Holla Forums exclusive

Holla Forums exclusive

Hello. I know few of you bother to read books, despite the sticky, but if you read one book about communism it may as well be this. Even the dimmest amongst you should be able to complete it in an afternoon or less. The epilogue will be a bit intimidating to those without the background. Read it anyway, it explains a few things.

Scanned and prepared by yours truly, user. There's no pdf available, only an epub on libgen. You guys get it first.

Ross "kill the boss" Wolfe's review: web.archive.org/web/20170716180938/https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/this-tale-is-about-you-on-bini-adamczaks-communism-for-kids/

MEGA link: mega.nz/#!9k0TADzA!v786DQ0qk86JMe3V34ABwuyg9QXxidDlNTQ0AnICZdw

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Did you write this?

>if capitalism was a disease, which it'd not

The author is a cheeki cunt

Thank you for your hard work but why the fuck would anyone want a PDF when there's already an epub?

Hey, PDFs are comfier than epubs.

Good. Now this is a more appropriate length.
Although I'm not really sure I learned anything I didn't know before. The children's book writing style makes it quite hard to tell.

pdf readers are standard issue, firefox has one built in.

i still don't have a program that can read epubs.

I actually DO have an epub reader, but I hate using it. So the PDF is appreciated.

I've posted it on /liberty/ I hope you don't mind:


This book is probably unironically a good introduction to communism tbh.

The fuck? Capitalism is literal cancer. I don't mean literal as in figurative, I mean it as in literal. The difference between capitalism and "real" cancer is the medium or level of organization at which it exists. Corporations are tumors that grow bigger and bigger, sucking up resources and harming the natural functions of the ecosystem. At least capitalism has only spread within human society and not metastasized to other organizational structures in nature (aside from adversely affecting them).


The comparison is fine. Feudalism and slave societies are just different sicknesses that went away as others took over.

3/10 Epilogue kinda ruins it.

The criticism of anti-capitalism labeled in the epilogue as the productivist position is attacking a caricature. I disagree with the following: The text presents the "construction of abstract time—time independent of the seasons, weather" and so on as a purely capitalist development. I think it is to a large degree a technical development. With our systems for regulating light and temperature indoors and inside of vehicles we are less dependent on the weather now. This is something that won't change back by going communist.

"Abstract time assumes the logics of value and equivalence together with the attendant bourgeois concepts of equality and justice." Pure romantic nonsense trying to cosplay as a more-radical-than-thou communism. Humans have different abilities, but in big groups, the notion of average ability, average fitness, makes sense for planning. This is basic statistics.

I also lol at this from the same section: "The capitalist construction of labor is accompanied by the formation of two separate spheres, production and reproduction, which in turn necessitate two distinct social complexes of knowledge, activity and affect. And with that comes two distinct subjectivities, gendered and dichotomized." If you think the concept that almost every human is either male or female is a capitalist invention, you are smoking crack.

"The qualitative limits of the consumer’s options can only be expressed as three options: buy, don’t buy, and steal. While labor is shaped by hierarchies of subordination to the pressures of the production process, the money commodity lends its possessor control over the labor time of others. That’s why money bears a certain fetish of masculine autonomy." That makes a lot of sense to me as I am a Dolphin and often steal things with my penis.

There is no new information in this booklet for anybody on this board except the trolls. And they won't read that. I liked the Ouija-board metaphor. I agree with this sentence from the epilogue: "Communism needs to be imaginable in order to be desirable." But this booklet is not helping with that. Go read Towards a New Socialism.

Perhaps it won't change, but that's beside the point. Many developments under capitalism have occurred precisely because of this.
Agreed. The notion that a radical analysis and critique must stand outside the norms of the culture from which it originates is too often used to justify shoddy analyses because they're not-Western, as if the only possible thing which can be wrong with an analysis is if it commits the sole cardinal sin of retaining a Western bias (not to take the opposite side myself, that a Western bias is good, but it's retarded regardless).
For all that book's flaws, I agree. It's a start in the right direction.

I literally bought the book to scan it because I wanted everyone not to deal with fucking epub.

EPUB is better for e-book readers.

Anyway, EPUB for completion's sake, just remove the PDF extension.

Well damn, I was going to ask where you found this since it's not on Libgen. Kudos for taking the effort to scan a book. You're doing God's work.

Thanks user

Will you put it on Libgen?

Scanning fucking sucks so you're welcome. Made me appreciate the hard work that goes into scanning older, non-digitized books.

Soon, if no one else does.