Other urls found in this thread:

hmm… How quaint. Gimme a min to listen

Dang I figured she was part of the brocialist front since she's in the chat with Muke et al, I left a comment anyways.


haven't watched the video yet but why does everyone always think this place is full of tankies?

Cuz it is…..

Two different thing me m8

Not compared to reddit or any other big site.

he says about left libertarianism though like all leftypollers are rabid maoists

Dood. user was replying to the comment.

I hate when these faggots say "left a libertarianism". There is literally no such fucking thing. Call it what it is: ANARCHISM. These niggers are just as bad as the "anarcho"-capitalists.


b-but what if i'm a libertarian state socialist


t. Muke

Yeah. I gots no problem with this. Other than the conflation of class as an ID. But it's a muke point.She still thinks class is number one issue

Muke has more theoretical understanding than me, my ideology is solely based on Edward Bellamy

Dropped. I'm not saying abortion should be illegal but this is just a retarded argument, an unborn human is not your body

Nah bra, It's not a real person. It's a bunch of undifferentiated cells. learn to biology.

At least for a while.

You should support abortion for the fact that life is misery alone though

but the baby is using your body without your consent





I fucking love the last pic. It was made by an idpoler, but it implies that women aren't part of the socialist revolution somehow. This is how hatred of women and patronizing look like.

idpol is a spook

Unless they are implying they aren't part of the proletariat and are hinting that they themselves need gulaging.

pure lifestylism

Then you need to become increasingly apathetic towards social issues and focus purely on the economic axis. :^)
(n.b. doing this just ensures you won't fit in anywhere, as you're not pro-idpol enough to get in with any group - but you're not "anti-idpol" in the sense of actually being a reactionary so those guys won't take you either.)

It's remarkably irritating how entrenched "if you ignore our struggle then you support our oppressor" is. Can't just say "You have my emotional support, now fuck off while I figure out what kind of underwear Keynes preferred.", no, you're expected to dedicate some token time or effort to spreading their cause (or god forbid "raising awareness") in a bunch of liberal pseudo activity, but if you just say it out loud - again - you're backing the oppressor. These people are fucking terrible at division of labour. (I'll make the logo!)

It's enough to make one want to invert Keynesianism to try and ensure recessions are as drawn out and painful as possible. Sadly that's already been done by the neoclassicals, so instead here I am.

I don't wanna detail the topic or anything but I do think eating meat does nothing but damage the environment and the poor as well as animals, it's not really lifestylist

To be honest even if it's not very coherent it's probably got more normie appeal


I just don't think government is inherently bad is all… I want a state to look after everyone and make sure bad things don't happen…

When do you decide when it's more than that? That's opening a whole new can of worms.

I don't see how unless you got raped or your protection failed.

Jesus you weren't kidding about the not knowing theory thing, were you?

Is it really "ID-pol"? I always say "idpol" as one word, what's ID-pol? Passport politics?

It's pretty clear. Late term abortions are not a thing in most countries already. Learn to biology.

that's how. And condoms fail all the time. Not to mention that not everyone has access to them.

Lol I was intentionally phrasing that in a childish way because I think it is pretty simple. I don't accept the anarchist definition of a state as always hierarchical/oppressive

Smh TBH fam

Biology isn't in charge as to when to determine when you can describe something as a human being, you STEMlord. It merely provides the data for philosophical discourse, which is the groundwork for laws.

I really hope you don't say 'idpol' like that in real life, it'd sound really ridiculous. But 'identity' is pronounced like 'aidentity' This is why I don't like English pronounciation

At least we still have Evalion.

The right way to pronounce it is like id, the freudian concept because it's a fucking excellent play on words.

Is that Kierkegaard?


and? Porky is taking my labor power without my consent.

Then don't have sex if you neither want to use protection or to have babies. And if the condom breaks just have your guy buy you some contraception at the nearest pharmacy. I for example always check the condom after sex if I'm using one, just pour some water into it before flushing it down the toilet. Kids should learn these things in school.

tbh the biological distinction seems hilariously legalistic. why not assign special value to human cells that technically aren't yet humans in themselves but are the product of humans.
i mean, we'd get a bit upset if a vanload of valuable blood products crashed off the side of a bridge.
(fwiw i'm not against abortion, but i'd still be in favour of allowing abortions if we cut the scientific pretentiousness and went off in the other direction and just called it "the baby" - the cluster of the undifferentiated cells or the baby, either way it's getting an eviction notice.)

