Why don't leftists ever acknowledge that there is a demographic replacement taking place...

Why don't leftists ever acknowledge that there is a demographic replacement taking place? Can't you be a leftist AND admit that white lives are worth preserving? Aren't most of you whites? Don't you want to see your genes live on?

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I do not understand. Where is the replacement here?
Only they haven't been replaced, there's just as many white people as before. It's just that now they also coexist with people that are not white.

Yes. But that doesn't really have anything to do with living near brown people.




Low birth rates + mass immigration means that over time Europe will have less whites maybe even no whites if things go on as they are. A country/continent is the result of the people + language + culture, without these things a country cannot exist. So without Europeans, Europe will not exist.

I really don't have anything against socialists if they just didn't support policies which would mean that there would be less whites in the world. I myself actually agree with a lot of your views.

I'm not racist. I don't hate non-white people. I don't want to hurt them but it's concerning that this replacement is allowed to take place.

Lol didn't notice!!!

If you look through history you'll see demographics always change.
Last time any whites got genocided it was in Srebrebnica - by other whites.

Furthermore, most of the brown people in the west filled in the requisite paperwork and caught a flight over, words like genocide and invasion convey a level of violence that simply didn't happen and diminish the awfulness of real genocides and invasions. But maybe that's your intention.

whiteness is the spookiest of spooks

having sex with people isn't the same as being butchered actually

In case you haven't realized Europe is not a country. And a continent does not have anything to do with people, language or culture, it is a result of geography. Antarctica is a continent and it has a permanent human population of zero.

Here's the thing though. For mass immigration by point holds, it's not replacement, you haven't replaced anything if you put a blue towel on the same rack as your yellow towels - there's just two different colours in the same place now. And low birth rates aren't a problem of policy rather they're a problem (or non-problem depending on your perspective) of material conditions, if people had more free time and more wealth (i.e if we were socialist) people would probably have replacement levels of kids if not slightly above.

If you're talking about migration I don't think any of us here particularly like the current neoliberal immigration policies. We don't like idpol either but it's bad for the working class to have huge amounts of migrants when there's a scarcity of jobs.

Isn't happening, dumb cunt.


If you're so concerned with growing birthrates, maybe you should overthrow capitalism, considering poor people are more likely to have more children.


Perhaps you can, oh I don't know advocate for a system which has a lesser risk of poverty i.e Socialism? Maybe as opposed to conducting imperialism and bombing third world countries, perhaps its better to conduct revolution there and allow those countries to help develop without capitalists constantly fucking them over and giving shitty wages.

Why? Because you're incapable of breeding with white women yourself? I'll have children with whoever the fuck I want. If she just so happens to be white, fine. I don't care.
Stormfags should unironically be drawn and quatered, your the ones who are basically giving white people a bad name.

yeah, and?

I'd love to see them live through a beautiful anarchist Kurdish qt, but having kids atm is a hassle. I'm still at UNI, so nah.


There's nothing wrong with this. The minorities are just lumpe- i mean hard workers who'll do the jobs the white people won't. Everyone wins!

Have you seen what happens in majority black countries? Whites get killed and their rights denied for being whites

That's a lie

spaniard here, you're nog going to take any country you aborted monkeys, you have no brain to take even a single black neighborhood

Anyway, thanks for your flame, without people like you most of us would've never seen pol with good eyes

They are poor confused souls primarily motivated by "atoning" for the "wrongs" of European imperialism.

White people are being genocide by capitalism. Economic migration is just a way to reshuffle the reserve army of labor . If you want Europe for the Europeans, don't support an economic model which inevitably runs this course. Also don't support fascism because Mussolini liked dark meat.

But here's the thing. No country, not a single one on the entire planet, is going to go from majority non-black to majority black no matter how dubiously we interpret statistics. We might make the case that in the future whites will only be a plurality of countries that were once majority white (which I'm already sceptical of), but even then black people would still be a tiny minority.

And I'm pretty sure no white people got killed or denied their rights in the Bahamas following independence.

Okay, then clearly because Germany, and many of their axis allies killed Jews and denied them their rights that white people are not to be trusted, and we must preserve the Jewish people and a future for Jewish children.

You're right, in truth there are more white people than before.

