TFW just now learning about the extent of American involvement in coups, wars...

Do people just not know about all this? Do they not care? Should I read right wing books to get a more fair perspective? Damn the fourth feels so tainted this year

For reference, I listened to the audiobooks of dirty wars, a people's history of the USA, the shock doctrine, black against empire

You've just found out about this now? Is the average american really this ignorant about their own country?

Good, good, let the hatred flow through you. Each and every death of an AmeriKKKan is a victory for the working class.

if you're american they don't teach you this shit in school. And when they do its always framed as a humanitarian intervention i.e. the Vietnam war was about spreading democracy and the marshall plan was 100% benevolent and not just an excuse to repress communism in western Europe.
Should I read right wing books to get a more fair perspective?
There are almost no good right wing arguments in favor of US coups, they always have to be dishonest with the facts.

I was only aware of Vietnam and the Iraq war. And Afghanistan, but I considered that as justified and good

How so?

oh man wait until you hear about bananaland.
Imagine staging a fake invasion to overthrow a country and plunge it into a long and bloody civil war just to make bananas cheap.


Remember, the founder of the CIA said their job would be complete when everything the American public knew was false. Americans are raised on high ideals under a blanket of deception for how the country actually works.

To kill Osama's gang

I know about banana land, fucking insane
I also now about

Any I'm missing?

TL;DR version for those of you who prefer your history to-go

probably, there's so many, it's hard to bother remembering them all at this point. The key thing to take away, is that Burgerland isn't the "Beacon of Life & Liberty" that we pretend we are.

They're too busy fighting the fasc and burning rebel/nazi flags. Who cares about the evils of the modern empires when that will require work, rejection, and possibly your life. Better just #punchanazi to do your virtue signalling.

wait til tfw you truth and justice is bullshit and that no one really cares.

America has done a lot of shitty things and there are usually no good guys in wars, but this chart is so one-sided and distorting of facts it's practically offensive. It's like something a Holla Forumstard would create.

Only peer reviewed grainy JPGs on this imageboard, friendo.

that's how it goes when you are a global imperial superpower.

Nicaragua fam. Google Iran Contra Affair. You are actually missing shittonnes. Go on youtube and watch Parenti

The Suharto regime is also a big one



Alright I'll bite; which parts are one-sided? Which of the wars involved is there a justification for, aside from "muh evil commies gettin to vote" and Pax Americana?

As a burger, yes. Go watch Forest Gump. That's what we think America was like.

I don't even know where to begin with this knowledge. Ever since that Harold Pinter speech I saw years ago I just get bummed the fuck out when I think about my country.
And I still have to go find a good job and be a happy consumer like none of this has ever happened god bless america.

Do you guys think that the revolution must happen in America first to avoid coups, interventions, embargoes, etc?

Impossible. The revolution has to happen in every other country in the world and then they all band together to fight the final boss that is america.

If this starts in the US, China will swiftly become the pre-eminent world power and will act to put down a leftist uprising in order to prevent one by its own people.

You realize the bourgeoisie establishment wants it that way right?

Look up Indonesia and suharto
Your blood will boil
Also look up Pol Pots funding and support from the CIA

American here. It's even worse than you think. More than half of us think food that contains DNA should be labeled.

Private control over genetics is bad and you should feel bad for even looking like you support it.

throughout my entire childhood my entire generation was told that killing Sadam was a-ok, and that the only issue was that we stuck around to try to pick up the pieces of the mess we made


Thanks, I swear this rabbit hole never ends

How much time would it take to read all this? Possibly related question, does anyone have some short stuff I could read to get a good handle on U.S. atrocities?

OP did you know the CIA is the largest terrorist organisation in the world as well as the largest drug cartel, profiting obscenely from the deaths and de.generacy of millions?

I used to hate burgers but that was young me being dumb and hating the symptom and not the cause. I've tried to really redpill burgers for years and years but 9/10 are so profoundly brainwashed that its just an exercise in masochism. And the one you do convince ends up a socdem, FML.

The fact that most americans don't realize they're fucking loathed around the world and they think they're the hottest shit still makes my blood boil though.

Visiting america is like being in the zombie apocalypse. The degree of ignorance is truly remarkable considering there's tons of documentaries and movies and books critiquing the whole thing if not utterly anti-american.

b-but I always thought banana republic was a nice store!

There are rarely any justifications for wars, that doesn't mean you should spout incredibly simplistic or just fictional reasons for why the wars happened so that you can paint America as the super evil badguy oppressing all the poor nationstates, empires, and dictatorships they fight with, or pretending that the Taliban and Ba'ath Party loyalists are just brave freedom fighters.

Lmfao you have no idea. The average american thinks every war the US has been in was self defense and youre lucky if you find someone who thinks Vietnam was even a stalemate

you mean the same gang the taliban were willing to give up without a shot being fired?

Regardless of what everyone else is implying, no, many Americans are not that ignorant. Literally the only group that seriously believes every war was justified and don't have a clue about any of the shady shit are literal Republicans and Evangelicals, and not always even then. Implying that most Americans are like that is just dishonest.

The average American isn't a deep south Republican. I know this and I live in the fucking South.

Personally, I was taught all about this shit in my AP History class a few years ago. I don't know how anyone who paid the slightest bit of attention could come out of that class as conservative.

