Obnoxious Customers

Can we all agree that the haughty, indignant people who talk down to the employees of whatever business they're seeking the service of because "the customer is king" are trash and deserve the gulag as much as the bourgeoisie and fascists?

When I was a kid, growing up poor, my piece of shit mother would always leave grocery store carts in the middle of the parking lot, dishes from restaurants in deplorable state, etc. and angrily insist that it was someone's job to move it.

Come to think of it's mostly women who harass the working poor.

Please take that Reddit shit elsewhere.

no, and sage negated

I work at Office Depot, in the Copy and Print Department. I have to know how to do over 100 things, and not just do them, but do them well. On top of those, I have to remember to do about 20 other things to keep corporate happy. I am taking orders from our website, our other website, our email, and about 100-150 walk in customers a day.

I am the only one that works in that department during my shifts. The machines fail, but I am not allowed to order parts. The supplies run out, but I am not allowed to order them.

Every single goddamn customer wants their shit and they want it fucking now. They treat me as if I'm an entire crew that can spit out 30 bound books in half an hour. They get very, very mad if I tell them a job has to take more than a day. They get very, very hostile if I tell them our printers are down.

Every single day is like being on Hell's Kitchen.

It is not my fucking fault, I am but one person, and if I don't make the customers happy, if I don't fill out enough Online Print Tickets (with their slow ass system), if I don't upsell enough product the customers didn't want, if I don't recommend enough merchandise in the rest of the store, if I don't sign up enough people on our "rewards" system, if I don't fill out the books and the project folders, if I don't call the customers after their jobs are completed, if I don't ask enough of them to take surveys, if I don't keep it neat and clean and tidy, if I don't write off every product I use for printing, if I don't charge the customer for every single little thing I do, if I stay over my hours, if I don't get the jobs done in time…

I can get fired.

And this is all on a dollar above minimum wage with zero benefits. And somehow I am an unskilled worker.

Oh and somehow I'm somehow supposed to take breaks.

And I'm supposed to apologize profusely and grovel at unhappy customers because they don't like our corporate policies. I'm not supposed to break these policies, just empathize with them on how shitty it is without doing a thing about it.


Here's the catch. I am supposed to take breaks.

But with that much workload, guess what?

I don't take breaks Any calls for relief even for a bathroom break get ignored and put off, while people in other departments take a 30 and two 15s every single day. But do I get to? No, no I do not get to take breaks.

And that is somehow my fault

grocery store here. if we're out of fucking onions, we're out of onions. stop asking.>>1882858

I don't give a shit. atleast it means I feel something. Do you think I get paid extra for finishing work early and satisfying customers? Fuck no, it's 8 hours where I'm required to be, and given no motivation to be anything more than a zombie. so I don't care if I have to answer stupid requests, clean up customer mess, or whatever else. if anything, working retail has made me less eager to clean up my tray at mcdonalds, or return my cart at the grocery store. afterall, it literally is someone's job. I aint helping them by doing shit, I'd be helping their owner make more money, their manager make their goals, etc.

Want to know a secret? Just start off not caring and being sloppy, and never improve, that way they can't say your work is deteriorating. They might if they're shit managers who want to pass the blame on, but that would happen no matter what. a good manager would just see it as a labor shortage and try to get more workers.

My managers won't let me drink while walking from one place to another, I have to go hide in a corner to do it. Literally what is the purpose of that rule? Will the customers be offended if they realise the employees are humans who need refreshment?

Nah mate, I can't agree. I don't like em, and think they're cunts, but I ain't killing no one for being a cunt. Most of them are just workers getting shafted by the system, and directing that anger towards other workers. I pity the fool.

I wasn't allowed to drink at my job, but it was a restaurant and open beverages in the food area are a health code violation. I still did it and my manager didn't care. Just had to throw it out if anyone higher up came around.

I don't know how old you are but I used to work at Officemax myself 6 years ago.

The print department always got screwed over. It's the worst job to have because you are always behind on work.

I know you are trapped there because you need the cash to live but I'd tell you to immediately find a different job before your mind breaks. Retail literally sucks the soul out of your system. Be a data clerk or mail assistant or anything else. Just don't work retail my friend.

There might not be ethical consumption under Capitalism, but there is being nice. I always tried to be polite and patient to people - and for that matter, that view is much more common than "Let me speak to your manager".

That sucks man, i work in a printing company but it's a warehouse and im the only one in the building on 3rd. Why do you work somewhere with a storefront?

Is work a form of torture?

No, but jobs are.

Of a sort. I would argue that it depends on the job, the boss and the work week, but some leftcums would say, with reasonable arguments, that even 30h/week of a most alienating job - say, phoning people to advertise your company services and being insulted every time you do it - is hell on earth.

These people are the lowest of scum. Not only are they just inherently bad people, they're also counter-revolutionary to the core of their being.

Gulag is too good for them. They should be locked inside some wretched hole in the ground and forgotten.

I disagree. Most of them don't even realise the harm they do.

No. These people are power tripping. They're little wannabe tyrants that get off on whatever minuscule measure of power they have over others. These aren't the sort of people you want in any kind of society, much less a socialist one. These petty despots deserve to rot.

