am I a bad leftist if I like some of the bourgeois aesthetics?
Am I a bad leftist if I like some of the bourgeois aesthetics?
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Like what?
Stop making shitty threads.
What the fuck even are "bourgeois aesthetics"…?
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
stuff like pic related - /fa/ aesthetics that doesn't look like factory workers in overalls or red army military uniforms
I haven't made a new thread since last week, fuck off
nigga LARPing as the red army is worse than """bourgeois""" aesthetics.
Just don't wear a suit or you go to gulag.
Those aren't "bourgeois aesthetics", it's just… fashion. Do you assume and expect everyone under socialism will wear nothing but Mao suits?
suits are fine, what you need to do is stop wearing glasses.
They won't? I've been lied to
Delet this
OP here, thanks for calming me down
SAGE you fucks
t. dresses like Stalin
buttblasted tankie
Also, I like your style OP
Smoking is bad and anti-leftist though
person who put this pic together must be really pathetic
It woulda been funnier without the condescending text at the top
I've made two threads in my years here, and they've both been high quality (Soviet Cybernetics and the proposal to democratize board management). Consider a break from making OPs. Ask yourself, "why am I making this OP? what are the arguments against making this OP?".
LARPing in Soviet aesthetics is cringy. The closest thing to giving a middle finger to PoMo anti-culture is dressing according to need and being frugal where possible, but not overdoing it. Epicurean hedonism kills jouissance.
Have you browsed the catalogue at all lately, or do you sit in cycle threads all day long? Funposting is one of the reasons why this place hasn't become full circlejerk already, unlike many leftist subreddits.
The suit is literally the uniform of the bourgeois
t. david graeber
Internet grunge is not at all bourgeois. It's hedonistic and nihilist
Internet grunge is petit-bourgeois.
How so?
Am I bad leftist if I:
Buy into consumerist culture
Invest money in the stock market and directly to businesses
Buy a factory and walk around on the rafters with a cigar in my mouth yelling at the workers?
Vote for candidates based on their business experience and bank account size?
Compare my business cards finer qualities to other noteworthy entrepreneurs and investors such as my self?
If I bad mouth unions every chance I get and make snide jokes and remarks about the laziness of union workers.
I just don't know.
No you just like to engage in the spectacle
wish i could wear a mao suit but know that as a white guy i coudn't pull it off.
(it's not even political, i just like the aesthetic juncture between the practical, the professional and the faintly militaristic.)
How the hell do you think people can "disengage" with the spectacle?
You can't, even revolution and rebellion becomes a commodity in the grande scale of the spectacle
good one m8, smashing my comp and going full Unabomber right away m8
Goood question, how about minimizing activities that render you a spectator or requires other people to take the role of spectator. And trying to engage in activities that build community and get people involved.
I think we should actively not try to recessitate the USSR in any way other than memes, LARPing as Bolsheviks is pretty lame.
Just dress how you want guy.