How does that link, blackpigeon is even suposed to be an argument

"countries where the young men have gone are not having children"

oh wow what a fucking surprise, the problem is,

they are still having more children

they are having the extra children over here


Total fertility rate, 2012

picture is argel related, where the next "crisis" is going to come from, that's what you get with 2.8 fertility rate




And surprise, that's what most countries rate

Well they already took like 90% of the Spanish empire.

Wait i thought when a black man bites you, you become black. Isn't that why you say you can't come back from being black once you go black?

wtf i love fascism now?!?!

the capitalists want cheap labor from foreign countries
its really that simple.

Nobody cares about blacks being mayority or not, you just toke what's important and accepted it

I'm pretty sure white people got killed in the Bahamas, but even if they didn't, how is that related?

Israel already does exist, remember?

Not an argument

They were 90% of the spanish empire, that's why we're not an empire anymore

What jobs are Abdul and Mutumbo doing? Is cashing benefits cheques and abusing welfare a job now?

Non whites move on, we can't even take care of our own!

Well that was the crux of your argument, if black people are never going to be the majority that argument disintegrates doesn't it?

Because it's a majority black country, and I was citing it as one of the many examples of majority black countries that ethnically cleanse anyone. Which kind of ruins the idea that in majority black countries white people get killed en masse as a rule.

That's the joke.

No it isn't, I was agreeing with you. It's not true to say that there's just as many white people as before when really there's more of them.

1 in 6 of our doctors here in the NHS are immigrants, Abdul and Mutumbo are far more productive members of society than a LARPing nazi online

We've been over this disingenous fucker before, user.

1. "Europe" is a fucking continent comprised of country's with vastly disparate Muslim populations. Of course it's "only" going to be 8% overall if you include potatozone countries as well as the UK.
2. As states, "slowing" growth is still growth, and at rates double that of "European" birth-rates.
3. The European Muslim age pyramid (especially with "refugee" resettlement) is significantly different than that of European natives, which are top-heavy with Boomers nearing retirement (who obviously won't be having children anytime soon)

No ip, i need a banner i guess

I know, but the left is dead, leaded by liberals.

"No men zone" and "No white zone" is what defines the left today

How do you expect this to end? And don't come with that "leftypol isn't liberal" bullshit, i've been here long enough to know that's not true

Generally the shitty minimum wage ones like retail or transportation!


First Spain
Then USA

Is that the new political correct term for whitey genocide? white girls not wanting to fuck you is not genocide you dumb fucking faggot

You do know the NHS wouldn't be in a never-ending state of crisis if the UK hadn't decided to import 10% of its colonial population over the last fifty decades, right?

Why do you think preserving European culture matters when we will all be moving to Siberia this century?

Yeah, bruh. It's not the fact that the government has been cutting public spending like it's going out of style since Thatcher, it's the fact that brown people use doctors.

It's literally a term used in UN white papers!

well imagine my shock

That's how imperialism works, dude. I'm not seeing how the solution to MUH BARBARIAN HORDES is to get the emperor to reinforce the gates rather than ending the system which creates the crisis.

Or maybe if the torries didn't cut the shit out of it.
This is what Holla Forumsyps actually believe in, go take a look at any industrial sector in the U.K and see who is doing most of the manual labor, how do you think Germany is still kicking even after losing two wars and bailing out almost half of Yuropoor since the 2008 recession



So you don't even know what you're arguing about

0/10 but thanks to prove my point you want to read this

I'm wasn't complaining, but you might be interested in study about it a little, we weren't UK evilnes

UN convention on genocide article 2:
What constitutes genocide:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Now which one of these is happening in white countries?

If Germany's TFR is anything to go by it's certainly not "kicking", unless your idea of a healthy society is dying alone surrounded by cats and fidget spinners in a one-bedroom apartment tended by carers speaking broken German

Gasturbeiters only became a thing in Germany in the 60s and contributed in no real way to her economic revival post ww2. The Syrian and african invaders will literally break Germany. No more germans no more Germany. Exactly as the kikes planned.

Well no.

What we need is more money, to fund more doctors and also fund education in order to simultaneously keep people alive and create a reliable source of doctors.

Well good, now you're understanding that the nature of capitalism is built on infinite growth


Germany will be a desert in 50 years so the new arrivals will fit right in.

