Why was degen​erate removed from the filters?

Why was degen​erate removed from the filters?

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Fun is Fun.

Was fun removed?

Was degenerate ever on it?

Used yo say degenewate I think

leftypol uses filters ?
is there a list of all filtered words ?

Newfags can't degen‌erate.

No, OP is just having brain problems.

Yes, the list self compiles in your head as you lurk more.


As Nazbol grew Holla Forums became more 'actually reactionary' as a result, disdaining the utter fun of the perfidious right.

I thought they removed the degener‌acy filter?

>\/\/ade Davis wordfilters to Enver Hoxha

Ebin, been here from the start, I tend to filter out the wordfilter automatically so I dont notice anymore.

/sp/ trying to steal gets

Yeah okay faggot so have the other 1300 people I tell to lurk more when asking obvious questions.

Im not OP you fucking faggot.

Also im drunk as fuck and thought your reply of
Was meant for me.

(im the other guy)

Rated PG Parental Guidance
irrelevant shit
irrelevant shit
irrelevant shit
deeply triggering and problematic
glorious uprising
glorious uprising
torture chamber
national socialis
\/int\/ get
Enver Hoxha
race war
anuddah shoah
turd position, lul what
actually reactionary

3rd p0sition
can someone enlighten me on this one ?

Go to bed, user.

turd position means nazism.

Because american nazis think they are enlightened and the political spectrum cosists solely of "liberal" and "conservative". Making them the "hip third possible position".

Nazis claiming to be anti-capitalist


Some of the filters only apply when there's a space in front of the word. BO being a retard, as usual.

Some of that is un purpose so it doesnt trigger when its in the middle of a word.
Carrace warning is possible (unless im retarded)

Is it possible to make case sensitive filters?

Test: fun!

That doesn't explain most of them. The only possible explanation is so that you can put them in quotes, but then why aren't they all like that?
"degeneracy" -> fun

Degenerate anuddah shoah holocaust Not Socialism

let's try


Degenerate was my FAVORITE filter though, what the fuck?

I am 100% degenerate has never been in the wordfilter. "degeneracy" has been.

Oh. Why would you filter fun but not degenerate?

As I said, the BO is an incompetent idiot. Why would you expect that part of the moderation to be good when the rest is utter shit.

Frequency of use. It's more to make Holla Forums more entertaining than anything.

Because unlike "deg.eneracy" degenerate isn't exclusively a Holla Forums meme and has legitimate uses aside from describing things that trigger Holla Forums

So does fun, if we're being pedantic. I've yet to see either of those words used legitimately.


If you want to be a faggot about it then yeah, but quantum mechanics isn't a subject that comes up here often

Read that bit again.

I don't get this meem

It's to weed out the "vaccines cause autism" crowd

why defend "non organic" food?

Because capitalism is degenerate. Commodification is literally fun.

fun d e g e n e r a c y

Mods cucking out to capitalst exploitation under the guise of combating "muh conspiracy theory" shit.

On the one hand there are stupid people like points out who think G.M.O.s are inherently dangerous because "playing god."

On the other hand, is right that capitalists are using G.M.O.s to cuck us. They want patents on strains they create which has really bad implications.

Was there an /sp/ raid before I came here? I wasn't expecting a lot of sports and get shit to be filtered

Why excellent is filtered? There is some list of fitlered words?
I'm from half chan


Read the thread, it's way above. Also, SJWs aren't actually welcome here, sinner.

Because it's a prime word that socjus people like to use and it makes the copypastas funnier.

newfag traps

I honestly think Priv ilege should be de-filtered. It's a common socjus word but it's also used really often in regular conversation.