Communism is pro family values. Communism seeks to re-instate the extended family/community mode of child rearing...

Communism is pro family values. Communism seeks to re-instate the extended family/community mode of child rearing. Communism seeks to extend family values to everybody on earth. Two role models and sources of guidance and learning is not enough.
Different role models fill different needs in a child's development, for example, a young boy may be embarrassed to ask his father about sex, but may be comfortable having the discussion with an uncle or elder cousin. Or, have a problem they think they will get in trouble for, so are not able to confide in their parents, but may confide in these individuals. The parental duty of care should be extended to all the young from all the old. This can only be achieved in a society of solidarity.

Communism the ultimate pro family ideology. So how do Holla Forumsyps have the monopoly?

because they think the nuclear family has been the predominant mode of familial organisation for all of history and not just a meme cooked up to sell more houses, and so do most other people

muh human nature

Unironically this. The CM talks about how capitalism destroyed the extended family to promote consumption and movement of labour. Ironically, the debt that is placed upon young people nowadays necessitates living with family, so capitalism is undoing itself.

does that mean that me being a NEET whomst lives in his parents' basement is considered revolutionary praxis?

No, it is just material necessity driven by the forces of capitalism. The overproduction and artificial scarcity of housing are at odds, and NEETs like you are being locked out of market participation.
2008 Part 2: Revolutionary Boogaloo is coming, and it's coming soon.

No but also yes. Communism cannot be said to consciously be "pro" anything as all it is is an utter negation of capitalism (whatever we will see in communism will not be there because of wilful doing, but being consequent of doing). It can however be said that communism would likely produce such a method of child rearing, not just because pritive communistic societies also did not know any (one of the) traditional methods of child rearing, but also because the absence of all value-driven economic impulses would inherently make it more communal as such.


No, you're just rejected by post-modernity, that's all.

old meme

And we are the ones trying to destroy the family right?

Didn't read, NERD.






I blame the crackpot works Engels put out after Marx's death for starting the belief commies want to destroy the family.

Frankly, I wish they had written more about topics other than political economy. Ignoring the superstructure was a mistake.

No they pretty much describe the process of community break down i describe

yes it sounds very family orientated

So you like to rear children with your friends?

You realise this is what Plato literally said should be the case in The Republic, filthy state cuck.

says who?

…..point me to where it says that?

what the hell is wrong with you?

If I had a kid it would be nice if my friends would watch them once in a while yeh sure

Would the children like it in the rear?

The book is complete garbage full of 19th century pseudo-history fantasies on a mystical matriarchal past.

Yes, this is for the Philosopher-Kings not the filthy common folk you fucking pleb
says literally all communists ever and all socialist social planners ever. The kids are supposed to ideally be raised in dorms and there are a number of left wing thinkers who've gone on about this. village parenting is a huge talking point on the left, feigning ignorance of wives in common and dormitory life for children is like being right wing and pretending the holocaust didn't happen, its just laughable and borderline cult-like behavior (like denying dianetics if you are a scientologist)
its implied heavily, "gays are unspooked, straights are spooked" "if you don't like gay sex you are spooked" "we assign who you fuck, sex is a bonding tool and also currency since we banned all normal meritocratic measures of value" "oh you won't fuck your commisar? do you not trust us user? are you possibly in need of some pro-homosex reeducation" yeah no i'm not stupid I can see how if trans faggots can shame men for not fucking them now and most leftists are cool with it, then in the future it could be considered rude or even bigoted to not ever hook up with the same sex, especially as a girl. In fact right now in hook-up culture if you're an attractive party girl and you always refuse to kiss girls you're considered lame and a prude. I can only imagine how much worse that would be with leftists
i live in Babylon faggot


this isn't bait? there is a genuine person who genuinely believes this of the world? every day the children of Holla Forums manage to amaze me, truly the 8th wonder of the world.

Just remove the obvious canards and it's still better than most modern anthropology books, honestly. And it's not like their political works don't have Good Savage bullshit too.


Hippie communes and Israeli kibbutzim have all failed (at least where families issues are concerned). Very few people defend the kind of ideas you describe nowadays.

I'm not, but get what you mean.
It would be preferable to have an extended family/community mode of child rearing. They're still only values because I value them.

No, it sees the family like how you life-deniers see everything; an oppression crushing your tiny balls.

There is no citation needed its just an obvious link in the causal chain of social libertine thought and collectivist logic. If we are all one community and we all share wives and kids then we all fuck together and fluid sexuality will be a sign of trust and integration, rigid monogamous sexuality will be a sign of individuality and resistence. So it will be punished, this is why in leftist groups, sharing chicks, orgies, 3-ways and traps are so normal and common. If you don't do it, you're spooked. I don't need to cite anything, this is what the Left truly wants

