/internet turning left/


is online discourse turning to the left? With the alt right taking a hit on YT and xexisy/muke, mexie, etc taking over YT and twitter going practically full communist, is the tide starting to turn? Check out the news articles linked,

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how am I supposed to read this?

even though far leftists are a minority in america, they are higher than at any point in american history, even higher than the 1970s, and higher than the far right. Also liberals are more than conservative and the middle is getting less

But, if you see, the far right has also grown. I think this is only a sympton of polarization. People are radicalizing both right and left.

This doesn't mean shit until leftists on the internet grow the fuck up



paid with labour vouchers, its easier than explaining abolition of the commodity form in one sentence that fits on an intro graph. L2breadpill normiez

its grown less than the far left though, which is the opposite of what you think would be happening online


Its not behind a paywall for me

Facebook and twitter have tons of leftists, can't say the same for Youtube though, political youtube is full of autism though

The far right is necessarily going to grow as the far left does. Different layers of the working class draw different conclusions in periods of crisis.

So yeah, it is a "symptom of polarization" but that doesn't discount it in anyway. Polarization is a good sign by many measures.

Dude Muke and mexie get like a couple 1000 views per videos. Shit like Sargon gets way more. Once they compared I'd celebrate, but at this point all we can conclude is we're growing

why sage?
Agree, but isnt that reason to celebrate?

Nobody craves power in the communist utopia so all will be dandy. We'll stop doing what we've been doing for millions of years all of a sudden. Brilliant. Certainly the communist elite won't abuse the system and the people like the capitalist elite have done, so all will be good. Not that the former has ever happened. And tribalism will be gone too, just like that. No more people wanting to smash each others head in over their favorite cellphone brand. We'll find the perfect frequency and resonate towards the singularity. Sounds great. Why aren't we doing this again?


Sage was an accident. Mobile posting right now, still not used to smartphones.
Growth is definitely a reason for optimism but not an excuse to claim victory yet. Gotta keep the pressure on

So idpol then? God dammit.

Not necessarily. Like my gf for instance is becoming more and more anticapitalist and is vehemently anti idpol. I think that crazy sjw bullshit turns a lot of ppl off

into the trash it goes

wow Holla Forums BTFO

sjw is better than fash, at least sjws dont give a shit about economics, fash actively defends capitalism

How about an archive link.

heres some screencaps

Actually no, sjws are like the fash in terms of economics in the sense that they want to keep capitalism to maintain their own muh privilege.
Also sjws and the fash are the same in terms of economics not only in economic model (usually social democracy with some exceptions) but also their basic knowledge of economics is almost non-existent, and their reasoning behind it is so retarded and poorly thought out that it can be comparable to ancaps

No, the internet is turning liberal. The popular alternative to the alt-right is feminism, not communism.

Women mirror whatever is socially acceptable and popular. With the decay of the nuclear family in the 60s and 70s women shifted from following their husbands opinion to whoever was their new daddy. In this case the government. Now that women are not dependent on a family anymore but have the government to support them they can believe whatever bullshit they want to believe because it does not matter for their survival anymore. Hence virtue signaling and believing absolute abhorrent feel good bullshit, which ironically, overlaps a lot with what you guys here believe. Muh free shit and peaceful society. Women can only be like this because things are so good. That online growth for the left is women and their thirsty orbiters. Woman are the social animal and social media is their crack, cocaine and heroine in one. See that growth on the right? Those are able bodied men and veteran shitposters who actually are winning the online culture war in ever increasing numbers. That increase on the left you are seeing means nothing and will lead to nothing because women generally don't have a clue and take no risks. And disregard the nu-males who agree with them, it is like they don't even exist. What it does show is that women agree with alot of your bullshit. You know, the most gullible and easy to manipulate sex? I guess they must be talking to a lot of you guys because you are all such good listeners and gree on so much. Your ideas and ideals are so basic that even the majority of women can grasp and follow them.

you sound cool

That sounds more like men too

Maybe human beings go with the flow more than you'd like to admit

Did you ejaculate typing this? You'd be great writing fanfiction at archiveofourown

the online culture war will not be won by ROASTIES… our memes will blot out the sky and make the sjws run for their safe spaces. the stuff i do matters, alright mom? im securing a future for YOUR children


welp pack it up gaiz we got BTFO 10/10 well reasoned argument

the average women is much smarter than you and that's why you're a virgin. sad but the truth hurts


wtf i love the alt-right now
it's the new punk guize come on

you'd need a state to enforce a 2 child policy
otherwise some wacky religious zealots could wreck the whole society and planet by having a dozen children

I think what's considered "far left" by both the right and the so called far left itself has changed a lot over time. Today far left seems to mean "will scream loudly about racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia". There are people calling themselves far left that have no opinions at all on economic issues, except maybe supporting single payer healthcare. There are people calling themselves far left that were enthustiastic Hillary Clinton supporters.