Where do you think you are?

t. Republican

biology is a subset of philosophy. Also are we not talking about human animals that are biological organisms? What do you believe life begins at conception, christfag?

alright, now explain why that means it's ok to force women to keep the baby when they don't want to.

Sex-ed is generally horrible, especially in America.
well aren't you a killjoy

It's funny because the USSR had equals gender rights since… Oh, what? Since it fucking started? Wow, what a long "wait"

This is a terrible argument. In this situation, the party with least consent is the fetus, since it has no ability whatsoever to change the situation.

Yeah but in the USSR women were expected to participate in military conflict and die to defend the motherland, when I said I wanted equal rights that's not what I meant

to be honest i don't strongly disagree with anything she has said

just don't think using the term "autistic" casually is doing much harm if any, seeing as a lot of us are probably on the spectrum anyway

my appologies. I think that people are people only when they have brainfuctioning… as does the medical community. (scientific pretentiousness, pffft. okay the baby isn't something we should feel morally obligated toward unless it has brainfunction - brains make consciousness. Consciousness makes humanity)

What did you mean then

eye dee pole has a much better flow than idpol

I was making a joke about liberal feminism… Oy vey

Proper sex-ed isn't a fucking republican stance.

Also natural sciences shouldn't really make moral or ethical statements. I thought me moved past that during the enlightenment period. You know you might not be aware of this but most of our laws are actually incredibly complex in terms of their conceptions, and abortion does mess with causal chains which can presuppose criminal behavior in many elements of crime. Case in point: Forcefully aborting someone's fetus against their will is usually categorized as a crime against life, and not as a crime against body - to he dogmatically consistent you'd have to argue as to why the object of crime is a different one when it is a self-inflicted abortion. In any case, we are dealing with complex issues here and to simple resort to muh biology muh atheism is maximum fedora tier.

So we should just kill people who are brain damaged?

Pls no

Having listened to the whole thing it's just a bunch of extremely boilerplate intersectionality. In addressing the focus on class she paints a picture of "class reductionism" where anti-idpolers ignore everything other than class while she ignores the base/superstructure distinction.

Never was a fan of Mexie, seemed like another reddit "socialist" who repeats stuff they read in books without building on it or coming up with anything novel or novel ways of presenting old things. This video makes it seem pretty certain that she's got no theory, just a collection of thematically related issues.

Whether they're people now is again just dancing around with definitions. It's a thing that's going to become a person. We can play irritating back-and-forth language games until 3 posts from now when I get bored and joke about using the time machine I developed to find out what kind of comb Keynes used to go back and abort you instead, but it'd sidestep the actual point that a thing that was developing into a human at some point and might even have been a little tadpole by this stage is now scrambled eggs.

Actually I think I just wanted to say some obscene things. Really, the amount of time pissed away on this subject is criminal. It's almost an argument for more abortions in itself. If we abort everyone, nobody will talk about abortion. 6000th trimester abortions. Posadism from the barrel of a coathanger.


I mean most people below the age of 35 have no theory even if they are involved with any sort of academics

Theory is just so fucking dry, can't I get by with Chomsky? I'm not asking to be a leader of the revolution or anything…

Whereas your theory is developed and honed by yourself and not based off what you read in books?

Braindamage =/= braindead

So why doesn't personhood matter? I'm honestly confused. Personhood does matter - murder is wrong. Picking a scab is not.

If you don't want dry theory Chomsky should be your very last option dude. Guy is a walking sleeping pill.

Braindead means death. Embryos are not braindead, the brain is like one of the first things to take on form

A focus on social justice, without a focus on economic justice is always doomed to failure.
We do not need more women ceos, we need more dead ceo's.

Dry theory? Don't worry! I have just the thing for you…

It's a box-drawing exercise. It's intentionally ridiculous to compare a scab to something that will almost certainly - in the absence of intervention - grow into a creature with personhood.

It's this wanking about what's happening: Something that, without intervention, would become a person is now not going to become a person because of a course of action decided. Now I'm not against that - but the refusal to accept that's what's happening, to dance around it because oohh no I'm afraid that might bolster pro lifers ability to appeal to muh feelings - that's what bothers me. I don't even care if brain activity is present. Just scramble the damn thing on cost-benefit grounds, but concede that's what's happening.