I do not understand where you got that.
He made a point
I made a counter-point
He said my counter point is irrelevant
I pointed out why it is

Lad . . .

That's actually fucking terrifying if true tbh.

Because The Anglo escapes justice again?


Your racism runs so deep nothing even matters anymore next to it, no one can cure racism, you'll just have to see why it's dumb for yourself

Most of the Syrian lower class is already going back to their country (check the other thread on the catalog), Germany and Canada brain drained the country from all the lawyers and doctors from there at the break of the civil war, African immigrants constitutes a huge part of the working force, if it wasn't for immigration Germany would stagnate to a Japan tier depressive economy, something both Europe and the U.S cannot afford in order to compete with China and the east ( the U.S too exploits immigrant labor from Latin countries), the only thing there is to blame for this "replacement" is capitalism, stop shitting up a leftist board when you have lolbers hanging around in your own

poor people are more likely to have children IN capitalism, retard. They don't have it when their kids all die from starvation.

My point was not about blacks but white replacement. You tried to play retard, or you're actually retarded i don't care, and it didn't work, sorry.

Not lad, rising white identity, enjoy what you create

China under Mao both had massive starvation and an astronomical boom in birth-rates totally unprecedented in human history so yes they do.

No you stupid fuck, harsh conditions are what pushes people to reproduce, something that has been seen through all of history, once countries get stable with good living conditions birth rates start declining, literally every country shows this

Muh Class war
While Holla Forums Ignores that the niggers, sand niggers and spics are sent in to bolster the lower class and try and gut the middle, creating a Jew ruled society with a underclass designed to be subhuman and never be able to over throw them
And they call us controlled by 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧capitalists🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Humans fuck like rabbits when they think they will be dead soon.

Wow, it's like I'm on some lolbertarian site and muh GDP Is the be-all end-all of socioeconomic metrics

Imagine being this stupid.

Exactly, now read and fuck off, no point complaining about "replacement" in a leftist board when you have libertarians in your own boards

why are you mad at british capitalists?

If you're going to try and back-peddle to make it mean that then okay. For the sake of argument I'll accept that I interpreted your post wrong.

Only that makes your point infinitely more retarded than I thought. a) There are generally non-white countries with huge white populations that have lived there for centuries without ever being ethnically cleansed. If we're going to expand the criteria from "black majority countries kill white people" to "non-white majority countries kill white people" then the point crosses over from just wrong, to absolutely ridiculous. Bolivia has a white population of 5% that's doing just fine and has been even after the Spanish left. Mexico's white population are doing absolutely fantastic compared to the rest of the country. White people in the previously mentioned Bahamas are doing great. By expanding your criteria in this way your point only got even more wrong. Not to mention in the majority black countries where they actually did ethnically cleanse white people it wasn't because of "replacement", it was the white people who tried to do the replacing in those instances (and in the case of Haiti, succeeded by absolutely annihilating the native population)

I'm not sure you understood my slang.
I was making fun of you because it was me who wrote both posts, the native American revanchism one being a joke.


So the Jews want to mass import people who hate them into Europe?

I thought they were supposed to be smart.


And what would a socialist world do differently, keeping in mind that you can't just use it to handwave any and all problems that humanity faces in the transitional period between now and #Wokecialism or however you imagine a TRUE socialist society would look like.

If it turned out that climate change on the scale of couldn't be reversed, do you expect any of us to believe "The Socialist Community of Europe" would prevent migration from clearly-unsustainable Third World nations?

So the Jews already control the media and the government enough to allow mass immigration into white countries and brainwash innocent white children into ""Cultural Marxism"", right? So they already basically rule society. They want to rule it more?

Those are diferent topics you retard

I remember all those "make america mexico again", outside leftypol, that's the reallity

Are you suggesting you would rather let the majority overwhelming majority of the world's population live in a literal apocalyptic wasteland?

Think he'd rather they die there.

Not an argument. In fact in this entire conversation you have made zero arguments.

I think someone should conduct a study about a possible correlation between right-wing views and autism because that slogan is also a joke.