We're fucked, guys.

they aren't really turning left, just more anti-right. Sort of a reactionary thing because people are getting more and more sick of alt-right and conservatives as they gain in popularity. Sort of how the right became more popular because of neoliberals. These people will probably just flip-flop on whatever annoys them over a period of time and change their ideals. Not everyone of course but in general and with people who aren't big into politics.

good copypasta material

That would explain all the fainting and confusion after spontaneously getting the vote.

suffergettes wouldn't have done shit without their dumb draft dodging beta orbiter cucks

When was the last time you had sex without paying for it?


Back to Something Awful. Goon scum isn't welcome here.

He's objectively, demonstrably right, though. The only part he got wrong is that as says, men are also that way.

Back to Reddit. Redditors aren't welcome here, either.

always goes back to the beta cucks huh

My research has lead me to believe that the ultimate evil is the beta cuck jewish supremacist overlord factory overseer commisar, who is probably black also

is this english

Will radical leftist become the cool kids of the week on the internet like new atheism, libertarians, and anti-sjw's where/are?

soon, friend. Soon. needs moar edge doe

Yeah, women and men have different tendencies when you look at the aggregate, so what? Woman and Man are not stark categories where everyone is the same as the other people in the box. If any of this shit is relevant it's that women tend to be more concerned with stability while men are more concerned with advancement. The reason you are seeing women more prone to going with the flow is because the flow for them is stable enough.

Even with labour vouchers you get paid relatively to your work time. Not the same for all.

The problem is shit is changing too fast that a graph like that is already irrelevant.

Were the Ashkenazis being played the whole time by superhuman Ethiopian Jews?

as a woman I have to say that this trend must be stopped.
women have really shitty opinions in general.


Yeah woman have shitty opinions, it's why I'm still a virgin

well, you get paid at the same marginal rate


kys tbh fam

that's not really a good thing you know

why not it works for Holla Forums


i weep for our ideology

Lettuce dog or whatever the fuck they call themselves is the worst example of idpol "leftism."

To be frank, it get dead-er than it already is.

Besides, memes can be propaganda in a roundabout way. They provide a jovial, well-humored facade that can cover up the real movement.

the problem with the "ideology of the moment" is that they ruin the movement and after that no one will take them serious anymore.
the right "gained" followers through edgy humor, but every joke loses the fun eventually.
you have to make people believe in what you are saying, not laughing with you comrade

you have it backwards there, ironic belief turns people onto post-ironic/actual beliefs, its worked for Holla Forums and alot of libs ironically being commie on fb memes, got breadpilled and turned into actual commies , albeit of the fb/reddit variety

I agree, but I think that you are mistaking farce and satire.
Satire is the most powerful weapon today without a doubt.

what distinguishes farce from satire? Some of the Holla Forums memes are pretty cringe

I don't think that Holla Forums knows what makes them "popular", just sayin.

ok, ill bite. If not retarded memes, what does make them popular?

I can only speculate, but I would say that was a momentum on gamergate, people started being afraid to be called a SJW, so they went to the opposite direction of that.
People are so afraid in these days of being called a SJW that even the most hardcore progressives and feminist started to use right-wing narrative (like Laci Green) to not be a punching bag of the internet (when I say internet I say the most vocal people).
this kinda remembers me when atheism was the new cool shit, and everyone would start larping in every religious person (I'm a atheist myself but that time was just larpers trying to be cool)

This doesn't mean that the tide is turning, it just means they'll keep counteracting, if you want the tide to turn back to the left, you have to cuck and let the right wing get full on facist control of the government for a decade, any fighting back will only push the growing right farther.

Student movements are a pile of impotent new left bullshit anyways. We need a workers movement. Unfortunately that's not going to happen in the west due to imperialism.

I'm not leftist but if you want to get the public on your side get workers, preferably the more working class, governments are meant to help their people, convince the people they're not being helped, ones with actual priorities and you'll get everyone on your side, the youth means jack unless it's really young, but 18-20 year olds are nothing.

t. middle school aged Holla Forumsyp

Aiming for middle schoolers to indoctrinate is better than college students.

how do you know they wont change their minds once they reach college