Redneck Revolt vs. Carl of Mossad
Redneck Revolt vs. Carl
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You see you commie pinko, leftists don't actually care about the workers. This is why i support the conservatives.
Why is his face so infuriating?
Yeah this video is pathetic for one prominent reason:
Carl knows he is fucked in the long term. He was, himself, just a generic uneducated social liberal who was kind of frightened by the whole feminist/idpol resurgence that got steam during gamergate. Now, because of his fervet anti-feminist shilling, he is stuck with a severely reactionary (mostly american) audience. He has to keep constantly pleasing them, and he knows it. I don't think Carl actually really cares that some left wing group in America is using their 2nd amendment rights, just like propertarians and reactionaries have been boasting about the 2nd amendment for years before this. But he knows he has to virtue signal to his fucked up audience in order to keep feeding his family.
This is kind of sad, folks. Maybe we need to help Carl find a job that does not include having to please a right-wing audience of 500k people.
Is RR any good?
Redneck revolt is embarrassing hipsters LARPing as rednecks. They're going to lose.
This is a good take. I can't help but see a man who is stuck defending a position he doesn't even cares about, or knows anything about. He's forced to defend liberal capitalism in a debate even though he probably hasn't even read Hayek but has to namedrop him so he can pretend he developed his position organically, which he clearly didn't.
Probably not, despite the cucklord Carl is, he's right about one thing: White working class hates polticial correctness, and it looks like that they are doubling down on that.
No. Look at their "range day" video. It's full of stupidity. Instead of being humble and learning shit, or simply using their current talents. They prefer to shoot slavshit at Pepe in the desert.
AR's are shit. Don't be a cuck.
AR's are the only decent choice if you're American. RR is LARP-tier memers that think wearing flannel makes them a "redneck".
Classcucks, just give it up already
Why is this board so fascinated with this guy. You don't get upset every time someone like Sean Hannity or Bill Oreilly says something against leftism?
Because Hannity and O'Reily don't claim to be leftists.
What year is it?
Sargon and his ilk are the future of the media. Sargon himself is one of the most prominent and influential people in that sphere, and his idiocy makes him an absolute lolcow.
does he even claim to be leftist still.
Yes. He still does.
Well I dont see how anyone could believe him.
He's on the left of the Overton Window depending on where you draw it.
Oh yeah, that debate was painful. To me it is clear Carl cannot defend his positions coherently in a 1v1 debate, so he prefers 3v3 (where is lack of knowledge is way less visible due to the messy nature of such multiple-participant debates). Carl has been defeated in 1v1 debates before, and I have a feeling even Muke could utterly wreck him in such a debate, because for all his ignorance, Muke has at least read SOME theory, Muke at least cares. Carl is absolutely ignorant and not willing to learn.
At the end of that garbage heap of a debate, Carl shortly mentioned how he was interested in doing a future debate with Muke on the topic of socialism, 1v1. I have a feeling that is not going to happen (at least not on any of Carl's own youtube channels).
His audience believes him because apparently anything short of wanting to do the holocaust (for realz dis time :^)) is considered leftist now.
well I don't see where he would be "left wing". He supports right wing parties, likes Hayek over even Keyenes, thinks socialist never did anything to help workers, and communism is more dangerous than fascism. I don't know why he even calls himself left.
because he rarely ever listens to the left and mainly the right so he has no idea about the radical left which means he strawmans every time. He also made that terrible kekistan meme
He chose his debate partners poorly though. The "CEO" seemed completely ignorant towards even Wikipedia tier knowledge of Marxism, and didn't come over as knowledgeable about even capitalist macroeconomics. And Academic Agent - do I need to say more? Guy is borderline fascist and suffers from extreme Dunning-Kruger-Syndrome and is the most dishonest guy I've ever seen. That's why I lean towards the stance that the socialist side slightly won the debate, which is, quite frankly, a premier in the internet debates of left vs. right because the socialists usually representing the left in these things tend to be incompetent who get steamrolled by better prepared rightists. Libertarian Socialist Rants for example, I think he regulary gets destroyed but doesn't seem to care about it.