No this is genuinely what would happen in an ideal techno-socialist society. Its fucking degenerate i know, hard to believe, but when your ideology is based on conflict against the established sexual-social hierarchy you are forced to be degenerates

my posts are better than 90% of the agreeable faggotry that makes up this board's echo-chamber of middling Autism Level social-science majors
no, I just see how things are going along the left side of the spectrum and have hung out with leftist people and they are super into group-sex and experimenting with dudes and doing drugs while fucking and sharing gf's. The more right wing my friends are the more loyal they are to their gf's and the more protective they become of them.
no I am straight, I know what sexuality i am. Its not a quest to figure it out, if you are attracted to women then you're straight. You don't need to wonder about it, only the culture industry has now introduced an element of gender doubt, faith doubt, species doubt, race doubt, sexuality doubt, rationality doubt and its designed to cause an epistemological crisis in younger generations. Terrence McKenna has a short talk where he discusses epistemological fracturing and how its causing a schizophrenic society. And your reaction as a board to this subject is always manic and schizo af just saying

That doesn't mean anything, the USSR failed and China is now state-capitalist. That doesn't mean there aren't tankies. And that's irrelevant. The Kibbutz's had village parenting, not children raised in dorms and wives in common. Totally different idea. And the hippy communes existed inside capitalist nations. I'm talking hypothetically in a socialist techno-state with nukes and AI, they would absolutely engineer sexuality to be as amenable and easy to manipulate as possible. Any kind of sexuality which requires individual agency and deep thought would be discouraged.

You're all terrified that I'm correct

I don't need proofs, I say it so it is so

you think you know everything about communism but youve never read a single book or anything about it except whats negative, why should anyone listen to you. the left in the west has nothing in common with communism 100 years ago. Not even similar

Jesus christ Holla Forums has gone to shit

read a book nigger, preferably marx but the fucking ABC would be a good place for you to start

You don't have to lie to me hun. No one from Holla Forums knows you are here.
You just can't hide your raging powerlevel can you?
Everyone thinks they have it all figured out when they're young, user.
But I thought your straightness was all natural?
If thats how you see it, user. Heterosexuality can be so difficult and rigid, can't it?
You do what you want user, I'm not judging you. You don't have to judge yourself, either.
Is it what we want, or is it what you want?

sadly, you could plug "nation" in your post and it would more or less still make sense.

Not everyone has an extended family to rely on, and the truth is most people won't trust some party flunky with raising their kids, even if it only for a few hours a day.
The wife and I spend every spare minute we have with our kids.The nearest of the rest of my family lives about 4 hours away, and we won't let them see her family because they're disgusting hoarders with real, severe and diagnosed mental problems.

Nigga I'd it anecdotal and it ain't corroborated, it ain't evidence dig?

I'm not talking about party flunkies, God no, I'm talking about a society that instills strong community regardless of family ties. if the society is built around community you will have people you can trust

What about NS and pagans? They aren't american suburbanites

Leave you cuck fantasies out of this Holla Forums.

OP is straight!!! Read Prodhoun and Clousard if you don't believe me.

Because practically every other major socialist thinker(s) spazzed out about how "the family" is just a creation of the bourgeious to reinforce capitalism (for example, The Authoritarian Personality)

Yea the modern form of the family. Read something like Mutual Aid by Kropotkin, he talks about communist societies, such as small villages that raised kids in a different way than we do, more communally.
I'm not the best resource on this but I'm pretty sure any socialist freaking out about the family is claiming the modern form of the family is a capitalist perversion of its former organization.

Ignore Engels and anyone who cites him.

Which is an impossibility in societies as complex as ours. You can't just cargo-cult something that happens in hunter-gatherer bands or whatever where the headcount is ~300 individuals who have lived with each other nearly continuously since childbirth, and everyone is closely related to everyone else to cities with populations in the millions, where most inhabitants aren't even on speaking terms with their neighbors let alone the fact the rest of their family is scattered across the country/world

Its as absurd as asking why developed/developing country humans can't just live like hunter-gatherers, i.e. spend a few hours each day foraging for roots or hunting game and then relaxing for the rest of the day

Okay that's a new one.

Come no man, you know we're always beseieged by trolls. Don't figure that's representative of the board.

This on the other hand is an amusing troll.

Crypto-fascists misunderstanding Engels as usual.

Basically this but the point is not that "the rich deliberately destroyed the tribe to make the family" but that private property arose within a tribes structure, around positions such as but not limited to, spiritual leaders, healers etc, those with the power of knowledge which can be passed down in secret and therefore taken advantage of, resulting in separate families and family accumulation of wealth and the idea of private property.

This then broke down into sub stems of the family when a household became too large and split off.

This process was by no means linear or one day to the next, and there was a back a forth among villages communities and tribes, the common property pushing against the private, but generally as a historical trend this is the origin of private property (and the nuclear family).

it is worth noting that even today village communities still do exist with the primitive communal ethos and even with separate families they still live as extended families in a semi communal manner in a great many places.

It was only really post WW2, where we moved into the era of late capitalism, that even the extended family began to be pruned off, although this was still resisted.

But by the 1950's the image of happiness was not the extended family like it had been at any other time in history, but Mom, Pop and 2 kids.

We might say that this has broken down still further since then, with the rise of single parenting, and people who live really with barely any kind of familial contact.

No it's for everyone. It's really fucking clear. I'm literally reading that part right now, and the whole point was that everyone would refer to everyone else in the state by familial terms and that no one in the state would know who was blood-kin to anyone, so that all would consider each other kin. Read it again.