Story time!

Story time!
Action Philosopher Karl "I kick ass for the proles" Marx explains the world and shit.

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Also, I believe there's a lot of raw material in this comic to create new, dark marxmemes.

Did y'all dislike it or like it?
Any feedback?

This comic is old meme. We all first saw this years ago. It is a classic, as is the rest of the series. Plato's comic was pretty fucking funny.

It should be kept in circulation tho, for the sake of the newfriends.

I'm sure there are new folks here who haven't read it. Also, why not use the graphics from the comic to create new banners?

Wherein Marx BTFOs lolberts

Wherein Marx BTFOs libs

I wish there was an easy way to get people to read this comic. I feel like it could influence a lot of left-leaning libs and/or anti-authoritarian lolberts.

Turning some of the art into a meme, perhaps?
That would make people see Karl Marx as Rambo and make them interested.

that comic is third wordlist bilge and will alienate any sane person from Marxism (which it does not portray)

I'm on leftypol about 3 years and I never seen it complete, so no, not everyone have seen it.

So what does the comic portray incorrectly?

that the third world somehow has a better military and the means to overthrow the first world.

According to Marx, the workers will start the revolution. So if there are no workers and no production in the west, then the revolution won't happen in the west,



What do you have against milk?

unless all all the billions of people in the west start owning private property, this will never be true


I don't get it, why is this bad?
Would you prefer them to only get one commodity, the one they produce?
Seems like the latter would be a pretty shitty life; the guy who produces wheat would only ever get to eat wheat; the guy who produces watches wouldn't get to eat anything but watches.
And where do services fit into this, that's not producing a commodity, that's doing a job like pruning a tree or making sure the phone lines work; do those service people just get nothing?
This is incredibly stupid and short sighted

you don't own or control a pension fund

You own shares of a pension fund.

Which someone else invests and profits off of. It's like saying you're bourgeoisie for having money in a bank.

You don't know how pension funds work, do you?

Marx wrote three huge books about why it is bad. The short of it is that production for exchange produces massive inefficiencies that result in systemic waste, poverty, competition for dwindling resources, and an accumulation of wealth in an ever-shrinking number of individuals. Production for use eliminates those inefficiencies and thus the suffering that they cause.

Barely anyone has pensions anymore. 401ks aren't pensions and are exactly like like having an interest bareing savings account. Well actually worse since they aren't insured by the FDIC.

You're retarded. 401ks have added contributions from your employer (you put $100, your employer matches your investment with $100) and you can choose how to invest in the stock market.
To call it a savings account just proves that you're clueless.

I remember the penultimate panel being used here as a standalone years ago. Good times.

and now we can do it again.

The money from savings accounts gets invested in the stock market as well. The only difference is that the interest rate on a savings account is fixed.

third worldists PLEASE go

read cockshott

First worldist crypto-bourgeoisie gtfo


Did this just make me a thirdworldist?!

Haha I got that feeling too. Personally, I think this comic sucks.
It reads like a 25 year old ancap was a surprisingly real read commie when he was a kid, and now makes ironic comics. I don't like it, it takes some good ideas and puts them in a shitty box. The dudes mom is killed just for working at a bank for Christ sakes.

The comic is like that towards all philosophers.

Here's Rand's comic. I'm sure some of it can be co-opted to trigger lolberts.


could somebody pls post the source of these comics?