Why did anonymous imageboards drift away from a culture of original, free to access content?
They all still rely on constant, anonymous contributions, but increasingly they are morphing into a cesspool of endlessly repeated memes.
You obviously still have collective projects, like the internet browser being developed by cancerchan /g/ but they are increasingly becoming rarer. I consider this content to also be those threads where the op is doing some hilarious/insane/gruesome shit. Even that kind of thing is becoming much rarer
Pic related btw, what most consider the best western produced hentai/dating visual novel,created and distributed by anonymous contributors free of charge
I don't know of any project of that scale and potential quality being worked on now
Bentley Davis
happens to every subculture
Xavier Peterson
I am aware this has been discussed to death elsewhere, I'd just like to hear your thoughts
Personally, my contributions have only been creating webms and editing memes. I also staged a fight between a cat a wild raccoon for Holla Forums when I was a teenager. And a few more less edgy things like greentext stories
Jace Jackson
Now that's a game I've not seen in a long time. A long time.
Noah Powell
no one cares anymore. truthfully. imageboards are just one of hundreds of thousands of retarded online timewasters and there is nothing unique or interesting about them
Anthony Adams
IMO, it began with Chanology. Chanology attracted glory seeking children and people who had no idea how to create content themselves, but were more than happy to beg for it. However, things were not in true decline until around late 2010/early 2011. By then, 4chan had basically become a household name and had lost a great deal of its edge. It was still a unique site, however, unlike now. The Zimmerman Trial worked to bring hordes of butthurt ledditors into Holla Forums, and after Holla Forums flew too close to the sun with certain raids, moot started to crack down on it until it became a hub for normalfags from social media to post Facebook and Twitter maymays.
I'd say somewhere around 2013-2015 was when the site died for good, because the entire unique culture that 4chan had was gone, people openly defended and crossposted to Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook and other sites, and moot had started to take actions that pointed towards the site being declawed and detoothed for sale. I got banned from a couple boards (Holla Forums was one of them if i remember right) for racism for saying "u serious nigga??" around that time too. It was also around that time that even greentext stories were stolen from Reddit and 4chan had stopped becoming a creator of OC, but rather more of an anonymous leddit board.
Gookmoot knows exactly how to play the horde of shit for brains redditfags he has inherited. When he first came in, one of the first things he did was lie about how unstable the site was and that how boards had to be deleted unless people surrendered their cash and personal info with 4chan passes.
And here's your daily reminder of what Holla Forums could have been had Hotwheels not been a fag and the site not been sabotaged several times.
Isaac Adams
best girl
Elijah Evans
As with most subcultures. Normie outsiders stared flocking to it as it built up notoriety and publicity, eventually replacing the original users and changing the culture for the worse (see: 4chans Holla Forums, /d/, Holla Forums and Holla Forums for just a few examples of this).
Additionally, external forces (in this case Stormfront) also infiltrate the sub-culture in-order to gain control/recruit people for their own ends. This is why the rather edgy, solipsistic, nihilism of image-board culture was eventually replaced with Holla Forums shittery.
I still remember going into a two week long depressive period after finishing Shizunes route. It was fucking scary the effect that had on me.
Pretty much this. As funny as the news reports were, all of the publicity killed 4chan in the long run. This is why barriers to entry and obscurity are so important, it keeps the normies out.
Wrong. Shizune a perfect.
Lincoln Long
Why do you make this thread every week?
Nathan Anderson
In part because of asshurt dimwits that go blind with rage whenever someone does something and claims credit for it, reminding them of how much they themselves are useless failures.
William Williams
Seeing my homeboard was raped to death by the incompetence of jewt and the moderation in general, I can say the problem of community dying say at least partially caused by the incompetence and detachment of the moderation who maintained hardly any link with the userbase, thus either letting the board burn or overmoderating it, either way turning it to shit. It's partially a problem with Holla Forums too, at least in case of Che and his retarded practices
Gavin Flores
Newfags brought with them their consumerist culture that largely poisons all popular subcultures. The do it yourself ethos that permeated early nerd culture dies when you have people ready and eager to supply cheaply made consumable bullshit for dumbs to buy. Modern meme culture is cancer, because it emphasizes low effort Cookie cutter "feels" over thinking and innovation. Since it's about farming likes or upvotes or whatever rather than fostering a sense of community.
