Varg speaks about vidya gaems

thoughts ?

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Of the insane right wingers on youtube, Varg is the most interesting to me. I have this weird respect for him.

Did you really need somebody to spoon feed you these platitudes about video games?

In this video, he claims that most games you instinctively play with you children, like hide-and-seek, are atavisms from the time when we were in competition with predatory animals.

Is this true? I mean it does make sense considering most mammals play games which each other to playfully hone their skills for their environment.

moron and christan dog

He doesn't do muh right wing or left wing, he's a heathen like me. He don't care about politics like you kikes, you will never understand us.

And I'm just here to tell you,, movie related, fucking retard anglos. You say you are gommies and whatever floats the boat. To us you are just all christan scum and you don't even get it

god damnit you are gay, can't even add a movie

If people are interested, this essay actually goes in depth about the nature of games and play

Well he actually believes in what he says and is not only in it for the patreon bux.

Also you owe me money

You sage in the e-mail field and we don't post youtube videos so google can't track us.

Right winger, left winger, you are all the same πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§idiotsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§.
You say you are not christian, yet… look at your self. Fucking biggot

What did he mean by this?

I think pen and paper RPGs are better than video games, but I do enjoy playing some video games with my friends (because of my friends). RPGs on the computer are so limited and stupid.

You fucking retarded city boys, you fucking πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§christiansπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§, you say you are ((atheistsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§, but you always behave like them.

You don't know shit

Man is a part of nature
Whatever you do you do to our selves

You still don't understand do you spoiled chritians?

You are a bunch of fucking heathen phobic bastards, nothing has changed that is sure

Take your cross and stick it up where the sun never shines, we're back deal with it


Pretty sure apex predators like lions play games too, so that is (at least) not the only reason animals play games.

Yeah, that's what I'm for!

Varg should google Bookchin.

No, we play for the same reason ants and lions do, for the sake of sheer fun.

he's anti-capitalism so instantly better than 99% of his followers

He's just a dumb primmie with ethno-nationalist characteristics

He's also anti-Communist tho.

My enemas are pretty simple. I am a FFer so I want and need a deep, total cleanout. I want my ass clean for 12 hours if need be.
use a fleet enema bottle. Just my preference. I use the larger size, there is a very small fleet enema that can be used but it requires several more bottles shot up my ass. The larger size 5oz is quicker. I shoot 4 of those up my ass. I then get down on all 4's. I then drop down on my shoulders while keeping my ass high in the air and let that water run deep in my colon. Trust me, this will take practice as you will have the major urge to release it.
For the sake of keeping your bathroom floor clean, STAY NEAR YOUR TOILET! You will have a major urge to release but it will subside if you can hold it. I then stand up and shoot 4 more(another 20oz) of water up me and yes it gets really hard to hold it in but I once again get down on my shoulders, ass up and let that water run deep in my colon.
By that point I am SO FUCKING ready to release. It feels so good to plop down on the toilet and let that eruption go from my ass. I feel like it cleanses my soul!
I gently push all the water out. BUT IN NO WAY AM I FULLY CLEANED OUT YET. The worst has yet to come out and needs to be lured out. That nasty shitty water that if not cleaned out will likely come out while later getting fucked.
Inserting a dildo makes quick work of luring out all of that shitty nastiness. As deep as you can take the dildo will lure out the water faster. Any good bottom at that point should be inserting a dildo, just for hole prep for fucking. It is a good way to open up your hole anyway, to get it ready for a good hard cock pounding.
But it also serves the purpose of luring out that final shitty water. IMO I can't get that dirty water out unless I insert a dildo for a few minutes. While I insert the dildo, I hold it in and brush my teeth, shave etc and get ready for the shower. I leave the dildo in for at least 10 minutes while brushing teeth etc. I pull it out and out comes the remaining dirty water. One more quick fleet bottle to rinse and into the shower I go.
It takes me 10 minutes to enema and push it out. Another 10 minutes or so of dildoing to get the water out while prepping, shaving etc.
I can be fully enemad, showered and out the door in under an hour and be 100% confident of my hole being clean for up to 12 hours after the enema.

He is just anti-Marxist. He's pretty much simply anarcho-syndicalist. He prefers socialism to capitalism, if there were revolution in Europe tomorrow he'd organize his village to support it in one week.

Sauceplz. All I've read about him is that he's borderline anprim.

He's just a heavily folkish blackpilled Not Socialist who takes the Hitlerian ideal of "struggle" and cranks it up to Tolkien/Beowulf/Saga levels of hardship. Of course he hates Capitalism, it makes people weak.

How could any leftie have any respect for him?

Why do you enormous faggots keep posting an actual eco-fascist on a leftist board?

Massive, fertile populations of people tend to ruin the natural habitat much more than any white population. Whatever oil spill or industrial leakage you can point to is dwarfed by the absolute degradation and filth that China, India, Africa, and Latin America have put upon their envrionment.

he claims to hate socialism but thats just becaues hes politically retarded. He said he believes in 'democracy' as it existed in prechristian scandinavia. The society of which was, like many human societies through history, more or less anarchist and closer to socialism than capitalism(though itd be a mistake to try to fit them neatly into categories like this).
What he wants is anarcho-primitivism but not necessarially as primitive as other anprims.
Hes like a fash retard who went so far he went back around and started getting pulled in actually good directions.
He seems like an alright guy, and hes an interesting character to consider, but hes not worth much as a source of ideolog y.

Feces is far from the worst thing that humans put into the environment


The Great Barrier reef is a 2000 mile long corpse. If that isn't "the environment being made unlivable" then I don't know what is.
and the "live with less" part means an end to consumer and profit driven bullshit, not "we all have to go back to the 19th century"

Someone seems rustled.

I'm just going to use this thread to plug this

You might remember this from Crowbcat's video about skins in CS:GO and TF2

I was genuinely left-leaning but something about that speech really hit me deep down, I thought about life for some time after listening to that

It's interesting to note that this guy is some evangelical christian, not a normal lefty. Looking at history, it seems like a lot of the appeal of Christianity and Islam was the message of charity, which made it popular among the urban poor before it was wholly appropriated by the dominant power structures of the time (which I suppose led to its widespread dissemination).

Games are for fucking manchildren. If you're playing games past the age of 18 you're developmentally stunted and probably a fascist. If I had my way the state would ban all games except for a small number of explicitly pro-communist and intentionally boring educational games. Excessive spikes of euphoria are damaging to brain development.

So fucking what?
I can't afford to travel to see the Great Barrier Reef. It has nothing to do with my life.

Oh yeah that's a cool story, I think I remember hearing it in one of the Zeitgeist movies. It's a kind of spiritual argument about the distribution of wealth but its still a very valid critique of the end goals of capitalism.

Once we die, even if we are buried in a massive fuckoff statue of ourselves that breathes fire and shouts "remember me;" we're still humans in the end.

You forgot your shitposting flag idiot.

fishing large amounts of people depend on fish from coral reefs as part of their diet, the coral reefs go the fish too

Varg seriously needs to take the ancom/anprim pill