And I live in Northern California and agree with
They just don't go on about it and then try to lecture you because they think you're dumb when you state something contrary to "accepted facts". Idpol neoliberals truly are the most reactionary. Don't ever try to convert them to leftism, it's an exercise in futility. And then they say that they're "woke". KILL ME NOW.

It somehow doesn't go through most peoples' heads. They just memorize the facts and put them down on the AP test. The content doesn't matter, getting that 5 does. They're productivist computers 90% of the time who are as dumb as nails when you actually get to know them because their interests are all ultra-spectacular attempts to escape work, not that I blame them after being through the same routine all the way through grade school and college and work. The word "jouissance" comes to mind. They're stunned animals who just want it all to end quickly and don't even realize that they are this because the condition is so universal that they think they enjoy it when they know it's all wrong deep down.
Sometimes I wonder, do they all realize this and something else that I don't? Am I not getting something? Why don't they think outside of this paradigm? These are educated people! What are they doing to themselves? Have they lost their minds? Have I lost mine?

its missing some stuff, how about the war in panama, invasion of grenada, the yugoslav wars?

Can someone maybe compile a list with short descriptions of the events/conflict/operations?

I think just as important is how many wars the US has gotten involved in on utterly false pretenses. USS Maine, Gulf of Tonkin, WMDs, etc.

And the latest one is phony government gas attacks in Syria. They've tried that one twice now!

Most of what you're reading is propaganda and anti-America porn. Not that America is clean, but you should learn history from better sources.

The United States hasn't officially declared war since World War II. The executive branch has effectively usurped the accountability of 535 elected delegates to make that decision themselves as their responsibility is outlined in the constitution.

This kind of shit is just American exceptionalism in reverse. You kids should read about British and European colonial atrocities next.

Well why the fuck not? Seems to work better than "oh we are so bad and evil and a big mean bully our shitty country should just die and we should stop procreating but it will work out." :🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 That's ultimately why the left always loses, because people don't want to feel like losers.

What were you expecting?


This is itself a hilariously dishonest statement, a sweeping generalisation with absolutely no proof presented that it's true.

One of the few sensible posts ITT.

We should really remove the flags from this shitty board


.50 Big Macs have been deposited to your food bowl, fellow patriot.

Start in Mexico, work your way down through EVERY COUNTRY, doesn't matter what route you take. Just have a little google for each one, a little read. You will that you can walk from Mexico to Chile without having left a country whose government was overthrown or as good as by the CIA.

Including Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, I'm sure if you wanted to walk further into South America you also could.

read pic related

The venn diagram of the people you are describing and the people who would publicly condemn US imperialism is very close to being a circle

Oh boy, wait until you learn the role of ( ( ( certain group ) ) ) in these wars.

We were taught about a lot of the fucked up shit America did/does, but my my teacher was a neocon asshole who would vehemently defend all cold war intervention as necessary to fight commies who were trying to take over the world, and said that Iraq was justified because even though there weren't any WMDs, Saddam was evil and needed to go.

He also said that us taking Native American land was okay because they weren't doing anything productive with it, while we established a country.

Basically, any kid in that class that was paying attention and didn't have prior knowledge and the ability to see through his bullshit would have thought that all U.S. wars were justified.

From a young age a lot of Americans are taught that all wars are fought to "protect our freedom", and if you question that you are disrespecting those that died for your freedom.

You were, are and forever will be bluepilled, Holla Forums.

Never change, lemming.

Wow they happen to be Jewish? Tell me more about how Jewish people are actually shape shifting reptilians that control the earth.
It's all the fucking same shit with Holla Forumsyps. Jews voted for Trump, Trump is Jewish, you're a Jew, he's a Jew, she's a Jew.
As for that second meme it's neoiberalism incarnate.

They're also responsible for the global heroin trade being restarted after heroin addiction was nearly abolished following world war 2. Book related.

Watch the films of John Pilger OP, they're all about this stuff and Pilger is /ourguy/ as fuck


This is why leftism is dying FAST, you can deny and deny the truth for so long.

thats an interesting question.

America is victim of its own access.
every large country did/does horrible things for strategic reasons.

UK, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia,….
all have blood on their hands.

morality doesn't really matter when it comes to geo-politics.

i don't hate the player tho, i hate the game.
in order to get pas the bloodshed we must get past the spook. realize that we're not much different from some bum living half way across the globe.

Being a Burger is suffering, fam.
Blease let me immigrate to Brit Bong wonderland where I get free health care and crumpets.

But I guess you wouldn't be a Holla Forumsyp, if you had that much mental capacity.

Defenders of US imperialism will say that the US was fighting the Cold War and had to do bad stuff because the other side was worse. If they didn't act to make sure other countries were aligned with the US, those countries would have fallen into the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union who would have become so powerful and taken over the world.

Not sure how neocon shills can excuse anything since the collapse of the Soviet Union though.

tfw when iktf

Being critical of obvious tankie apologia as well as imperialism isn't liberal, dipshit

This is why the masses turned their backs on fascism forever, you can deny and deny the truth for so long

said nobody ever you dumb strawmanning cunt

Americans fleeing from tyranny to more free lands, you say?

What in the actual fuck?