ITT: indisputably true things Holla Forums doesn't want to hear

ITT: indisputably true things Holla Forums doesn't want to hear

Sillicon Valley actually has the most tenable, logical and feasible communist program in the world. leftists should support Mark Zuckerberg, embrace the market as an emergent cybernetic regulatory mechanism and demand UBI and full automation. Anything else is basically LARPing.

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Sillicon Valley may be 'bourgeois', but it is objectively a progressive force. The development of the means of production is key. Millions are going hungry at this very moment. It's no time for folk politics or nostalgic revolutionary LARPing. We need solutions. Liberals have been very good at finding solutions, financing research and think tanks, incorporating the newest tech. Instead of moralising and rejecting these tactics out of hand, the left should embrace them. UBI is probably the defining radical cause of our generation. It represents the gradual detachment of income from capital, a true social income.

A likely tale

Architecture historian Kazys Varnelis of Columbia University found that in spite of the privatization advocated by the Californian Ideology, the economic growth of Silicon Valley and California were "made possible only due to exploitation of the immigrant poor and defense funding…government subsidies for corporations and exploitation of non-citizen poor: a model for future administrations."

Proponents believed that in a post-industrial, post-capitalist, knowledge-based economy, the exploitation of information and knowledge would drive growth and wealth creation while diminishing the older power structures of the state in favor of connected individuals in virtual communities.[6]

Critics contend that the Californian Ideology has strengthened the power of corporations over the individual and has increased social stratification, and remains distinctly Americentric. Barbrook argues that members of the digerati who adhere to the Californian Ideology, embrace a form of reactionary modernism. According to Barbrook, "American neo-liberalism seems to have successfully achieved the contradictory aims of reactionary modernism: economic progress and social immobility. Because the long-term goal of liberating everyone will never be reached, the short-term rule of the digerati can last forever.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

That's from over 20 years ago, lots of things have happened since then algorithms, for one. Even white collar jobs are going to get automated. Huge advances in medicine and biotechnology- life extension- things that would blow your mind. World hunger could be eliminated with protein rations. VR and the Internet of things could transform the very nature of our reality. Solid food might become a thing of the past. Alienation can be remediated through AI assisted integral education, new medications and tracking of personality traits starting from birth. Facebook groups are already replacing churches and sport teams as the nexii of the community.

do you even try to understand the words you're using

Silicon valley is also a bull bubble market that is going to cause the next 2008.
Don't believe me? Look it up

Dude what?


I wouldn't bet on that.

Muh human touch is pure sentimentalist nonsense.

It will come in waves. Eventually all work will be automated. That is a good thing though. Labor should be a choice, not an obligation. Also starving ex-lawyers/doctors would make fantastic fucking revolutionaries.

I'm only saying that people are more likely to trust a human than a robot not snip their ear off while giving them a haircut. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that distrust.

Logical and consistent means "a computer god will be created and literally solve all our problems, also I know nothing about actual AI research"

Why would anyone risk getting massacred by Zucc's killbot army when they can have soylent rations, VR porn and pleasure centre stimulating brain implants? Besides why would anyone want to rebel? AI represents the next step of human evolution. Vanilla Humanity (ie. No augments) is an increasingly obsolete component that is inhibiting the development of the system.

When all work is automated, we will have communism. Instead of trying to resurrect a romantic proletariat that doesn't longer exist or just criticising 'capitalism' without putting forward any real solutions, the left should work towards ending poverty, work and scarcity by demanding worldwide UBI and full automation.

People would rebel because capitalism will make sure than any gains generated by muh AI will go to the top. This is basic Marxism. No amount of algorithms or machine learning will ever be enough to overcome the internal contradictions of the system.

I have a feeling that programmers, engineers, and other abstract mental labourers would be the first to get brain implants that would give them edge against other poor shmucks competing for the chance of improving the porky's profit.

We are NEVER getting communism.

Holla Forums talks about proletarian revolution but the truth is that the elite will simply make our jobs redundant and then, instead of socialism or even UBI, we'll simply be liquidated: In our sleep if we are lucky, through war and sickness most likely.

