Around liberals, prepare for swindles.
The New York Times is a rag, and I stand with the stormfags in their campaign to obliterate it.
Romanovs Dindu Nuffin
never 4get the sufferings of the brave royals ;_;
Thought this line sounded like a ridiculous fabrication so I quote searched it and this article was the only result
lmao they don't even try these days
Literally no king beheaded in history didn't deserve it
It's shit tbh
The Romanovs had plenty of opportunities to calm tensions in Russia by opening up the country to democratic reforms but they refused to do so even when it was obvious a revolution was brewing. They dug their own grave and deserved far worse.
All known royals and aristocrats should be executed on sight tbh
fish hook theory proven once again
how so?
peasants didnt give a fuck. my grand parents said their village would change the flag based on who was coming
hahahaha how old would that make you nigga? fuckin idiot
Luckily the commies spared some so the real story was passed on to them
40 something *chan users aren't unheard of.
Mentioned the article to my parents, got a chorus of muh 500 billion trillion and my mother said that data that contradicted estimates by Robert Conquest, paid anti-communist propagandist, was "neo-fascist skinhead revisionism."
Too bad Stalin was equally as useless on the war front as the Romanovs were.
Holla Forums would rather kill this a kid than a feral nigger called michael brown bodyslamming them
thats how utterly depraved the cucks here are
take ur meds
this is what Holla Forums actually believes
you would rather be wearing a blindfold when performing the execution?
Britain was able to peacefully eliminate the powers of it's monarchy. If that could not be done, it is dangerous to leave a single member of the royal family alive, because that person will be used by foreign governments to restore the "legitimate" regime. It happened in France after the revolution and the Japanese pulled the same trick in China. And since when was Holla Forums so concerned about dead people?
shouldn't all those that support the monarchy then murder every single communist -and their children too, lest they take revenge- because those persons can be used to overthrow the legitimate regime?
please take your meds
Yes, Monarchists would want to do that
They could try but it would be hard since Communists get their legitimacy from the popular will rather than by blood? They could try killing all the jews i guess.
It's not like the Bolsheviks killed every single royalist, they just killed the royals. That's the difference.
Communists dindu nuffin the Ukrainians had it coming!
They must be the most merciful people around then, for not only do they let their would be killers live, they even let them openly agitate for violent revolution, for their deaths and those of their monarchs. Still, the communists cry persecution when they are handled with silk gloves compared to what they would to those they oppose. It is psychopathic, the mentality of a person who would stab someone and then claim that the death of his victim is justified, for the victim spilled blood on his clothes.
The opposition must be as equally merciful for "letting" the other side live. Fucking larping retards
If fucking Mao kept Puyi alive and rehabilitated him the Bolsheviks had no excuse not to do the same with the Romanov children.
I'm taking things to their conclusion, if you don't like those, consider a different path.
Ok let's do the same thi-oh wait now they've fallen into the hands of the Czechoslovak Legion WHOOPSIEDOODLE.
We had already arrived at their conclusion. What you have done is assign fantasy moral values make the side you like, making them virtuous while demonizing the other with your fiction.
The ultimate conclusion is that both sides would want the other removed. Take your larping faggotry elsewhere
I can do this too
Fuck morality, kill toddlers. Amoralism not immoralism, ok?
Pistols at dawn?
I don't live in Canada.
Ok so apparently we need to have a history lesson because you don't seem to understand how that comparison doesn't make sense. Puyi was not in the custody of Mao's communists during the Civil War. Starting in 1932 he was installed as the Japanese puppet leader in Manchuria. The Soviets invaded and occupied Manchuria in 1945, taking Puyi prisoner in the process. He remained in Soviet custody until 1949, when the Civil War ended and the communists had emerged victorious, so there was never a chance of him falling into the hands of the Kuomintang. Which, also quite contrary to your attempted comparison, likely saved Puyi's life because Chiang Kai-shek made it very clear that he would have Puyi shot. The KMT, while reactionary, was NOT a monarchist organization as anyone not ignorant of their history would know.
He was right, you know.
Take your meds.
Spooked faggots get off my board.
this but unironically