Where are we heading to

how do you see your country in the next 10~15 years ? politically/socially speaking

Commisar Corbyn will have gulaged the last remanants of the Blairite traitors

Down the shitter.

The netherlands relies on trade for most of its economy and is cucked to hell and back.

The left here is dead and the political system is split between turbo-conservative socdemoids on one side and Macronites+Tories on the other. I don't see much change possible, with the "best" outcome being the macbook hipster shits taking the mantle of the left here.

I think about this a lot, i would like it if the democrats lost badly in 2018, this would put extreme pressure on the centrist democrats who keep losing and losing and suck.
The next two years would be a very public schism and slap fight online and irl between socialists and neoliberals.
This will all lead up to 2020 which will be fucking brutal.

Either a neoliberal wins the primaries and pisses off the youth and progressives who stay home, and trump wins again

Or a socialist pulls off a miracle and then i dont know what happens next, either the socialist beats trump leading to a new strange socialist america, or trump wins and the center rub it in the far lefts faces and the democrats move even further to the right

To me, there a lot of doors to open which will lead to various different realities.

Oh and the other out come.
president cuckerberg turns america into silicon vally

i don't think he's as porky as you may think.
the guy just got insanely lucky.
i think he's a socdem a Bernie light.

Tbh, a nation where there are socially owned means of production, distribution and exchange. There is something real happening right now, a flame has been lit. The flame is slow burn, and it will take time to spread in earnest, but it is there: I see it and feel it while walking out in the street. Vicars talking of the evils of the free market, people actually reading Marx, a general rejection of neoliberalism, The next few years will be decisive, but I think there is a real chance we will pull through. And I don't just mean winning the election, but the fights that will come afterwards.

Nothing good will come from that faggot.

the problem for the democrats is that they got cocky and thought they would be in power forever after obama, their base moved far to the left (sjw's, socialists, rainbow haired morons obsessed with identity politics), but then trump beat them by stealing whites from the rust belt. In order to regain those whites they have to move to the center, but the base wont let them, and the base actually wants to move further to the left economically which will piss off the capitalist donors who enjoy the neoliberals toxic fusion of identity politics and corporate malfeasance. So the trump win really, really fucked over the democrats. Who now have a choice, toss the far left and move to the center, or expand the tent, toss the donors and go back to class and worker issues.


i don't think Zukerberg is idpol, is he ?

it's fucked


Their base didn't move to the left, they lost the Midwestern votes because Hillary was widely and correctly perceived as being part of the tendency responsible for wrecking the Midwest with NAFTA, the prison boom and the war in Iraq. Blue-haired sjws are just a sideshow. They've done a study now showing that the biggest correlation to Hillary losing votes was how many people in the state got shot in Iraq and Afghanistan. Moving to the left would be absolutely good for the democrats but they probably won't do it because the party apparatus belongs to people whose jobs depend on doing porky's will.

The trump win reversed everything, the GOP was the party that was supposedly on the verge of death.
Now the democrats are being pulled apart by two forces who will determine the future of the party, the neo liberals and the progressives.
Personally i think the far left will win in the end because its hard to be a managerial neo liberal when you are getting twitter @ mentions of people quoting Marx at your dumb centrist face
How long did the new deal age last, like 40 years, and how long has the neo liberal age been, about 40 -45 years. I think everyone can sense some sort of realignment coming.
Obama was supposed to be that, the hope and change guy, but he failed, failed hard, turned out to be a neo liberal fuck boy.
And trump won which is pretty much giving the finger to that legacy.

Trump is the real change agent, he destroyed the bush and clinton dynasty, challenged his parties elite, and has thrown the democrats into chaos

The people that have a death grip on the DNC think that every time they fail they weren't right wing enough.
Im telling you this is what will happen, they will try to move even more to the center.
They will try to run bill clinton 2.0
Obviously the people want some sort of economic leftism, but the capitalist donor class wont allow it.
The real fight here is the fight between the neolibs and the dem socs. And that winner will determine the direction of the party

pick one

you know how to read you retard.
Im saying there are two factions in the democratic party and that the democratic donkey is being torn in both those directions.


Shit I misread

I don't know how americans can take their system seriously anymore. It was one thing when the politicians at least pretended to be the results of a meritocracy. But Trump is the mask being pulled back imo. I feel like there's nothing to do but to just kill every politician and dissolve the USA into 50 countries (which will of course join into several medium sized countries most likely).

We're all gonna die

I really want to believe that Adrian Zandberg is only pretending to be a hipster succdem.

