Why do a lot of atheists don't like communism ?
Even when i was a atheist in my demsoc days i did't see why if we had the means for all to live a good life that we couldn't go to a atheist socialist Society.
I tend to get the communist are dictators that make the state god answer and some le skeptic stuff.
Why do a lot of atheists don't like communism ?
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Same exact reason christians don't like communism.
that's it
Too much liberal ideology and the standard muh 100 million human nature bs, most atheists are no more capable than the religious of thinking critically about what the liberal establishment tells them.
Because they are bourgeois.
they bought into the radical centrist/end of history meme and uncritically swallowed anti-communist propaganda because that's the "rational" thing to do.
Once you start to believe that truth can be measured and debated with science you'll inevitably end up supporting the current ideology because your understanding of politics and economics is so shaped by the dominant economic system already in place.
The Californian Ideology is a great takedown of this sort of thinking but it was more focused on techies in Silicon Valley than Richard Dawkins and co. But those groups overlap pretty frequently.
Remember comrades, Pope Francis says communists are more Christian and in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ than so-called Christian conservatives
Francis seems like a good guy, but I'm not gonna go convert.
nobody cares
This is it.
A lot of people care, user. Billions of people. He's a high profile advocate.
they only care for his quotable stuff that they can paste on some pic that they'll post on facebook for likes. francis is the memest pope i've ever seen.
christ spoke of no society. he wanted people to renounce their possessions because he thought the Reign of Godâ„¢ was coming. At best he advocated for charity, and never challenged the status quo at all. He didn't give a shit about merchants, as long as they stayed out of muh precious temple. Didn't give a shit about the roman empire's rule, as long as they didn't prevent him from teaching.
funny he would mention that, since barabbas is what people given the right to decide chose.
i'm not even gonna enter into his alleged ties with fascist murderers in the dirty war, this is just stupid by itself.
it's jewish
Communists need to re-embrace state atheism and propagandize it to liberal atheists. They also need to promote historical materialism to atheists REALLY HARD, because it's rational, and it explains the wars in the middle east without blaming muh islam.
The pope is the antichrist
Because its destroyed every country its been tried in. IB4 NOT REAL COMMUNISM!
idk man
Most people who rebel against a hegemonic ideology get their rebellion fix off the first one and are done. They feel like seeing through one veil is enough and stop trying to peel back the layers.
Sup, fags.
Liberal centrism is what most people regard as "rational" due to the ideological framing within Western society. It's also easy to forget that, due to that ideological framing, everything outside of this "neutrality" is regarded as partisan, biased, or irrational. People who pride themselves on rationality become conformists, more or less, as "rationality" (as an ideology) only has meaning within the current social context, despite being regarded as transhistorical for the believers in this "rationality."
The transformation from the USSR to Russia wreaked far more social havoc than the degraded socialism at the time was.
How is he.
collapse of the USSR was the biggest economic disaster of the 20th century.
He's doing fine.
fuck i meant who is he ?
Religion doesn't matter whatsoever in the modern era, e.g although Europe was traditionally Christian by the 20th century it was reduced to the point of such utter meaningless that Europe could be dominated by non-Christian ideologies of fascism and communism. Only reason that e.g Islam still matters is due to reactionary gulf monarchies like the Saudis, etc and so on but generally religion isn't a serious issue its just a lifestyle choice.
You might as well ask why do a lot of vegetarians not like communism or something like that, because it would be just as unrelated. The only reason you would support communism is if you support its practical economic and social ideas, not just because you have some sort of lifestyle.
Fra Dolcino. Basically a proto-revolutionary monk who hated feudalism, hierarchy, and power. Wanted to bring about shared, equal property between all. A reign of peasants. Went around rampaging in the mountains and used guerilla tactics. All this back in the early 1300's. He was one crazy fucker.
Also, it took the Pope sending crusaders on his ass to finally take him down.
Large amount of atheists in modern society today are usually going to vote for a liberal party, mostly because they don't feel that conservatives (as in US terminology) are good enough for them to vote for because of mostly spooked idpol, along with other generic liberal shit. Sometimes people will either be born into a secular household, be taught to abide by science and to care about people, but never really taught to think critically about politics in a way that facilitates thought other than capitalist politics (much like how I was, until I found this place). Another common situation is for people to be born into a religious household (and sometimes conservative, they go hand in hand) only for them to realize that religion is a spook and or false, leading them to sometimes turn themselves away from everything relating to their family's culture and politics, making them atheist and liberal, much like the former situation (and much like how my father was raised).
Well a religion is not a lifestyle tho. to make it short it's a set of beliefs.
