The dark brown ones that work in construction won't look like that.

When it comes to racial demographic shifts there’s one most people don’t know about. Whites are becoming more leftist. And minorities are becoming more right-wing. This is probably due to whites becoming more poor.

I don't feel safe in this country with them here, please deport them Mr. ICE

White people adopting social democracy is only going to make them work harder to pay for Juan and Jamal's benefits. I guess they really feel that guilty.


Not always social democracy. Also shits going to get real wierd once leftist white realize that minorities are becoming right-wing.

Not all minorities, just Hispanics, right? I can't see any scenario under which blacks move to the right.

BLACK CHURCH is neoliberal and conservative to the core. It’s influence is why most blacks in the Democratic primary voted Clinton.

I mean last year 2 major republican candidates were hispanic while the democrat candidates were 2 old white people so I'm not sure why this would come as a surprise to anyone. Hell, a visit to Texas or Florida would wake up anyone to the fallacy of thinking that minorities = leftists

right but blacks aren't going to be voting for Trump, or anything. i can't see it becoming anything more than rainbow neoliberalism if the minorities shift to the right, the Republicans are too white nationalist.

cherry-picked photos aside, there is a real anti-nationalist resentment picking up in mexico proper

Also going to New England would shatter the illusion that rual whites = right-wing

The Dems are going neoliberal while the Republicans are going socdem nationalist. While this seems odd considering policy remember that reinstatement of glass-steal was part of the Republican platform. Maybe just Maybe the Republicans can become the party Lincon always wanted them to be.


I did once and it was terrible.

The republicans aren't going socdem nationalist, what is this nonsense?

Also, rural white liberals/leftists is a Northeast and North-Midwest thing in general. Doesn't happen in Middle America so much.

Their American counterparts are nazibols.

Wait and see

What’s that flag in the first picture?

United Farm Workers

all according to keikaku, we siphon the aut-right userbase with class consciousness, get them to pick up a gun, and turn America into a Nazbol state. Then we can finally remove the counter revolutionary non-whites and achieve full Communism.