I used to work at Bed Bath and Beyond, in any and all positions available, but I mainly worked in the customer service box doing returns or answering grievances. For the most part I'd give them what they want and they leave happy, corporate allows for a lot of leeway. People like their 20% coupons even though they don't realize it doesn't actually save them much money in the store.

The worst customer I ever had was a team of two white trash autists and their mother trying to return fraudulent items back to the store. Customers don't realize that when they return something without a reciept or credit card that we use their license to track their returns and purchases made via the merchandise credits we give them. This dynamic duo would do the classic trick of buying things online, saying it never got there when it did, getting a new one free, then returning the first ordered product at the store with the online reciept he had. The duo made around $27k a year doing this.

(Before I mention how they affected me I'll have you know that I didn't care that they were defrauding the company. It's huge and their margins are insanely high on everything.)

One day one of the brothers (the more Holla Forums looking one) tries to do that to me. He tries to buy GameStop gift cards with merchandise credit. We're trained to call the manager in these situations and I do, but in the time it takes to go from point A to point B in that store all hell could break lose and unfortunately it did. The guy was accusing me of harassing him, saying he's going to call the police because I didn't allow him to use legal tender (when it isn't) to buy his gift cards. I told him that there's nothing I can do, I can gladly take any other forms of payment he may have to pay for it but I can't use the merchandise credit. It got to the point where I had to lawyer myself and had him go line by line in the small print for the merchandise credit card and recited the part where it can't be used on third party products like Visa gift cards and the like. When the manager got there he said the exact same things I said, then the guy started accusing him of harassment, and from there the guy called 911 on us and I left before they showed up.

We meet once again after a few months, this time with his mom. He tries to return a Jura coffee machine worth thousands made through an online order. At this point in time we were told by corporate to not service him in any way outside of the usual interactions, so rather than dealing with him I call the manager again. I get a hold of his online documents, and I can tell that it's been photoshopped. The serial number didn't match what we had in the system. The kicker is that for his name he listed himself as Nathan Drake. So when Loss Prevention eventually calls in I tell him the situation, that it's the repeat offender that he knew by name since corporate is dealing with a lawsuit filed by the same family, and that in the online order his name is Nathan Drake. "Who's that?" "A video game character" "Ahh.."

So I put LP on the phone with the guy, on speaker so we can all hear it. LP goes on a tirade about how he needed an alias to make a beyond order, how he flew in from video game fantasyland, evidence for the lawsuit, so much shit that I had to run out of there from all the laughter I had inside of me. Eventually we called the cops on them after they called them on us and they were dealt with afterwards. Now that I left the company and have another job I try to stay in touch with my old workers to see how that is still developing.

i didn't hear anything more about it but fuck all customers to death tbqh

Oh my god this is so fucking annoying isnt it.


Not related to this thread, but hearing my brothers anti-union bullshit drives me insane. Instead of blaming the bourgeois, he blames workers for "artificially" increasing wages.

Holy shit man…

I've been working in an office lately. Customers are most entitled cunts who treat you like dog shit and insist you must serve their every whim.
You try to help them by asking for information - information you NEED to help them- and they lose their shit. How dare you ask anythibg of them, just wave a fucking magic wand and do it.
And since I'm in a professional job, many have the nerve tell me I'm over paid - my wage is in the average national annual earning bracket.
This is why I'm not a liberal, fuck other people I'm in it for me.

That's the same way I feel, but I'd like to add something. I would happily put them on a fake trial just to scare them a bit.

Most of them are bored suburbanite idiots. I'd be willing to bet most of them don't actually work, like all the fucking soccer moms.

This post is a work of art.

I think it depends. I have some appreciation for webm related (although I'd never act like that myself. Actually, my voice doesn't even have the range to act like that…) because the flowchart oriented way that many businesses now function is so obscene that responding in kind seems worthwhile if somehow it can cut through the flowchart and just get shit done. It's just a shame it's much more difficult to turn against government institutions like the JobCentre, and against the middle and upper management who're putting the pressure on everyone else to use the flowchart in the first place.

Now if we could somehow find a mechanism of getting customers (or indeed just sympathetic nutters) to abuse middle management, again with particular reference to institutions like the UK JobCentre - that would be quite an appealing prospect.

Tbh one of the thing that annoys me the most about Britain is the job centre and the lack of them being burnt down and staff assaulted.

Sounds familiar.

My Print Supervisor has been there for 11 years. He is always bug-eyed and involuntarily shakes with every move he makes.

I'm scared.

It was the only job that would hire me after six months of searching.

t. Someone who has never been in customer service
These people are 100% counter-revolutionary and can be guaranteed to side with reaction.

This is one based motherfucker

Had a cake event at the place I work at. We sold several hundred in a single day until we ran out.
Once we ran out there were still people to the street. Some of them actually made death threats because they couldn't get a piece of cake.

Another one is people who think that food instantly materializes. If you order a rack of ribs they have to cook. That takes about 15 minutes since they are smoked before we grill them to keep cooking time down. Not enough. Some customers will start swearing at the front line staff because they are told that there is a waiting time on ribs.

Where in Burgurstan is this?


muh emotional labour

this happened to me once but it was after work and i was in my normal clothes,