We really need to raid this cancer


We already had our internet fight with Reddit. The conditions then were perfect, why cheapen the memory?

why not even attempt to purge their subreddit with commie redpiling

Because they will enjoy it and take it as justification at their ideology. But most importantly they are paid to be there and make neoliberalism seem cool.

Just post pictures of Porky and tell them that’s what they look like. There description also says neolibrals support carbon emmitions taxes which is false.

I just checked this subreddit, is this neolib solution to everything? "idk man there's nothing we can do". what absolute pussies,, and these nigger rightists have the audacity to call us low test.

who is this cuteboy?

She's a girl.

I've seen that subreddit before. It reads like hardcore Juvenalian satire.


Liberals are people who want to be on the winning side. They'll do whatever they have to to make the rulers "like" them.

pack it up lads

are neolibs just centrists or something? this is some grade-A "let's do nothing" idling.

I take it you mean girl (male).


In their defense that is a very neoliberal thing to say.

picture saved

Didn't neoliberals hate to be called like that?

Neoliberalism is basically Reaganism.

Except it literally will. That's how the economy operates. Any time there's a prolonged steep increase in price it happens, simply because such an increase is not going to last forever - stagnation, at least, wil occur eventually and then eveything will be shit. That book is a typical scavenger's manual btw.

check the date, user

The problem is that it actually isnt a bubble that is very big. There is reaccelerating urbanisation in all of the world and centralisation of capital to fewer denser economic zones. Also money is very cheap right now so people can afford more exspensive homes which allows prices to stay up. Another thing that drives prices up is that governments have retreated from building themselves and sold much of what they had in the last financial crisis, so now as long as demand is there investors are going to build luxury apartments while city govs lack the capacity and will to act. At the same time the capacity of the building economy is used 100% so supply is allready increasing very fast.

So while prices will go down in the next recession, or even earlier when the luxury market dries up, they also have a realistic underpinning. This could develop into a full blown bubble (but afaik price increases are allready slowing down in the most overheated markets) if housing continues to be seen as the best investment. But atm there is no bubble in anyway similar to the subprime mortage bubble that could be one of the causes of a general recession.

This doesnt mean though that neoliberals are in anyway right about what can be done and should be done.

What a waste of time: it's a small pocket on the internet based off on silly memes and non-theory based circlejerkings - they're not interested in theoretical dialectic nor is there a crowd to convince via debate.

Ask a youtube Sargonista when they talk about being Neoliberal if they mean Ordoliberalism as Neoliberal once meant or if they follow some other deviation of liberalism and watch them rattle off a list of platitudes regarding being """liberal""" and now being on the """right"""

Why bother? As a sub dedicated to an entire political ideology that rules the entire western world at this point, they regularly get BTFO by trolls circle jerking a semi-obscure political podcast. There's nothing to fight

why does leftypol have such a fetish for defeatism. If you breadpill 1 neoliberal it wasn't for nothing.

Why do some faggots here love wasting everyones time so much, and when is their 15th birthday?

I think one thing that pisses me off more than usual about this place on revisiting it is that actually they don't even seem to be true neoliberals.
I probably shouldn't dwell on this too much lest I fall into the trap of viewing neoliberalism as ever containing practical value, but still.

I'd put Blair in the archetypical neoliberal position here. Despite believing that capitalism is a meritocracy and all that bullshit, Blair was onto something when he viewed poor education - for example - as a social inefficiency that would lead to reduced outcomes and make Britain less competitive in the global market. He was shit at solving this problem and he didn't consider any moral outcomes, but he did at least recognize that a technocratic problem exists here: Poor education is inefficient. The market isn't going to like it.

Now in the early days there was also perhaps a tacit recognition that some companies are monopolies. Let's go and accept the neoliberal idea that capitalism is fair, right? Porky is rich and if you tax him he'll be discouraged because it will impact his legitimate profitable activities. That's nonsense, but let's accept it. (the mantra of the economist.) Now, in the case of a rent-seeing monopoly - as even semi-sane neoliberals should recognize (even if they blame the state) - this does not apply, because the profits are being made by rent seeking, taxing them and redistributing the income to educating the poor would increase overall efficiency. (Actually, even just taxing it and giving it away might well do that because the rent seeker isn't doing anything productive by definition.)

Actually this would seem to be textbook neoliberalism, since outright market fetishism immediately takes you into minarchism and ancap territory. It's like they've managed to wed the annoying status-quo loving aesthetics of neoliberalism and combine them with the complete, unjustifiable lack of sanity (even on their own terms) of anarcho-capitalists.

Libertarianism would be that grade-A "idling."

It wouldn't accomplish anything. At least 50% of the posting volume seems to be coming from a dozen or so full time shills anyway, all a raid would do is get linked to a drama sub and get the sub more attention (like the slapfight with /r/the_donald that brought it to prominence in the first place)

maybe you visited the wrong board because i've seen posts in there supporting a negative income tax

at the risk of being a conspiritard… if the majority of people driving the discussion like this that exists specifically to rehabilitate the term 'neoliberal' aren't actual paid shills or bots then I'm the reincarnation of Bukharin

Some of them are obviously actual neoliberals, I just decided to rant against the thinly veiled lolbergs.
Partially to test that description of Blairism out, because I'm increasingly fond of viewing it through that lens - as it explains why even where Blair may have had the right goals or spent the right amounts of money, he was shit.

OP, are you twelve or so mentally impaired your developments stopped on the elementary? "Raiding" this won't achieve anything, "lol u classcucks xDDD" won't bother anybody, so at worst the few mods there will be sightly bothered by having to spend a few more minutes on deleting and banning the cretins who took part in it. Go read theory instead of pretending your shitpost matter..
PS go back to reddit.

and that defeatism is the reason the right is winning winning over internet cultures to their site.


have we all collective amnesia about the rise of the alt-right? Does nobody remember how this shit permeates through out society?

It's Chicago school economics. Except they forgot the part where they were supposed to give people welfare to prevent them from getting overthrown.

They used memes in order to elect a meme president.