Hey. Does anyone play POWER? It's a political simulator for the US where you can join or create a party, then take a seat and vote for legislation. I am a representative for the Democratic Peoples Union. We are a coalition of leftists in oppressive.games
Hey. Does anyone play POWER? It's a political simulator for the US where you can join or create a party...
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do a better job at it then. it's as bad as the nationstates community.
Not even once.
I'd love to hear your alternative.
stop shilling this
Athenian democracy. A "democracy" where the voters have zero power but only elect their dictators is a perversion of the original idea.
They autistically made a role in their discord for the "KGB" and they lost so must national support.
It's a game. You don't actually have to believe in representative democracy. We don't even have representative democracy within the party. We are decentralized. You have agency in the party regardless of how new you are.
Benevolent dictatorship.
Democracy is fundamentally flawed because humans are complete imbeciles.
I joined this game from here and it's really fun. The party is surging! Get in on the ground floor and join the nonsectarian Democratic People's Union.
I agree but only if i'm the one in charge, i wouldn't trust anyone else.
I joined and it isn't so bad. Something to do with your time on the side.
Honestly, no. Rumsod is a gigantic faggot who threw a tantrum and abandoned his last game twice, then tried to make it return with pay to win features. He can fuck off, there is no way I'm investing my time in a thing he'll just abandon.
I fucking hate Toy Story Guthrie
Daily Reminder that the DPU is controlled opposition funded by Republicans to create chaos amongst the left in Power. Join the Democrats!
Oh shit it's the BLOC guy. What a shitshow that was.
I played for a while back when the NDA was still a thing though it wasn't really neoliberal, it was pretty much full leftist at least on the Discord
When the game wipe happened I just didn't bother remaking my account especially after I saw that Rumsod had forced parties rather than allowing the custom parties so now we were the democratic party
Daily reminder to join the ASC, join our discord and we'll help you get started. discord.gg
This. The Syndicalists started the revolt against the neolib democrats.Which is to say, they hate us and the DPU are trying to take credit for it.
We've got more style and grace than the DPU anyway.
You guys won't establish any change if you're too busy arguing about which brand of radically anti-establishment left-wing thought to enact
You know until IF Stone decided to become a dick to anyone that's not M-L and got kicked out of the ASC we were pretty good at mantaining left unity.
Reminder that the ASC is just a bunch of "turd positionist" spooked nationalists and not actual socialists. And they just put dark green over everything syndicalist because they're unoriginal as fuck.
The DPU planned to break away from the Dems as soon as Power 3 started. Where were you when we broke away? In the Dems trying to enact a coup. You had an opportunity to join the DPU and create a joint alliance through the same party. We would have respected you more than the NDA did. We have this lame NAP instead. It's all just pride because you wanted to retain the name.
Blatant revisionism.
The ASC exists since day 1 of POWER 2 (in fact it was formed in the limbo period between POWER 1&2), we have done way more for the working class agenda than the DPU ever has, simply by the virtue of being several months older than the blimp on the radar that the DPU is by comparison. It's true that we worked as a powerful entity within the NDA/Democrats, because at the time we could fully control it, as the ASC held numerous high positions in the party structure. Of yourse that changed with the FDR Purges(tm) so we have most vigorously condemned their vry away from working class rights into neoliberal territory and split, as a fabianist approach was essentially cut off. The only reason the DPU split early is because of a certain newcomer chairman that wanted to control his own party without any concern for the broader radleft.
Literally a Democratic Party-tier argument. You're lucky the organizers of the DPU are committed to the NAP, and that I'll respect their advice.
I know you're older, but the point is this. You wasted your time trying to coup the democrats rather than building up your own party or brokering a deal with us for left-unity.
You really don't know our party's political structure at all. Who do you think is in charge?
Literally never happened. ASC recuitment has always been rather piecemeal after operation Leftypol I. (April) and Letypol II. (May) when we got enough members to be able to function properly.
I can't defend this sadly, even though the leadership frowns on it, alting has become such a permanent feature of POWER (thanks Rumsod and POWER 2 LP&GOP) it's hard to get rid of it.
You have yet to explain how the ASC ever went against the interest of the workers.
Ah yes the good old "Your good work is useless because the movement isn't ideologically pure enough". GJ mr. ""non-sectarian""
The alting isn't common in the DPU. Last time Rumsod purged ASC lost 6 or 7 members. DPU lost zero.
You're recruiting on 4chan but still no luck.
When I say you pretend to be left wing it's because a lot of your members are racists. That's idpol, not left wing at all.
I'm not saying your work is useless, I'm saying that you pretending to be worth anything because you've been around longer is silly and bankrupt. Accusing DPU of being sectarian is silly. If you really wanted left unity you'd join DPU. Hell, you could have an ASC caucus, as long as you respect the democratic nature of our party.
Ah yes the totally non-elitist, non-sectarian characteristics of the DPU laid bare before our eyes yet again.
Uberak is an independent shitposter-friend not formally affiliated with the ASC (he runs his own party known as the Farmer-Labour Congress of Citizen's Leagues - FLCCL), that hangs around our server, since we're not ideologically spooked assholes and can engage with other people.
So that we come under the loving grip of "friendly volunteer" "primus inter pares" "first servant of the party&people" (literally stalinist propaganda btw - same trick aint gonna work twice) I.F. Stone. Tough luck bobby, we Syndicalists like our independence.
Don't let the GOP & Dems tear apart the good friendship of DPU and the ASC! We're friends!
GOP&Dems have nothing to do with it. It's just I.F Stone who seems to reckon himself the heir to Marx despite not being party leader of the DPU.
Literally what is he doing that makes you people so angry?