The same nations all of your cheap labor is being done in so you can enjoy your high living standards, third world economies are booming while the 1st world is stagnating, it's only a matter of time before India or China surpass us, socialism is global, once it's implemented in said third world nations there will no longer be massive wealth disparity, people would have no need to move to the west so they can have a decent live and not slave away in sweat shops imposed on them by us

because the facts we can only deny but not prove wrong contradict our agenda

No you don't understand. The superior Aryan master-race are the only people smart enough to see through their lies and overthrow the ZOG Occupied Government so they want to replace them with dumb compliant Muslims that they can control. Clearly this is why white people fell for cultural Markyism hook line and sinker whilst Muslims on the most violently antisemitic people on the planet.

This is what Holla Forums actually believes.

End thyself

Jews want to depopulate the middle east and leave Europe holding the bag for whoever makes it out alive.

How do you people manage to type this shit and not cringe while posting it

So why haven't they taken literally a single step towards doing this?

Israel's probably got enough firepower to wipe out a good chunk of MENA's population, yet they haven't even exterminated the Palestinians.

The Jews are the least competent supervillains ever.

Syria? Iraq?

Egypt and KSA are next. Before 2020 for sure.


Are Syria and Iraq depopulated?
Your understanding of geopolitics is pol /SYRIAGENERAL/ tier, stop posting

If you want to pass your genes on, then just have sex.

I'll hold my breath.

Syria's population has contracted by 50% allepo will be a smoking crater for decades.

Aleppo is already bouncing back.

The very notion that Jews want to depopulate the middle east is retarded, do you think Israel is some sort of ethno state? there are a lot of Arabs living there and even in Parliament positions.

About 4 million Syrians have left the country. Less than half a million have died as a direct result of the war.

Syria had a pre-war population of 23 million.

Israel isn't an ethnostate?

I wonder who could be behind this post.

Except it's not? I hate Israel as much as the next guy and do not approve of it's existence as a state, but to pretend as if it's some Ethno state Nazi wet dream is stormfag tier, go look up it's demographics / public sector representatives.


What demographics? All the sand niggers suffering under a jackboot with no representation?

Silly leftcuck goose, always so deliberately obtuse when reality comes crashing down!


Stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself

I swear I've seen this same argument but in reverse coming from neoliberals

xddd le epic comeback lmao

The stormfag is actually right.

Israel is not an ethnostate in the same way South Africa wasn't an ethnostate. Sure one specific ethnic group controls all the real power and makes it their mission to defend their "ethnic interests" at the expense of everyone else but people outside that group have some level of representation so it can't be an ethnostate right? I don't think so.

kek you're off your rocker

so an ethnostate is just a country with very high levels of prejudice and racism

You're approaching 'Adolf Hitler in the bunker in May 1945 insisting Germany can still win' levels of delusion.

Turn back your flag on stormfag

I don't know what sane person can look at israel as anything else other than an ethnostate other than a lying stinking duplicitous jew.

The pinnacle of right-wing political discourse

Unironically kys.

I don't think you even understand the basics behind israel. How can you be this fucking dumb?


Except he is posting evidence that contradicts your claims, the only thing you've done is ad absurdum faggotry

Enlighten me senpai

What evidence? Token arab representation is meaningless. You people are a complete joke.

But, that's exactly what Israel is. It's a nation-state designed designed for a very specific ethnicity.

Yeah, it has lots of Arabs in it. But likewise South Africa had more than a few black people in it.

This is your mind on Holla Forums

You're getting BTFO harder than you fags did in the Battle of Berlin

muh skin color is better than ur skin color thread no. 3039928037

and i should give a fuck because?

again, why is that? convince me to give a single shit without some MUH FEELS > REALS tirade

Majority of Palestinians cannot vote. Jews all over the world have defacto dual citizenship with Israel and enjoy strict no extradition muh privileges should they flee there. Israel exists purely to further the interests of jews both domestic and international.

Israel is an EXPLICITLY Jewish ethnostate

Christ Holla Forums is pure kikery through and through

we're talking about Israeli citizens you stupid fucking faggot, there are a lot of Arabs among them who CAN vote and DO, how can you be this retarded

Yeah, it's not like citizenship policy could or would ever be used for ethnonationalist ends.

you realize white people are a global minority by far, right? there are more blacks in the world, more asians in the world, and more hispanics in the world when compared to white people.

flooding the minority countries with the global majority by force is no different from what china is doing to tibet.

You're clutching at straws at this point

Gradually I began to hate them.

why'd you stop half-way?

keep going retard, at that rate blacks will become majority. The right graph reflects the left.