He did debates?
"TYT would get socialized pretty bloody quickly wouldn't you, Cenk?"
I wonder who the new chairman could be…
I don't actually know, but I watched a guy debating Black Pigeon Speaks that was a similar type and kind of lost the debate about the topic wether or not women destroy civilizations, which is pretty poor. I know though that Libertarian Socialist Rants is so often utterly destroyed in video responses and he doesn't seem to care, or make an own response video.
it has a moron attached to it
He thought he'd pull one over on the socialists by picking a SocDem CEO but he just gave away their position and cucked autisticagent instead (who actually is a free market idealist).
Well the original Socdems though Caitalist innovations would lead to communism. The CEO guy thinks that communism is inevidble. So the CEO technocy is a socdem.
Redneck Revolt is getting a lot of coverage lately. I hope they drop the idol and gain massive popularity in Appalachia.
you tell me
It isn't just the WWC, anyone sane hates it.
PC is just putting a band-aid on a huge crack and pretending the crack doesn't exist anymore.
Sargon seems to go further right all the time, to the point now where it's really hard to tell much difference between him and some pundit on Fox.
At this point he's basically just Rush Limbaugh with Pepe memes.
And his understanding of politics and economics is a joke. Check out @15:09. He basically winds up saying there's no systemic factor involved in economic outcomes, just personal choices and such. You have to be a mental child to truly believe stuff like this. He should really stick to whinging about pronouns or people trying to force ffemale characters into video games.
It's the exact same shit as coastal liberals thinking it's just a bunch of cousin-fucking inbreds who can't read, except they want their pet "rurals". Fuck off, Carl.
t. Lifelong deep south native/resident currently living in bumfuck nowhere farm town
rightwing opinionstube complained for a long time about the left aprpopriating gays, or jews etc.
now they are trying to do the same with their precious redneck true murican rightist, getting triggered when it turns out that the poor could be politically diverse too.
I'm sorry, but I ain't watching that shit
Imagine having an audience this fucking moronic, this is what it literally paying the bills.
Are you the faggot from the last thread? Blaming the upper class =/= self-flaggelation unless their recruiting porkies, which they obviously aren't.
source of image? Google gives nothing
I googled that username, and he is a Swede not a Russian.
Yes if we just BTFO a right wing youtuber communism will happen!
I get the feeling the alt-right see rednecks the same way liberals see blacks.
Holla Forumsyp psyops is too obvious these days
They aren't pushing idpol though, they are rejecting it in favour of class struggle. They are closer to the Young Patriots than anything else.
>"Hey, guise! Guise! GUISE! I'm not far-right, I'm a classicul librul™. It's just teh left today are LITERALLY cancer. That's why I
.. Should Germans be proud Nazis?
Belgium embrace cutting off Kongo hands?
Turkey walking Armenians to death?
US killin anarkids? .. oh wait…
Carl's whiny nasally voice makes me want to kill myself.
Someone pls summarize his points for me.
ARs are overpriced hunks of plastic crap, just like the American service rifles they're based on.
Jewish Nazis unironically exist but OK
can't you just make your own AR though?
lets see some pics of your guns boy
almost got me there
I'm confused, is this a different "Redneck Revolt"? I thought Redneck Revolt was an organization dedicated to putting the Red back in redneck.
Yeah this is that org
please no
It's from a manga called "Mai-chan's Daily Life"
I agree that he knows he's full of shit, but what he's peddling is fucking atrocious. I'm not going to say he's doing any actual damage because he's an uneducated literally who pissing himself and recording it for 10-30 min at a time, but his ass is getting Gulaged so hard, Gorbachev will have time to sneak out to Pizza Hut.
Finally watched.
He ends up agreeing Cenk fucking Uyger.
So much for contrarian Carl
working class identity
>The south has no tradition of communism, despite things like this
Yup, there's nothing but trash here.