Politically I almost have some sympathy for the dancing around it (again cost-benefit trade off.) so that people who get abortions aren't made to feel guilty about it, but when not dealing with them directly in person (i.e. on imageboards) I'd appreciate if it was recognized that abortion is the termination of a pregnancy that would almost certainly have been viable otherwise, even though that doesn't imply it should've been allowed to continue because that's a decision to be taken on cost/benefit grounds.

Good lord, he writes like an insane person. Oh wait.

This is pretty much where I've been since I realized there was validity to various structural prejudices in society (I never was full Holla Forumsshit but I had a brief period of being "Dadgum SJWs!"), but simultaneously realized a lot of it had to do with material conditions and structures enabling those types of power relations to exist.

I haven't had a big issue with it yet, but that's likely because there's not a strong Leftist presence in my state, so I generally just don't comment on idpol issues unless it's particularly egregious and focus on things in the immediate like promoting unionizing and/or universal healthcare. I do worry that I'll be asked to champion some niche cause or get out if I get involved with more people though.

She's NazBol/Asserist.

NazBol is just Holla Forums cosplaying because they realized the majority of Holla Forumsyps would be melted down for glue in their ideal "might makes right" right-wing utopia, and they get to keep their "DA J00S" bullshit. Fuck outta here.

What I really want to see is a debate between Muke/batko/whatever versus someone like Garrett, Mexie, or ContraPoints on issues like idpol.

It's a little annoying that there's very rarely if ever any dialog between the two sides of the issue.

i don't think there would be much to say on the issue

Is it true that many states are suing the dnc for the wasted time and money lost supporting bernie? Do you think anyone will get their stolen money back?


Muke would bent to idpol, he can barely stand his ground against rabid twitter sjws.

This is a versatile meme

I used to joke about the problem of non-Socdem left wingers being that they write too many tomes, making it impossible to actually read theory without getting bored and giving up. (Even Marx didn't manage to finish Das Kapital, for example.)
I almost pray that nobody in post-modernity has any good theory, because you just know it'd be described in a 128+ (assuming 1/gb hour, charitably) hour YouTube video. At least you can skimread a book. It's not even like it's a lecture from a proper academic where you can be assured you're getting something good (albeit the same lecture this academic always gives with the examples swapped to the domestic situation of the country he's lecturing in this week.), it could be absolute nonsense - but you've got to commit a full episode of classic simpsons of your life minimum to find out.

Bring back the 10 minute limit. Having to download episodes of Seconds From Disaster 1/5th at a time is a small price to pay for knowing information will get to the point or get lost.

Mao used to rally the illiterate peasants of china with slogans, catchphrase, and big poster boards.

This escalated quickly.

A fetus is in no way a human. Neither biologically, nor functionally. Get fucked.

No, it's common sense.

No, it actually refers to ex-people who are in a vegetative state being kept biologically functional by artificial means. It is a state of pure horror that which if you don't want to end makes you an immoral asshole who is so insecure about his own mortality that he has to make sure that others suffer indefinitely.

Embryos are pre-human biologically, just like sperms. They are pre-human functionally, just like the new-born.

The inner/outer distinction of cells is the first thing to take shape. I guess we should preserve everything that has these characteristic because it was first!

Fucking lunatic.


It is actually the opposite: babies without outside intervention will turn into pure animals, and nothing more. We need care to become speaking, thinking human beings.


Can't deny that it's working like a charm.

what is the main point of her argument? 5 minutes in and all I know is she used the word "intersectionality" a lot,
she also says i-d pol. id is short for identity, not identification document, no idea how you could make that mistake.

Except that sperms aren't guaranteed to become grown humans, a fetus usually does. Setting a chain of events in motion that kills you is usually considered murder; like if you plant a death trap for somebody who isn't yet born but will walk into it once he is. The conception that your human rights only begin once you exit the uterus is a completely arbitrary notion. In any case, how is all that addressing my original point, that it's retarded to call an unborn child "your body"?

12 minutes in. This has just been a huge waste of time to listen to, and I don't want to listen further. it's non-stop rambling about a bunch of strawmen and emotional appeals, with no attempt to dissect the issue or respond to any anti-idpolers. She hasn't even addressed a single anti-idpol argument, she has probably only ever heard the idea explained by 2nd hand sources, she obviously isn't able to think of it as meaningful.

