When did Holla Forums become so pathetic?

When did Holla Forums become so pathetic?

They summoned a demon they couldn't put down.




The day it was created.

Holla Forums pranks are like drugs to these people. Trump was the peak high, and now they are trying to chase it again. They will never get it again. They will keep doing it until they self destruct, or realize that it is a problem.


If it wasn't official that Holla Forums was the official 4chan Reddit embassy, it is now.

Stage 4 inoperable cancer

you forgot your pic

I mean, wasn't it kind of always pathetic tho?

I wonder if trolling really does have some addictive qualities. I can definitely see a case to be made for that idea

hey that's an insult to inoperable cancer

based profile pic


It's not just trolling but the teamwork that goes with it. Pranks are the opiates of the masses. These people tend to be very alienated as it is. Trying to make some difference in the world is a very liberating feeling. Like how when workers under socialism feel like what they are making has an actual purpose to them. Holla Forums just wants to feel like they make a difference in a world where the reality is that we make no difference.

i was always pretty pathetic, it hit rock bottom during gamergate and kept digging ever since.

Don't be so hard on yourself man

To this day, I still do not understand what gamergate was about. it had something to do with a journalist having sex and then it became about feminists?


fucking hell, i just noticed i forgot the "t".
it really changed the whole thing

At first people were outraged cause a woman's "game" (it was a glorified novel, not even visual) got lots of press coverage because of her connections to journalists, mostly from having sex with them. It kind of spiralled into a load of bullshit about identity politics and muh free speech.


If that faggot radical centrist didn't create Holla Forums the alt-right would have never existed

If that faggot radical centrist didn't create Holla Forums the alt-right would have never existed on 4chan
A lil fix

If it weren't for the alt-right, many people I know would've just stayed Hillarybros, now they're radicalising

I might have stayed an ancap myself.

It's thanks to the original G

I mean though, that would still be bad for us.

Why wouldn't it?


wtf im a christcom now

I never implied in my post that I would think Holla Forums would exist and in fact it would have been a good thing

The massive stormfag and gamergate thing wouldn't have been brought forth on 4chan

you sound like a real fun person

these internet nihilists are becoming like a religious cult that has no real beliefs or deep goals other than to piss off people and cause chaos. it's a mindless institution

there's definitely some overlap


really quickly too. that whole ordeal took about two minutes to become a pile of hot garbage and hatred trying to disguise itself as free speech

it was all about fabricated outrage over nonsense

they definitely have

the pretense of the movement was mass slut shaming of a dumpy looking tumblite, people who reviewed the game said it was just meh and not worth it

TBH games werent even all that pandery back when it started but now I could say it got "worse"
it's almost as if the movement had the opposite effect

as so often happens in situations like this

Would change nothing. SJW shittied vidya games because they had HR and PR roles. Look at every other place non affected by campagning autists. Shit got worse too.


Me too thank you


Go back to Holla Forums you disgusting faggot.


Once I saw Joshua Conner Moon from Kiwi Farms support the bastard, I pretty much knew that the Trump Administration was going to be a disaster.


Are you trying to make yourself look infantile?

Why don't these fucks ever understand that capitalism causes the social changes that they hate so much?

Propaganda, racial memories of the post-war era.

Trump does not represent a political movement, but a systemic collapse. A transformation of the game board in which political movements operate. You could say Holla Forumsacks are neosituationist culture jammers in a crude way of their own. The left needs to engage in full memetic warfare. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough. We need to discard any remaining respect for the liberal media and its onanistic norms. We are at war. Media should be seen as contested territory.

subvert all media for revolutionary communist ends. Subvert Holla Forums's hollow attempts as subversion, exposing them as pseudo subversion. Communism will be the household brand that stands for the negation of all other brands.

Lolbertardianism was always a meme, but that's a new excavation below the rock bottom that shouldn't be in principle feasible.

Why do they all look azn?

They're helping destroy the image of the most iconic American news megacorp. That's something we could do more with.

And why are they shaking with their left hands?