Oh, boy here we go…

Oh, boy here we go…

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It's true though
SocDems are just postmodern Fascists
Yes, I am saying that antifa are succdem.


there's like 28 antifa threads

Antifa are the real racists

Ah yes, because both fascists and anarchists are violent, therefore they are the same thing. Then again, this is the same guy screaming that toaster fires are serious crimes, so we can disregard him.


antifa are the real ghostbusters

Link all 28 of them

literally who? sorry i'm not up to date with e-celebs


I can't stand his pretentious fake tone of voice I'm going to dislike it anyway.

He made a follow up video showing how those fires were serious crimes. youtube.com/watch?v=u5bnX8v1_6c

No wonder why socdems nazis and leftcoms are the most hated posters in leftypol.

that's about as "ethos" as your ideology gets

you should read that post again.

Fascism= State power combined with corporate power plus extreme nationalism and authoritarianism. Yeah, that's sounds like Antifa.

exactly, this anyone who uses violence is fascist meme needs to die.

Big did between noon violence that is punished by the state and actual state violence
I wonder if anyone will every explain this to anti-y if people

but muh windows.
muh masks.
muh freedoms.
If you won't let obvious racists organize to promote their reactionary agenda then you're the REAL fascist.

How in the fuck are random windows and cars racist?

reread the post slowly if you don't understand it.

windows are made to separate places. they divide the working class into the ones this side of the window and the ones the other side. also it's a subpar operating system


You should read the post you're replying to again. Maybe you'll get the joke.





what is succdem?

that shit is so tired

I'm the real Ghostbusters


The Real Ghostbusters were cartoon characters.

Did they ever read the definiton of fascism?

The only things we do is blocking fash's

Why are people allowed to talk about things they have no knowledge of.

Don't be like these KKK masked cowards

Yeah, that video is fucking retarded and shaun's response to that response illustrates it to the few that didn't grasp that fact when watching this one.


is that painting based on something real?
did rottekamferbund assassinate nazis?

No. Fascists are fascist even before they acquire state power or corporate support. What characterizes fascism is the cult of violence and a very high level or party organization.

Actually, let's utilize it. Why not associate actual contemporary fascists with Antifa? It could be hilarious.

"Holla Forums, home of Antifa"

I think it's an utterly retarded idea, but I've saved both pics for further use, thanks.

Do you people genuinely not understand the point they're making? Or are you being deliberately obtuse?

I can't even tell anymore. You seem more deluded than Holla Forums these days.

Just admit that these people are cunts and that they've fucked up, holy shit.

leftists calling fascists fascist:
fascists calling anti-fascists fascists:

Shouldn't he like them if they're fascists?

What bullshit.

Get fucked.

The point is retarded, and if you agree with it, you, too, are retarded. If we're going to say that any use of violence in the streets to silence people is fascism, the IRA is fascism, the CNT-FAI was fascism, pre-fascist outbursts of violence such as Jacobinism were all fascism, and so on. Literally just misuse of the term fascism.

Straw man.

Go back to >>>Holla Forums brainlet

t. brainlet

Sage negated, fag :^)

protect porky's property, wtf, the people will never support us again

muh mercedes

They don't care about Porky's property or Mercedes. They have zero discipline. They burn cheap prole properties and cars.

what retardation is this, explain yourself

prole properties
in the centre of a major western city

I'm referring to the numerous pro-republican riots and the violence that ensued. Definitely could have phrased that better.

Everyone of you is missing the point.

It doesn't matter whether or not they're fascists because they're idiots.

It's Hamburg so yeah, prole properties and cheap Peugeot. Just look at the vids..

which pro-republican riots had the aim of silencing people?
riots tended to be reactions to loyalist marches or RUC/b-special/other government forces brutalizing marches for civil rights and the Catholic population
hope you aren't honestly comparing the IRA to antifags

Another failure of wording on my part. Was trying to draw a parallel between political oriented rioting. I am very tired right now, and that was absolutely retarded of me.
Of course not, there were British forces operating like fucking death squads (the MRF outright had shoot on sight orders for the families of IRA members if I remember right) in Ireland. Antifa are buttblasted democrat teens who've never faced such violence and hopefully never will.

polite sage as if this continues I guarantee it'll derail the thread into an IRA thread

See, you guys keep thinking the entirety of the world is America.

this is why you shouldn't let autists near keyboards.


Keep in mind that Fascism and Anarchism were both influenced by Georges Sorel. They share the same view on violence but that's about it.

Only specific subsets of anarcho-syndicalism were truly influenced by Sorel.

Why are we all here then

As much as I don't like anti-fa it should be fairly easy to note that they aren't going around genociding certain groups and establishing an authoritarian government. I think he may be giving a group of largely teenagers a bit too much credit there.

to compare them to far right groups whose stated mission is usually widespread ethnic cleansing is definitely disingenuous

there are two kinds of fascist: fascist and antifascist

its an honor to have you on the board mr fake winston churchill

But the thing is: these people could have a decent argument by drawing parallels between the violence of AntiFa and the Blackshirts or Sturmabteilung, but instead they seem to run entirely off of going out of their way to defend different varieties of right-winger who are labelled as Fascists (and let's be honest here, it's thrown around so much it hardly has much meaning anymore), explaining how Fascism isn't "literally violence", but seem to conveniently turn to this on the likes of AntiFa. It's infuriating

extend your hand and press both at once

Antifa are called Fascists because they act like Brownshirts, and violently silence dissent. Fascism rarely actually refers to the ideology, nowadays is mostly just a term used for authoritarian thugs. When you call a pig a fascist you're not implying he supports the merger of state and corporate power under a totalitarian nationalist state, you're just saying he's a thug.

Why bother? Sargon of Assmad already has that market cornered.

hell yeah they did

So the only similarity is that both antifa and fascists are illiberal?

You know i used to go to these things alot. Before i was politically involved atleast, kinda like watching a car crash. Ive never once seen the police attack the fascists, i seen nazis come into crowds of people, try and beat the shit out of someone and get horrible injured, only to run back to behind police lines. Ive seen pig point loaded shotguns at people after a two nazis sucker punched some crusty till he was unconscious, and when the crowds of people tried to retaliate they get guns in their faces. Ive seen skinheads go nigger knocking in my hometown too, police never do a thing.

You wanna talk about anti-fascists acting like fascists, it usually means one of a few things, you live somewhere they don't exist, you support them or you've had too much meme's shoved into your head. But they're out their, they're killing people every single day, they make peoples lives living hell's.

Another point. Lets talk about how calling anti-fa fascists is an inherently liberal position. Simple because it equates all violence to be the same, which is inherently liberal. How can people honestly equate the self defense of working people against fascists the same as all violence? When the police shoot people in their homes, we dont hear an outcry of "Your acting like fascists!". When we see pigs throw people in jail for stealing food, or squatting in un-used houses or when they try to re-poses all you won because you missed a payment on something, or they deny you medicine because you simply can afford it, where is the outcry? Is this not a much more systematic and on much larger scale of human misery than some punk and a nazi hitting each other with sticks?

You want to call anti-fa fascists for using violence? I say you don't understand violence, or fascists.

Woah a good post from spectacles and mustache?