That's not replacement though either though. It is however a non-problem.

Yes, actually, because emigration to Israel spikes whenever there are Muslim attacks. Israeli Jews, like any embattled high Autism Level elite level race, have a population problem, and also a leftism problem. Mass importing shitskins who hate jews wakes up the many secular jews who shill against Israel living in America and Europe, and increases both their devotion to Zionism and in many cases actually triggers emigration.

Most Jews are not able to be as ruthlessly logical as Sam Harris or Chomsky, and will choose self preservation over treating both Islam and their own murderous religious ethno-state even-handedly in the face of anti-western muslim violence.


t. former leftist who has literally watched this happen to his jewish friends

Not an argument.



If whites were to unite, we'd wipe out all other races easily. Including Jews.


If whites tried to unite and wipe out all other races including Jews the entire planet would get nuked into rubble by this white coalition and Pakistan, Israel, China, India and North Korea.

So I guess mission accomplished, all other races are wiped out, along with all life on Earth.

Completely BTFO

Let me modify a quote from General Moshe Dayan: 'white nations must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.'

White nations would not be able to grow enough to compete against the world if not for immigrants labor, your understanding of geopolitics is 5 years old kid tier.
at this rate of growth if the west didn't take immigrants you'll be getting sanctions from Han and Pajeet who will be leading world economies in 40 years, there's a reason both extremely racist U.S parties left racism behind in favor of immigration you stupid fuck

the idea that Germans and Japanese can't mow their own goddamn lawns is ridiculous. Also, often these migrant populations propping up GDP is a smokescreen; GDP measurements are largely bullshit; toxic assets like adjustable rate mortgages look like they balance the debt sheet, but they really do nothing for a country. Ditto what migrant populations are doing to prop up the healthcare industry; just because you import millions of retards to buy cheap real-estate and take up space in emergency rooms does not mean your country's economy would become "depressive" without them.


No sane person wants to fuck a stormfag and commit to an ideology which preaches genocide and totalitarianism, and gets BTFO by communists.


More like
If you read carefully enough I did tell him to stop shitting up our board about his bullshit replacement because it's a lolbertarian concept enforced by capitalism, why the fuck do you people keep complaining about it here.

And neither will you get your white ethnostate. People have lived in white supremacist societies for centuries and the ball has been in your court since then. You had plenty of opportunity to commit mass genocide even prior to WWII. I mean jee willickers mister, it's almost as if races don't all think alike. :^)

You can deny reality as much as you'd like, but it's still there







Absolutely. White lives are worth preserving, which is why I oppose the death penalty, the police, the military, etc.

The thing is, demographic shifts are not killing white people. The white people are still alive. They're just not breeding as much. You have a right to life, liberty, and happiness, but you don't have a right to stop other people from reproducing.

Imagine if the roles were reversed and this was a thread made by a black nationalist complaining that white people are committing "genocide" against blacks by simply breeding too much. How quickly would you tell them to go back to tumblr?

I thought a fascist would be the first one to understand such concepts

Not implying anything regarding your conversation with the aforesaid user, don't care about that conversation, just pointing out your own cognitive dissonance.

WAS trying to imply that if capitalism is so bad, what does it matter if a country's GDP goes down? You may be against ethno-states/racism for other reasons, but given your commitments on economic policy I don't see how a lower GDP could possibly be one of them.

It really is though! The invasion has only started!

You simply misread my post, I did not say GDP matters to ME, I said that under capitalism, economic growth matters the most because it is equivalent to political power, no western country would purposely shit on it's economy for the sake of ethno-nationalism, capitalism doesn't care about your spooks, it only cares about profit.
my only point is that he should stop complaining about this shit here, we're not responsible for immigrant labor exploitation, capitalism is

and these crazy motherfuckers want to stop these angels from coming over here


It's going to dominate world trade, m8


Two wrongs don't make a right, dickhead.

Low birth rates among whites do decrease the rate at which white population grows, but as far as I know immigration doesn't change the absolute amount of white people leaving in a country. It would take centuries for whites Europeans to become an actual minority and possibly millennia to possibly die out.

So white nationalists believe immigrant populations are increasingly incapable of resisting the urge to dance?


you sound scared of reprisal