How accurate is this?

How accurate is this?

Not at all. Stop posting this.

I'm not a rich suburban kid so I'm not really worried.

Jokes on you I'm actually commissar Jamal

Communism is the use of resources to create items and goods which are used by the people for their everyday needs. While special resources are used to further living conditions for everyone. Not redistribution of money. Under communism, there wouldn't be any money.

The image in OP is talking about socialism. None of you what you said addresses the concerns in OP.



This shit has been refuted so many times, someone should do a comprehensive one and just cap it.

Reminder that half the people that have a le ebin btfo of garl margs says this.
Wealth redistribution is social democracy.
Hipsters are petit bourgeoisie at best, and their fate is decided with how they respond to the revolution.
Lumpenproletariat were regarded by Marx as having no revolutionary potential, but this has been proven wrong. They are not the bulk of the forces either way.
The vanguard generally ends up turning on itself
This is retarded.
This purging of the petit bourgeoisie did categorically not happen as Lenin was part of this class.
This is an incredibly bizarre version of what happened in the USSR. There was situations with families sharing recently built housing but that was because there wasn't enough housing to begin with. Currently there are far more unoccupied properties than homeless people.
Except for the physical assets, the means of production. The money is worthless after the revolution.
More meme tier strawmanned shit based on money being what is seized.
This isn't actually what happened since Russia always had famines. There is enough land and unemployed people to farm the land. It's imported because it's cheaper than producing in the USA.
Bizarro 1917 written by an American pretending to be a Soviet ex-pat.

more like "I Watched Doctor Zhiavago" than "I have any idea what I'm talking about". It's true though poor people want to kill you if you own a library card.


I agree,

effectively just said 'Stop posting, I don't like it.'
and the other responses are somewhat uncaring.
Oh and

thinks people would immediately accept 'no money' without anything to replace it.
It doesn't matter what 'Ideas of Communist America 50 years from now' would possibly be like, a lot of people would prefer to go back to the old system unless you can make the transition painless, ie personally foot the 'bill' for their comfort for an undetermined amount of time.

I said stop posting this because it literally gets reposted twice a week in this fashion and it gets refuted every single time.


you realize that doesnt actually refute anything in the OP besides that you dont personally fall into the hipster group. right?

"lol" and "no" arent arguments or refutations.

the closest thing you come to any kind of argument is about the rich and their money. thinking that most manufacturing industires can survive without imports, which would require money.

even the points you correct him on dont refute the point. for example pointing out that it's social democracy doesnt help the argument since those things arent mutually exclusive.

did you even try?


That shit is old af it was on 2012 Holla Forums. I was a nazi then. It's full of spooks and lies.

He didn't explain anything about how the USSR was. He just said what he assumes would happen with USA if it became Soviet. Not even Communist, but Soviet.

Made everything us. Like Holla Forums makes up or takes statistics with no source or "" as source instead of the fbi, police data, etc. They present the spook as fact, always. Back then I never even thought of questioning it like a retard and a retard I was like them.


more like "here is my made up bullshit because I'm lying"

Social democracy is capitalist.

I say lol because I already made a refutation because it can be applied to another segment.

Communism=/= everything the USSR did.

Someone posts this picture every single week and we refute it every time. We're tired of the same bullshit circulating.

For future use should Holla Forums continue to do this stupid shit.

That's clearly not Holla Forums, looks like Holla Forums.

Good effort though, brainlet.


Something like 0%.

He doesn't know what "proletariat" means in any context that relates to Marx, protip it designates a role in the productive process and not the bottom layers of a metric of socioeconomic standing defined by income, education, culture, geography, race, or whatever; he makes a number of dumb fallacies ("my dad worked for the intelligence service in country so I know Marx" does the fact that my dad is a cop or my mom works for the government make me an expert on Locke and Montesquieu?); he greatly misunderstands what Socialism even is and assumes it's just distributing a lot of wealth around (which is hilarious because this is supposedly a former USSR citizen describing Socialism, and literally any textbook of political economy from the Soviet Union would do away with this interpretation of Socialism in its first chapters and the Bolsheviks argued vehemently against this idea) and doing away with the notion of personal property; apparently is unaware that the Russian revolution lead to the creation of more capitalist institutions that had previously existed and that during 1917 (which is the period he claims to be describing) Lenin was experimenting with mixed ownership of factories and productive units and defending the idea of state capitalism (rather than telling their equivalent of black people to grab whatever they want) and his overall understanding of economics, even capitalist economics (whose mechanics he assumes will remain somehow functional during a revolutionary transition to socialism) is high school-tier. although "dude inflation and capital flight lmao" is exactly the level of discourse I'd expect from someone who knows so little about Marx tbh.