I put the video on double speed and it was still mostly intelligible

Mexie seems smart and nice, but I'm I the only one who cant watch her because of the valley girlish voice? I hope I am I wish her success and all but some youtubers just aren't for me.

Also Garrett liked this video so it has to be self serving centrist shit or at least stating the obvious in an edgy way.

The flipside of idpol is that, just as disadvantaged groups are assumed to have special knowledge of their condition, advantaged groups are also assumed to have special knowledge which is unassailable, which leads to an inevitable specialization of intellect.

I'm a disabled person with a mental disability. There are tons of people who shit on me, but I've found enough people who get it, who totally get it. It is not difficult to understand the plight of the disabled if one has a shred of empathy or, lacking that, the ability to not be a selfish prat. Likewise, I shouldn't be barred from commenting on matters of science just because I don't have some esteemed degree, nor should anyone else. Science is a method, not a dogma or caste system.

The real problem as I see it is that human beings see each other as opposing tribes rather than a unified humanity, and this should be obvious to anyone who has studied human behavior for more than a few minutes. You're not going to get everyone to live in perfect harmony, that's utopian. What you can do is make the argument that cooperation is far better than the alternative of competition, and that capitalism by its very nature leads to its own destruction and thus either socialism will replace it, or we're all damned.

I think that, unfortunately, there has to be some idpol around race if humanity is ever going to cooperate. It's not enough to just say "everybody is equal now, forget about every tribal squabble you've ever had", and try to impose that by force. So, you're going to need some way to address historical tensions between groups that don't necessarily want to work together, but who have to in order for this socialism thing to work. On the other hand, idpol over who can use what bathroom, or whether we should murder unborn babies, or how we should signal our virtue towards the disabled, is just stupidity. You don't need idpol for that, you need fucking common sense and basic human decency.

On the whole gender thing, sexuality as a whole has been used to control human behavior since ancient times, and such divisions ought to be seen for what they are rather than as discrete identity groups. Other than what is strictly biologically necessary, it shouldn't even matter, and there is no good argument against full equality between the sexes, nor a good argument for behavioral gender norms at all. It's all so much bullshit. I suppose I'm just an asexual prude though.

( ( (The Intersectional Left) ) )

Guys, I have audio of Mexie denouncing IDPOL check it out:


lel well played

forgot link

Also, why do these people think that intersectionality is the only way to deal with these problems faced by various groups of people?
Somehow the womens movement, civil rights movement, and the majority of the gay movement all rose up without it. Shit is a fucking religion.

I say id-pole

i like the timeline where that was the vid she posted.

They keep saying "Menshevik Economics" in the comments, i literally never heard of that…

100% that guy has sucked cock for cash

actually a lot of black guys around gay neighborhoods have gone gay for pay from what ive heard

ID is the acronym for Intellectual Disability.
According to intersectionality theory we need to put the opinions of the least muh privileged people first. People with high intelligence are more muh privileged than people with ID, so it follows that the the political ideas of the people with the least intelligence (ID-pol for short) should be the ideas which carry the most weight.

She's right, anti-idpol stance has infested this board with Holla Forumsyps who like socialism but still want to genocide minorities.

those are ironic nazbols and Holla Forums crossposters

Mexie is a tankie. Fuck her.

He isn't as insane as he might appear to the unlearned - he just uses a lot of PoMo terminology, not that it's without reason. I actually understood his writing now that I finished reading "A Thousand Plateaus" after "Difference And Repetition". I have to say, he uses Deleuzoguattarian terminology, but a lot of his ideas are more in line with Lyotard and his notion of capitalism as the sole libidinal economy possible.

I have only rarely seen this. Mostly, there have been people who complain about these posters-who-do-not-exist, and I've attacked them on it repeatedly only to see them post the same thread the next day as if my words never happened. There is no "Holla Forumsyp infestation" which thinks that "idpol = any discussion of race and/or gender". There are, however, people like myself who discourage discussion of race and gender and nationalism anyways because idpol makes nuance on these impossible - any time that we try to discuss them, it descends into shitflinging. We should immediately anchor all discussions of it because people are apparently too dumb to handle it. It's the same shitty 450+ responses every time. Do you disagree with that?

That thumbnail screams liberal.
I'm an asshole for hating happy looking ass lefties or just cynical?

