How do you respond Holla Forums?

How do you respond Holla Forums?

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I start my long-winded story on the origins of the communist movement, its relevance to people like Marx and Bakunin, the (mis)adventures it went through and how and and in what places it all ended up.

Marxism created progress in both developed and developing countries.
Personal experience is not an argument.
100 gorillion is a pure lie, they are basically counting people who died of old age as victims of communism.

His grandfather was in the KGB and everything.

Many of the same countries that have called themselves communist also called themselves democracies. Are you against democracy now too, for the things done in it's name?

my noggings are jogging at maximum speed

I wanna hear one of those stories his parents told him, duh.

Cry me a river, faggot.

Burn his house down.

Not. Real. Communism.

They're shitholes now because of capitalism.

Also, is this person posting from America?

taking off my shitposting flag

Yeah, I too remember when the concept got a live of its own and a flesh and started killing entire nations because of its own inherent sadism.

So, capitalism in 2017?


Well then they're in the minority since most people in Eastern Europe preferred socialism.

There are none.

Except for the massive surge in literacy, infant weight, calorie consumption, employment, population, industrial production, constant economic growth, and life expectancy that appear in numerous socialist countries like Cuba, the USSR, and Burkina Faso.

A) You have to be retarded to believe this since the source that pushes it also claims 60 million dead under Stalin, which would be about 1/3 of all the people in the USSR. Somehow they lost a third of their population, plus another 20 million in the war, and still managed to increase by the end of his rule.

B) Capitalism kills this same amount through starvation alone every 15 years, more than that if we include war, lack of medicine, or lack of housing.

Literal meaningless word salad. Marxism is honestly about as modernist as you can get, it proposes a cold, materialist, scientific, rational and inevitable progression of society from lower stages to higher stages through means of technological and economic development. It's almost like a parody of the underlying philosophy of modernism's "onward and upward because science" mentality. A postmodernist looks at Marxism and questions the entire concept of "lower" and "higher" stages before pointing out that it's offensive to PoC and how we need queer crippled Muslim commissars to distribute hormones.

In short, this is all the ideology you would expect from a polyp.

this has to be the biggest pile of bullshit perpetuated on this board

Your parents probably deserved it.

Who is this man known as "Communism" and why did he kill so many people?


not really, since the capitalist economies produce more than enough food to feed these people

hungaryfag here, he means these mom-and-dad stories most probably

1. you could only get bananas and oranges aroudn christmastime. seriously, the us had monopoly on the banana republics, and you could not get that shit imported from cuba (we had good rum and cigars for the M-List elite tho) so this pretty much became a status symbol, all my early childhood christmas photos feature a fucking bowl of oranges and bananas around me and the tree like its a ferrari or stg.
2. shitty cars you could only get after half a decade of waiting. car production in the Comecon economic are was planned between member states, and prescribed amounts from DDR and Poland was never enough (Hungary was not allowed to make cars so they secured a monopoly on making buses). the situation got a tad bit easier when Ceausescu's Romania was allowed to export counterfit Renaults (shitty old paper Dacias) to Hungary, but come on that was not a car like the Zhiguli or a Polski Fiat
2. You could only travel to the West twice a year, and foreign exchange currency amount was limited per capita. The state needed to have control over the amount of burgerbux in the coutnry so they could pay the World Bank loans after getting into market socialism. So everyone brought along all the relatives including grandma and grandpa in the tiny car to Vienna. Grandma immediately got to buy the banana in exchange for her dollar quota so you had to go around Christmas if you got the two-year-cycle allowance.
4. There are the hardcore stories about how grandma or grandpa was brutalized by the Commie secret police to give their tiny plot to the co-op so that the state could meet their quota. These stories happened around the 1960's when the regime was still hardcore because of the revolt following the 1956 uprising. Even many victims - at least my grandparents - added however that the co-ops later turned out to be a better option than small plots of farmlands so the tensions eased up. Kulaks remained butthurt about this of course.

Mostly however Hungarians were angry with the Commies only in the first half of the nineties. Nowadays, they hate post-communist governments much more for destroying almost every community and sense of belonging as well as the family for most part.

*twice a year = every two years


t. Robert Conquest

my granny lived happy in socialist poland

granny later lived a shit life in capitalist poland

but most importantly: annecdotes do not fucking matter

this is how I can tell this board is full of infants.

There needs to be a 'I listened to a Jordan Peterson once and now I'm an expert on politics and philosophy' bingo card.