Why didn't you listen? The mothership brought us to Communism. You could have joined us. It is over.

dude I wasn't even born yet when Posadas gave up on nuking the eternal imperialist and descended into earth.

Network learning and genetic algorithms mean soon AI will know more about AI research than we do. It's science. Short of blowing up every sillicon foudry there's nothing you can do about it. The left has a reputation of being antiscience, when it should be the left embracing the latest developments.


No excuses. You could have in your pre-infancy met with Jesus Christ, Marx, and our glorious leader Trotsky aboard the mothership, shook hands with them, and had your soul redirected into a pure form of dialectic light akin to the bodies of the 144'00. Your will was not strong enough.

well memed.
implying that with the first historical chance of sustainable slave labor in form of robots, they won't just go for it an live even better than before, while the masses barely have the energy to shake their feeble fists at the killbots.

I should reword that.
There will never be communism for the masses
The new elite will be biologically superior at birth both physically and intellectually, then improved with technological implants, labor will be automated, they will have a self sustaining system, all which will be defended by all sorts of killbots and death drones.

There will simply be no need to improve the lives of lesser humans when the bourgeois can have comfortable communism for themselves.

*144,000. Lord Trotsky, blessed are you, your mercies are plentiful, bestow upon me but one. I shall pay you back with the sale of one thousand newspapers times one thousand.

The capitalists are going to kill us, They know the middle and lower class will become one and they know it's going to bite them in the ass if they don't kill us . The only AI that the masses will be the one asking for your pass to go to one impoverished hellscape to another to see apart of your family.


Robo cop is our future.

Stop right there you dasein realist.

General AI will outperform human brains by then. General AI will basically ruin capitalism, either by making proles obsolete or by overthrowing human hegemony in general.

Sillicon Valley is actually quite liberal and humane. Bill Gates and Zuckerberg are very interested in humanitarianism and believe in improving the world by logical means, through science, rather than through leftism. Here is Zuckerberg with his good old friend Bono, the Rock'n'Roll philantropist from Multiplatinum superstars U2. I trust Bono.

I'm a STEM autist and I've tried to use nootropics to keep up, too bad it didn't work at all. I'm currently considering my choices for getting stimulants that won't kill me in a reasonable timeframe. I think that brain implants, safe or not, would be actually a huge improvement. Hope it makes you happier.

Which ones did you try?

literally what? even the USSR is stereotyped as "glassy-eyed Sputnik chessmasters". Give me a break.

You won't capture me alive!

Luddites, technophobes, human biodiversity denialists and revolutionary LARPers who refuse to accept shifting tech realities get all the press, but reasonable leftists do exist.

piracetam and noopept.

Try modafinil.

Billy boy want's to fuck over the U.S. school system more then the right does.Liberals are a small part of capitalist and even liberal darling like Starbucks are exploiting third world workers. Don't put a human face on capitalism.

hmm… I smell Holla Forums
Are you talking about the people that bring Red Army surplus to rallies or are you saying that seeking revolution is LARPing? Because I'm detecting "Let Porky have his way with you, the masses will totally rise up spontaneously some day after you're dead lol"

I wanted to, but it's prescription or illegal about everywhere in the EU, and I don't want to go to jail for the eternal porky. If I'll ever decide to go that route, I'll get a stash of the fun drugs and hang myself when they run out, or blue lives come knocking.

Check your laws. It is legal to import prescription medication for personal use here.

Lysenkoism (Russian: Лысенковщина, tr. Lysenkovshchina) was a political campaign against genetics and science-based agriculture conducted by Trofim Lysenko, his followers and Soviet authorities. Lysenko served as the director of the Soviet Union's Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Lysenkoism began in the late 1920s and formally ended in 1964. The term Lysenkoism can also be used metaphorically to describe the manipulation or distortion of the scientific process as a way to reach a predetermined conclusion as dictated by an ideological bias, often related to social or political objectives.[1]

The pseudo-scientific ideas of Lysenkoism assumed the heritability of acquired characteristics.[2] Lysenko's theory rejected Mendelian inheritance and the concept of the "gene"; it departed from Darwinian evolutionary theory by rejecting natural selection.[3] Proponents falsely claimed to have discovered, among many other things, that rye could transform into wheat and wheat into barley, that weeds could spontaneously transmute into food grains, and that "natural cooperation" was observed in nature as opposed to "natural selection".[3] Lysenkoism promised extraordinary advances in breeding and in agriculture that never came about.

