How will Communism help us smooth over the chaotic effects of the sexual free market?

How will Communism help us smooth over the chaotic effects of the sexual free market?

State-issued gf's

You will have to lift and be interesting.


is pussy a commodity? i don't think it is

Stop these threads.




Based on the thread I guess it's a non-fucking rose.

Sex is a gift economy, not a market.

In capitalism it is. A very valuable one.

I propose phasing out the dangerous biofemales with sexbots equipped with artificial wombs.

First of all it will abolish your false bourgeois consciousness as such, so "sexual free market" will be a meaningless uttering.

objective rankings coming through
5 > 2 > 4 > 3 >1

No need to equip sexbots with wombs.
Sex and reproduction should be completely separate things. Use the sexbots purely for pleasure, if you want to have kids then drop your load on an artificial womb.

No you just suck

Base-superstructure, you incel faggot
no markets=no sexual markets

but sex for reproduction is hot

You lefties just don't work hard enough, that's why you're always mad about money.

Free sex robots for all. Thirst will be a thing of the past.

Also drug-fueled gay space orgies, and children of the through.