Thanks for these stories.
I was wondering about this. I have two Romanian friends and while they are more left than right, they don't seem to hold a good opinion of Marxism at all (which is understandable as Ceausescu was a retarded asshole).
However I'm visiting Budapest right now, and while I'm having a good time, the amount of homeless people in the streets and metro stations is heart-sinking. I've also meet two couples in their twenties who told me they just got kicked out of their apartments. Most people I see in the streets seem to be doing alright, but I feel like you are more badly touched by the housing crisis and unemployment we have in Europe right now than most other countries, and I wonder what are the views of communists vs the current government by the older generations in this context.

Not real communism

that greentext makes me want to kill myself. stop it.

Polack here. I'll start with some context - our proto-fascist government is now trying to replace every high-level civil servant with their own people, and they justify that by calling the previous bunch a "communist sludge", despite, you know, the "communism" being gone 28 years ago.

You'd think it works because people still have some remaining resentment, but no, it's mostly kids who never saw the old system firsthand who eat that up. I'm guessing that OP's Holla Forumsyp is one of those people, especially given the stereotypical age of Holla Forums's posters. What they're actually against is probably neoliberals and eurocrats - and to be fair, our former apparatchiks did reinvent themselves as a pro-EU third way "soc-dems", you can't blame anyone for hating that.

But the point is, it's not coming out of any genuine second-hand (must less first-hand) experience with the old regime. That it does not come from any understanding of politics at large can be already seen in the screenshot itself.


You have a sharp eye and some insights, yeah.
Hatred of post-communist liberalism does not necessarily push things to the left. Because of above stories being memed without the context (Comecon being shitcanned out of world trade by Reagan, etc.) Marxism is a great taboo. Young people are buying the cultural marxism meme too, so all this and the economic crisis of 2009 pushed things to the far-right for us.
Many people do not realize how unironically lolbertarian the Orban regime is. They introduced flat-tax, sold Budapest out to low-morality Western investors, and to tourism industry, did not help the rustbelt of communist factory cities and mining areas and handed the countryside to loyalist large scale farmers. 80% of the country does not see a eurocent of the big eurobux but Brussels keeps the Orban regime intact to have access to low-wage workers for manufacturing.
Social services are degraded so in the past few years people started to long for the lost half-ass social democracy. So Orban tries to seize on the fact that msot Hungarians are linguistically isolated and do not read foreign languages, so he proceeded to buy up ALL of the media and together with state media they brainwashed the elderly to blame all their troubles of Soros and unironically pushing the Kalergi-plan conspiracy theories. Orban recently even said that he alone can shield Hungary from a full-on muslim invasion which is crazy.
Sometimes it feels like the country is a drilling ground for pieces of propaganda that they later want to drop on Western countries.

yeah, in eastern europe, "communist" simply means neoliberals
i even read some nitwit Fidesz journo calling the Hamburg G20 summit protesters neoliberals, not kidding

I guess that explain why I saw on Wikipedia that they are building a huge luxurious complex on Hajógyári-sziget that will take up 10% of the island area then. It's a shame since the place is beautiful as it is.

Wow that's crazy indeed. Sometimes, we complain in France that most mainstream media are own by a half-dozen billionaires, but this is on a whole nother level.

There are countries where people hated Socialism (Baltics, Poland etc) for some legit cultural reasons (Russian imperialism) and other reactionary ones (muh Catholicism) and there are other countries where people would run back to 1970 in a heartbeat (More Southern Eastern European nations)

That being said, I know many people from former Socialist countries since I worked a while in construction, and people have quite mixed views on it all. Like some I've met, 100% believe life under Socialism wasn't all different from life, now, others believed shit got way worse and others believed shit got way better.

Many of the Polish I've met basically don't ever want to go back to Poland though because it's apparently becoming a super reactionary, ultra-conservative fascist state.



There is a combination in Poland where there is this nationalistic streak combined with a strong support for social security and other forms of structures. Everyone remembers the inefficiencies of communism, the long lines to get anything at all but at the same time the ruling party, PiS, has many votes from those who reject modern capitalism and who lost out on the brutal transformation to capitalism in the 90s.
A bit hyperbolic but there's no denying that politics became vicious and really polarized. It's gotten to the point where I expect more civility on imageboards than in real life when discussing Polish politics.

Explain how it's not

i have never seen a 'community' of liars so compulsive and contrarian as nationalist right-wing

Also pic related