Joseph Stalin supported the campaign. More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were sent to prison, fired,[4] or executed as part of a campaign instigated by Lysenko to suppress his scientific opponents. The president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, was sent to prison and died there, while scientific research in the field of genetics was effectively destroyed until the death of Stalin in 1953.[3] Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines was also negatively affected or banned.[5]

why are commies always wrong? it must be muh feels right?

There will be no need for a violent mass uprising if we get UBI and full automation. Irrational fetishisation of violence and action for action's sake is not healthy. Think logically, not emotionally. capitalism did not emerge through revolution, but through technical development, as did every other economic system. Communism will emerge when the means of production reach the appropriate stage of development.


Pot calling the kettle back there, kameraden.

Why don't you join the currently running HBD experiment?

can't tell if bait or peak leftycom, to be a little bit honest.

So your thesis is basically "obey Porky and let him guide is to glorious communism someday"? Tell me, I'm not sure if this is some bizarre astroturfing attempt or you really are this stupid.


I'll keep it to where they have to actually try to kill me on a whim, thank you.


that fact that HBD is taboo is another form of Lysenkoism.

My Autism Level is circa 130. But I'm pretty deficient in some regards with highs and lows. You'd expect most "intelligent" Holla Forumsacks to have autism fr though. Nick land actually touches on this kek and actually predicted the rise of Holla Forums

The nazis would have T4 the aspies, if it wasn't for Asperger you know.

geez, it's almost like you want the rise of anime nazis

nice meme though, saved


What you're trying to argue is like saying "Feudalism has brought us the untold riches of banking, shipbuilding, and more! Praise the King, may his absolute arbitrary power lead us to democracy in the future!

I fucking hope the implication here isn't what I think it is, as both natural selection and "natural cooperation", or mutual aid, can be observed in almost all social animals.

That's the inevitable result of anime nazi's. We are the most oppressed class and Marx would be advocating for us in the 21st century. We control the memes of production after all.

I'm not even disagreeing with that, kin selection exists you know that right? I just think that going on autistic gulag spree with your own scientists because you believe you can do alchemy with plants is a little retarded tbh fam

Not that user, but it's all tribalism and "I can't agree with you on this particular point based on evidence, because that way I'd end up approving a fucking nazi / commie / scary spooky spook". I'm honestly not trying to meme myself as a radical centrist here.

I don't really think humans can ever transcend tribalism in their natural state. That's what I really don't understand about internationalism, they can barely agree with people just like them, let alone people from the other side of the planet.

I have the impression that most people only evaluate ideology (and weltanschuang) through their own limited social experience and the sort of people they associate with. Out of curiosity of what sort do you associate with?


you will be gassed first

Perhaps. I don't personally have a problem with the idea that men and women of different ethnicities can have statistically different predispositions and skills, I just don't see why would that be a basis for a whole identity and entrenched demarcation lines.
I like the idea of Stirnerist egoism, but I can't bring myself to cut off all the spooks that ruin my life, so I'm more or less an involuntary notdoingashit wagecuck unfortunately.

Nationalism is a meme, race is not. And race does not refer to Caucosoid/mongaloid/negroid distinctions, but rather tribe, kline, phenotype and shared heritage. Nationalism is a pretty neat meme as it gets us to stop stealing the neighboring towns sheep. The distinction between nationalism and internationalism I would be that one has a basis in reality and one does not. I don't think many people have considered the consequences of mixing euro races like they've done in anglo colonies. It's taken a very long time to integrate wogs, and even then at that I do not think they will ever completely integrate.

