B-b-but muh GDP!!!!

B-b-but muh GDP!!!!

I see a lot of bootstraps that need to be pulled up in that area

Um they are just lazy they just need to pull up their bootstraps x


Just admit you're a pussy that doesn't like change. .

Btw that's south korea for you all. I wanted to open a thread about all the shit that happens in that country but i'm note english native speaker so it's kinda hard for me to write in lenght about that place. I already mentioned Slums, consumeristic culture, suicides and what american soldiers do when they are there. But there is a lot more shit going on there

It would be really interesting to hear user

That really South Korea? Slums like that don't even exist in Albania. What the fuck happened?

This is what happens when you don't pull your bootstraps.

Who are you quoting?

It's widespread in the entire Asia(probably not as much in Japan afaik), Honk Kong slums come to mind


Bootstraps are the chains that bind the feet of the proletariat. I reject shoes for this reason.

That bread must be conquested immediately!

I get the feeling that poor Asians just accept their lot in life.

Yeah but there is a lot of shit to cover. Geez I'll probably open a thread in a few minutes.

You have no fucking Idea pal. We are a third world country with skyscrapers and k pop there is a lot more nigeria tier shit

At some point even the most die-hard ancap has to do some serious introspection and ask himself why exactly he tries so hard to defend his ideology.

Actually, they love this kind of shit since they are cyberpunk fetishists too.

I heard poverty in South Korea's a lot more age-based. There's a documentary on YouTube bout this common phenomenon of old ladies setting sex on the streets of Seoul cuz they can't afford to keep the lights on at home.

Huh. I never knew that. I woulda thought they're a lot more into Bioshock Infinite-type steampunk cuz it's reminiscent of the days in American history where the government wouldn't even build roads.

Yeah. But don't think lower demographics are immune to this shit. 15-25 is even more affected. We are talking 20% here. Not only that but we have more sex workers than thailand and all those shit countries. We are the second country with more whores in the world. Fuck this I'll open a thread talking about all this shit

What's the government doing to crack down on prostitution? Porn ain't even legal in South Korea so you'd think it would be a lot less common.

The goverment just tries to give you more years to both hoes and client. Except when it comes to prostitution near american military bases. They don't do shit there and I don't even think they can. Half of those are pimped by the soldiers.

Get the Korean AMA thread going.

Yeah. I will in 25 minutes.

Bullshit, those have got to be pictures of Apefrica.

you know, if an american soldier ever beats you or rapes you or whatever they're not even going to get prosecuted in your country.