
What language/s are you learning? Being able to communicate with comrades overseas is an essential aspect of western globalism.

I am learning mandarin Chinese so I can shoot the shit with main man Mao.

You have to go back.


I can speak flytande norsk (nynorsk og bokmål), mediocre english und ein bisschen deutsch :)


Cause im going to china.

Learn Spanish instead fam

/r/ing the "don't learn mandarin" screenshot

Spanish is ugly as fuck though. I'd rather learn a fun but useless language than deal with not only a romance language (those verbs, ugh) but the king of shitty romance languages. Everything about it, except the easy spelling, is fucking awful. It's words have too many syllables, it sounds like garbage, it has "de" at least 4 times a sentence because it doesn't like compounds, it has a retarded gender system, it's vocabulary close enough to english to seem really familiar but the mean slightly different things, every country where its spoken has its own distinct dialect that are hardly understandable to a learner of another dialect. Fuck spanish.

Here you go.

Currently working on my French so that I can read Foucault and Deleuze in the original.

Luckily I dont work in the steel industry.


Jesus fucking Christ. The part about healthcare is the most enraging, because it is the most plausible of all.

Russian of course.
Also Ukrainian.

Japanese, but progress is slow. It's shitty but not unexpected that people assume I'm into anime or some shit. Most anime is absolutely boring, and manga doubly so.

Sounds like exaggerated bs to me but I will see.

Then why learn japanese? The writing system is abolutely impossible. Better off learning russian or something like that.

There was a scandal a few years ago relating to this. A truck driver was caught on camera accidentally hitting a toddler a low speed.

The toddler was clearly hurt but still alive. The truck driver fearing getting cleaned out in court and being in debt his whole life backed over the toddler to kill her because wrongful death settlements are cheaper than a sick child constantly racking up medical bills.

Caused a lot of soul searching among Chinese about their capitalism. Basically saying to themselves not even the American are this cruel.

I saw a documentary on counterfeit goods, it was pretty balanced from what I could tell.
They were making eggs out of plastic and meat from cardboard.
His stories ring true to me.

I'm done with learning languages tbh
fluent in dutch, spanish and english. Can read and listen french without any problems, but I'm not so good at speaking it

thanks deng

i am learning multible languages at once, but most of them are easy to me
i have strugles learning arabic, japanese and russian

I speak English and Spanish, and I'd like to learn Russian to read some untranslated texts, like the articles people have linked in the Cybernetics thread. I'm really interested in the USSR's history and its writings.

Mate, Spanish is beautiful. It's above everything else consistent. And its compounds are basically the verbs, instead of having to use pronouns always or heavily rely on context, you can just take a look at the verb and you're good.
Also, English is a brutish language to spaniards, it's a retarded mess for spelling and has a dumbass conjugation.

Though the dialects part is true enough, shit's fucked.

I'm learning Japanese. I learned English and Spanish is my native language.

Reading it is easy, writing it is hell.

wow nazbol really is master race isn't it

as a native spanish speaker, i can say that the pronunciation is brute as fuck compared with most of the languages
but is also delicate with the meaning of the words, the context we use them and the sintax (unsless you talk to a young bonaerence, aca no forman oraciones, hacen ensaladas de palabras)
learning other languages make me love even more spanish, talking in that language is something everyone do, but using the exact word in the exact sentence is an art, pure poetry

i forgot to take off my shitposting flag


A ver, pará, soy
¿A qué te referís al decir que la pronunciación es bruta? A mí me parece simple, y mucho mejor que la mezcolanza que es el inglés, demasiada mierda tiene tres posibles sonidos o más.
Tampoco tenemos boludeces como la modificación del sonido de la o por u y la e por i al final de las palabras que tiene el portugués, que aunque también sea consistente (como dije, la consistencia es algo que me gusta del español), es algo muy tarado.

Estoy seguro de que se refiere a eso. Es simple, no tiene mierdas raras como el francés.

Y por eso el español es la posta.

Me refiero a que no hay mierdas como vocales mezcladas (un sonido entre la a y la e como el ingles) ni sonidos de garganta (como el frances)
Ademas la ERRRRE es re bruta, y no podes decir que no
Solo tenes que ver a gente que habla español de forma no nativa para darte cuenta de que es re bruto

Es mas, te doy un ejemplo, imaginalos diciendo "ya llame, culorroto y la concha de tu hermana"
Los vas a imaginar pronunciando nuestras vocales y consonantes de una forma extraña y suave
La "a" francesa es ridiculamente compleja, es como nuestra a pero con una verga en la garganta

Uy, mirá que pedirle al franchute que no hable como marica es un poco mucho.
Y sí, sí, te capto.

Thread just got Spanish, I hope I won't get the Spanish-flu

Nihongo o benkyou shimasu