Egoism seems sort of okay, but it sort of misses the point of Eastern philosophy imo, but that's kind of hard when you are grounded in Western philosophy and nomenclature.

World hunger can already be eliminated you idiot. America alone can produce enough wheat and corn to feed everyone who can fit comfortably on earth. Desalination tech we've had for decades can provide near infinite water because of this thing called the water cycle. The problem of world hunger has been and remains a problem of supply chains, getting food to people in regions devastated by war and ruled by tyrants. World hunger today is caused by war, that's it.

Sorry, I don't really feel any connection to "my" "fellow" "white" "countrymen". And neither do they, given that I did get beaten up until I handed out my wallet an cell phone on one occasion, fortunately managed to be more careful ever since. I honestly don't give a shit if I have to avoid the territory of the local football enthusiasts or the barely existent (I'm eastern euro) brown refugees. I don't mean to be overly nihilistic and cynical, but I do think that abstract ideas only matter until they don't, and then you're entirely dependent on you own limbs and perhaps friends if they're still there.
Yeah, I think I'd be more into Buddhism but I don't actually entirely buy into their ideology and worldview. I'm aware that western-eastern "synthesis" of sorts has already been tried a couple of times, and didn't result in anything particularly optimistic (i.e. Schopenhauer).

Could you kids please get over the "mah private property meme"? Taxing property and estates increases production more than abolition and confiscation, because people work harder to feel like they are leaving behind something for their children. Letting the bourgeoisie pretend they own something while having the state tax and redistribute their surplus value is preferable up until just before we get full automation and the hypersurplus. Marx would agree if he were still alive or had thought of marginalism himself because his purpose was maximizing production while minimizing exploitation. Abolition of private property was intended by Marx simply to get property out of unproductive hands and into productive hands, not to punish someone for having more than someone else. Taxing property forces the owners to be more productive without looking like a policy designed by petty children.

That's because you're an alienated schizoid. That's a personal problem. Take your meds and get over it. If you don't feel any connection to your race, then 99% chance you don't feel any connection to anyone else at all, and your positions on a lot of subjects are simply resentment, not guided by any sincere or rational theory or reality.

That markets are sublimely beautiful. They are reverse entropy and the opposite of war. I see why people would worship them as God.

Holy shit that scared me

Markets don't exist

Porky will never allow himself to be taxed more unless there is some kind for major crisis and a revolution.

I sure hope you're baiting, anyway I don't feel like arguing with pop-psychology today.

The 5 year plan was even more amazing. With AI and more sophisticated computer technology we will finally be able to perfect it.


Everybody who posted in this thread should be permabanned

But that's bullshit.

I love my friends and family and am absolutely loyal to them, I just don't give a shit about muh race. Why should I?

after you.

I don't understand how nationalism is any more 'real' then internationalism. Both are pretty arbitrary.

You have a Nazi flag. The people whose entire ideology was based on mysticism, we wuz kangz tier claims to past glory, and insane race science (even if race is a valid category the shit the Nazis were doing had no connection to reality). Also of course the people who called physics Jewish because they didn't like it.

Should you really be joking about 'muh feels'?



fuck off back to SA you liberal cuck

This thread is shit, and if you haven't saged it, you're a heathen, a revisionist, and most importantly, not a rad dude.
Let's looks at some bullshit.

>and fancy tech gizmos will distract me from this will alleviate this problem.
Here, user skillfully diagrams his, very likely, way that the 1% will sneak into the 99% homes, and eradicate them without struggle. Think of it like Santa Clause. It's magical, makes lots of sense, and is very comforting to the lazy.

Here, a very well substantiated claim is made. You can tell its well evidenced because the user felt no need to provide evidence, as his skillful logic makes the point clear.

As a board made for, and inhabited by liberals, this is a great quality. I for one, welcome our new corporate overlords
As proven by Karl "MacDaddy" Marx, the rich love taking care of the proletarian, and can be relied on to do this with their fairly acquired dosh.

