Why are they bullying the Alunya?
Why are they bullying the Alunya?
They have a crush on her, clearly.
But only 13 years old boys bully their crush
I wouldn't mind if they kept us out.
what a time to be alive
How to ruin any thread on Holla Forums, a leftists' guide:
1) Call Holla Forums reddit
hit 'em where it hurts, they know it's true.
Nigga who cares
It's funny that Holla Forums nowadays will spend dozens of posts defending its honor but accuse others of not being able to handle the banter.
The Holla Forumsack is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a shitposter, autist, bootlicker, class traitor, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Great post mate, to be frank.
Polite sage
I used to be a redditor, but I'm not now. I quit a year ago and only browse it every once in a blue moon to read r/exmuslim and r/exmormon.
Does anyone have those Nazi/Trump furry pictures? This guy desperately needs them: >>>/sudo/42983
Who /that faggot/ here?
I love this post.
Looking at the autism. in that thread, I can only ask, is there a possibility of a leftypol/fur alliance?
Stop being retarded, monster girls are where it's at.
according to those purists not shaving is furshit
Look I'm okay with monstergirls but they are clearly more right wing in general.
they are literally r.acemixing and tolerance though
whereas furries are about letting your inner, essential and natural animal instincts take over
how does it make sense that it is monster girls that are rightwing
Critically support monster girls against furry imperialism!
Furfags are insufferably autistic and never stop injecting their shit everywhere, that's why people like monsterfags more.
What the fuck? Back up that claim, nigger.
Their core idea goes against anything regarding traditions, nationalism or race supremacy, and then you have Monster Musume which is pretty clearly an allegory of racism and discrimination.
A very niche board on a very niche site being full of meme-spouting Holla Forums redditors doesn't suddenly make monster girls "right-wing".
Monster Girl media generally presents them as either genderswapped versions of Holla Forums's worst nightmares about refugees, or as allegories about racism.
/monster/ are just a bunch of retarded hypocrites.
Ok fine, I give up.
Its like two guys. Who cares?
The other chans like us more than everyone on Holla Forums…
any more Alunya art / stories?
Oppressed Board-tans of the world unite! You have nothing to loose but your chains!
Monster Musume is very Leftist.
I wonder why? :^)
/ussr/'s tan looks like Aika
case in point
furfaggotry is reactionary
You're retarded.
Mlpol vs Leftypol 2017 (colourized)
We must united under one banner monstergirl are the way to go so foward comarde !
But almost all speculative furry fiction is about the perils of life manufactured for and by corporate profit and modern slavery. And magical realism settings are usually about intolerance and oppression. It's class concious fam.
See now I have to subject you and everyone else to this.
Like pottery.
sure thing.
Does it count if the autism was caused by cancer?
(Also check out the DDR horses mark)
It's fatal.
I'm fucking terminal
This looks like shit you dumb horse fucker.
mmm daddy meme me more. Plz send me to the #gulag.
My boy
You bring shame to the nazbol gang.
Porky worships needs to die
and your virginity and dignity to piggy
You don't have to prove that commie ponies exist.
The point is that Holla Forums fucking sucks, and that Holla Forums is mostly surrounded by freaks and idiots who have allowed themselves to become brainwashed by neo-nazis, all while parroting the "cultural marxism" conspiracy theory without knowing who invented the term and why, because they're too goddamn stupid and lazy to enter the phrase into wikipedia and have been for three years now.
The commie vs pony image actually comes up short as it fails to capture just fucking gullible the average Holla Forums user is.
we drew porn of her first, she lost her virginity to a comrade.
It's not even that good-looking compared to our porn of Alunya
Wait, the Porked comic wasn't from us?
I believe it's from an artist who visits both Holla Forums and Holla Forums and only made it for the sake of bants with another artist. There's another image in the same style where alunya is sitting on Holla Forums's lap, naked, and Holla Forums is being tsundere about it.
Holla Forums slobs outside of Holla Forums think the image was made specifically to trigger us or some shit, so they'll keep reposting it forever. Aren't meme wars great?
one of these?
Second images looks more like a trap than Alunya
Second image, except there's an NSFW version.
I wonder why he bothered to make a SFW version of this thing. Is he posting the images on deviantart or some shit?
Really makes you think
I thought.
I don't know what the original source is but it looks like a page from a manga or doujin thats been edited, which is something that is done fairly often on imageboards you fucking retard. Also Alunya looks like a fucking boy, far from being masterly crafted. Also having more drawfags in your fandom =/ better.
What is it trying to convey to us?
It was originally implied that it was a "stolen halfcuck meme with le ebin soviet hat and mascotface pasted on it", implying that the original image was from 4chan. I'm saying that the original image isn't from 4chan, but from a manga/doujin, and that your retarded.
Our friendship is eternal.
It's literally from Holla Forums you stupid newfag. Go back to r/T_D.
whats the artist's handle?
That's from Mein Kampf, you guys realize….
*er, Goebbels, tired.
No shit faggot
Wow, you guys are rude. About as rude as Holla Forums, even.
Its the new moot
A huge amount of us are ex-Holla Forumsacks dude. We know where it's from.
leftypol hates Israel user
y tho
i sry :'''(
Alunya a cute.
I dont see any r34 of Holla Forums's "daughter" so I take it as a badge of honor that people want to bang a fictional cat based on a Spanish revolution faction…
now where did i put my gun again…
Actually, I'm curious. Did you leave 4/pol/ or 8/pol/?
*and specifically, what year?
On the subject, could someone point me in the right direction towards GETchan?
I've tried finding it before, but it seemed largely inactive, so I think I found a honeypot version, similar to the 8.pl clone.
I'm running out of leftist places to satisfy my political itch, /Marx/, /GNUSSR/, 420chan's political board, and of course bunkerchan are all usually high quality discussion, but low volume posting.
Holla Forums is great, but as the board has grown the post quality has dropped, especially after Holla Forums went down in April.
That's not a honeypot but a front. If you post there for a while and your posts are good enough you will be invited to the real deal.
You likely found the right place. GETchan has been suffering from stagnation for a while now, but it still has some pretty dedicated posters. That and the shitposting board, /GET/, is more active than the politics board.
But there's plenty of porn of vivian james! :^)
Is that really GETchan?
Bunkerchan isn't too much smaller.
I'm not sure if you're fucking with me or just trying to make GETchan more popular.