I don't know what your disability is, but what do you think about her and other people's point that even if you respect people with mental disabilities, using insults like retarded or autistic is still harmful? It seemed like she was getting dangerously close to r/socialism ableism.

it seems like we get two contradicting notions: first that you have to listen to the voices of the oppressed, and if they tell you some behavior is excellent, you believe them, but at the same time, don't listen to special snowflakes who will say "It's okay to say Nigger/Indian/autistic/faggot, I am of that group, and I am not offended" because they don't speak for everyone, and they can't decide the words aren't harmful for other people. So how do we know who is a special snowflake and who is genuine? Did the disabled community hold a caucus to decide "retarded is no longer a medical diagnosis, it is pejorative". I've seen tempers flare over Indian, which is widely used officially by a huge number of Native American organizations and the government in the USA and Mexico, because in Canada it's seen as offensive. As well as people who take issue with saying "Gypsy" instead of Romani. It seems people are trying to enforce fringe ideas within oppressed communities with the justification of listening to oppressed voices.


I've never even heard of her before Today, I thought our Waifu was still Rachel, with some people shitposting about evalion.

I entered about three threads from the homepage last week, and every one of them mentioned her multiple times. All such mentions were glowing.

It's not shitposting, it's the dialectical synthesis between communization theory, Protracted People's War and Hoxhaism-Posadism.


and did you do your duty and call them faggots?

Retard namefag

Please stop posting Evalion's cookie cutter face (and body) on this board. Holla Forums is just gassing that bitch up by giving her attention.


Why even have a name? You're just gonna get filtered.



I posted that here way back when, its a shoop but it still makes a decent point

also nigga u gay what is that thumbnail unfuck yo shit homie






There's no good argument for legally or socially enforcing them at this point in history certainly. but I've found evopsych and gender political arguments for how and why they developed, why they can't just be switched off because it's politically desirable and why trying to use top down methods to reverse or remove them is not a solution to be pretty persuasive tbh.

New people, leave.

There's a reason it's in scare quotes. It's a joke.
p.s. disliking new people is idpol (and in any case i've been here all summer)

groan. this is unwatchable. someone summarize please.


Sorry, must be my autism flaring up.
shakes fist angrily

The use of retarded/autistic as insult thing does bug me, but it's not about ableism. I'm far more bothered by the eugenic-type thinking that goes with calling someone retarded. Fun story, back when I was in school, some (but not all) teachers actually encouraged kids to call me a retard, even though academically I was doing fine (at least until they fucked up my schooling and jumped me all over the place, before putting me away in what amounted to a detention facility). Another fun story, I have relatives who were fucking sterilized thanks to old style eugenics laws, and those laws haven't really gone away. So I have more pressing concerns than some randomfag on an imageboard using the word autistic as a pejorative, though it still bugs a bit and I wish it weren't used so liberally. Then again, a lot of the behavior coming out of shit like the Russiagate conspiracy theorists is pure insanity and it ought to be called out as such.

Load of crap this video. Boilerplate intersectionality, appeals to emotion, my body my choice, and no criticism at all of anti-idpol.

Don't bully Mexie, she might be into intersectionality, but she's one of the more knowledgable YouTubers on the on left and also isn't an autist like so many others.


I don't care if she's part of the intelligentsia, intersectionals get the gulag.


Not falling for her. I think she looks quite average. But considering how many leftist online presences are twinks, nerds and weirdos, having at least one normiecore girl is advantegous.

No it fucking isn't. If they're for idpol, they're for the high jump.

She doesn't really look average to me but she doesn't really look "hot" either.

I have this hypothesis that she is a mannequin that through meme magic has gained self awareness and want's to denounce the consumer culture she was born out of. This will be her comic book origin story at least.



Only 35 downvotes….
C'mon gals/guys…..

manlet detected


She's Canadian

I dunno, I like Chomsky, he can craft a narrative and I find the crimes of imperialism interesting

really activates my almonds.

So I tried listening to this but at some point she unironically start talking about muh privilege and "white dudes" and it was like 2 minutes after talking about being vegan, so i really can't go on. far as i'm concerned the video could've been over 1 minute from the beginning when she said bourgeois feminism is bad. in the end this video is the usual strawman according to which everyone who says he's anti-idpol wants women to give birth to that rape baby or some shit.

I don't understand how people just talk and talk without saying anything substantial like this.

is your noggin joggin yet?