We need more Christ-com propaganda!
this song makes me cry as an atheist :V
They probably dont want to be associated with state-atheism
State atheism has nothing to do with new atheism. One is a political stance while the other is imperialism. Marxist atheists are the only actual atheists out there,.
am atheist communism rules.
its religion that fucking blows, im fucking tired of 'spiritual but not religious' fags pretending their beliefs aren't as stupid as more organized fags. to me it is all the same but there always has to be that ONE GUY who acts like he's "one of us" when talking to us atheists.
there's always that condescending approach like "huhuh hey guys, im a skeptic too! i totally know where you're coming from with your distrust in any religions or gods!! haha.. but hey doesn't mean you can't have faith right?!" and i swear if i had a nickel for how many times i've had this shit happen i'd be rich.
its amazing how many people you will meet who fit the 'spiritual but not religious' stereotype but then will take all their sweet time trying to convert you. its creepy as fuck and no less culty to me than muslims wearing fucking hijabs in public. its all fucking retarded and if it were my choice nobody would be spooked by this retarded shit.
and its funny that here i can only say shit about islam.
every other 'left wing' space will make too much room for islam. it, as a political force, has deeply reactionary elements that i find wholly incompatible with socialism and its too bad so many leftists are pussies and cower to islamists.
You can find quite a lot of material in favor of Christian anarchism.
Because most of them are vulgar materialists. They're Liberals for all the same reasons the Young Hegelians were and most of Marx's critiques of the Young Hegelians actually fit the New Atheists rather well. If you want to follow up on that I recommend Marx and Engels' The German Ideology.
Francis was an informer for the military dictatorship and turned his own colleagues to the secret police on the basis that they were critical of the lack of support for the poor that the state provided. When confronted with this, he gave a lowly "W-well I didn't know they were being KILLED!", if I remember right.
The popes are cunts, through and through.
Most atheists I know are helicooter loving natcaps or lolbertarians. Most libs I know are either agnostic or liberal christian. As for my authoritarian left friends they're basically agnostic theists.
Pretty obvious tbh
Atheists hate their parents, and in addition to parents making them go to church they also wanted them to share. Both are anathema to atheists.
If he atoned publicly and profusely I would probably forgive him as if that will ever happen
decent get
Spencer is an atheist I think
Mashaa'allah, this is why atheists get the bullet too my brother, there is no rescuing fedora pricks
To be honest I've never encountered religious commies and the religious people I've met have all been reactionary faggots. I highly doubt atheists are generally less inclined towards communism than religious people, most likely religious people are less inclined towards communism than atheists.
And lol, you converted? I get how people stay religious because of upbringing but converting? KEK.
I used to be pretty active on and even moderated a pretty big multi-faith religious discussion forum about 10-15 years back. So right in the middle of Bush years, 9/11 was still fresh and the evangelical religious right in the US was at its zenith and spreading its tendrils around the world and that sort of strident atheism what would become known as New Atheism was just starting to break into mainstream culture.
One thing that I saw again and again and again was that when the atheists were arguing with theists, mostly Chritians but also Muslims and others, about Why Religion is Badâ„¢ they would always bring up a bunch of figures about all the people that religion had killed, wars started etc. If you've ever read Dawkins, Hitchens et al you probably know the ones. The inevitable riposte from the theists was the typical Stalin killed gorillions with the added flavour of "and HE WAS AN ATHEIST", sometimes hooking into state atheism in the old eastern bloc etc. so that atheism would be
"just as bad"
I saw a few different rebuttals tried but the one they all seemed to settle on (and you can still see Dawkins pushing it now) is that it didn't count as atheism doing the bad thing because "communism is basically a religion anyway". The idea goes back to at least Bertrand Russell but became really popular and pretty much became the go-to New Atheist escape hatch when challenged on their argument that religion was murderous but atheists dindu nuffin. pics related.
Jesus was an ancom.
Yeah, I remember the same thing but from the opposite side. That was the line trotted out almost every time: that it wasn't atheism but communism because atheism was purely negative, mere disbelief.
Honestly, all of those analyses were terrible in hindsight.
What? ISIS, the mujahaden, AQ, talis, were all fascist factions
Religious conservatism is what drove me from having a healthy amount of doubt to full atheism tbh. I find it kind of weird that atheists aren't receptive to communism tbh, I guess ideology is harder to break free from when it's presented as the truth I guess.
Anyways FWIW I got into Christian theology a lot deeper as an atheist and I doubt that my faith would have been strong enough to stand up to the serious questioning I did of Christianity if I weren't one. All of the best theologians doubt the existence of God to a fairly high degree imo.