Obviously, our benevolent overlords will allow us to suckle at the teat of their entrepreneurial prowess.
Everyone knows that slavery was ended when Abraham Lincoln decided the North had good a good enough economy to spare the slaves, who just had to be enslaved. What they really needed was an UBI.
Again, as predicted by Karl "Relax dude" Marx, the world will spontaneously combust into communism.
By the end of this thread, you should be experiencing a tingle. Be wary, you may have already gotten this from browsing other threads. That tingle is a part of your brain dying. That part of your brain specializes in making sense of the world and applying logic. Reading shitty threads like these, and watching as no one bullies these retards might have caused that part of you to die. It's okay user.
Fuck you, fuck these shitty threads, I hope this site gets back on track and stops being such a huge pile of fucking shit. This site has been full of garbage posts for days, if not weeks.

they are both arbitrary. just because something is arbitrary does not mean it's bad. The distinction is that internationalism is less reflective of reality than nationalism I suppose.

and? Pretty much all of Western political philosophy is based off we wuz and plato tier mysticism. It's certainly true that I'm not a Not Socialist, nor would it ever be possible be for me or anyone to be one, ever since the end of the war in 1945. However, I do agree with a fair deal of their weltanschuang and the righteousness of their cause (and it's applicability to the modern day era). It seems odd that many people have their blinders on when examining the historical period, that is that there is a lot to learn from their example. The closest I see is dumb college liberals studying Carl schmidit.

nigger, vikangs built way more intricate wooden structures than mud huts. Unfortunately they are not preserved so well as a rule.

As I said, "white" which is essentially the same as "caucosoid" is not race. Your race would be w/e sort of slavic/baltic ethnicity you are. The reason you got beat up was that you were not part of that white persons in-group, such is the wonders of social atomization. As it stands your easy pickings because you don't really have your own tribe (dunbars number)

As for abstract ideas and reality, that's where the issue with Western philosophy lies. It is really dangerous and stupid to see such things as distinct and separate entities when as a matter they are part of one whole. Western philosophy and Eastern philosophy can never meaningfully merge as they are predicated on mutually exclusive axioms.

Silicon Valley is kept afloat by mountains of government subsidies.

AND it's worth every penny.

Even succdems are better than this

Republics? Constitutions? Democracy? Capitalism? Separation of church and state? Revolution?
Robespierre, you're a fool, that will never happen!

So much whataboutism I'm drowning in it

Nationalism is the justification

if you don't have nationalism then you have tribalism. there's no way around this.

nod an argumen


The market being an emergent "cybernetic" regulatory mechanism (which is a tautology) doesnt mean it serves our needs or is the best there is.
Silicon valley isnt a program
Mark zuckerburg is bourgeois scum
Demanding UBI and full automation doesnt mean you will get it.
Full automation will destroy the market as a regulatory mechanism and that is already happening as we speak.

Read Marx

North western europeans used to live in mudhuts until the early 20th century, when socialist governments put them in proper houses.

Lame right-wing argument. Capitalism increases production to unnatural levels because it forces people to work more than is healthy mentally and physically. Under socialism, production will likely drop, as people won't be able to be coerced into wasting their time making useless shit nobody actually wants. This is not a bad thing.

Pick one.

Isn't communism all about automation, not having to work and being free to indulge in hedonism and consumption?

that's the retarded contrarian Holla Forums definition
mostly it's the workers owning the means of production

Communism (in the most abstract sense) is about removing power from the few and giving it to all people. Capitalism, even extremely "socialist" capitalism where companies pay for UBI and other forms of welfare, the capitalists still have total control over society. That is what needs to be abolished.

Most people don't want power and the responsibility that comes with it, they want free time and free stuff. Running society is a job for proffesionals and eventually a job for AI.

Agreed. Thus why the vanguard and party bureaucracy are needed. They can build and maintain an AI to help with central planning. Zuck and his ilk are parasites and that provide nothing to society yet control everything.

i will bait to say that you're a retard


To all the Nazis in this thread: The Nazis were capitalists.

State intervention does not equal anti-capitalism unless you want to assert that every state in history was anti-capitalist. None of the fundamental aspects of capitalism were abolished under Nazism. There's a reason German industrialists and business supported the Nazis in such great amounts.

