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Utterly based.

I would have voted for him if he had been a candidate

Anyone know any good documentaries on him? I hear the Zaps have gone to shit since he retired

A mestizo LARPing as a full blooded indigenous marxist. No different than "we wuz aztecs" LARPing from criollos.

The entire movement is pretty amazing in how organized and efficient they were. They made very intelligent use of propaganda and new communication tools like the internet and Marcos's image to persuade a considerable amount of the population to support their program instead of having a reflexive, negative, panicky reaction at the idea of an armed uprising. They made extensive use of a network of organize sympathizers in churchs and left-wing movements that gave it help and legitimacy. They timed things correctly and made a more a more violent backlash difficult under the circumstances of an upcoming election, NAFTA deals, and just Mexico's begging for foreign investment that would have turned away if shit got serious.

As for Marcos himself, I don't really know what real influence he had within the movement, but I think people like him going Narodnik on the natives and earning their trust throughout the years helped push the movement towards something more anti-capitalist instead of reform-minded.

Hombres, niños y mujeres
El esfuerzo siempre haremos
Campesinos y obreros
Siempre unidos con el pueblo!


A bit too lifestylist and anti-western for my tastes.

A Place Called Chiapas is a pretty good documentary about the movement and Marcos, they also got an exclusive interview with him at the end.

you would know all about being pro-western you imperialist traitor

he was the che guevara of my professors generation. she talks about how handsome and wet he made her when she was younger. he's kinda like an outdated larping leftist sex symbol

based as fuck though


how are the EZLN anti-western exactly?
What does "anti-western" mean to you anyway?

He is an imperialist. It's clear he wants to overthrow the legitimate Mexican government and establish a CIA-funded fascist anarcho-ethno-state

If I want to learn more about the history and praxis of the EZLN, what books would you anons recommend?

Does anybody know the headset he uses, and the company that makes them? It looks like a mid 1960s analog mono-headset with a modified Califone 3068-AV attadpter connected to the speaker chipset mid South American prototype Bluetooth converter we typically see in mid 1980s South American audio electronics. My only question is how he's using the AVS-179 cord connected to a 9 volt KXL 6641 and somehow was still able to pickup the AM/FM 158.78z frequency within the poly coordinates of about 2km with boosting the signal like we see in some of the later power tronic walkie talkies made by sega, and various other companies.

"The Fire and the Word" is pretty good. It's an interview with Marcos about how the Zapatistas were founded and what they've accomplished up until that point (2003).

A hero.


Romantic revolutionary like che, with less accomplishments and more spectacle.

Latino commie heartthrob makes western girls go wild

Pretty much everyone on lefty pol or all modern western commies.

You're talking about the one kid who isn't praying?

He gud boi

I respect them passively, but not as a socialist movement, because that's not what they are, they're a natlib movement:



Mexican government = CIA-funded

Marcos and EZNL are based for their accomplishments, but honestly, they're doomed, it's a romantic rural utopia. Sooner or later they will be crushed by imperialist killer robots or bio-chemical weapons or some ecological disaster unless they industrialize and expand away from being a subsistence-farming jungle guerrilla. And I see it extremely hard for them to industrialize in the jungle and without a solid technical education system and no access to important raw materials. And I see it very hard for them to expand because outside of the indigenous farmers who have been exploited for centuries that constitute their core, the average mexican is classcucked to hell even if most loathe the government.

Only the USSR / China with their huge amount of land and natural resources could stand against capitalist empires while building technology and rising quality of life for large populations, and there's tons of things to critizise about those two. Maaaaybe socialism in one country is possible if your country is continent-sized and self-sufficient, but socialism in the central american jungle is certain death.

Their best bet would be to hang on and continue to create networks of collaborators and hope for a political-economic crisis to launch a military offensive to take over the entire south. But then burgers would rain democracy on them if the Mexican government doesn't.

I also find objection with their revisionist anti-colonial narrative since it was the native armies that gave Cortes victory… the alliance with the natives was the pivotal element of the military campaign against the Aztecs, without which the Spanish would have been utterly crushed. For the native allies, the war against Aztecs was a liberating war against a bloodthirsty warmongering monster. Sure european imperialism was and continues to be horrifying, but spare me the bullshit about muh innocent indigenous peoples, native americans were also imperialist fucks in their own way.

you must be new to leftism and this board.
with anarchists its always the same story. they are inconsistent dumbfucks that always end up supporting liberals and cuckdems.

just to name the latest most prominent ones. keep an eye out for this pattern and you'll see for yourself with any other new trending cuckdem emerging.

FYI every country has twenty different ML parties, most of which participate in bourgeois democracy :^)
while there is no such thing as an anarchist party
but yes, long live the cypriot communist party who have been in power and made cyprus communist

1. absurd exaggeration
2. not adressing the issue

every time you see some media circus around a cuckdem, anarchists will suck his dick.
anarchists being generally irrelevant even in their support of these bourgeoise candidates doesn't change this fact. anyone who's been around for any of these past elections knows this and it will be proven true for the future, 100 % guarantee on this.

Do not compare them. I love them both but why should they even be compared?


I think he's fucking hot and I want him to raw me into oblivion. I want to Subcomandante Marco fuck me so hard to make me forget my name.

Where does this meme come from? Marcos hasn't retired, he changed his alias to Galeano

Geopolitics confirmed for real, read Dugin

Look into my eyes, what do you see?

You realize anyone can have thick eyebrows and lightish brown skin? Hell I'm paler than him (probably) and his eyes are lighter than mine. Light also affects eye color. [spoiler]Not that "My eyes change color"[/spolier]
Unless you are a newborn child then sure.
I see Subcomandante Marcos,

Nice try. He's ironically whiter than modern Holla Forums

Even the darkest person with black eyes is most likely "whiter" than any Holla Forumsyps combined.