Marx's prediction was right and the counterbalancing forces for TRPF are running out. Discuss the implications.
Marx's prediction was right and the counterbalancing forces for TRPF are running out. Discuss the implications.
Man this pic is a great overview.
Are we going to enter a new revolutionary period again?
Legit: yes. The revolution might not be a /Revolution/ due to the nature of how liberal democracies function in the sense that they are designed to let off steam: but we are already starting to see the wealth disparity bite and cause radical movements to gain traction. Pic related.
Graph of USSR getting THIS CLOSE to world revolution.
If Gorby is still alive when the time comes, I will personally roast him in a Pizza Hut oven for this.
in all seriousness tho, the existence of the eastern block was a great way of stopping the capitalists from offsetting the TRPF by forcing the west to maintain social democracies. The fall of the ussr allowed for neoliberalism and austerity to really take hold
imagine my economic shock
w-what does this mean user….
Man it's weird how the threat of global revolution made the bourgeoisie behave.
Organic composition of capital increases regardless of economic policies. Neoliberalism is actually a direct reaction to dwindling profits.
It's called the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall, not the law of falling profits. Anti-working class policies designed to increase exploitation and immiseration can cause a boost in profits, so can other factors. Btw the original graph is of income distribution not falling profits– these are very different things.
But it did managed to reverse/hate the fall in profit-rate for a time.
Why does war cause a spike?
So then, they'll start WW3 to get another spike? I mean, between Syria, China and Trump, the stage is already set.
The west has been at war for almost 20 years now.
They borrow money to fund the war and then after it returns to what it would have been naturally. Basically it's a bubble kinda.
These graphs are
The neoliberal recovery being only a slight uptick is mind bogglingly stupid. To suggest that adding in 1 billion disposable workers, which at that time was what probably 1/6th of the world population didn't drive up the rate of profit that much is worse than a slight error, it's active distortion to try to """prove""" to a specific audience that the rate of profit is actively going down when in fact it's going
due to globalization. There is still additional industrial capacity in China that has not been utilized, same as in India, Malaysia, Vietnam, and other underdeveloped countries. Common sense dictates that the rate of profit will not start dipping severely until Africa is developed.
Destruction of assets creates demand for their replacement.
Would you shut up you stalinist tankie! Revolution is totally possible in the First World, imperialism doesn't exist! We just need to wait till a spontaneous workers uprising™ occurs!
Made this relevant meme.
Oh capitalism always is. I mean a world war, when Porky actually picks a fight with someone their own size for once.
So then, what happens when it hits zero?
We move back to an autocratic society and the proletariat either gets turned into serfs or killed.
Nothing good
we see some serious shit
rate of profit =/= profit
What are you talking about? Once the rate of profit hits zero, literally no profit will be made. And as capitalism kinda requires profit for capital, the whole system is absolutely fucked when it hits zero.
There is another thread on this. Read something about mutualism or shut up.