Nazi 'anti-capitalism' was empty rhetoric and nothing more. German companies got fat off of their cooperation with the NSDAP.

But it's okay as long as the boss with the lash in his hand is a fellow Aryan, right?

I'm a retard and posted this in the wrong thread.

Stalin shouldn't have started the Winter War, he did so out of imperialist ambition, and the Red Army got their ass handed to them as a result of his ineptitude and the crappy command system he put in place.

who doesn't want to hear this though

Do you have proof of your viking claims?
hard mode It has to have been made before they sailed to the civilized parts of Europe.

what's this meme called?

What are you trying to say ?

On top of this he fucked over the USSR by purging his best generals and trusting Hitler while ignoring the three million man army amassing on the border because of a scrap of paper.

I'm just biding my time and fulfilling my duty apropos Roko's Basilisk.

Obama was the charming face on the evil of capitalism.
He's the car-gal,
the Steve Jobs of government,
a regular private joker.
He was the King and the princess all in one.
He waved his magic wand begging for change so he could deliver hope. He wanted us to help him make our dreams come true, by buying shit with meager gibs. In the end he was just the hand chosen by the master.
Tool Supreme!!!

This desu. Silicon Valley is not some genius factory, they routinely fall for shitty blockchain/FinTech/any other buzzword scams which have no value to the company. Tech giant fetishism gtfo

i agree. production fell when slavery was abolished.

love how the HBD types think they're modern day Galileos and neutral do gooders rather than just the latest incarnation of scientific racists going back 100 years

Isn't it funny how people into communization, which looks like obscurantist PoMo bullshit from a distance, are reading actual computer science to make Cockshott's proposals reality while technocrats and Srnicek/Williams style "left-accelerationists" suck tech giant dick to look like STEMlords while being absolutely ignorant?

He's actually not wrong. The market is a perfect example of a closed feedback loop, cybernetic in every single aspect besides the anti-cybernetic runaway phenomenon that is capital, the epitome of continual decoding and mediatization.

Read Land

This pretty much, except for
This is wrong. This is a lazy substitute for a complete materialist analysis. To make an analogy to the biological organism as a reference point for the machine, in keeping with the origins of cybernetics, a proper materialist analysis must transcend the vulgar form of behaviorist conditioning and adopt, based upon empirical observation, the equivalent of the Chomsky hierarchy, that internal part which makes the market become capital because it gains something more than a character as a purely reactive system of supply and demand-based prices. Markets as capital are much more than that because they can take an input and, based upon past historical circumstances which likewise shaped it, make an informed decision and from there give an output. This is why markets as capital are cybernetics employed in the service of anti-cybernetics, and also accordingly where a modern scientific socialism must start again, developing from the neo-utopian works of the likes of Kotz and Cockshott and Fotopoulos.
We already see capital's capacity in this sense in proposals from tech billionaires such as Gates and the tax on machine productivity and
Read Land, read The Invisible Committee. TIC is more valuable than Land as a whole and much more intriguing because, even if it doesn't develop truly innovative forms of action with regard to available tools in modern society, it doesn't make patently absurd pronouncements to entirely avoid the question of doing something in a postmodern world (the Cult of Gnon seems like an interesting concept at first until you realize that it's a postmodern take on Spinozism which seeks to obscure the material mechanisms of control away via a theology which [in postmodern fashion] acknowledges its own falsity, the inability to be taken seriously and therefore become metanarrative, while papering over the incompatibility of material determinism and authority and how the death of free will means the death of authority/God, something pointed out by Bakunin hundreds of years ago).

can you disprove the notion that central planning failed, an cause shortages

Marx was wrong about the majority of what he said. His historiography and anthropology has been disproven and the law of value is an inaccurate description of how the economy works.

Marxist ideas for organizing the government and economy are interesting but the analysis that inspired these ideas is BS.

take your meds, pierre

Ok ok, slow down. Where would one start with this Gnon stuff?


it doesn't have a name afaik