Are those real?
Anyway I was reading the comments on her idpol video and I'm now on suicide watch…


Yes. I stopped watching the Buddhism one (basic "suffering is your fault!" shit), but as a /fit/izen I had to watch the weight loss one. She's spouting total "eating fat makes you fat"-tier nonsense. She says that weight loss wasn't working because she ate too little, and that's bad because of the starvation mode meme. For those who don't know, you have to eat very little for very long for that to happen. If you eat over 1200 calories a day you're fine. She thinks that because she ate less than her appetite demanded that she got """""adrenal fatigue""""" from being stressed due to the diet being too harsh.

Here's the weight loss video:

And the buddhism video for good measure:

That's not necessarily untrue. If you look at how much energy fat contains in relation to its mass you won't barely full yourself up without going over the calory intake limit which you set for yourself.

I did a ketogenic diet once to get shredded, and it was fucking horrible. My immunesystem crashed, I got sick all the time and eventually dropped it. Low-fat diet is the way to go, just drink a shot of oil or something daily to get some unsaturated fats.

just watch the video. Leftypol has a completely different definition of idpol than her.

This fucking shit again…

Different people respond well to different macro ratios. Keto is great for me. Regarding the "fat makes you fat" meme, fat is more filling than carbs because it takes significantly longer to metabolize. You can eat a lot less fat, both in mass and in calories, before you fill full than on carbs. There's nothing inherently bad about fat or carbs; the bigger problem is shitty foods with simple carbs or loads of saturated fats. People who eat junk like potato chips (read: most people) tend to focus on one aspect of the junk instead of doing what they need to do and revamp their whole diet.

First there is no one "way to go." The proper diet depends on a person's goals and their particular metabolism.
Low-fat is literally a marketing gimmick. Restricting fats is not a useful dieting method unless you're trying to gain mass, and that's because you're replacing what you'd eat in fat with lots more carbs since carbs are better for building muscle mass than fats.
By shredded I hope you mean low BF% not high muscle mass because you can pretty much only lose mass when you're in ketosis.

I don't think she ever went to imageboards or even reddit. She was quite shocked when she made a video about capitalism and suddenly the chat was full of helicopter memes and Pinochet pepes. She probably saw some virtue-signalling hurr durr IdPol people and felt the need to make a video about it. She also got into an argument with Muke on Twitter, who unironically recommended her to read Marx while she is doing her PhD in political economy.

Yeah you are right. I'm just giving my anecdotal evidence, but different people have different bodies. I would never recommend an indigenous person a high-carb diet since their bodies are usually worse at metabolizing carbs, for example. In any case, I don't think I'm going to try ketogenic diet every again, I just lost water and got really sick.

Obviously, but I had a pretty long mass phase behind me and was too lazy to go on stretched-out diets, and I bought into the meme that some four week ketogenic diet makes you shredded. I'm currently on a low-fat diet and quite happy with the results and havn't lost much muscle mass.

Chill Mexie, nobody wants to take away abortion rights, but if they did and it led to suffering it would be totes your fault.

it's not like that has to do with anything

nod an agrumand :DDDD

If you didn't know, that's completely standard in the first 3 days or so while you're in ketogenesis while you switch over to ketosis. Keeping hydrated can be a chore to be fair though, and fish oil capsules are virtually mandatory.

It can do this, but only if you are already fairly low BF. Keto is best for morbidly obese people, but useful for leaner folks. You can do fine on low-fat as long as you get enough fats and the diet is good in general. I haven't been on keto in a while, I eat fairly typical ratios because I'm just trying to maintain and maybe lose fat over time. Not trying to throw shade or anything, just annoyed when people (Mexie) are spitting blatant broscience.

neither was your post.


would you say that the critiqued Problematik is - depending on how one defines "is" - that the idpol (pronunciation guide: eyedee powl) has dialectically been forked and folded back unto itself and et cetera so that it, as a coping mechanism that for - and which has become hyper-competitive ironically by - Capitalism, is rhizzomatically sublated into the hyperbole (hyperbowl) of the spectacle that was in a way anticipated by Hegel (Heeegl) as cromulently re-disinterpellated by Marx (Lenin) as seen through the lens of Lacan via Zizek on the Situationists as Dean would have blogged about it?



9/10 should have used a fake tripcode

cucked by her having an opinion? lel