"Board culture" is to blame in part too, because it's suffused with that same trite consumerist bullshit. Thinking and innovation are replaced with rote answers and constant repetitions of established forms. Image boards are no longer for discussions or sharing information or ideas, but harvesting (you)s. You don't have to have any knowledge or be able to explain and defend your position any more, just say "try and deny that X isn't shit spoiler you can't!" and watch the memes roll in. It's the same three threads over and over and over again, but hey, that's just board culture for you!
In my opinions it's one of the sharpest delineators between /lefty/ and regular Holla Forums. Sometimes you'll see these brain dead faggots stumbling in here and vomit up something about how the left "can't meme." "No one gets this." "They're too hard to understand." Etc. This should be an immediate read flag to anyone that isn't a new piece of shit normalfag. Part of what made 4chan memes so seductive was that they were a barrier to entry. They were completely esoteric if you weren't immersed in nerd/internet culture. Holla Forums shit is normie slop belched out for any stupid idiot to consume and consume and consume. If you stumble across a leftymeme page and you aren't familiar with philosophy or the intricacies of 20th century left politics then all the jokes and shit are going to be lost on you. To dimwit Holla Forums shits these are bad memes because you can't immediately see a funny picture of meme mustache man or funny frog guy and have your giggle at da juice. What actually happens is that people want to be in on the joke, and have to ask questions and get educated.
Holla Forums is starting to suffer the same fate as the above though. The production of actually original content that isn't a remixed pol or facebook meme has fallen off spectacularly in the past year or so. Despite the success we've been experiencing, unless we get out at the forefront of "meme technology" rather than reactive co-opting of pre existing memes we're going to just wither on the vine.
Kevin Fisher
Wow, I've never seen a thread about this before!
Xavier Peterson
You could say "NORMIES REEEEEE" but really there's nothing wrong with people coming here from reddit and the like, it's the fact that they mistake edgy Holla Forums racism for actual chan culture. It also has to do with the aging of the prototypical channer; a couple of years ago the chans were mostly made up of teens but now many of those teens have grown up, are failing in life, and have become more bitter as a result (perfect examples of this: /r9k/ and wizchan).
Luis Kelly
It was always garbage it's just racist garbage now.
Gabriel Brooks
The same reason anything does. It becomes popular and the original, autistic, dedicated fans become the minority while the community is diluted with outsiders who don't really give a shit. Hell, this has been going on since the inception of the internet, google "endless summer usenet".
Charles Rodriguez
contribootin "fresh" OC
Ethan Stewart
I'm making a total conversion mod of GTA V.
So far I have put in over two months of work into it. I do it in my own free time.
It will always remain free of charge, no donations accepted.
I plan on making a few other total conversions after this one, too.
William Johnson
What's the theme?
Colton Jackson
I like it.
Evan Cook
Aaron White
I half want to slap you, half want to congratulate you on the effort you've put in, so good job!
Nicholas Long
And those are just some old pics I kept on my phone. So far I have all of South Central and most of the interiors converted, as well as the loading screens.
I'm also working on furrifying the peds, but no showable progress there yet.
Jose Johnson
Nice work, furfag
William Hall
Wow pretty impressive. All I’ve done for an image board was compile some a video playlist into a single video. Nice work user
Chase Ramirez
I plan on making a commie mod and a vaporwave mod as well, not to mention a vaporcommiefur mod.
Benjamin Collins
Almost immediately. Don't let people tell you otherwise or else I will go full etherchan mode. There has always been original content, but it's not like the rose tint people believe. Hell there are kopipe about making kopipe of kopipe. That damned cat was shitpisted everywhere. Cracky turned on a dime and owned the sky. They never got off nanek. I mean for fucks sake shit actually got a little better in 07 because there were so god damned many people flooding the boards that there was some variety.
/tg/ was kind of an exception for about a year or so after it was made. Unfortunetly that Ruby Quest shit started and the massive amount of attention some low level faggotry got encouraged the board to be flooded with the likeand well thought out interesting OC dried up.
Jesus Christ I have wasted so much of my life.
John Diaz
Have sum moar then :)
Oliver Mitchell
And that's all I can post for a few hours. Til I get back home, comrades
Grayson Lewis
Be sure to let us know when you do. You're pretty good.
