In a communist society, who pays for the roads?
In a communist society, who pays for the roads?
paying with what? money? in a communist society? surely you jest, foeman
Fuck, I never thought of it like that. With no money, how will we pay for stuff?
We have been BTFO!
Well, yes. How else would you make roads?
motherfucker i will build a road
two roads
the ancap way
i think you would get a backhoe and a bunch of concrete and asphalt and gravel but idk im not a civil engineer
Through what means would you acquire those tools?
The workers would build it, or since we are memeing about communism the automated factory would build it
i don't know dude, literally the only way i can conceive of doing something is when my boss tells me to
probably go to the depository and requisition a backhoe and some trucks, then go to a gravel pit to grab some gravel and then to the concrete factory and get a mixer truck thing? again, not an engineer
road building will be an artform, just like everything under communism
Where we're going we don't need roads
don't worry guys, i've got it covered.
thats not how you build a road, silly
Pipe dream.
And that depository is funded by what? The workers are sustained through what means?
they create their own fiat currency
uhhh… labor? you don't need to introduce money into the equation to make sure that the floors are sweeped and the lights are on, and you certainly don't need to do such to make sure everyone is eating properly
Are you retarded tool and equipment manufacturing is largely automated already.
yeah but how the machines be automated to produce goods if we don't pay them, with money
don't you know that nothing works without money
Not only machines, but the whole universe would just cease to function without money. Socialism is the worst thing ever to have existed, it wants to destroy EVERY THING.
top meme
the reanimated corpse of V.I. Lenin
I'll bite.
The Socialist government that would exist after the revolution would build it. There. Anybody who thinks we wouldn't have a government after the revolution, fuck off. I'm not listening to your whining.
So money makes the world go round, the world go round?
You're confusing government (state) with an administration of things and processes. A common mistake made by people who don't read.
Noone. Their necessity is democratically decided and productive forces of society are applied to contribute to it in form of building roads.
I think he asked who pays it, with what and who directs it.
Not who physically builds it.
This thread is full of illiterate people.
Under Socialism, the people/community it is benefiting, the same as it is now except they actually have a choice in whether they want it or not. Under Communism no one pays for it, someone simply volunteers or is randomly chosen to build it as part of their regular service.
Road building resources?
People who have the knowledge of how to manage building roads. Those people are in turn directed by the people/community who wants the road done.
And now they don't? Are roads built under duress?
But you need builders to build roads, you don't just volunteer as it is since the road will be shit. Especially if it has complex parts.
Why would someone use the foresight and learn building roads if there's no incentive to do so in the form of salaries?
Learn to read. And read it then again.
Look first point. Why learn something for 4+ years if there's no motivation(currency). do you use something else?
Are you just instructed by the community to learn? Isn't that community effectively a government at this point?
Necessity is real big motivator, but also enjoyment, curiosity. Besides you don't need 4+ years of study to build fucking roads. We have books to encode knowledge for a reason.
Road building is already massively mechanized, its literally a group of 3-5 people driving funny oversize cars, they can cover a lot in a single day.
A lot of common civil engineering works are actually built with prefabricated elements, there's a ton of automation involved in that. People mostly supervise, the one thing that is tricky is moving around and positioning such large objects precisely with cranes.
What do you actually need to build it?
1) Propose project to community. Assemble a gang of skilled people.
2) Get some topography maps and plan the best routes. Plan excavations, infills, drain and bridges, etc. Make a construction timeline and bill of materials
3) Have community review and approve project
4) Get more people, machines and materials and start moving earth, compacting, laying gravel, pouring asphalt/cement.
5) Celebrate and tell stories of that time during the revolution when you put capitalists against the wall
Why the fuck would you have roads when everyone travels in super slick magnetic powered monorails and rides air bikes if they really have to go somewhere out the way?
Do you have any better approximation of scarcity than price in shiny goods? And scarcity IS the sole motivator in life.
Of course I'm meaning something that works in greater numbers, not small communes.
You're not answering my question.
You won't start hewing stones out of rock out of a wall for enjoyment or curiosity. You can't feed your family with those.
You'll do it for the material approximation of importance of your work and the time need for your work to be completed, currency, which will be paid for you by someone who desires the road and needs your material.
Then you'll convert that currency into food according to the rate with the farmer and feed your family.
You're ignoring basic human necessities and human nature.
You're disregarding their intelligence, experience and the capability of doing such work.
You need it for anything more than gravel roads. I'm not saying the one that shovels shit.
I'm talking about the the architect that designs it, the trucker that brings the material, the engineer that designs the truck, the guy that handles logistic to get the rubber for the tires, etc.
Why are you assuming that someone will learn something for years with no guarantee of getting a job since there's no salary information about your future job?
Are people just assigned jobs at birth, disregarding their physique or intelligence later in life?
You consider people as simple robots that can switch on and do stuff. World is a bit more complex than that.
as we all know, constructions did not exist prior to currency. everyone just sort of sat around groaning in hunger until someone had the brilliant idea to issue money
we won't need to pay for roads when we have
First of all you need to drop the idea of a job as something you're railroaded into doing independent of your personal life
No, but you can feed your family with the food provided by other people who are similarly pursuing their own labor
There are no salaries so this is a moot point
No, that's retarded
They were paid in food. And protection. First doesn't last long and the second one is relative.