Mexico here
Extreme poverty all around, doesn't help that communist/anarchists have a bad reputation here, not because of the beliefs themselves but because the representatives of the left are burgies in reality

Herinner me er niet aan, user.

a nice pile of ash

The housing bubble has burst, plunging Swedens economy into a depression. Neofascists rule over a Greece-like crisis hell

Macron is successful at implementing its Blair/Schröder-like reforms in spite of mass protests. People get exactly what they voted for: unemployment diminishes at the cost of more and more working poors. Liberal "leftists" are delighted as, being well-educated, they are only marginally impacted. They are delighted with the open door mass-immigration and gender policies of the government. Traditional conservatives are not so happy about the latter but they approve the economic measures and remain silent. Facing ever worsening conditions, working class people are extremely disgruntled with mainstream leftist parties. But, as genuinely left-wing parties have failed to develop mass-appeal and are deeply contaminated by liberal ideas, the only alternative becomes the Front National. The Front National has an outwardly even more left-wing discourse and has long since dropped its most unpopular ideas, such as Frexit. It manages to win the elections if barely. As it proves completely ineffective, not even able to become the fascist threat liberals feared, the country sink into chaos.

and meluche rises over europe, like a spectre


I'm from the Midwest. You have no fucking idea how much they hate Hillary here. Running her drove long time Democratic voters straight to Trump.

And thanks to the DNC's meddling, most of them weren't even aware of Bernie Sanders until his speech at the convention. That only added salt to the wound.

Not happening. He'd be 77-82 years old at that point.

so what, moses was like 300 when he finally brought the jews to the promised land

Angela Merkel at the head of an european alliance of neolib police states that is very busy with its own kind of imperialism: violent occupation of the southern European states to prevent the uprisings of the late 10s from happening again, slowly degenerating into low-key guerilla warfare with the insurgents. Proxy wars with Russia over the Ukraine, the Caucasus, and the splintered remains of Turkey. The new Scramble for Africa heating up once China becomes a major player on the continent and starts instigating their own coups to install Beijing-friendly regimes. All the while, most of the Atlantic coast of Europe gets heavily fortified as the Union of British Socialist Republics ramps up its rhetoric and IRBM missile tests.

The US? Hell on earth. The Dems will fail in 2018, will win in 2020, but their victory will be a false one, as their policies will continue to be "centrist" and ineffective. When global economic disaster hits, just about everyone in the establishment who can't fake populism (i.e. not the Dems) will be lynched.

My plan is to get a masters degree in Montreal so I can get a doctorate in New Zealand which, neolib as it is, looks to be bearable and sustainable for the foreseeable future. I have no hope for this world.

Lord Emperor Trump will finally get the bullet and the Revolutionary Party of America lead by Jimmy "Arm the poor" Dore will institute an absolute Socialist state with a 20 year plan to achieve Communism.

My country is broken so had to keep borrowing to keep the country running. More wage slavery coming soon. ;_;

either full corbynist or neofash

American-balls sucking junta. AGAIN.

working seven days a week, trying to not fall behind in rent payments for my cubicle apartment


Trudeau will turn this place conservative for sure. No one likes him.

now hol' up. who says employers are gon' have 'nough hours t have you work fer a full week.

Assuming false consciousness in the form of Alex Jones and r/the_donald fades out with the former middle class, there will be hostile takeover the democrats by Keynesian succdems in a few years. Once the Keynesians are proven just as impotent as neoliberals either everyone just gives up and lives for the spectacle or riots everywhere.

I just can't see my beloved burgerland headed in any good direction with capital at the helm and no organized labor and no Tribunal of the Plebs to stop it, since changing the constitution is virtually impossible.

I have no hope in the left honestly. I'm by no means conservative or reactionary but the left has failed and is dead. I'm just going to get my degree and keep my head down when shit hits the fan. Unless if there is an collapse where it becomes innawoods tier I will have a fairly comfortable life.

less boomers around and conservatives start reaping the rewards of awful policies succdem take control in all primary capitalist countries

less boomers around and conservatives start reaping the rewards of awful policies succdem take control in all primary capitalist countries

I can't see anything moving anywhere. Bipartidism feels like oxigen at this point. I can't picture life without it. I can't even dream of something else. When it looks like there's something about to change, it's bipartidism with a new coat of paint. Nothing. Ever.

I kind of feel like this sometimes. The left is kill. I can not feel any other way. My dad's a quasi nazbol angry ball of hatred but he's always told me that if he lived through a post-war and a dictatorship, so can I. So fuck it. Fuck everything. Let both reactionaries and progressists wallow on their own filth and pointless self-congratulating medals. As long as they don't splatter too much of their dirt on me, I'll live.

4-8 years of Trump shit, and then Trumpism will be the norm and people will vote against it as always

the democrats likely won't have learned anything however and be solidly neo-liberal still, give them 4-8 years and it will be the same shit again