Communism is free time and nothing else

Why are you still a stinky old Leninist/anarchist and not a Marxist-Jehuist Accelerationist, Holla Forums?

Look at this man. Jehu is three times the man any of you could ever be. He's a real-life Morpheus.

Put down your moldy bread book and dance like a stick insect.

Also why no accelerationist flag smh

Is that really jehu? Holy shit lol
Still like his blog tho

And I like the idea of everyone just not working and that will somehow work itself out
We need state socialism not "overthrow capital and see what happens"

He really does look exactly like morpheus. I trust him for that sole reason.

This is the worst meme ever

Read Fanged Noumena faggot

Hell, read Jehu's blog. Read the post I linked in the OP. It's not hard to not be a stupid childish ideologue, anons

Who's Faggot Noumena and what's accelerationism then?

He always reminded me of the Smuggler from Deus Ex for some reason.

Use Google

I naively thought that accelerationists were at least able to explain their beliefs instead of throwing book titles and Google around

The burden isn't on me to educate you on the basics of accelerationism if you clearly already know all everything :^)

"accelerationists" will all be NRx Nick Land reading spergs within a year

They're already reading Nick Land. Keep up m8.


These plebs are missing out on the GNU/SHODAN waifu monarchy

Communism is the abolition of the commodity form and thus the abolition of linear time itself.

Communism is love, communism is life.

The way I've always viewed accelerationism is:

Climate change isn't going to be stopped. We will be lucky if we stop at 3c much less 2c. As it progresses 3rd world countries are going to start failing all over the world. This will create the material conditions for revolution like wild fire all around the world.

Every bad news story I see the first thing I think about is how this might help build Socialism in the future.

you clearly don't know enough about accelerationisn to fully explain it yourself

Does a women who is actively mistreated by her alcoholic husband, yet stays around and waits for his alcoholic rage to increase until he finally snaps starts beating her so she can then have him arrested count as being accelerationist?

well so much for accelerationism
should've voted for Boynie or Hillary at least they would crash the economy or put us in WW3.

Piss off.


so you admit he isn't making things worse

syria is basically over
unless Israel ramps up its subversion tactics and war with hezbollah

ya those are aspects of the economy, you know, the thing you pretend to care about and not "identity politics"

He barely did anything while in office. The only real "accomplishment" if you could even call it that is the travel ban and that hasn't even been fully implemented.

I guess non-interference is a sort of blessing, unlike some candidates who would interfere too much because they think every aspect of life and economics is unfair and not diverse enough

Shoo Trumptard.

I guess Zizek is a trumptard too.

actually we'll be lucky to hit 2%, why are you referencing things that haven't happened yet?

We want to abolish the economy, you illiterate retard.

But, dude, you are getting it wrong. Read that prose and don't tell me you don't want to become a nihilistic speed-addicted post-ironic pro-capitalist after this :