
Is this image just a concept or is this what the room actually looked like? It's pretty cool.

Other urls found in this thread:雙忠廟

it's real, and was used, but the controls on the seats weren't all that useful, basically just a remote to cycle through premade slides.


Damn. And to realize this was terminated 44 years ago and never been tried again. Meanwhile there are people on this board who unironically believe we don't have the capacity yet to make this real and improve upon it. See: yugofags.

All big multinationals use Enterprise Resource Management, which is really the same thing, but on a vertical level.
I don't see why this couldn't be implemented nationally, if there are systems that work internationally already.

Victor Glushkov came up with the theoretical ideal a decade earlier with the proposed OGAS network where economic data would be gathered so it could be correlated and plans simulated.

I'll be in my ready room number 1

Still pissed me off the revisionists ignored it in favor of the beauracrats


We're crashing this economy with no surfvivors


You do realize computers are tools?


there's literally nothing wrong with that


Who programs the computer? Who runs the computer? Those people have an awful lot of power over the new society.

Gulags are bad, comrade. Have some black with your red.

The entire point of OGAS was to remove corruption along the data chain in the idea automated inventory systems would never lie. If X tonnes of steel is produced then OGAS will send that data down to the micro gram of steel to central planning computers that could then figure out of there is enough steel being produced for projects requiring steel.

It's fine as an inventory system, but I don't want any sort of centralized power determining what projects should be undertaken in the first place.

I don't want to abolish slavery to capital only to be reenslaved by a fucking computer and a bunch of black box algorithms.

Armed with automated data collection Glushkov and other that supported cybernetics realized that computers could be used to simulate plans, to see how the plan would effect the current economy by asking the computer to simulate those resources being used or output being changed.

Economic simulations and the interpretation of that data is a much more complicated matter, and when it comes to that I'm inclined to agree with , although I'm more concerned about the people operating and programming the computer than the computer itself, at least in the short term.

they do in our current society as well

In the bourgeois sense not in the material sense, it is how armies can easily simulate how much logistics they need for a theoretical war.

Programmers. Duh
owned by the workers, like everything else under socialism
This is an anprim tier argument, saying skilled laborers have knowledge therefore they have power.

oh for fuck sake, a computer won't determine that, it will be directly democratically voted on, the computer is just there to facilitate mass e-democracy to have direct democracy over an entire nation/world. read this and get back to us:

Okay, I'm fine with that. It still is highly vulnerable to sabotage during the post-revolutionary period, but so are diesel engines.



but muh commie omnissiah


Yeah? That's the point. The idea is to change society, not to create a new one that mimics the current one.


But the computer itself isn't governing the economy ya dummy.
If the people want to do some kind of project, they use the data gathered by the computer to simulate the outcomes of that project to see if it would be good for the economy as a whole. Then if they decide to go ahead, they use the system to plan out what resources and labour would be needed. The computer isn't dictating to anyone, only telling its users how best to utilise their resources to get where they want to be.


As opposed to the wonderful bourgeois totalitarian state where you were black bagged and thrown in a literal rape dungeon and fucked by dogs if you asked for enough money to feed yourself.

It is possible to hold these people to account though, what is key is making sure that there is a sizeable number of people who have the capability to program or work with a planning computer. Major investments in computer science education would help make sure that if somebody screws up or abuses their power that they can be replaced.



Nice pic.

I'm referring to the fact that anarchist societies have historically been super fucking easy to topple, 'tard


This could be us now, instead we got Pinochet.

Ok listen commie bros, like technology is bad ok, like writing and numbers n stuff, whoever writes down the numbers has like a wicked amount of power. We need to like get rid of this like structure stuff and just build a true society man.

what happened to /gnussr/ ?

where is the soviet cybernetics thread?雙忠廟

good thing the goverments of capitalists nations haven't never do not and will not use computers to aid in controlling their citizens

But what if we are the computer?

soviet cybernetics thread got purged either during the raid, or got 404d sometime ago


/gnussr/ is fine, but it's slow as shit, it really should be shilled more.

The cybernetics thread recently died, but it has a mirror here that missed only 1 content post made afterwards. It includes a link to download an offline version at the end: