So, Holla Forums, I like proletarian/socialist/communist/etc art.
Is a thread about and including such works agreeable?
So, Holla Forums, I like proletarian/socialist/communist/etc art.
Is a thread about and including such works agreeable?
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Animu too.
These are not proletarian art, these are bourgeois as fuck.
Some less realistic stuff
All of it, comrade? Or any of them in particular?
Proletarian art being like proletarian literature, by the working class for the working class?
I find it interesting that these two paintings were both painted in 1930 but one in America the other SU. As far as I know they had no knowledge of each other.
have only memey art
Kill yourself.
Socialist realism is nice.
The norks have some good ass art.
The socialist realism bullshit. It's more fit for the aristocracy than the proles.
So jungle music?
All the best artists are reactionary.
What does proletarian art look like to you?
Like this.
Not like this
High art is bullshit
The proles "fail" to appreciate it because they don't exist on a carousel of delusion
at least in that sense, that is
π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§high artπ¬π§π¬π§π¬π§
philistines (probably think anime is art and that is what proles want)
go back to >>>/nrx/
Anime is the art of the lumpenprole
"What proles want" is whatever they want, unperturbed by capitalism and other environmental factors ofc
"Proletarian culture" is not a constructive thing, but something that must follow organically from the premises currently in existence
While it shouldn't be the only style artists should use your average worker can easily appreciate realist art and it's immediately more impressive to the average person than impressionism etc.
Soviet futurism is based
Finally some good shit
It's called Suprematism. The one in the third pic is called Constructivism
I don't care what proles appreciate, socialist realism is fucking trash
I like the modernist style and the potrayal of working men as strong masculine men.
In moderate amounts, yes. As the only damn style allowed, not so much.
Destruction as creation. I like that.
fam, this is suprematism
Space age posters are the best.
here's something you'll like
No that's Constructivism
Fucking kek
That painting of Lenin on the train looks ridiculously comfy as hell. Reminds me of a loading screen that would be for either Victoria 2 or Hearts of Iron
This is some anti-GG LARPer shit, isn't it?
wtf is that