
Here we create informative/non shitposting memes which actually explain shit and REDPILL the normies, fash, and liberals

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its simplified, for the normies. Just substitute income in kind for pay and your fine. Because for that to be explained youd have to explain the commodity-form, labor vouchers, production for use, or w/e

If you want to be pedantic about it, pay is not the same thing as wage

why does (future) socialism/communism look like a modern capitalist city? like current Vancouver or Sydney?

Fuck off.

Because under socialism we will have high technology/automation. Under capitalism workers are never paid the full fruits of their labor, they are exploited for their surplus value which is the source of profit. Just like ancient slave owners in rome and the american south had no incentive to innovate because they could simply make the slaves work harder. Under capitalism, unlike slavery, workers are paid somewhat for their labor, but not the full value, which is why capitalism is like 'partial slavery'. Under a socialist system people will be paid by labor vouchers thus receiving the full fruits of their labor. Thus there labor will be rationally costed (finally) and ergo will be a greater incentive to automate tasks, wheras under capitalism an employer would save money by leaving it un-automated and hiring people for minimal wages.


venezuelas problems are complex and not reducible to having a left-leaning government. Part of the problem is internal sabotage, such as the opposition (many of whom are wealthy businessmen, etc.) trying to sabotage the economy to defame socialism. Furthermore there is the problem of oil prices - Venezuelans social programs which paid for food, education, etc. for the people were based on oil revenue. A few years ago, oil prices started to drop due to things like fracking, thus the income to the Venezuelan government dried up and they were no longer able to pay for those things. Finally, there is the issue of price controls. The Venezuelan government, especially under Maduro, has instituted price controls which also lead to shortages.

It's good to see the "we're not mismanaging the economy, its actually a vast conspiracy of reactionary wreckers and saboteurs undermining our efforts!" excuse didn't die out with Stalin

Thats because it was true in both cases. Obv. wealthy people have a huge incentive to sabotage socialism as it would make them equal to everyone else as opposed to the power and p.rivilege they have now. btw way to ignore the rest of the posts

so the communist cities of 2200 will look like the capitalist cities of 2017, interesting prophecy.

Because a janitor or lawyer who work at microsoft don't contribute to the full fruits of the business and so only deserve a fraction of the income in the form of wages.

And under socialism workers' labor value is appropriated via taxation/welfare drainage. Either way you will never earn the "full fruits of your labor" because sources of friction always exist.

yes, of course!

lurk more

Said the vodka-addled Cheka headman as he redefined "kulak" to be whichever peasant family hadn't paid him and his squad off with homebrew vodka

the folks in control of a socialist government become the de facto bourgousie class.

as the state appropriates tons of power and tons of property and gets involved in micromanaging the "private sector" the "human greed" problem because even more exaggerated, the bureaucracy becomes bloated and inefficient, hence socialist governments tend to collapse before they "go full Socialist" or simply stagnate.


that's a great idea, and afterwards we could simply get all citizens to obey all laws and do away with prisons, I mean why not? What's stopping us?

I think I need to stop posting here before I get too "red-pilled".

No they don't. Because the people in charge are us, did you even read OP's graphic? There will be direct democracy so we all vote on what happens, not some 'elite'. Just like popular TV shows today, lets the audience vote on who goes off the island or w/e, we would use similar text based voting systems on national referendums. So there is no new elite to become the new porky.
There's no need to micromanage the private sector, because there is no private sector.
Again, you don't need a bloated bureaucracy because political decisions are made by direct democracy. As for economic planning, yes there would be a planning ministry but it would be several orders of magnitude smaller than GOSPLAN for example, as computers would be doing the heavy lifting. A modern planning ministry would need no more employees than a modern tech company or wall street trading firm, hardly a 'massive bureaucracy'.
Except the USSR didn't do that, it transitioned the Russian economy from a semi-feudal one to a modern industrial, nuclear, military superpower that defeated the Germans in WW2, invented manned and unmanned spaceflight, and had free education, medical care, housing, and full employment for all its citizens. Not bad. The stagnation part came in its later stages, as a result of the complexity/scaling issues of planning a developed economy. Essentially the USSRs economy was so successful that it grew itself to death. However this would not be a problem today given that even large scale economic planning has become tractable with the advent of modern information technology and computers.

are you illiterate? Selling goods at market clearing prices is exactly what happens under capitalism already.

mathematically illiterate Austrian detected

What? its pretty simple to sell things and if you sell out, raise the price. If you have a surplus, decrease the price. Same as any ordinary business under capitalism would do it.


No you won't, you'll have representatives, you always have representatives. And direct democracies don't matter much since public opinion can be easily swayed by sufficient propaganda. Plus there are too many issues to vote on and the "mob" doesn't have the required expertise to judge all matters.

Every government claims to represent the "little guys" , and then the clever and shrewd people get into power and use the machine to serve their interests.

no, capitalism is full of shortages and gluts, they wouldn't happen if they sold "all goods at market clearning prices" you literally have no idea what you're talking about or how "market clearing prices" even come about.

if you have a shortage it means you weren't selling at the market clearing price.

if you have a surplus you weren't selling at the market clearing price.

if you have to constantly adjust prices that means you are experiencing shortages and gluts and aren't at the "market clearing price". Also demand isn't static and knowing how much to adjust a price is not self-evident and well you really don't understand economics if you think attaining the "equilibrium price" is a simple solution to implement.


yes, of course!

Considering the core of Nazism is 'it's not our fault it's the jews' you don't have a leg to stand on here.

Whats your alternative? You god-emperor decides for us?
On expert/technical issues, the experts would draw up a number of alternatives which are all technically feasible, explain their pros and cons, and people would vote among those. The vast majority of issues don't really need that sort of expertise though.
Don't be a dick, I was clearly describing a process by which the price would converge upon the market clearing price.
And those representatives, to the extent they do exist will be selected by sortition just like the ancient Athenians did. that way thru random sampling, you have proportional representation of all sections of society.
So? the trial and error process I described accounts for that.
t. doesn't understand feedback loops/control theory
Do you understand the concept of slowing down while driving? do you simply slam on your breaks 1 foot before the stop sign? Do you understand balancing on a bicycle, skateboard, or surfboard? Sure demand is dynamic, but in an arbitrary time period, it isn't.

anyway, I don't have time to shitpost all day, but take a look at these articles and get back to me once you've read them:

I'll add my voice to those saying "price controls". In fact, I think it is the reason for this disaster, and Maduro has no hope of getting a grip on things while price controls are still in place. I've been meaning to start a thread about it and make my case, but I keep putting it off. Hopefully I'll do it this monday.

Hint: Remove buzzwords. Force people to think for themselves instead of troubling them with a mismatch between what they associate with the words and how we use them


Are there actually people that think feudalism was a good thing? Something tells me if I went to a place like Reddit, I'd eventually see morons unironically preaching that shit.

There actually are, they're just rare.
unless you count ancaps

Who's the second guy in the second pic?