Luke Cook
I'm sure the release of katawa shoujo could count as the end of a era for at least Holla Forums. Shortly after, when /vg/ was made, the mods started being far more active, and while it didn't do much to improve the board quality, it stopped almost all the offtopic shit, including some of the better threads Holla Forums used to have. The ME3 and Anita Kickstarter shitstorms happened around that time, cementing SJWs as a boogeyman and starting the cancer that would end growing into Gamergate.
I mean, is not like 2010/2011 Holla Forums wasn't a huge pile of shit, but at least it still had a soul, after 2012 it became a zombie.
Christian Reyes
You know I've got thinking now, it's weird how I've basically given up on the idea of making much content except for posting here or otherwise on imageboards. There used to be an impetus I had in that direction, some time ago. I think realising the general direction things are going in (with increasing monetisation and the requirement to actively compete for attention, to treat everything businesslike and so on.) towards greater commercialisation must have destroyed that. Will have to dwell on it.
As a jesting point I'm going to say that 4chan passes killed 4chan, even though this defies any reasonable time-period analysis, because the reduced velocity of posting (caused by the increased post timer to get more people buying.) ruined some fun shitposting threads on /vg/ and so on, since you never really got that atmosphere of pure hecticness where a 10 second delay in posting was the difference between success and failure at whatever crazy hydrogen bomb of insanity was going on at the time. I mean, by then it was already dead but it was the last fun I had on that site.
This is a pretty good summary of how basically all hobbies are ruined tbh.
There was a good article about this but I can't remember where it was. The problem was basically how you measure engagement has a huge effect on your own behaviour. Let's say you measure engagement by clicks - okay, so you'll slowly make more clickbait-y content, because that's what gets the most clicks and therefore the most response - but it doesn't show that most people immediately close the page when they realize you've baited them. Let's say you track comments - you'll try to post things that encourage argument rather than reflection, again because this yields the most comments. Let's say you track % of article read - you'll trend to shorter articles, and so on and so forth. In all of these the crude representation of what you want ("viewer engagement" in wankish terms, "to entertain others" or such if you're acting in good faith) becomes displaced by the representation of that thing.
I really like the last one. I think it's got a slight veneer of mystery or such to it, which makes it very attractive. (Actually I feel like a vague sense of confusion or alien-ness is one of the things the internet's really lost in modern times.)
I'm impressed but disgusted. (The general base of the furry fandom, which embodies the rise of idiots with money, causes an association such that even a huge work of voluntary art like the yours triggers alarms.) Nothing personal.
Oliver Cook
So you want commie furrys.
Charles Morris
When Boxxy became alt-right, and literally Hitler took power.
Jace Foster
I think I want a furry Pol Pot. Nothing short of a year zero will set things right. Unfortunately it appears he was soft-vored 3 years ago.
Bentley Moore
wtf I hate furfags now
Luke Johnson
lol there are plenty of leftypol memes that aren't found anywhere else. Whens the last time you saw Cockshott mentioned on /r/socialism? hint: like 4 years ago
Robert Jenkins
Chanology was the end of 4chan.
The original internet gang of SA, YTMND, 4chan, ED, totse etc. etc. either died completely or was over run by normies during "web 2.0" and companies realizing how much cash was in the data mining and add serving business.
The gamification of websites ( >(you)s, upvotes w/e) was part of corporate colonization of the net and sealed the nets fate to be lowest common denominator populist trash rather than the earlier net that generally tended toward elitism and esoteric insider culture.
Content aggregators like ebaums, and latter, reddit were ways for capitalism to commodify the surge in community created content; a common criticism in the early days of the web but one that is pretty much non-existent now-a-days.
Jack Brown
Aaron Johnson
Asher Lopez
And here is some more, as promised!
Thanks tovarisch!
So do I!
>it's not even anal vore or cock vore, just straight up eaten I don't get why other furries do this. I also don't get hard vore either, piles of the dead aren't sexy
Michael Morales
And a few others, just to give a sense of the level of detail I'm putting into it
Aaron Gomez
I always think the story of /gif/ is enlightening. Once upon a time, a board existed dedicated to creating animations. Out of that board came people with some of the highest skills for creating optimized GIFs on the internet. Then the porn came. And it really came. And when people came, they stopped browsing. Because who wants to learn how to do something technical after masturbating?. The flood of porn on /gif/ eventually destroyed all the skills and community around creating animations that the board once fostered, because people would come to the board, get aroused, orgasm, and leave.
Jonathan Collins
Hey fuck you, the Holla Forums with video games years were some of the most frustrating times to ever discuss shit on Holla Forums.