Wah wah MLs stop bullying us and showing us how to do socialism properly!

Why do you people get so upset when we as fellow comrades, try and help you do socialism?

I don't see what is wrong with being shown the correct path.

You don't even know what socialism is, kill yourself.


Okay, so I live in the UK. There is approximately one bajillion different Marxists leninist groups each winning about 100 votes in their local area and nothing beyond that.

Can you see how this makes me think Leninism and Trotskyism are tired and worn out causes?

By "doing socialism" do you mean "doing state capitalism"? Because I already live under state capitalism so I don't have to be shown what it's like.

where do you live?

All countries are state capitalist so why does it matter?

Please define state capitalism for me.


This tbh it's rather pathetic to see Western radicals fall over themselves saying "Well at least I don't live in a state-capitalist hellhole!" when the public-debt system pioneered by lassiez-fairs Western governments is the purest form of state-capitalism in the real sense to exist.


And what's your praxis?

MLs do have theory even if you don't like it.

You mean communalism? Marxist anthropology is demonstrably false.

"Various attempts were made to plot the Indian's cultural evolution. One well-known sequence was by Lewis Henry Morgan, who saw seven states through which all societies must inevitably progress: lower savagery, middle savagery, upper savagery, lower barbarism, middle barbarism, upper barbarism, and finally civilization… Karl Marx in 1857 proposed an evolutionary theory that began with Primitive Communism and proceeded through Pagan Society, Ancient Classical Society, Feudalism, and two kinds of Capitalism, up to the ultimate—Communism. Aside from the fact that Primitive Communism probably never existed, these stages are much too bound by the egocentric ideas of Western civilization.." - Peter Farb

Bookchinites confirmed post-modernist hacks. I'm sure his anthropology is just as bad as his historical revisionist position on the French Revolution.


What is his historical revisionist position on the French Revolution

Read Ecology of Freedom fam

not leninist tbh also

Bookchin hailed the Paris sections as revolutionary and true expressions of horizontal people's organizations. The Revolutionary government on the other hand worked immediately to destroy these organizations, with their attempts to dissolve the influence of the sections by regulating hours for political activity to times when most of the urban workers would be laboring, thus disenfranchising them. The Mountain, Robespierre, etc. were reactionaries creating a dictatorial government that crushed the people under foot. They were effectively no different from the Thermidoreans as it concerned their treatment of the people.

Theory that results in social democracy, i.e. shit.

He denied that the French Revolution was a bourgeois revolution similar to reactionary French historical revisionist François Furet and a host of post-modernist academics that have followed in his footsteps.

Defending comrade Assad from anarcho-imperialist slanders of course!

Don't even start. This board goes soc dem every time there's a bourgeois election and there's numerous excuses and lesser-evilist posts justifying allying with
the "Left" candidates of imperialism who are so degenerated they no longer even pretend to be fake Marxists, just utopian socialists.

Like or not, what was created behind the East bloc was far closer to socialism/communism as Marx envisioned it then anything that's been achieved in the capitalist West.

Bookchin was adamantly a Modernist, retard. You just don't understand anthropology. Marx and Engels were influenced by what in anthropology is called unilineal evolutionism, and particularly the unilineal evolutionism of Lewis Henry Morgan. However, unilineal evolutionism is now virtually completely rejected by anthropologists as being wrong. In Marx's defense, they could not help but use unilineal evolutionism, because anthropology had not advanced beyond it in Marx's time. However, in our present time, anthropology certainly has, and the fact that Marx based their materialist conception of history on unilineal evolutionism leaves very large theoretical holes in his work. Holes, which Bookchin fixes.

Bookchin talked about *organic societies*, which are a social evolutionist conception that comes out of neo-evolutionist anthropology, not primitive communism. The book by Peter Farb I'm quoting was actually read and cited by Bookchin in EOF.

Easy! Me and the other twenty dipshits in my vanguard are going to go around screeching "liberal" at anyone who doesn't defend Stalin at all times, while laughing at anyone who suggests anything short of armed struggle, until a few years from now when we're older and just become center-right Democrats! What other kind of praxis is there even? Stupid anarkiddie armchair retard, lel.

God, Bookchinites are such evasive hucksters. You're trying to holst an unrepentant anti-Marxist on unsuspecting anons by portraying him as someone who completes Marx's work.

Primitive communism was a specific thing, not merely just egalitarian tribal society, you anthropologically illiterate fuck. But you can keep moving the goal posts when people point out holes in your philosophy if you want.

Fuck off faggot.


What are you talking about? MLs do participate in electoral and parliamentary politics. Have you never actually read Lenin? Refusing to participate in parliaments and reforms is ultraleft armchair bullshit. I swear, tankies really are worse then any leftcom when it comes to not wanting to do anything.

What would a libertarian socialist -specific chan entail?

When are we ready to advance the dialectic in imageboard communism?