Why is the left so dead in 2017. Why don't we do shit like this anymore

Why is the left so dead in 2017. Why don't we do shit like this anymore

What explains our utter devastation in terms of agitation??

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Did you miss the G20 riots?
Or the Greece and Arab spring riots a few years ago? Also regarding China there's constantly riots and uprising

start doing it yourself then

we've got wind in our sails right now, stop being such a bummer

Because you're pudgy weak cuckolds that buy wholeheartedly into the globalist narrative with a Marxist paint job as an after thought.


Well you just described the DSA to the letter, but that isn't what the left is worldwide.

arab spring was mostly religious. not really leftist

While many of the uprisings had religious characteristics, some took revolutionary socialist forms as they progressed. Paul Mason describes how during the final days of the Mubarak regime

religion is the worst spook. fuck arab spring.

Who could've thought

Everytime since Iran.

A few decades from now, uninformed people will easily be able to look at things like the G20 protests, OWS, anti-Trump marches and so on and think that we too are living in an age of intense activism and radicalism. Trying to reconstruct the past from isolated events like that can be a problem.

Of the examples you named, I don't much about the Japanese and Chinese ones, but anti-Vietnam protests are deceiving. They seemed radical, seemed left-wing, seemed even pro-Vietnamese at times, but that shit completely died once the draft endeded and these kids were able to return to their comfortable lives without the threat of being dragged to the war, and their politics started to shift accordingly. In a few years Stokely Carmichael's call for people to start a similar guerrilla movement in the US went from a realistic threat to a ludicrous fantasy.

Much of the radicalism of that time was like this. Purely cosmetic. The 60s and 70s radicals were one-issue radicals, they had one thing stopping them from living normal lives (the threat of conscription, patriarchy, segregation, and so on) and they tied those objectives to wider left-wing platforms, but once they got what they want they got the fuck out of the Left and became docile supporters of the two-party system. No real change in a material dimension came out of these movements either.

So don't overestimate the Left of the past, at least not the recent past. We peaked at the turn of the 20th century and have been in steady decline since.

Wow, so a worker's strike is necessarily socialistic now?

Someone resurrect Allende and tell him that the one-month strike made against him, with support of the US and chilean capitalists, was really just a left-wing grassroots movement that wanted real socialism in Chile.

Why are we still here, just to suffer?

Same reason greenies nowadays do jackshit and just stand up in le human line of friendship waiting to get rolled over

We've been on the rise. I wish you underage could have suffered with me through the 90s and 2000s to really known what a dead left was like.


Havent you heard of ANTIFA?

Antifa are just smashy faggots.

Macron, are you kidding?

look at his flag

Yeah if workers take over the workplace and boot their bosses out, with or without the approval of "socialists", then it's socialism

Second video

Actually, contrary to what you think, it isn't.

And you're an idiot.

Nice digits, my dude

The left’s biggest mistake was not getting those would-be radicals to ready theory. If that happened the Vietnam War would’ve ended with a Socialist Republic IN America.


I don't know about elsewhere, but here in Burgerland we're stronger than we've been in decades. Every org I know of is pulling record numbers of people, including DSA which now has over 21 thousand members, making it the largest openly socialist organization since the 1940s. We're also getting to a point where we're finally beginning to influence American politics, something that couldn't be said for American left since at least the 70s.

I would say that, at least in Burgerland, the Left was barely existent, simply limping along for the latter half of the last century until it finally died in the 90s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. There was some brief radicalism in the late 90s, but that proved to be little more than the Left's last hurrah before settling into its grave by the year 2000. For a decade, the Left was basically dead, with its last remnants slowly fading away. When the Obama administration failed to do anything substantial about it for the majority of the population, the Left's heartbeat began to pulse again with the rise of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Then the unexpected popularity of the Bernie Sanders campaign came, the left began clawing its way out of the grave. Now, in the era of Trump, the Left has begun to stand back on its feet, blinking the dust out if its eyes. We're still anemic, but we're growing stronger by the day and have already surpassed the latter half of the 20th century. I wouldn't say the left is dead so much as it has been dead and is now reviving itself.

Few tanks would have done a perfect job.
Fucking japs.

This pleases me to hear, user. Try to stamp out opportunism wherever you see it arise though.

you do realize protestors have firebombs and molotov cocktails that can fuck up tanks if used properlly