This is from 2012 apparently, so I'm going to take a guess and say all of this dude's other posts during that time were about how Ron Paul was cheated out of the presidency.

To an extent it's true. For example, I don't think you can really be called a communist if you're middle class. Because you've directly profited from the exploitation of workers. Your whole lifestyle is antithetical to communism.


If you own a business and you've hired workers, chances are you've maximized your profits by paying them less than what their labor is worth.

The income bracket-based terminology is idiotic, both small business owner and a programmers(even code monkeys) can be considered middle class.

Oh you mean middle class as in bourgeoisie? Middle class usually refers to the income bracket, not someone's relationship to the means of production.

Yes, essentially.

You could as easily pretend first-world workers can't be communists because they profited from the exploitation of third-world workers. Just because you happen to be a part of the less unfortunate segment of the proletariat doesn't mean you don't share common class interests with other wage-slaves — claiming otherwise would be buying into the narrative of generalized competition pushed by the bourgeoisie.

Except bourgeois are literally the slave owners in this case. Besides, it's not as if American workers have stood to gain that much from third world outsourcing. Many have lost their jobs from it.

Everyone in Russia hates Communi-

American here, I was born in the USA, my Grandpa was on the House UnAmerican Activities Committee and my dad was a CIA advisor.

I have a message for you capitards. The capitalism you have been told to believe in will never happen.

I will tell you what will happen if a capitalist revolution aka wealth accumulation will occur.

Who do you think this white race and oppressed people are? You? No. You hipster cunts are the the harmful bourgiouse element. The true ones are the rednecks, white trash and hood rats. You hipsters may lead the revolution at the initial stage, but they will be revolutionaries and they will hate you with the strongest class hate with all your fancy youtube education and your muh iphones. Southern rednecks such as the Young Patriots in Fred Hampton's Rainbow Coalition are more likely to form a common bond with the ghetto gangs then with "race realists". It has been proven many times in many lands where capitalism was forced, that when class warfare begins, the races and nations forget the hate and unite against the owning class.

So that's whats gonna happen. Someone will knock at the door of your nice house in your nice middle class gated community. When you will open the door and you will find Obergruppenfuhrer Gunner and Obergruppenfuhrer Cletus, who tell you that your big house was bought with Jewish debt tricks and two polish families of refugees from the anuddah shoah are moving in with you. You will be allowed to have 1 room, 1 bed and necessary personal items. Everything else in the house will become the property of Obergruppenfuhrers Gunner and Cletus.

The jews whose money you were about to redistribute left the country and suddenly you realise that they and their money in their Swiss bank accounts are unreachable (this actually happened in the third reich lol) and theres nothing to redistribute. The corporations go bankrupt collapsing the DOW index, which the MEFO BILLS just a fancy bearer bond worth nothing. Then you realise the US was importing food, because there was enough to support 321.5 million people because all the water and land is used to make burgers and coca cola, importing by paying with MEFO BILLS which are now worth nothing. And then there's hunder. And to repress the hungry angry mob, who doesn't give a fuck about muh fun and muh austrian economics and just wants to make everything like it was before, Red Terror starts, with new Cheka and new purges. Eventually commisar Gunner will take you up in a heliocopter and drop you out of it for being a fat virgin neckbeard who lives off tendies in his mothers basement and is a disgrace to the white race. You will whimper and cry "but what about muh free speech" and he will whisper "deus vult" as you fall screaming to your death on top of a Mcdonalds (your family will then become indentured servants to Mcdonalds in order to pay for scraping your corpse of the roof)

Welcome to 2027

My dad once told me to watch Doctor Zhivago to see why the USSR was evil

what was evil in dr. zhivago? maybe most of the people rooted for the wrong side?