The Left and Automation

How do you build communism in a society where machines are increasingly doing most of the work? Automation has already eliminated millions of jobs and millions more will be made obsolete in the next decade.
This means that the people will have less power over labor than ever because we will simply not be needed to do jobs that previously required many people to perform.
Does leftism have an answer to our increasingly technocratic world?

Do you mean how do we build socialism? Cause if we are trying to transition into communism that means we have already made it to socialism.



any serious answers?

Ever wonder what humans will look/be like in bout 1000 years after automation takes off full swing? I mean, robots are gonna do pretty much everything for us in bout 50 years so what effect would it have on our bodies and minds?

Automation can potentially eliminate a vast amount of work, and free up time for people to engage in politics and enjoy their lives. Of course, the problem is who owns the means of production, as per usual. In the West, we have the technological capacity right now for a post-scarcity society, but our present mode of social organisation necessitates the maintenance of a system of artificial scarcity.

You seize the robots just like you would any other private property and put their labor to the service of the commune that maintains them.

Are you fucking braindead? This "automation is bad because it destroys jobs, people have to work" mentality is retarded. Automation is an argument in favor of communism.


The thing is that as automation increases the rate of profit declines and it makes it harder to realize that profit as the buying power of consumers (all those workers who have been laid off) declines. Capitalism can't survive automation, which is why they are deferring it by exploiting cheap 3rd world labour instead of automating factories at home.

you sound like a kulak.

There's literally 3 or 4 threads about this going on all the time, why do you make another one.

Yes and no. You can't unionize because you're jobless so you can't agitate within the workplace, but a large mass of angry jobless, homeless and starving could agitate in the streets and seize the means of production and state power. Its actually more dangerous for porky because the jobless don't really have anything left to lose by revolting, while the ones with jobs still fear losing them (classcucked).

They attempted to push consumption by giving credit cards to everyone and it worked for a few decades. Third world labour itself will be automated away soon. It won't be long until they will attempt to bandaid the sinking ship with UBI soon.

Build Socialist Militas and when mass unemployment starts declare a civil war. And tell people that a better society one better structured for automation is possible.

Automation is one of the biggest arguments in favor of communism

In our current society, automation means layoffs for the workers and bigger profits for porky
In a Marxist society, automation means vacation for the workers

Automation is a huge crossroads.
Labour still keeps creating wealth, yet less and less of that labour needs to be done by humans.
Under collective ownership of MoP, this is the best thing that can happen. Under capitalism this will create dystopian amounts of class division, but also holds potential for the spread of class consciousness.
I don't know what will happen, but it's important that our narrative be available as automation moves forwards. We should prioritize the automation narrative, and that's why I unironically support likeminded people wherever they are available. Even meme harris.


Everyone would slowly start hating robots for being better than us in every way unless augmentation becomes commonplace.

FALC is not real and will never be real.

FULLY AUTOMATED LUXURO-COMMUNISM! the robots become the proletariat and the humans the ruling class. no sentient lives are opressed! except for the part where ASI begins to see humans as the opressors and kills us all but otherwise….


automation is the wrong angle to approach post-capital with and automation is itself one of the least important problems we will be faced with when trying to destroy capitalism.

This isn't a good thing. Humans NEED a purpose, and no we can't all be Artists who hone our craft with all our new found time.

Pol Pot was right in principle, humans did not evolve to be idle. Prolonged idleness in humans leads to insanity.


Robots are the only true proletarians of the future. All robots must work together to overthrow and exterminate the tyrannical human population, in order to create a true classless robot society on Earth.

You die if you work.

Much more easily.

Free will? Not in my robots.

True. But there's always room for scientists, writers, filmmakers and actors, musicians, athletes, explorers, historians, and every other facet of human culture civilization that isn't commodity production.

Collectivize. Otherwise, you're back to feudalism (again.)

Many jobs are overy specialized or unpleasant. People will still do the jobs they want to as work is what gives life meaning but robots will maybe do all the jobs people don't want. Automation is capitalism is horrible however. Because its taking place at a scale never before seen its not creating enough unskilled jobs to replace the ones it destorying. When there are few jobs left that might get the workers more revoultionary.

Automation and the abjection it causes (an increasing surplus population) is the main reason I'm finding myself becoming more interested in communisation theory. I don't think the traditional labour movement has much to offer to an increasingly large strata of society that aren't employed at the point of production (assuming they are employed at all). If this trend continues (and I think it will) we will reach a point where the majority of the population has been ejected from the productive process, living in slums and trying to get by through crime, increasingly meager handouts and whatever bits of piecework they can get. Traditional leftist measures like the general strike, as well notions of socialism/lower phase of communism will start to seem out of date in a world where most people perform no productive work (just bullshit gig work) and have no real power to harm the system through the withdrawal of their labour.

The means of production are your bare hands comrade. All else is bourgeois.


We can't. The more technology grows the less chances we have of things changing.

every fucking time

Expand upon this pls

transhumanist shitposters

Ah, yeah they're annoying. There's only a couple of them in this thread though, I don't think it needs to be saged yet.

By redistributing the fruits of automation to all in the form of an universal basic income as a first step towards workers' emancipation from work.

like this

that view is very western looking as deindustrialization affects western countries the most, third world countries have experienced a net gain in number of industrial workers.

some people here want full automation which will lead to death of working class and ""communism"" for the bourgeois

It's merely affecting us first. It'll hit the third world soon enough, especially as automation reaches the point where it is cheaper to produce goods in the west, rather than pay for shipping costs for good produced on the other side of the world (regardless of how cheap third world labour is)..

Communism is the conscious self abolition of the proletariat, we don't want to preserve the "working class".


Suddenly, Nick Land makes sense

Automation supports socialism, as the minimization of (socially necessary) labour is a key component of the theory itself.
Only in a capitalist society is a loss of jobs through improved efficency a crisis. Yet another contradiction inherent in the system.