What does Holla Forums think of Kim Il Sung? Did he do anything wrong? What could he have done better?

What does Holla Forums think of Kim Il Sung? Did he do anything wrong? What could he have done better?

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The nepotism was probably the only bad thing he did that could've been realistically avoided.

Also, the cult of personality, though I'm not sure how much he actually had to do with it.

More socialism

Handed power to his brother.

Make nukes

Not lay the foundation for an ethno-nationalist, militant hereditary monarchy while LARPing as a socialist.

Conquered the South


It's our lucky number

Shame Russia was too busy dicking around with the UN

Do we know for sure why North Korea's such a shithole?

The nepotism was the biggest issue
Besides that he was actually pretty solid as a leader

Mostly economic warfare, but also the general issues of pretty much every ML state, i.e., an unaccountable, unelected bureaucratic party apparatus.

the bureaucrats actually are elected. and the economy in NK is growing at a steady pace.

Sounds like $$$human nature$$$ with a communist twist to me. How do you make sure a socialist vanguard party stays an instrument of the people instead of turning into a way of living for a few bureaucrats?

now listen here you little revisionist (and probably imperialist too) the bureaucrats are proletarians elected in completely democratic fair elections and as such the state is controlled entirely by the proletariat

kimilsungism-kimjongilism not marxist-liberalism ok

it may be a shithole but its better than the republic of korea.

kind of like cuba vs hati.

The party approves literally one candidate and then people vote on whether or not they "approve" of said candidate. I'm pretty sure you can fill in the blanks about what sort pressures might be placed for voters to signal their "approval".

The workers have to prevent the political power from being taken away from them (what should've happened in Soviet Russia) or, failing that, they need to seize political power *back* from the bureaucrats (what needs to happen in every surviving Communist country).

No, people caucus for candidates and then cast ballots as a confirmation mechanism.

cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
excellent military/political leader, decent adminstrator but shitty ideology, then again knowing the background of Korean Communism it's not so surprising it turned to shit

DPRK is not a one-party state. read up on it b4 u talk

Here, I fixed the image.


That completely ignores the nomination process. Candidates are nominated by trade unions, cooperatives, women's organizations, etc. Probably the biggest difference between bourgeois democracy and proletarian democracy. I find your standards quite unfair, considering that what you described is literally how elections work in the "free world".

So fucking tired of hearing this absolute bullcrap from supposed leftists. What's your source for that? The Washington Post?


I hope this is satire

Are you implying the Republic of Korea is a functioning democracy with an amazing quality of life? Cause if you do you should kill yourself.

No (not that I really care if a bourgeois democracy works or not)

Then why do you complain about that meme? South Korea has been propped up with millions and has a state capitalist command economy, while North Korea pretty much faces the entire world which is hostile to them without even having good access to farm land. When you put the achievements of North Korea in perspective, it's actually quite impressive.