On Un De La Roo

Has anyone else heard these fucked up rumors about the 'Roo? Most notably the one about her murdering/attempting murder of a girl and maybe raping her? (I think her name was allegedly 'Nina').

"Hey comrade, love your wordpress. I’m a little concerned about your friendship with Jason Unruhe, AKA MaoistRebelNews, AKA (real name) Jason Caden though. I myself and other radfems I know used to be friends with Jason, and we all witnessed Jason engage in extreme hatred of women in the past. He’s referred to former female friends of his, one of them a fairly notable radfem online, as woman hateric slurs, calling this woman a “fucking bitch” and reacting negatively to her coming out as an exclusive lesbian (because he wanted to fuck her). Jason is a recovering porn addict and admitted to struggling with looking at women as “sex objects.” We have reason to believe he has, in the past and continually, victimized women. He’s also “transracial” (yes, as in Rachel Dolezal transracial) and claims to be indigenous even though he’s not. He fetishizes first nations women and lays claim to first nations land, just like his white colonial ancestors.

Jason is also dangerous. He admitted to committing a serious crime as a young man to several of his friends, including myself, likely a murder or attempted murder, and he also displays many of the characteristic features of a shattered ego narcissist, the most dangerous variety of narcissist. The way he responds to his critics is akin to narcissistic rage, using ad hominem attacks against people who criticize him and accusing them of “slander.” He also expressed open admiration for Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (the Columbine shooters) when I knew him, and we fear he may be prone to violence. He once told us he would kill his mother, should she “betray him” and go to the police concerning the crime he committed (apparently she knows and is withholding the information).

In short, be careful! Jason is a dangerous man prone to bouts of macho rage (if you don’t believe me, just watch this video: youtube.com/watch?v=QqmX81ompWs). In that video he tells his critics to “suck his dick” and goes off on a tangent defending masculinity and bragging about how much of a masculine dude bro he is when he should know, as a self-identified “feminist,” (I put that in quotes because his actions indicate otherwise) that masculinity is the mode into which males are conditioned under rule of racist capitalist patriarchy. Masculinity cannot exist without female victimization, period."


There's also this forum thread. Link normally causes a pop-up ad, so be careful.


Probably not right to gossip, but, I can't help but be curious. I'm not trying to accuse him of anything, just trying to get more info on all of this.

Other urls found in this thread:


I've heard them a million times and never seen any substantial evidence. Seems like eceleb butthurt.

I don't even like Jason but I don't have a single reason to believe any of their claims. Polite sage

At least he is not an imperialist.

im sorr y but where are de proofs :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

I've never spoken to Jason personally, but he exhibits many of the characteristics of a narcissist.

For instance, he's certainly prone to narcissistic rage as the slightest blemish to his ego sends him up the wall ("anarchists prove their immaturity by making memes of me when I said the YPG are pro-imperialist"). He thinks every critique of his theories amount to "hatred" or "personal attacks", and when he makes responses to said critiques by people like Daniel Buntovnik or Espresso Stalinist he spends 75% of his posts making ad homs against them without addressing their strongest points against him or any sense of irony on his part. His ego is obviously majorly inflated even if he claims to be "actually pretty humble".

I'm not sure if this is loony-levels of idpol or an alt-righter false-flagging as a leftist, but either way the post is from early last year and yields a dead link for the author's profile. wayback turns up nothing and there's nothing on google for 'BlackLesbianWomanist' linking to wordpress.

the replies in that archived thread are semi-interesting but yeah smells like bullshit, and I have no love for him myself. can anyone confirm the shit in that thread about him getting kicked out of Kasama and whatnot? I don't follow American politics but didn't Kasama implode some time ago anyway?


No I'm sure temporary bourgeois norms are just nature though.

What the fuck. I didn't know all the medieval troubadours or Roman poets were capitalists.


Infa 100% the anarkiddie OP is the same faggot that wrote the blog post and is the same guy that got banned for pretending to be the "concerned friend", a random poster, and Unruhe before.


Yes, I had but without proofs they are just rumors. And by spreading rumors you are being cancerous.

Fuck off newfag. Go peddle your shit somewhere else.

Because there's a real Holla Forums archive he could use, right?

It was a decent bait but you've ruined it with this post tbh.

If you sincerely think masculinity and femininity are static and defined by nature then
is all I've got for you, that and the argument that feudal social norms were different from bourgeois social norms, and bourgeois social norms are different from other bourgeois social norms, our ideas on what is considered normal and "natural" comes from the current ruling class. If this is something you can't accept maybe don't base your identity so much on spooks like gender.

My point still stands. Strawmanning me won't help.

It is true that capitalism creates toxic masculinity, which is more of a result of alienation and fear of emasculatiom as an inherent feature of masculinity itself. Such things include: Obsession with promiscuity, hypertrophic muscle growth, and generally being a douche - this can be observed on alienated indivuals such as pick-up artists or "alphas" on YouTube. However masculinity is without a doubt transhistorical in its values, which include humility, chivalry, self-sacrifice and vigilance. This goes far beyond superficial stuff like body images - promiscuity for example was widely mocked throughout human history, Don Giovanni is satire, not an ideal.

The obsession anarchists have with "identity" is quite funny to me - this reflex to discard everything as identity is probably caused by a deep-identity crisis in themself, as it can't exist without the identities they proclaim to fight against. It's what Žižek says, coffee without milk is something different than coffee without cream.

Fuck off, wouldn't surprise me if you're OP at this point with these threads tbh. It's pretty clear the OP is so new he doesn't even know it's an archive of this site, since he calls it a forum thread.

lol this is probably coming out from some bitch who has no problem with fucking black guys

You know, to be a sensitive, soft, small, poet was once considered the height of masculinity in Japan.

Are you sure the actual forum thread he linked directly above that statement wasn't what he was talking about? Fag.

Yeah I'm pretty sure a blog post and hollaforums aren't forums you stupid fuck. Feel free to stop responding now since you obviously didn't check what OP wrote before responding to me the first time and are now grasping at straws.

Reminder the absolutely only bit of information any of this is based off is the blog post comment. Every other thread and post is all stemming from that. The blacklesbianwomanist or whatever they're called is out to get Jason, and has samefagged and been banned for it here before.

How the fuck is that contradicting any of what I said? However, I'd like to object to that that this is probably also based on the fact that traditional Japan had very different gender roles than the west. These individuals were called wakashu and wouldn't be considered men or women, but as their own gender.


If you look at typical male gender roles in feudal Japan you'd find then quite similar to western chivalry. Again, to repeat myself, since you are going to misinterpret me anyway: This is also very opposed to the toxic masculinity capitalist alienation causes.

What the fuck is this shit. You can't just accuse someone of murder wtf is your problem.

Well how was I supposed to know some autistic shit was a blog and not a forum? I ain't clicking it.

Isn't the variability of gender roles something that proves my point that they're variable and influenced primarily by the dominant ideology, making them essentially meaningless? The fact that Japan once had a third gender, and the UK currently doesn't, sort of speaks for me.
Western chivalry being a cringe meme and almost completely dead in the collective consciousness is another reason I'd say they're not static and defined by nature.

It's a cringe meme in the collective consciousness, by the way. Not just in my personal opinion, go post about how chivalrous and manly you are on some social media and see the reaction.

Gender roles come before gender identity. For something to be considered male of female, you have to even define what a man or a woman is.

The way Holla Forums describes it is surely cringey, but that doesn't change the fact that it still ultimately revered when displayed. Throwing the door into the face of your date will always be considered rude, no matter what. Concerning the body image, this is shaped mostly by evolutionary psychology: You look out for a mate who is healthy, which is depended on your socio-economic environment. In the middle ages, pale women with a small belly pouch were considered attractive, because it would imply that she doesn't do any fieldwork and eats well, ergo she's healthy. In a society where processed food is in abundance, like modern times (in the west at least), it's considered healthy to be athletic.

Why do have this obsession that you always think everybody who disagrees with you is a cringey self-perceived alpha with an unhealthy drive for virtue signalling? It's kinda annoying as fuck because your identity is less based on an edification of itself but rather simple contrarianism to whatever you perceive as negative.

It's not the way Holla Forums describes it, it's the concept of chivalry in general that's become basically its own neo-fedora. Throwing the door into their face is not what not being chivalrous is (and it would be considered rude no matter the gendered implications, for obstructing someone's movement), not being chivalrous is holding it despite their gender or not holding it at all, to hold it because they're a woman and to do a little bow will get the subject laughed at, at least internally.

No, that's bullshit. It will be considered more rude if you don't hold the door open when you are a man doing it to a women.

No, that's just the formal expression of it that changes when the culture changes but has nothing to do with the subject itself.

I don't know what to say, where I'm from, holding the door open for other people is normal, but so is ignoring them, slamming it no matter what is rude, and holding it open specifically because you're a man and they're a woman is seen as patronizing or infantilization.
Where you're from this is clearly a different story. This relativity is good for my argument.

Well where are you from? Burgerland?

It's just that your standpoint comes down to "being nice to girls is bourgeois".

Our concept of gender and gender norms are influenced highly by the dominant ideology, which is influenced highly by the bourgeois. Being nice to girls may not be bourgeois, but being nice to girls because you're the man and that's your job and they need the help, is.

well okay I don't know if I'd say the actions themselves are bourgeois, that's pushing it. The actions themselves are caused by bourgeois ideology.

He was denounced by Kasama back in 2013 when he made the "faggot" comments and refused to apologize.

Wew, lad.