Currency was invented to store that building time for future use in long lasting materials.
TBH it seems to me that commies want humans to be like that. Loafing around until someone else who is loafing around to give you orders.
Or a totalitarian ruler that you assume is God, which is a higher possibility considering how your experiments went.
You are doing that due to
A.) Trying to survive and reproduce as much as you can
which leads
B.) Recognizing your potential of accomplishing things and fighting for the main one
No one's forcing you. It's your biological goal since getting more capital means more power which means more offspring which is healthier.
I translate it as this: I have no idea what I'm talking and I have no idea what we will do at that point but it certainly won't be like the current state.
You're awfully sounding like a religious nut that wants to swindle people.
Then how will people know what to pick as their profession? Will everyone be the jack of all trades?
That's impossible.
Are you familiar at all with communism past the "ppl are all equal lol" meme? Just curious.
Why do you need to be paid in money - or paid in anything - if you know that by contributing to society, you'll be looked after? I mean, let's take a hypothetical community here:
Imagine you're a plumber and the local bakery springs a leak. You fix the leak because the bakery provides you with bread every day, and the people that staff the bakery keep making bread because the rest of the community helps to take care of their material needs in return. Is reciprocity that hard to grasp? I mean this is the most basic shit.
I'm responding to arguments that he presented.
Becouse Earth has finite resources. And every human being needs resources to reproduce successfully.
And every human being want to reproduce more than others. It's a hardwired thing that goes down to microorganisms.
You can't erase that, bar genetical engineering and hard chemical brainwashing ala Brave New World or thx 1138.
Why should I trust them? People will lie to get ahead. People will cheat to get ahead. See previous answer.
This is why communism failed IRL. It was so corrupt that there weren't even casualties in majority of the countries. With the exception of extremely corrupt party leaders.
No it's not. Life's more complex that that.
You're giving me a community of maximum 10 people.
What about 1 billion?
Who will provide the repair materials? Who will make them? How will that producer know the amount that it needs to be produced since he doesn't know what the demand is due to no money or assumption of scarcity of repair materials.
You need to eliminate the scarcity variable, which is impossible becouse we haven't discovered transmutation yet.
Your shit doesn't work with communities over 100 becouse the supply and demand and duty allocation becomes so complex it's beyond the capability of the average man to predict the "according to it's need" part.
I think an allegory of a car seller that wants to sell me a flying car would be better to represent the arguments ITT becouse we're talking pure materialism here
Well, how?
How will you power it? What do you put in the tank? What is it made of? Where do you get the parts?
But you need a power source!
Why does it fly then?
t. never met an engineer in person.
You can't pay for anything under communism because it's moneyless. People will give dumb answers to dumb questions.
I would imagine this would be quantified as IOUs using labour vouchers as units (work per hour) and kept in a distributed ledger (whatever comes after blockchain.)
ITT: an ancap struggles to understand the concept of production for use instead of exchange
Jesus, even your allegories are about commodity exchange.
Because it is in it's interest to do so.
but how is car work if money dont go
read stirner and kropotkin dumbass, even if people are egoist it's in their best interest to work together
Pic related.
I answered the question, you're moving the goalposts.
You should go to the doctor, seems like you have brain damage. Oh right, you can't afford healthcare to remove your brain tumors.
I'm an architect you retard, learning how to design a fucking road probably takes no longer than a month. And besides, roads have already been designed, you can find dozens of road construction details ready made, though a basic road detail is pretty simple stuff it's not hard to make your own. Shit is standardized so people don't have to do the engineering and design work over and over, you consult a road design and construction manual and that's it.
Because salaries won't exist you retard. People's basic needs would be provided for. You will study whatever the fuck you want and also what is in need, education will actually be about learning, widespread and free and not a means to a wage-slavery.
You will go against the wall.
The most depressing thing about ancaps is that they love to sperg about muh human nature thinking currency is the only motivator of humans, when objectively human nature is to be motivated by all sorts of things, and anyone who's not a basement dwelling friendless troglodyte knows it. They must be very sad, very pathetic nihilistic people.
I've often wondered about the human nature argument.
Obviously there are similar behavioral patterns in chimps as well as humans, but how much of that is hardwired?
What gets me is how clearly this idea is contradicted by observable reality. People all but stop reproducing when they are financially secure. The people who have the fewest children are the people with a guaranteed source of income and a retirement plan.
Chimps don't do capitalism as far as i know, so i don't think it is relevant to most discussions using the "human nature" argument. That said, it is obvious that we have some behavioral patterns inherent to most humans in general, such as the tendency to form groups, eat, have sex, etc. Dopamines are a thing, after all.
Humans and chimps have millions of years of divergent evolution between them, though. The idea that it's possible to find living animals that are objectively "less advanced" than some others is utterly retarded.
You sound like evolution deniers lol
fist yourself with a knife my good man
not sure if Holla Forums or just shitposting