Has anyone else lost hope?

Has anyone else lost hope?

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You only did now?

Nope. I'm wildly optimistic about the prospects for revolution in the near future, and utopia on the coming horizon.

By my trap gf

If it wasn't for the imminate ecological collapse which will probably make us go extinct I would say that communism is inevitable. But yeah even if we get global socialist revolution tomorrow I have a feeling that we are still fucked.

nope, but my ideals are becoming more obscured and distant every day

Socialism is inevitable. If we do not reach it we will go extinct in which case why would you care. At least you are woke unlike 90% of people.

Rise up comrade

Read Cockshott.

That's not what "inevitable" means then.

Let me rephrase (sorry I'm drunk) -

fall of capitalism is inevitable. We can either achieve capitalism or die (in which case we do not care).

If I die at least I hope I to at least have enjoyed myself in good measure and not just spent my time doing business. I only hope that if there is actually a God he'll forgive us for our unfaithfulness.

i'm starting to think he won't win

In the left? Never had any. In the communist movement? Never lost it.


Op, read this and Nihilist Communism by M. Dupont.

Definitely read it but take a big grain of salt on the vulgar materialist determinism.


Reminder that cynicism is an integral part of late capitalist ideology. They're not even trying to sell to you that life under capitalism can be good, just that it is what it is.

Just nuke my shit up please

Is Posadism just logically consistent accelerationism?

Capitalism is the great filter.

yes, thats why i'm a posadist now

It's already hopeless. Our last chances of actually gaining a foothold for a better life for anything or anyone was blown to dust.

I hope there's no hell.

What about Baudrillardian fatal strategies?

Can't lose what I never had.

I wish I could lose all hope or be full of hope, because either way I'd stop worrying and have some peace of mind.

me. i don't see this shit happening anywhere near our lifetimes.

maybe in 500-1000 years we will achieve fully automated luxury communism but i just dont see it right now. reactionaries and imperialists and capitalism is simply too strong.

we live in a time where those who have the material conditions to be the MOST revolutionary are literally the most reactionary. its fucked. we lost and we need more time to achieve the struggle